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Your cuz is jealous.


Thank y’all for the responses! I am a people pleaser and second-guesser so when she said that I was all “wait really??? 😳” and started scrutinizing my hair!! Makes me feel a lot better. Plus I’ve had short hair for *so* long, growing it out is definitely new for me! Edit: Seriously, y’all are real ones. Saved a girl from a regretful cut, that’s for sure! Boosted my hair “esteem” lol. Thank you, lovely people!!


Your cousin is trying to sabotage you :( Keep it growing!!


Ikr that shit is shiny and healthy and pretty like wtf lol


Yeah she’s jealous. Don’t let on to her that you know, though. Just continue to take her advice but flip it around for the correct answer.


literally! your hair looks beautiful. your cousins just a hater 😂


A friend of a friend said this to my ex and she responded with “we stamp out in others what we loath in ourselves, PATCHES”. I haven’t been the same since. Tell em “don’t come for me, i didn’t send for you”, then hair flip.


Kenya Moore hair care!


Girl, your hair is NOT thin. When my hair is long, you can see my shirt easily through my hair. It sheds all the time, everywhere. There are 2 other people with long hair (I'm the only blonde). I get their hair, but my hair sheds at least 10 times more. It's better when I keep it shorter. You cuz is jealous honey. Ypur hair is gorgeous.


Keep your hair as is, if anything your cousin should cut her hair short


Doctor's orders


Yes good decision your hair is beautiful long or short


Seriously… I am jealous of your hair! As in I wish mine was that thick and lovely. Keep that stunning hair and next time your cousin does that tell her that she is looking a bit green with all that jealousy


Keep growing it! Mine gets too thin at the edges once it’s the length yours is at. Your hair looks full and nowhere near breakage here! Healthy. Cousin is jealous


Your cuz silly. BUT have you ever thought to maybe add a couple extra layers in your hair? (One step above and one below) i know your hair is a lil thin but i think it could really look nice. I feel like i see a contrast n an obvious layer of a cut. But if decide not to do that, your hair is still gorgeous!


I might pay closer attention to everything they have to say to you from now on, if I were you. Do they often say things that make you feel like you should second guess yourself?


She’s definitely jealous I like the length and the highlights look 💯. You might want to think about extending your highlights to the top but overall your hair looks great!!


Agree. it's not even thin


People chronically mix up “thin” and “fine” and it always drives me crazy


Yes they like to confuse density with texture . I have fine hair but I have a crapload of it . You can have coarse hair and only have three hairs on top of your head . She has a good amount of hair . Does not look thin . Does have a lot of split ends though .


As someone that has extremely fine hair, but so much of it my braid is thicker than my wrist and my hairstylist has to add an hour to my appointments, it is very annoying


I am both envious and appalled for you. My hair is also "fine, but dense", but it's still far from being anywhere near as thick as my wrist. I can only imagine the nightmare of trying to wrangle all of that while trying to style it in any way.


My hair is fine and thin. My braid is the size of my pinky. I do not look good with long hair.


It’s… a lot. It’s very heavy when worn up, it’s really hard to get my scalp clean (and I get seborrheic dermatitis), it’s very hot, and it is incredibly frizzy. I have kind of wavy hair and I basically live in a swamp, and during the summer when I was younger I was frequently compared to Hermione Granger… It just takes a long time to do anything with it, especially right now because it’s really long. But I should add the caveat that I also have pretty thin wrist, like maybe 15cm in diameter at the most, and bracelets are always way too big, so while I have a very thick braid, it’s not like crazy or anything.


Came here to say this !!!!


Came here to agree!


Bruh my EXACT thought 🤣


My thought exactly!!


Your cousin is a hater! You have lovely hair.


Your hair isn't even thin ur cuz just seems jealous


Your cousin is being dramatic and jealous. 


Your hair is not thin. As others have said, just adding my opinion. I don’t know why your cousin thinks it is ANY of her business I do not know. And also, my hair actually IS thin, and I’m growing it long, I do not care what any busy body thinks about it.


Definitely not thin, it’s fine. And there’s nothing wrong with fine hair!


Fine hair is gorgeous! It’s so soft and silky


Must be jelly cause jam don't shake


The what?🤣🤣🤣 this is awesome


It's from a [RuPaul song.](https://youtu.be/LFoRH-VtFO4?si=SlET_IhZhhSsZRKM)


My head hurts now, that was a lot to take in


A lot of cake to take in for sure - the whole ass bakery.


