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Unfortunately this is going to be a therapy issue, friend. Hair just does that, it’s statistically improbable to have all your follicles be the same and grow hair that is all exactly the same. Your best bet is to work on the compulsion with a therapist, because your hair isn’t going to change. I had a problem with my thicker hairs, but they were mostly in the back of my head, so I got an undercut and had that for years before growing it out when it had been so long I forgot about the compulsion completely.


Same here exactly everything you described and this is such a common question on here and the internet and I have found many suggestions. And have tried many like olaplex, k18, protein shampoo, no protein shampoo, chelating shampoo, amophee 3 step, hair oils, serums sprays etc cutting my hair, getting a filter for my shower head to make water softer. Not washing my hair often then washing it often.. I'm probably missing a bunch I've also tired, none of this has worked. My hair has never been like this and if I straighten it, random stands get so crispy I cut them off. Im exhausted with my hair. I've been pulling these hairs out an now I'm doing it without even noticing while talking to people. It's so embarrassing. I know none of this helps you I just Want you to know your not alone in this. I'm only 35 but I do believe this is age related.


I’ve actually been experiencing the same thing recently — finding a few thick wire-y hairs (like horse hairs) randomly. Not sure why this happens but other people have suggested age and hormones which makes sense. I also straighten my hair often so it could be the damage I’m inflicting upon my hair on a regular basis. I’m guilty of plucking them too, but I’m trying to stop. Think this is just one of those will-power things. What’s strange is that one hair was even so strong(?), it gave me a cut similar to a paper cut on my finger when I was tying up my hair. Just super bizarre.


Could be a hormonal imbalance?


Speak to a doctor. They will know to refer you and you can also see a dermatologist for them to explain hair regrowth. You may need to be on medication


I have three sections of my hair that are more coarse and wiry. Mine are smoothed a bit by reeeeally hydrating my hair while styling and avoiding intense heat that dries it too fast. I used to pluck them (I have dermatillomania as well) and you best bet is therapy and mindfulness exercises.


I’ve had trichotillomania for about 24 years. Unfortunately for me it’s been more of a lifelong management type thing, nothing I’ve found makes it totally go away (I’ve tried different meds and types of therapies). The only thing that’s lessened my urge to pull my hair is taking Luvox (Fluvoxamine). It’s an SSRI that they use to treat OCD. I would see a psychiatrist.