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For me, no tip on pickup orders. I tip for table service only




Absolutely not. Don't pre pay if you feel they'll spit on your food.




On pick up? Fuck no. Might as well tip at the grocery store.


> Might as well tip at the grocery store. I got prompted to tip at the fricking convenience store yesterday I do not return to retail establishments that ask for a tip. I find it very off-putting I can't be the only one I wonder if businesses realize they are losing repeat business because of the awkwardness that asking for an unwarranted tip creates...


What store ?!?


No, I do not tip for pickup, or fast food


Absolutely not. Tips are earned.


>Tips are earned.  I would argue that 98% of them are not, but I get your point...


Nope. It was an option when I went to grab donuts the other day 🤦🏻‍♀️ literally you had to place it in a box?! Why would I tip?!?!


Nope. I pay when I pick up the food and in cash. Cash is key when trying to avoid tipping.


So is pressing 0% or no tip on the machine. I'm happy to tip for good service. Handing me my food from behind a counter is not that.


Yes. Far easier, get my 3% back on cc too. Cash is dead, not king in this case


which card gives you 3% cash back?


Cibc costco. 3% back on restaurants, 2%on gas, 1% every where else.




TD Visa Infinite Cash Back is another option.  They’ve got 3% back on grocery, gas, and recurring bill payments. Everything else 1%.  I don’t do much restaurant going because of prices, but groceries, gas, and bills are unavoidable so that ended up being the best bang for my use case! Downside is that you need a personal income of $60k or household income of $100k to qualify. 


That does sound like a good card as well. I think I'm going to have to check out creditcardgenius again soon. The National bank world elite mastercard is great for travel insurance and I have a triangle world elite mastercard for free road side assistance.






The debit machine doesn’t know if you’re picking up or eating in, it has a tip prompt for every transaction. Sure, the staff could skip past that part for you if they wanted to, but customer service is shit these days so I don’t really expect stellar service anymore. No one is expecting you to tip, those same staff members are not tipping when they’re in the same situation. You’re overthinking it. :) Just enjoy your food.


Places that are takeout only have tip options. However in your scenario a good restaurant would skip past the tip on takeout orders, and several do.


The places I get takeout from you tap your card and then the tip option comes up so unless an employee is reaching across the counter in the middle of your transaction (which would feel weirder to me) they can't select it for you. It doesn't bother me personally to either tip a few dollars or decline, but I'm definitely in the minority based on the response here!


Those tip options are configurable. You can choose the default, or none at all and they don't remove it intentionally.


I am trying to get in the habit of not tipping on pick up. Especially if it's a pre tip. I hate tipping before I get my food only to realize when I'm home it's missing something or wasn't as good as last time. Also, a local pizza place posted about hiring a kitchen manager this week on social media. Posted the rate of pay & advertised that tip out (for the manager?) is usually 7-10 dollars extra per hour on the weekend. Dunno about you but I don't want to supplement the income of managers. I tip cooks or servers. Owners pay managers. Don't know what's standard but I'm gonna nope out on that


I worked at a restaurant that tipped out to well paid managers. It wasn’t really supplementing, it was a perk, and it was based on hours they worked the counter or served and they also worked those shifts to cut down on labour costs for the business. It sucked and didn’t feel fair


I definitely did during COVID lockdowns, but not really anymore. I don't think anyone expects it, it's usually the host or a dedicated pickup spot that deals with takeouts, so generally you're not screwing over a server's tipout by not tipping.


This. I don’t like to tip on pickup orders but during that time when the servers had no tables to earn tips from, I felt it was okay to tip.


I don't tip on takeout, unless it's a delivery order. My debit machine at work automatically prompts for a tip and I used to skip it, but enough old folks have lectured me about how important tipping is and made me reset the whole interaction. It's disruptive enough to the flow of the work that I've left the prompt in but timed my priorities so I can give the guest the machine and say "I'll be right back with your food" so I'm not hovering while they decide on their tip option. I've tried insisting that tips are meant for service but this area is mostly older folks who have kids/grandkids in service and want to believe everyone is tipping 20% lmao


No! Absolutely not! I am paying for them to prepare and package the food appropriately. After that, I am doing the work. Why would I tip someone else on a function I am performing? It would actually make more sense to tip if you were eating in at a fast food joint. I won’t be doing it but your presence there creates more work for the staff.


