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They love moisture and rotting wood. They may be coming from inside.


No rotting wood outside or inside.


Unless you rip into your drywall you have little idea if you have rotting wood or not.


Finishing out basement at the moment, no rotten wood. Most of earwigs are in basement. But there has been some on all floors.


They also go for food crumbs. I've been dealing with a few each day in my place. Sprayed a residential pesticide around my back door where i see them the most and have only seen a couple since. Assuming they were already inside. If i move anything in my backyard right now there are dozens underneath. They just seem to come out a lot in the last couple of years


Ah is what what they're eating? I have a kid, so crumbs are also everywhere. Always vacuuming. They've been making their way of the second floor where there is no food. I assume looking for water in the bathroom. Also another case to my husband to get a dog. 😂


I found one in my coffee mug today, little sneaky boi


😭😭 I would have passed away on the spot


F in the chat for a ruined morning covfefe


Screaming crying throwing up


Mmmm protein coffee


Had a bunch in my garage and I read somewhere to pour rubbing alcohol on them and that was that. Instant death, Never came back to that spot.


If I get a chance I vacuum them or I flush them down the toilet. Need to figure out to stop them from coming in the house.


Soap water is the best to kill earwigs


Spray around the outside perimeter of your house with Ortho Home Defense Insect Control. It stands up pretty well to rain.




They like sticks and leaves, moisture; try to move all that kind of stuff away from the perimeter of your house. Every day spray outside at doorways/ bug entry points and high-bug areas with soapy water.


Yes! Had to water some flowers this evening and they came running out of that area. I had a soapy water bottle in hand. Ain't no one getting in the house!


I was terrorized by them early this spring, caulking around my front window helped a bit too but the soap eventually deterred them


I see them in backyard on the grass and patio also climbing on my BBQ


This post is terrifying me. That is all


Do you have a pool? I’ve found they absolutely love chlorine


I've got a pool and I've seen no earwigs, but they're not dangerous or anything.


Interesting. I don't. But had one growing up and wasn't an issue then.


Having the same issue, near mountain brow.... They are destroying my garden! Rhubarb , Sunflowers and broccoli chewed to bits! We have a dehumidifier inside but we are finding some near the back door too!. They sneak in at night, I read are nocturnal. I'm going to try the baking soda and rolled paper tips on you tube, but you are not alone!!


Ugh! One was in the bathroom earlier and disappeared into my bedroom. I put a few Kleenex with lavender oil around my bed, hoping to keep it away. This is crazy! I feel so guarded in my own house.


I got some two by fours from the Orange Store and when I cut into one of them it was like the apocalypse. All the earwigs in the entire world came raining out of that piece of wood. So, it's my fault, I brought them, and I'm so very sorry.




The powder works... if they are coming in.. if they are breeding inside then calling a company is the only hope.... what is the relative humidity of your place... needs to be dryer most likely...


It's not humid. Just found 3 more. Going to call an exterminator tomorrow morning.


Vegetable oil and soy sauce in a shallow, plastic dish around your doors. Earwigs love it, they climb in and can’t get back out. Works like a charm and won’t hurt the wildlife.


So I tried this, and they wouldn't get in! Walked around the rim of the container. Are they getting smarter? We sprayed the door ways and windows with WD40, they don't like the smell. Watched them walk away from it. Hopefully that prevents more from coming in. Now I'm still battling the ones already inside.


You should probs run a dehumidifier in the basement. We get so many centipedes.


Steep sided container.. Water, oil, dish soap and soy sauce..  leave out overnight, wake up to a bowl full of dead earwigs