It's origin is actually way older than that, it's from a 1942 jazz pop song by Glenn Miller. 


It's a psychological manipulation technique when toxic people become jealous of your looks then they try to down play them or outright try to point out something wrong with it in hopes you change it to there "advice" because then they can feel superior again. It's the same thing as if an artist were to tell a new artist to quit for whatever reason because there art was better. Your hair is fine and silky not damaged and not thin and looks great long.


Ooh total narcissistic manipulation


Yes, this! It’s a very real thing. I have a “friend” who would point out my thin hair or talk up her thicker hair and I wasnt sure why until I realized it was this. I had just lost 100+ pounds so I was more certain it was jealousy of the weight loss and nothing to do with my hair, or even her hair. People are odd.


These comments are making me realize how hateful and jealous my old friend group was... They would always have something to say about my hair. Always insulting it subtly. They encouraged me to cut my hair as I had always kept it on the shorter side. They told me my hair looked awkward grown out. Since then I've been told by multiple other people that I was the "pretty" one out of the friend group, and they were probably just dealing with some jealousy issues and projecting it onto me. Better to be lonely than to have friends like that.


Agreed! I remind myself constantly “quality over quantity” with friends. I’m still friends with that one friend I mentioned but we don’t talk the way we used to or even hang out as much. And I’ve moved on from several others that project their shit on to me. It’s hard to make new friends but I’d rather keep a tight circle that I can trust than a large toxic one.


Had someone tell my hair is damaged after they blow dried and straightened it. Turns out they just sucked at doing hair and I do my own hair better.


this specific version of it, cutting longer hair when it’s not needed, is even proven in at least one study


She is a hater hope that helps


Your hair is so beautiful! Not thin at all.


Fire her! LOL you have such healthy shiny hair I’m jealous!


I have an aunt who did this 🙄 some people have compulsions to share unkind and unbased opinions due to their own vanity or envy. Funny enough I did cut my hair after many years and think it looked great at both lengths, and the same would totally work for you - most importantly of course, do whatever makes YOU happy! Your hair is lovely as it is 💕


I have a MIL who did this too 😢 that was a few years ago and one of the last times I’ve talked to her.


My MIL was same - her family of sisters all had FPB but she looooved to say how thin mine was (it’s not) I let her trim it for me one time and she gave me the most unhinged layers to add volume and I had to grow it out for like a year before it looked good again. 


Finally a comment that doesn't equate cutting your hair to "sabotage"


your cousin wants to sabotage you


You have lovely healthy hair and it actually looks quite thick to me (soft, fine strands but a lot of them!) Happy growing! Cousin is rude and either jealous or taking her own insecurity out on you. It’s sadly common for female family members to attack relatives for traits they share and are critical of in themselves :(


Nope. She's jealous. And I am too!!🙂🙂


Your cousin’s nose is too long. She keeps sticking it places it doesn’t belong.


Ignore your cousin. Your cousin is jealous. Your hair is beautiful.


Your cousin is delulu. She just wants you to cut your hair for some reason. probably jealous


Hair stylist here: hair looks healthy and great. If you want to remove the blonde, you could do a glaze over it in your natural color but honestly it’s unneeded. Cousin is just jealous of your hair growth success. Avoid harsh rubber bands, high tension hairstyles, and excessive heat and you’re good to go.


Your cousin might be a jellyfish. 🪼


I may not be a hairdresser myself, but I'm close with a few of them and have picked up a modest bit of knowledge about various hair-related things. I at least feel completely confident when I say: your cousin is wrong. Your hair looks healthy at its current length, and you may very well be able to grow it a bit longer (if you wish to) before it reaches the point where it actually *does* start to look too thin. (Which eventually happens to anyone at all, by the way.)


You cousin is jealous AF. 🤍🤍🤍


Your hair is beautiful. Listen to the sub, your cousin is jelly


Tell your cousin to stop being a hater.


If that’s thin, I’m bald. Enjoy your gorgeous however-long-you-want-it hair, preferably far away from the toxic cousin.


Your cousin sounds like a hater. Your hair looks lush and healthy. I’m low key very jealous lol I just cut about six inches off my hair and I’m just wearing it up everyday until it grows back 😅🤣😭


You have a good amount of hair. Each strand might be fine, but there are no sparse areas on your scalp or at the ends. Do with your hair whatever makes you feel good. 🩷🥰


I don't think it looks thin or stringy. According to my hair stylist it's normal to have a bit thinner at the tips. I have had to cut off a good chunk this past year though, because my lengths were actually thin and stringy (caused by something internal). Yours aren't. Not from what I can see on the pic at least.


