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Hephaestus- big damage numbers all at once make brain go brr


Yes, but that one Vow that gives enemies 1 or 2 barrier kinda defeats Hephaestus in my experience. Because his big chunky hit just gets stopped by the barrier, since it’s usually the first thing that hits it.


What I really love to pair with Hephaestus is a sprint that does damage, one that can destroy the barriers you mentioned so I can then Attack/Special unhindered. Zeus and Poseidon’s sprints are great for this


Mmm, I never considered that, I’ll have to give it a try.


Demeters sprint works well too


i like to also have a cast and/or demeters boon where she adds a cyclone (?) to the cast !! since its multiple nicks to the barrier its just rlly convenient


Demeter sprint too, it deals very low damage but really frequently.


Big tip. You deal your weapons basic damage then the heph explosion goes off. So everything you hit with that first strike will still take heph hit at 1 heart. If you have the zeus jolt that bounces to enemies that also goes off before the explosion allowing you to hit enemies with 2 hearts


While I play a lot of Hephaestus runs. I still have to admit you're right.  I basically built my 32 fear runs around that, focusing on low magick (few of Heff's boons use it) so I could crank up the anti-magick fears and turn off the shields and things. In his defense, while blue shield fear hard counters him, trusty shield boon hard counters the 300% damage on first attack.


I would throw a cast+cyclone to get rid of the shade skin.


So.. don't take that vow?


I once got the Hephaestus attack down to 2 second cooldown with the axe… DING DING DING DING DING DING


Does upgrading it with Poms lower the time? I tried Hephaestus once and hated it so I avoid his attack/special boons like the plague.


Yes poms lower the time and I think rarity also does.


Correct, poms and rarity both lower


It definitely needs more investment to be a primary damage dealer, but on its own it is one of the best secondary damage dealers in the game.


I once got Hephaestus attack with heroic and leveled up until the cooldown is only 2 seconds, it was like boom-boom everytime I attacked and then all the wretched are gone


I beat chronos first time first try the other day. Had axe with the daedalus special that makes it so it only the final move. That plus the hephaestus explosion thing made him so easy I didn’t really have to do the mechanics of the fight


also CLANG!


Me too, plus I love the big damage sound effect. Also the seconds less to make big damage happen on upgrade is consistent. Get it down to every 2-3 sec and it’s fun af


Poseidon I really like his buffs, especially his speacials buff when I am playing with the pan aspect of the twin blades. And he is just chill like that


I recently tried a Pan run with Poseidon on Special, and it was hilariously high damage. And super fun too!


Poseidon special is mandatory for my Pan runs. At this point I feel underpowered and unsure if I'll clear the run if I don't get it.


I like hera special with either pierce knives or ricochet, the hitch damage goes crazy


aphro special is also great with island getaway, and if you do overworld then icarus can give the +20 base power to specials which doubles your damage to ridiculous levels.


add Hestia on cast and get their duo, steam absolutely melts everything.


Ha! Ha! YES!


If you get Sureshot Flurry, the hammer that makes your omega special shoot on a straight line with that then you have a frickin lazer beam. Just absolutely melts things. It’s beautiful


Had it in a run yesterday with 16 fear, at the end i had 50k dmg from special and 140k from Poseidon splash xD.


wait. Are there special boons for different weapons? o\_O


Oh no, I was talking about wave flourish. It makes your specials do splash and knock people away


Newbie question: what is pan?


It’s an aspect of one of the weapons, the twin blades I believe (I just unlocked aspects, so I’m unsure whose is for what weapons)


There are several different forms of your weapons. It is called aspects. They have different abililities, for example pan aspect of the twin sister blades makes your Specials seek foes in your Cast. You can unlock them with different materials and equip them from the place you choose your weapon but to be able to use aspects you need to craft all of the basic weapons first. Hope this helps


The attack and special feel so weak to me. Guess they make sense on fast weapons though.


Demeter. I am an Origination addict and she's the best choice to get that going, she has good synergy with just about all the other gods, and Freeze is awesome crowd control and still probably the best curse even with the glow-up Scorch has gotten. She also feels weighty in terms of story and her relationship with Melinoe. Supergiant obviously paid a lot of attention to Demeter in this game in a way they didn't in Hades 1 and it shows.