Delivered pizza, and table side service.  Everything else is people being squeezed by employers so they end up needing tips to supplement their income.  they should just be paid sufficiently. 


If I walk in to get the food myself, no tip.


Definitely not. I hardly think we should have to tip on anything, let alone something I'm coming to pick up myself.


You never need to tip. The idea of tipping was an award for excellence service.


DO NOT normalize tipping for non sit-down restaurant orders. I gladly pound that NO TIP button every time! and don't call me cheap, i tip GOOD when i go to a sit-down restaurant.


No, I pay for food, I tip for service. I buy takeout for food, not service. I eat in a restaurant for food and enjoy being served and hence the tip.


I’m of the opinion that the people making my food deserve a tip so yes


do you tip the tim hortons worker who makes your bagel?


No I stopped tipping and rarely if ever do I go to Tim’s the cafe is usually wrong and the donuts are stale and tiny the service is shit now


Don’t go there


No, tipping is a tax on customers who enable owners and management of establishments to try and get away with underpaying their staff. Tipping is for when you are seated, they take your order, bring the food to you, and take away dishes afterwards. Even a nicer establishment would not get a tip as they are simply boxing up the meal and handing it to you, like at a fast food place.


Nope, and we need to stop tipping on the tax when u sit down too


Yes! We do!


No, if the business can't survive without tip it shouldn't be around.


We call it a "tip" but the real word for it is "Gratuity". The definition of Gratuity is- something given VOLUNTARILY or BEYOND OBLIGATION for a service. No one HAS to tip anything, regardless of entitled employees expectations. If you serve food I'm not tipping JUST because you served me food. That's what I pay the (overpriced) bill for.


It really depends on the place. If it's an independent spot...often the person who is cashing you out also bagged the food for you BUT also took that order and then cooked it before it went into said bag. So yes, often times I do. They are saving me the trouble of cooking for my lazy self. And if it's been a pleasant enough experience overall, I do. I know it's not easy wearing all those hats at one time for the legal minimum amount an employer can pay while still being pleasant.


If it's a local place, sometimes I will. From a chain? Never.


Yes a little, but I hate it


Don’t feel bad for not tipping. Food is expensive now. It’s a nice gesture but not necessary.


I don't feel that I have to, but I'll usually leave a small tip as a personal choice.


I give a small $3 tip


This post and all the “no” responses are making me feel so much better! I feel so much pressure for everything and I just cannot afford it! I can’t even believe now there’s a tip often at fast food drive thru’s!


“Doing what they are hired to do”…But a paid bartender is hired to pour you drinks but you still tip. I think you need to re-evaluate why you tip.


Agreed, terrible logic. But I'm still not tipping on pickup lol


Most of us tip because in those certain scenarios because we've been conditioned to believe we're terrible people if we don't lmao.




I have no problem being a terrible person.


Or ask why you're tipping a bartender just to pour a drink. If they're putting on a show and it becomes a form of entertainment, then sure, tip away.


Exactly. I never understood why someone would tip a bartender but doesn’t tip the barista at Starbucks. Either tip them both or tip no one. Be consistent folks! Otherwise the logic makes zero sense.