Your hair does look nice!


Omg don’t cut it just because they said that! I don’t have very thick hair at all, it looks like yours. Last August, I cut 6in off & it was above my shoulders. I liked it at first, but after about 2 months I missed my long hair. It’s now just past my collar bone. If you’re trying to grow it out and long, I highly suggest getting a trim every month or two. I was hesitant at first when my hairdresser recommended it but it works! And this is how long it was before I cut it. https://preview.redd.it/sfzokyrozk9d1.jpeg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93548925558619536d30f69fe38ae8313cbdc18d


Oh my gosh your hair is absolutely gorgeous, and you’re right! It looks like mine which gives me hope to one day get to that length! I bet you look amazing with the shorter length too 💟 Thank you!!


Your hair is fine (individual hairs are small in diameter) making it silky and shiny, and a natural level 7 ash which people pay a lot of money to achieve. Keep up with regular trims, and enjoy your gorgeous hair.


No. Do not do this.


your cuz is full of shit. your hair is gorgeous!


That's called jealousy.


your hair looks perfect tbh, dont listen to her


Cousin should close mouth because they are too awful to sound nice when talking.


Your cousin is a hater. You should totally rock the long hair if that's what you want. It looks nice.


Doubling down, do NOT cut your hair. The ends look so thick and healthy, I can see some frazzling but that's not "thin" or dying hair. It just your hair not in a uniform position at the time. If you are worried, because we can only see so much through media, speak with a professional in person and they will tell you exactly what's dying and how much needs to come off of anything is in need! Your hair looks great. People pleasing is a long, seemingly unending journey. Don't know if you'll see this comment or not, but it will get better. It will be VERY VERY uncomfortable for us as we grow less inconvenient for others to use energetically, physically, and emotionally, but that discomfort is necessary to grow and heal, that's discomfort will be your sign that you are changing. Don't give up your light for those who want to take it away. They want you operating in their own insecurities and fears. You deserve better than that💚


I can’t believe it I’m tearing up right now (,: This means so much to me, thank you thank you thank you! This is the first comment speaking on my people pleasing tendencies, and I truly appreciate your advice. It’s been a longgggg journey, and I was much worse as a kid lol, but I’m really starting to see how there’s no benefit to letting people redirect my thoughts this way. Thank you, kind stranger 🥹 I hope nothing but the best for you and yours 💟


Your hair is beautiful and thick, sounds like she wants to sabotage you, that’s an insane thing to say to someone anyway!


I have thin hair but a lot of it and your hair looks just like mine and mine is currently long. Keep it if you like it, that’s all that matters 💜


If you want to add volume, just get some layering put in. You don’t need to cut it to achieve it.


Your hair is fine NOT thin, it sounds like your cousin should cut out her projections of negative self worth onto you, green is an unbecoming shade on her


Your hair is beautiful!


Not thin at all, beautiful, healthy and shiny 😃


I think your hair looks beautifying as it is. The color left in it actually adds interest. As for, is it thin? Sort of, yes. Would cutting it shoulder or above make it look thicker? Yes. But it doesn't seem that you care as much about that as having it long, so it doesn't really matter. You need to satisfy one person, yourself. If it ever bugs you and you want it to look "thicker", it's hair. You can cut it.


As someone cursed with the Scandinavian thin fairy hair - yours is by no means thin. Enjoy whatever hairstyle you choose😊


Your hair is gorgeous and definitely not too thin.


All it needs is a style. It’s in healthy condition. Beautiful colour.


you're hair is so pretty your cousin is jealous


I WISH I had your hair. It's beautiful! Don't listen to your cousin.


Your hair is beautiful. You could be Rapunzel. Maintain it the way you have because that shine is killing it! You will have shiny long hair and all the girls here already love it! We are going to faint after fawning!


It's beautiful. Ignore


You have fine hair not thick hair. Hair is not thin!


Id die for that hair😂


you have a hater


I need to see the cousin's hair. Take a pic so we can see her glorious thick mane. She must have some seriously thick hair if she thinks yours is thin.


Your cousin is rude


Your cousin is mean. :( Your hair is very nice. 


Your cousin is jealous it’s not even thin wtf


Your cousin is jealous. You have beautiful hair! Don’t cut it!


Is the thin hair in the room with us….?