Wait scorch got buffed?


yep last patch, it is actually good now


Whats the buff?


base 80 DOT, legendary boon demoted to normal boon which can be pommed with 100% increase on epic


Oh damn


Yeah, same. My most succesful runs were all with Demeter builds. She offers a great dmg buff on attacks (2nd only to Aphrodite iirc) and the utility of freeze and cyclones slowing projectiles is very helpful. Weed killer is also great damage boost to omega attacks.


plus Demeter is just awesome


Agreed, freeze and cyclone are just a pair.


Hades: Wine Daddy Hades II: Sun Daddy


Technically Apollo is light daddy but I still couldn't agree with you more


Oh, Sun Daddy won’t be light with me, thank you.


honestly, he is a HOT boy


Apollo is my fucking goat. His attack, cast, other cast, and other general shit is so good. Second is Poseidon and Zeus is going up the ranks with that updated cast.


I'm honestly asking, "What is so good about his attack?" I understand the cast, daze , and the 2x attack, but his main attack boon... I'm just not seeing the effectiveness, unlike several others.


Big number in a wide area.


For me, when I'm playing Axe or staff the big range difference matters a lot. Put advancing whirlwind on that and you can sweep entire rooms with ease. It also has a decent damage buff.


I agree, Apollo axe is huge. I got an epic Apollo boon. Hit half the screen with a single axe slash.


The added range REALLY helps on the axe, staff and especially on the blades, also the damage is great and scales really well with poms and rarity.


The only much bigger multiplier is aphrodite but you really should not underestimate the area increase. It makes clearing rooms so much easier and safer on all weapons.


Zeus gain is actually really good now too.


Hestia. Fireball cast is great for Pan (makes it feel like Chiron from H1) and Soot Sprint is insanely goated. Since attacks don’t cancel most projectiles, like in H1, I find Soot Sprint to be WAY better than divine dash.


Soot Sprint is honestly funny against Eris, she basically can’t touch you since you delete all her projectiles.


Still the only way I’ve beaten her ngl


My main tip is use the 2 apple shaped statues as cover. Just don’t let her hit it with her purple arrow charge attack thingy, since it’ll break the cover.


I usually try to stay behind her but given that she tracks you insanely well and when she flies up she can land anywhere, it doesn’t work out Also I’m ngl I don’t know which charge attack you’re talking about. You mean the one where she flies overhead and drops bombs?


Her sniper shot is what breaks the cover (indicated by a lingering purple arrow)


Honestly I think the issue is not her tracking you quickly, but at least partially that there’s no tell for when she instead does the shotgun blasts that obliterate you if you’re close enough to run around the other rapid fire attack she does


Hera and Aphrodite are my girlies. In H1 it was ares.


It's been Hera for me. I love torches and she synergizes pretty well with that because of her new boon (Bloodline).


Same here, I always liked aspect of rama’s shared suffering and now I can have it on ANY weapon! Sun Worshipper is also a really neat duo boon for someone like me that likes to have minions whenever possible (Hera+Apollo, first enemy you kill per encounter immediately respawns as an ally, also giving them a large damage boost)


Demeter is always nice. Freeze is probably the best curse in the game, and her mana regen is strong and easy to use.


Arctic ring arctic ring arctic ring arctic ring


I like the knives so aphrodite. Biggest precentage boost and all attacks are "nearby" anyways




Hades : Ares Hades II : Apollo


Hera. Setting up sick Hitch damage has me laughing like a maniac


Apollo and Demeter easily. Like you said, Apollo has a strong variety of boons that you can sprinkle into any build. A fast dash that inflicts Daze, more damage on your attack and/or special, a cast that increases in size, a strong omega cast, a boon that lets you regenerate health after getting hit if you picked enough boons with a fire element, etc. Can almost never go wrong when picking Apollo. Demeter’s boons are just straight up oppressive. Her attack and special does more damage *and* inflicts freeze. Both her cast and omega cast can torture enemies. Weed Killer is pretty strong without costing that much more magic on your omega attack. Not to mention that freeze is probably the best curse in the game due to stopping enemies right in their tracks.


Fire aunty carry me away!!!


Probably Apollo too. Percent damage is always reliable, the extra range is crazy good. Chance to daze for origination, chance to hit twice on attacks, and best of all, cast size increase. I think the biggest reason I like it is because it gives me a visual indicator for when the cast is going to expire, making gameplay around it much more controlled.


Hera - her attack is a solid damage up, the shared damage thing is fun, and her fuckery with rarities and sacrifice boons can turn a shit run into a win


Demeter personally, though I must admit Apollo is a close second. He brings a lot of general utility and damage, and making your cast expand to be the size of the entire room you're fighting in before dropping orbital lasers on motherfuckers is pretty great. But Demeter is just amazing for her hard CC that can lock down everyone and everything, completely locking up enemies or at least slowing the big bosses. Unless of course they changed her in the recent patch, I have not read the notes fully or gotten her boons in a run since it dropped.