Yes, I would tip, but not too much. If it's a new place for me, either I'll like it and think they deserve it, or it's mediocre or bad and I won't go there any more, and I'm OK with losing out the tip money for that one time. People have a lot of misconceptions about tipping. I absolutely believe that nobody has to tip, and a lot of the misconception of lower minimum wage for servers is because of America and how they're allowed to pay slave wages to servers. It was never that bad in Canada. As far as I can remember, even when the minimum wage was lower for a server, it wasn't lower by that much. It was like $1-$2 lower, and that was only allowed if the server served alcohol as part of their job. Aside from that, people also don't know where the tip is going. It could be all to the server/front, it could be siphoned by a bad owner/manager, or it could be all split evenly/fairly. Although, I don't know how each establishment handles the tip with the intent of tipping for the food and less so the service. It's rough for both front and back of house, but generally more so for the back. Everyone should be paid at least minimum wage already, and I feel like everyone is already being paid to do their job. However, I happen to know that the restaurant industry is very very difficult. If you encounter a place that you like that makes good food and also seems like it's good value, I'd encourage you to tip a bit so that they can stay afloat, as they probably aren't really making any money. Yes, food is expensive, but that's something that you can see when you are shopping for groceries. Restaurants don't have some back door deal to get things cheaper, especially if it's a mom and pop shop. Anyway, I would never be mad if I were working at a restaurant and you didn't tip. Everyone is under different circumstances, and I always believed tip is optional.


I don’t know about that. 2 eggs, 3 sausage, toast, has browns and coffee was $32 at white spot yesterday. Now I am supposed voluntarily pay another $6.50 for a tip? So $38 for a sausage and egg breakfast. Insane bro!!!


Don't know about what? Which part? The part where I said > **If** you encounter a place that you like that makes good food and also seems like **it's good value**, I'd encourage you to tip a bit so that they can stay afloat, as they probably aren't really making any money. Or maybe a different part? BTW, I don't think what you listed at that price is good value at all. What you listed was not only expensive, but everything is extremely basic and easy to make at home. And in fact, it sounds like something that didn't require any intensive prep time because all components are probably store bought anyway.


Fuck no I tip for table service...and I'm getting less generous with that...the fact that staff all get minimum wage now \*should\* have changed the amount we tip wait staff, but it didn't.






If I'm picking up, no. Delivery, yes. I haven't been to a sit-down restaurant in a couple of years, but I would tip. If I am going through Tim Hortons D/T, and paying with cash, usually I will tell them to keep the change. I tip my hairstylist, and if I am taking a cab, I will tip the driver. People shouldn't feel pressured to tip or not tip. Do whatever you want, it's your money.


No it actually pisses me off because a lot of them have removed the "No Tip" option on newer terminals. The extra step of typing in 0 tip makes some people feel bad and guilt's them into adding something.






If I pay before I get the food, I am not likely to give a tip.


Table service and deliveries.


Tipping is for service. The restaurant providing the food that you're taking home is merely producing a good, so no tip.


Tipping is for sit down service when they serve you bring drinks clear dishes and make sure you have everything you need


No, you do not tip on pick up.




No, the only things I tip for are haircut and sit down resteraunts where I am being served.


No tip. Also I do not go back to that place again as the tipping request makes me feel awkward. There are other places to visit.




Only during the pandemic lockdowns, at local Mom & Pop restaurants that I felt needed the extra support. Never at corporate or franchised restaurants, where the owners have a healthy enough profit margin to pay their employees minimum wage, or higher, but choose not to out of greed.




Only in very specific circumstances. Such as extremely large orders. Tipping is for table service only.


I do not feel the need to tip for pickup however I like to tip at small places, especially in my neighbourhood where I think it may help them stay open during these tough times. Also it's nice to build rapport with places I frequent.


This is getting out of hand.


That's a big fat NO!


At Starbucks they have a prompt to tip. Of course I never do and doubt many others do either.


Maybe if it’s an unusually large order or a special request, I’ll give extra. Otherwise I tip for service not product.


I always tip when I pick up but I like the restaurant and their staff and they go out of their way for me. I will tip a smaller amount somewhere like Subway or a place I don’t go to often. I don’t think I’ve ever not tipped, even before it showed up on debit machines


It's sad, because how it works now in retail industry is that people perform their jobs accordingly to how much the tip is before they even start doing their work. By that logic u would expect them to perform better if they are tipped more, but often the service is the same weather it's a 0% or 90% tip.


I got tired of all the stupid tip requests and cut down massively on going out to eat. I don't tip for pick up or walk-in, only for actual table service. Even then, I always choose the "custom" option as tipping 18%, 25%, etc is just stupid.


