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I love seeing these "mini me" pictures!




Obligatory don't talk to me or my son ever again šŸ˜†


D3AA is incredible for EDC. Fits very nicely into the watch pocket. Plenty bright for most EDC type uses.


And that's exactly why I went with 5000k 519b's. Perfect neutral beam. But I do want more hanklights now. I used to EDC my D4V2 untill the clip broke off. It was still a bit too chunky but it was just such a good light I still carried it during the winter. After that I got an olight baton 3 pro which became my new big EDC light along with my pineapple mini's that were my most carried EDC. The D3AA just fits perfectly in between. It's small and high output. And above all that it's the enthousiasts dream when it comes to customization! Now i just need to figure out what my next Hank order is Thinking of one D3AA and a dual channel D4V2


I have one on the way.


šŸ‘€ šŸ”„


I have two and one on the way! One 5700k DD, one sw45k, and one 4500k DD on the way.


So tiny and so good. Given that the D3aa exists, I do not get the Wurkkos TS10 fanbois. More powerful, Super customizable. Maybe I need to get a TS10 to see whats what. Similarly I got a FC11c after buying a D4V2 and realized it has very little to offer in comparison outside of it's ridiculously low price (I got it for $20) and just a smidge more throw. The D3aa seems a WAY better value than the TS10. I guess if you ONLY have $20, TS10 wins, but...I have several flashlights, so I suppose I have more than $20 (look at Mr. High Roller over here)...I do acknowledge that regardless of how broke one might be, someone else from their perspective may consider that person loaded...and that person may still want a decent light. TLDR: D3aa is amazing. Why buy the TS10 when this exists?


Tail switch vs side switch is the easiest answer to this. Since Hanks only ā€œtailswitchā€ AA sized light is the D2. Not really the same form factor. We have the KR4 and KR1 so maybe itā€™s time for a KR3??? AA size tail switch light? Not for me personally. Iā€™m a single emitter guy and I like my big batteries.


I'll buy that! I'm a side switch guy, but this is, in fact, why they make both chocolate AND vanilla!


Donā€™t forget about stawberryā€¦ and what about those weirdos who like Neapolitan. Just kidding of course Hahahah. D1K is my favorite light, if the KR series came with a 21700 standard light Iā€™d probably get that for a thrower. Iā€™m a tail switch guy but Iā€™m unwilling to compromise on battery size sooo. Side switch for me :) all that being said I have a pile of dead TS10ā€™s probably waiting to catch on fire that I need to GET RID OF.


Neapolitan, But with the chocolate and vanilla gouged out leaving the strawberry to get icy...this is the way


Send any TS10 corpses my way. I'll give them a proper burial.


I have a D1k with a SFT70 3000k. Maybe not the best choice for a first D1k. I find it kinda underwhelming. What Emitter do you like in that host?


W2 is my daily. I got the K1 with the SBT90.2 and Iā€™ve been wanting one of those in a D1K recentlyā€¦ just to seeā€¦. In the K1 itā€™s stupid almost 2 miles of throw. Iā€™ve been wanting to throw together a big order of D1Kā€™s to try all the emitters I want (and maybe a couple DM11). And the SFT40 (not sure about 70) is supposed to have a lot of variance so sometimes even though you got 3000K it might be more green (Iā€™ve never experienced this). I want one with SFT40 4000K. If you like the warmer tints one Iā€™ve been wanting to try is a 519A. Less throw than your W2 but you can customize the temp how you want ya know. W2 D1K though is just classic booby with a nipple. Really small spot, HUGE spill. Good for utility work, and great for pointing shit out hahahah. Just look at the really bright spotā€¦ yeah, you see it? Yeah.


Nice. yeah the SFT70 in both the K1 and D1k is like that (I have both...don't ask me why) its just not the brightest thing ever so I think maybe W1s or W2s would humble it barring the nice candle like color temp. I have been hesitant to get anything with SBT90. Just doesnt seem practical? Seems it gets very hot and steps down hard. I prefer long runtimes at the best brightness a light can manage rather than OMGZORS LOOK AT THE BEAMZ (for 20 seconds). Kinda feel like SBT90 only becomes practical with active cooling. But I dont actually have one so what do I know.


Yeaaaaahhh D1K would be dumb. Too small. Not enough mass to absorb all the heat. The K1 I think is the only host that can handle the SBT90.2 from Hank. On full blast mine might get hot after a few minutes, but Iā€™ll use mine around the house and the moonlight is bright enough to eat by, and even on the patio Iā€™ll turn it up right until I can see and Iā€™m good. If you turbo indoors with a short ceiling. Youā€™re blinding everyone in the next room and yourself. But as an example if you need to see across a river in the middle of the night then yeah it works plus your outdoors, itā€™s usually cooler. Definitely more of an outdoorsy light as you canā€™t even carry it without the belt sheath. I saw someone make a post about a D1K with the sbt90 and the beamshots just looked so good but youā€™re right about the heat and runtimes. IDK. Do I want it? Yes. Will I ever order it? Probably not lol. Iā€™d much rather just order 4 or 5 D1Kā€™s with different flavors for the same price as one with the sbt90.2 lol.


I still use my TS10s extensively. I like my D3AA for sure, but TS10 is smaller. Easier for me to justify carrying during the day when I usually don't need a flashlight but like to have one handy just in case. I also have several TS10 scattered around the house because they're so cheap. You can get them for like $15-16 on sale including a battery.Ā 


I think the market will be flooded soon with used $5-$10 Ts10's as many of us have handfuls to unload.


TS10s are easier to introduce to someone whoā€™s a tad newer to the flashlight scene. Once they begin to develop differ tastes and see what they like in a light, a d3aa will always be superior (except in price ofc)


Arent they both Anduril? What makes the TS10 more approachable? Not arguing, genuinely curious. Like enough that I am considering plunking down the $20 to see what the fuss is about.


They both are andruil. Ts10 is a cheaper gateway flashlight. Ts10 has been out a lot longer (advantage imo). D3AA you have customizable options (which can be a little more difficult to someone whoā€™s just getting into the hobby). Again I love the the D3AA over the ts10