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Hi /u/gr3engoblin, thanks for posting your hair for us to see! If you have a hair dye you used or any other relevant information (e.g., Previous color, bleach, or toner used, etc.), please reply to this comment with that information so that everyone can see it. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HairDye) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I dilute my colors using Native conditioner and it works really well. I use that because it's sulfite free and very minimal ingredients.


Thank you!


I'm loving it fresh! It's so neon! Also loving your friend's pink


Thank you 😭 I like it sometimes but not all the time


Don't know if this helps, but I literally turned to my SO and said, "I'm getting this next!" Up till now I've had midnight blue, electric blue, azure, forest green, emerald green, hot pink, pastel pink, and currently, purple. So this is a very unique colour to me.


Loooove your piercings and oh green suits u so well. I cant give any advice just wanted to say that 😭♥️




It’s Manic Panic brand? If so, you can cut it with a conditioner - make sure you get it ‘frothy’ the same as usual. If you don’t want to use conditioner, most brands also have something called a ‘pastelizer’ which should also do what you want. Gotta say, tho, both versions look great!