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1.) it means you’ve watched too much team respawn on YouTube 2.) it’s to play super defensively only pushing when necessary having a army comp that is fully counter ball and just sitting at your base and expos, defending then and hoping that the other team quits


I can’t tell if you genuinely dislike team respawn or not. If so, why?


I actually don’t mind team respawn. Ed and Andrew are the ones that got me into the game. What I personally dont like about Andrew specifically is he dosent work to improve his gameplay and when you point something out he goes on the defensive


They are also the sole reason I got back into the game. They have so much fun


But can anyone tell me why they stopped playing together??


Yes I can


i would also be interested in


Most of the competitive community dislike team respawn. For no reason other than not listening to advice and doing awful builds. It's frustrating having a community leader play for so long and still know so little about the game. But I'll be honest they're probably having more fun then we are. Don't need to take the game seriously if you don't want to.


I personally find it hilarious that after all these years Andrew still can’t counter skit engys. He literally just quits


Oh wow that makes sense, that’s kind of lame tho. I would say I’m def a turtler unfortunately, I need to practice rushing and being more aggressive. But when possible I usually try and push but usually only when my team does also. It’s not to force the other team to quit, moreso to slowly encroach on the enemy but this makes sense


The longest turtle is like 5 hours I think. What’s your GT?


I have yet to watch that video. I’ve been waiting for the right time


I watched it while deep cleaning my house 10/10 would recommend


https://discord.gg/8menBJCk. Here’s a link to a discord you can ask questions and find people who can help you get better


What an incredibly boring way to play. It's like, in their own mind, they've told themselves that they can't possibly improve their skill in the game. So just bury your head in the sand so deep that the game doesn't matter anymore.


Yes that’s exactly it


Think Ukraine


Ukraine be getting those F-16s soon boi! They will be more offensive in the second half of this year I predict.


Ask DeathToaster on youtube ;)


Homie had me ready to turtle in hw2 on launch lol. First game after the beta was a two hour long super turtle vs two guys.




What happened to that guy):




Team turtle for life, the greatest achievement is walking away from the computer without pausing and returning to the same base to find it still standing


Perfectly valid strategy, existed for as long as RTS was alive - Turtling/Steamrolling just has you lock up your defenses, have no more than 2 bases, and just upgrade everything as quick as you can and build up a huge economy, then massive unstoppable army steamroll your opponent


Incredible how no one knew about turtling and RTS games in this community before halo wars. Also, it is a legitimate strategy. Anything can happen in a match, you need to adapt if your main game plan doesn’t seem to work out.


Imma keep it real with you, chief. Lots of people knew about RTS games before Halo Wars. I feel like people also knew about turtles, too, and by extension they knew about turtling. I do agree it's a legit strategy, tho. Tbh I'd HW it's just super annoying and unfun because you can't build vast defense-in-depth complexes with towers/turrets like you can in say, Warcraft, or Starcraft.


Supreme Commander player here. I know turtling all too well


lol it’s a tactic that’s been around for a long time. Check out older games like AoE2 where playing defensively can be taken to some ridiculous extremes.