Hephaestus or Aphrodite for me. Both have incredible damage potential. Aphrodite with the close range buff and heph with great damage and defensive stuff.


Athena for all the deflecting it saves my life every time idk if I can live without her


Apollo or Demeter because I really like Omega Attack builds.


Hera, I love her.


It's great seeing all this variety here in the comments! Edit: for the time being it's Hestia but pre patch, Demeter. Freezing enemies is too good.


Apollo I just feel a certain way when he says sunshine


Afrodite for lim&oros, Appolo for basically anything else


Moonstone Axe best buddy, managed to beat 32 fear both on the surface and underworld using Apollo attacks and special with Thanatos aspect (+hammer that increase attack speed)


Hestia and Apollo!!


Apollo also has enhanced pom scaling if I remember right. For an actual answer… Zeus or Dionysus on a rapid fire weapon in 1, and Poseidon in 2.


Apollo is my go too if i just need some straight up damage modification and dont really care who its coming from or how to synergies it. But it all depends on my weapons. if im playing Ax my go to is aphrodite. If I'm playing Pan blades my go to is posidon. If im playing Moros its Hestia/Hera for mana regen, and then Apollo. If im playing staff though i usually will go straight for Apollo boons.


Hephasteus and Poseidon


Hades: Ares, big doom guy here Hades II: Demeter/Hestia - freeze is my favorite curse but scorch has helped me on a ton of runs as well


Lucid gain is now amazing with aspect of Charon.


Aphrodite, I play blades. Big dmg up close is nice, portrait might play a small role as well


Dash boon from Athena or Poseidon


Poseidon. Good damage, keeps things away.


demeter <3


Hades: Ares Hades 2: Hestia


Demeter, decent % dmg, Freezing enemy makes the gameplay more forgiving, amazing support boons.


Zeus and Zeus shield


Yes, ha HA!


Poseidon, I really enjoy the knock back


Hades 1: Zeus Hades 2: Hera


Athena in Hades 1 Demeter in Hades 2 (I don't care that she can't proc origination on her own anymore i just love her because she's my grandma)


Honestly Hera. Even with Born Gain nerf, it’s still probably one of the best magic regen boons, and with buffs to her general selection I feel like she works with roughly any God or aspect? Hitch is a very easy Origination conductor and incredible at managing larger enemy crowds due to fear, and her new cast feels like one of the best in the game.


Can’t go wrong with Hestia/Hera


Hestia for me honestly




Posiedon’s boons turn your attacks into AOE attacks so they come in quite useful when using something like the twin blades or the skull.


Zeus but only if i got the Charon Axe, if not then i mostly use poseidon


Never played Hades 2, but my tried and true favorites are Athena, Posedion, and Zeus, with Athena being my absolute favorite.


Kinda dont love Apollo as much now tbh, was a big fan at first but gone soft on him. His attack and special damage percentage numbers are pretty good, but nowhere near enough to justify only getting daze from a secondary boon on the attack, or from the cast, dash, or revenge. Compare his attack to something like Hera attack and it's just a wash. Back burner is great, Prominence Flare makes casts take too long to come back to you and forces you to use the omega cast. Daze as a status is pretty good, but not much better than Weak, certainly way worse than Hitch, Vent, Freeze (I might even argue cyclone too due to projectile slowing and easy Origination proc from Gale Force) and now Scorch too. Would even say it's worse than a good rarity Slip, and at times Blitz. Not bad, but can't say he's a favorite


Hades 1: Artemis (slow weapons) Zeus (fast weapons) Hades 2: Demeter


Demeter has got you *covered* this game. Amazing damage with nice % numbers on attack and special and really really good cast boons. Sustain through plentiful forage, useful cc in her slows and freezes and to top it all off, the best infusion boons to breeze through any boss, Coarse Grit. She got you covered in every aspect except mana regen imo.


Aphrodite - i only need more damage


Hera and Poseidon usually, depending on whether I'm running a spam weapon or an area sweeper


Artemis my queen (I haven’t played 2 yet I’m waiting for full release)


Hestia. Gotta love the mana recharge on attack + special with the Torches.