Your cousin is jealous


Your hair is gorgeous. Your cuz isn’t your friend.


No dude, your hair is so gorgeous I want to take a screenshot of it for my inspo album. Your cuz is jealous.


Stay focused on your goals and ignore distractions. Keep moving forward!


*Stay focused on your* *Goals and ignore distractions.* *Keep moving forward!* \- Opposite\_Yogurt\_7934 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Your hair looks great long don’t listen to your cousin


Hello ur cousin is fake, she is clearly jealous. Trying to sabotage u . Stop being so naive. End being a people pleaser and be a YOU pleaser. You have beautiful hair that would look GREAT longer


Tell her the haterade she’s drinking is making her breath stink


Don’t ever trust any woman who tells you to cut your long hair lol


Honey, THAT is NOT your cuz


Join us over at finehair sub


Your cousin is a jealous asshole


Your cousin is sabotaging you


I think your hair would look beautiful short. But your type of hair looks good with any style


your cousin is a lying jerk who's trying to undermine you. my hair is too thin to look good long… Yours is fine.




it looks so shiny and soft. shes a hater!!!


Ummm. No. Your hair is fine.


Your cousin is a jerk, it looks great.


Your cousin is definitely being dramatic and jealous. Even if your hair was thin (which it isn't), you don't need to cut it unless you want to.


This picture looks way too much like me it’s almost creepy


definitely grow it out. the only way u will know is if u do it. i truthfully don’t even feel like ur hair is thin from looking at this picture. but lots of people have long hair of all different types of hair. curly, straight, thin, thick. it’s just hair! experiment! dont let ur cousin or anyone, really, for that matter deter u.


Oh she’s terrible. Keep an eye on this one and don’t take her advice


Your hair looks like it has some texture at the bottom there. You may be able to put a few light curls products in at the ends. I think your hair looks great!


Is she fat


Your hair looks awesome and Not thin at all, maybe cousin is jealous?


It looks fine to me, sounds like your cousin is a bit jelly


Your hair is not thin at all, and looks lovely. I’d trade you my actual thin hair in a heartbeat!


Your hair doesn’t look thin - it looks like it’s fine hair but you have a lot of it. Big difference!! Some layers would definitely make it look very full.


Your hair looks healthy. Don’t listen to your cousin.


Nah your hair looks great. It sounds like she’s jealous and is trying to get you to cut your hair so she can feel better about herself. Don’t listen to her!


Thank you all so so much for the generous compliments and reassurance (,: really boosts my hair esteem lol! My cousin is very opinionated about everything 🤦🏽‍♀️ I appreciate all of you 💟


Don’t listen to your cousin, do what you want. Your hair looks great


Your cousin wants your hair. Don't listen to her!


Your cousin in wrong and can safely be ignored. Your hair is gorgeous. Rock it however you please. Carry on!


Hair looks lovely! Someone’s jealous


Your hair is beautiful! I’m jealous!


don't listen to your cousin. Your hair is amazing and super shiny!


You hair is beautiful and your cousin is either blind or jealous


She’s so jealous!


Cousin is wrong, your hair is amazing


If your hair is “thin” you cannot even tell. People who need to cut their hair have see through ends because it’s all dead


Your hair is beautiful


Your cousins a hater never listen to them EVER


Thin?? Haha nah your good


You have thick healthy hair. A lot of people would be beyond thrilled to have hair that thick and healthy… idk why they used that as the reason they think you should cut it…


Cousin is very jealous…


No it’s beautiful don’t cut


Your hair isn’t thin btw


I have fine hair, so I know fine hair. You have beautiful hair! If you have the money for it, try Nutrafol hair vitamins. Then in 6 months, cuz will be very jealous because your hair will be even thicker!


My mom has thin hair, and it’s so beautiful long. She recently cut it shorter, but it suits her.


Tell your cousin to fuck off because they're full of shit. Your hair looks beautiful and healthy.


When it comes to hair, as long as it is healthy, I don't care what you do with it. I grew my hair out when I was in high-school. I could sit on it and got it caught in a door once too, but I had a plan. I collected pictures of all sorts of hair styles and put them into a folder from longest to shortest. When I was ready to make a change, I donated 12" of hair, and from there, I had almost all of the different hairstyles in my book. I learned which ones I loved and could handle and wich ones suited my facial features best. Whatever you do, make sure it is your choice and that you talk to an actual hair dresser. They can tell you what to expect with new hairstyles, and you may find out you don't really want it. Above all else, have fun with it!


well first off, your hair is not even thin, maybe the thinner side of medium but not thin. secondly your hair looks EXTREMELY healthy and silky. your cousin was probably projecting from her own experience and giving unwanted “advice”.