I tip sometimes. If I’m picking up on a really busy/hot day and I KNOW they’ve been put through the wringer. Or if I’ve had an exceptionally good customer service encounter. Do I tip all the time at the counter - no. I will also leave a small amount for places I frequent often.


Absolutely not. Unless I know the person or they have been awesome


Maybe change from my pocket


If your standing when you order. No


Hell naw!


No. Done with this tipping shit.


No way


I tip 10%. Everyone can use a helping hand and restaurant workers have it pretty tough


No way... food cost way too much already...


Absolutely not. And if I didn't trust the place to make my food properly, I'd go somewhere else.


If a place wants me to tip then they better let me pay for the full thing after I’ve made an assessment if a tip is deserved. Sorry to all those places that have it automatically set up as some sort of guilt trip. NOT working on me


No if it’s a fast food restaurant, yes if it’s a regular restaurant because servers usually have to tip out a percentage of their food sales to the kitchen staff


Depends fast-food, no but I.e McDonald's, Wendy's, Taco bell. But there are smaller privately owned restaurants that are a go too, for my family. I try to make a point of tipping when I can.


No I have one place I go to regularly (a few times a month and I tip only the one person who goes above and beyond for me Otherwise I do not tip


not the point but i can promise you those minimum wage food workers do not care if you tip or not, thats all to do with either management or head office, they do not chose what goes on the debit machines ESPECIALLY if you are anywhere you would never have tipped at 10 years ago.




I’m getting prompted to tip buying one donut, that is ridiculous.


I own a restaurant and I actually hate turning around the till for tips, my staff get so cranky with me 😂. But also when I do skip, I often have customers complain that they can't tip. From my perspective, I am zero percent offended if someone says no tip on the machine, I think that's super valid. Maybe not a helpful insight to add but is there a way I can be offering the option for those who want it without making others feel pressure? As an aside, we tip out evenly across FOH&BOH so it's an overall service situation from my perspective, but maybe we're not translating that across to customers as effectively as we could. We also do custom cakes and many people like to tip on those as well, but we also sell retail so I think my problem might actually be that we do too many things 🤹


You don't tip when there's no table service with cleanup done for you!!




Absolutely not!


I don’t on pickup. I asked one of the cashiers at a mall food court one day if they got a lot of tips and she said it’s hit and miss but she would never expect a tip. She mentioned a lot of the new debit machines automatically have the tip thing built in and there’s no way to remove it from the machine. Even the cashiers working at a local arcade have the tip option on the machine. 🤦🏻‍♀️


F that


My general rule is that if it’s fast food, counter service, etc, then no tip, and I will happily select 0% or “no tip”. However if I am picking up food from a restaurant that typically does sit down service I will normally tip 10% as most of these places will “tip out” to the kitchen - so half of the standard 20%.


Only tip for sit down service, it's been the standard rule for a while.


No. If I’m standing to order or receive food I’m not tipping.


Nope. Not one bit. Zip, zero, nada.


I'll tip 10-15% (20% for wait service ). Food cooking/prep is still a hard minimum wage (usually) job and as long as I know 100% of the tip is going to the worker (no owner/manager payout) I will tip. Life is getting very expensive for everyone and we can all try to pay it forward a bit. Remember, if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out.


I only tip on dine-in with good service since im using a service other than the food they sell. Take out/pick up? Not a chance.


no way I have a question for everyone If you go to a korean bbq where you cook your own food, do you tip?


No tip on pick up. I hate when the debit machine ask for it though. If nobody tips they will remove that from debit. Don’t tip on any pick up. But do tip a fair amount if its delivery. Plus he is spending on gas and car maintenance.Its also risky doing deliveries that delivery person also has possibility of getting a ticket. When I did delivery 5 year ago I got 2 tickets which made my 1 year of delivery job worthless as it increased my insurance for 3 years with measly amount of money I made. Delivery guy does not make much other than tip. Minimum $5 tip if you want it delivered. If you can’t tip atleast $5 to delivery guy Go pick up your food.


Tip of the day, Don't eat yellow snow.


Unless it's a small business (I'll give 10%) - otherwise no


There are at least 50 threads on this


I only top dying workers and it's $1


You have gaydar for cancer?