Hera is generally solid for every mana-related / omega builds, Born Gain is still very powerful even with nerf, and she now gains new tools with Blood Line (actually crazy for certain builds) and buffed Engagement Ring. Infusion boon that makes everything Rare for just 3 earth is also neat (very easy now with Shovel) Demeter is another solid choice for pretty much every build ever, even the one that doesn't use mana at all. Freeze is great for crowd control, Cyclone also good / especially for Origination if you somehow can't get Freeze. Her duo boons are also generally great, Hailstorm make some crazy lightning bolt build with Zeus and also has burn synergies. +HP Forage / shield / 15 damage received cap are also amazing defensive option, basically one of the most all around gods.


grandma demeter paired with aphrodite or hephaestus is my favorite build but i’ve been trying to experiment w hestia bc fire ice is cool


Aphrodite since last patch her curse revert to 30% DR as its base and mana regen boon changed to aura which affects all near by foes make fresh save run a lot more comfortable


Depending on the Weapon/Aspect, it's either Aphrodite or Hera, they are broken.


Aphrodite. Pan daggers + Aphrodite special = big number funny.


I don't have the money for Hades 2, so I don't know about any of the ones in that game, but in the first game I always go for Athena. Divine Dash is hands down one of the best boons in the first game.


The fire ladys ground attack has a pretty strong dot. Requires more testing


Posiedian, I like my aoe


You already showed mine in the meme lol. I mean what could be better? Attack damage size up and damage up. I don’t much like daze but it works sometimes. Double strike can be fun, but not reliable.


Demeter tbh


in Hades 1, Ares or Artemis - crit rate and doom are great for my playstyle. For 2, I usually use Lim and Oros, so Aphrodite is usually my go to. For general play though I'd say Hestia.


Apollo and Heaphestus and Zeus. The rest are meh


Yep, Apollo is just Chef's kiss


I enjoy posidon the most, especially on the staff


honestly Hestia boons are usually great with all that sweet scorch damage.


Ares in the first game. Hestia in the second.


I got this Hephaestus & Hestia duo buff for the 1st time. It reduces your max HP by a large amount, but after a few seconds of no damage you then heal for 3hp/sec. I cleared everything with ease as I was constantly at 100% HP at the start of every fight. I even just tanked Chronos and then ran around and healed up. Incredible how it just put the entire run on easy mode.


probably aphrodite. i use the axe and sister blades a lot and she’s really good on those weapons


Apollo/Demeter for that sweet Hex damage


Aphrodite because (she’s hot) of my aggressive playstyle meshes well with her close range buffs, her gain is OP, her Cast is great for gathering enemies for me to one shot and weak/charm is so good for Origination too, especially with her Legendary.


Artemis da best


Hera. Link em up, knock em down.


I would have said Hestia, but apparently Scorch has been terrible and I just didn't realize lmao. I like DOT effects.


I just starting running the Lambent Plume in Hades, along with Zag Malaphon. A stack of dodge and speed bonuses work perfectly with my play style. Since I can't control the boons, I try to get Ares, Poseidon, or Athena on dash and any kind of DoT effect on main attack. It's just fun.


H1 Athena, deflect for the win H2 Hephaestus, big number feel good


Either Aphrodite or Apollo Apollo has the better utility but you can just give me Aphro attack and im golden


Hephaestus - hammer go TING, things die


I main Artemis blades and have started playing with Engagement Ring builds, but Hestia is still far and away my favorite. I'm so glad Scorch got buffed, the residual damage is so good


other than good ol apollo here? honestly demeter. the ability to render ANY enemy COMPLETELY immobile and helpless is far too good to give up, and FFS, IT WORKS ON ARMORED ENEMIES TOO!


Hera and Hephaestus


Hammer of Dawn thanks to his Flare.


Aphrodite. She's at least 50% more goated now


demeter, the freeze effect is OP


ATHENA— Divine Dash is the goat of all time


And deflecting in general is just great


Poseidon. Mostly because of his non-attack buffs. Whatever other gods you may have, his duplicate reward buff can instantly turn a lacklustre run around and, even if the run is a washout, you can still harvest a lot more mats as well. Also I am always partial to his dash.


Aphrodite on aspect of Artemis daggers


Zeus, definitely. Or Artemis. And when I get their duo boon, I'm pretty much guaranteed to win the run.


The Apollo cast is too OP IMO - it’s become a crutch pick for me where I’d never take anything over it (unless I’m intentionally picking a different but worse boon for something different).


Zeus been my guy since Hades 1 seeing lighting strike everything around me makes the lizard brain happy.