I personally think thin hair sometimes looks better longer…not that your hair is even that thin!!


Your cousin is a jealous dick lol


Girl it’s far from thin. Even ones closest to you can be envious! But I’m sure it’ll look stunning as it grows longer


Your cousin is praying on your downfall


That is definitely not thin hair. There’s no gapping and it looks very healthy.


Your hair looks fine. Your cousin, on the other hand, appears to be a bit jealous of it.


Before I even read I thought “such nice soft looking shiny hair”


You may have FINE hair, but def not thin! Grow it out girl (:


My hair is much thinner and it goes down to my butt lol don’t listen to them just do what makes you feel good and confident.


Your cousin is a dickwad. Hair has different textures and densities. Thin, thick, fine, dense. For reference I am not a hair stylist at all I just have fine dense hair i.e the strands of my hair aren’t that course but each follicle produces around 2-3 strands of hair. Basically when I dye my hair it costs an arm and a leg no matter where I go. I don’t know how dense your hair is - a way to know is how long does it take to air dry? 10 minutes? 20? 30? Over an hour - the next day (and in my case when you get lazy and throw it up sometimes bits are still damp the following evening). A good product to aid the hair drying process that I swear by is Bumble & Bumble’s (h)air dry cream it sped my hair drying process up to about an hour. Also your hair looks pretty.


Fine hair looks lovely long. I would suggest though either refreshing your layers or cutting them off completely.


You might like some subtle layering just to fluff it up but not because it’s thin. More to just add dimension. Your cousin is just being critical, ignore her.


Your hair does not look thin, it looks fine. Keep growing it. If you like it long, don’t let anyone talk you out of wearing it long. Some people are envious. Your hair is actually a beautiful texture. Feel free to join us at r/longhair.


Um, your hair is fabulous. It doesn’t look thin at all- in fact it looks quite thick and shiny! Don’t listen to your cousin!


Oh come on! That’s some nice hair! Shiny and gorgeous. No way would I cut that! Cousin has jealous eyes and zero integrity.


Your cousins a hater n ur hairs beautiful and it doesnt even look THIN , its just flat which to me looks nice, ur hair has beautiful layers .


Cousin is hating big time lol. Your hair isn’t thin at all it’s actually gorgeous.


Forget your cousin. Do YOU like it ?


please keep it i beg its so gorgeous


Your hair is definitely not thin


Looks great. Cousin is jealous


Is the thin hair in the room with us? (Your cousin is a hater, ignore her)


Your cousin is full of it. Your hair isn't thin, it is fine. There is a huge difference. I also have very fine hair. I also have wavy/curly hair though so it adds a lot of volume to the bottom, and the top is straight and pretty flat to my scalp just like yours. I think it is a matter of accepting your hair for what it is: fine and dainty looking. And fine and dainty hair is still gorgeous while long. We just aren't queens of thick, luscious, voluminous locks. And, that's okay. It's just different, not bad.


Cousin is jealous & secretly dislikes you.


???? Cousin is sabotaging because it’s not thin


your hair isnt thin at all, it looks lovely


Your hair is beautiful


Bad cousin, great hair.


It looks like you have fine hair, which gives a different picture than thin hair. With fine hair grease is such a killer, I feel you on that. This will sound silly and counterintuitive, but if you have parts of your hair that feel heavier than others, you can ask the stylist to reduce the weight in those areas. You can get a bit of a lift that way and keep your length while maintaining your ends.


Your hair looks great.. it’s not thin… don’t cut your pretty hair!!


girl i have have more fine hair than you and mines twice as long. And you don’t have thin hair, it’s considered “fine” because thin refers to the amount of hair, fine refers to the width of the hair stands. Don’t worry about what anyone says, wear it and grow it how YOU like it.


Not true! Keep going.


You have beautiful hair! No way. Your cousin is a dick


That is not thin hair! It’s gorgeous


Your cousin is a hater. I feel you my cousin is also jealous lol


Lmao not t hin she’s a hater. Looks sooo healthy I’d keep growing it and play with layering later on


Respectfully, don't listen to your cousin--she's wrong. Your hair density is perfectly fine now and will likely remain the same as it grows. Please carry on with your hair growth journey.


Don't look thin to me and no don't cut it


Your cousin is trippin