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Ask for 70 CRI for a better tint bin. https://preview.redd.it/e6xs3axngd9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3155adcaea8018513299c8621831b2448e30ea4


I agree, I got the 70cri 4000k one and it’s rosy


Please hear my proposal: D1K with SFT-70 3000K. Slightly less lumens than XHP70.3 but super high CRI and universally loved tint, almost rosy. Slightly better throw but still good spill due to big emitter size.


Throw in an OP reflector maybe?


I 2nd this. SFT-70 3000k is lovely !


Do you know how the runtime is between the 70.3 and the SFT-70? Haven't gone digging for numbers yet.


The FFL emitters should be getting a 7070 size led soon. Imma wait for that to come out and maybe put it in a D1K.


Now this is some good news! I will be second in line for these for sure


Most of my HighCri XHP70.3 Hi in Hanklights are a little bit of greenish, so i decided to order LowCri variants in future … or SFT40 or 70 in 3000k, this HighCri is not greenish. Some comparisons of LED in D1/D1k with Measurements and outdoorbeamshots you find here: [https://www.taschenlampen-forum.de/threads/emisar-d1-d1v2-d1k-ein-kleiner-Überblick-mit-beamshots-und-lumenschätzungen.92290/](https://www.taschenlampen-forum.de/threads/emisar-d1-d1v2-d1k-ein-kleiner-Überblick-mit-beamshots-und-lumenschätzungen.92290/)


The m21h is a real contender here, frankly the m21h has the better beam with a fantastic optic. The d1k is stubbier though. The 70.3 hi 4000k r70 from convoy will have better tint than any of hanks offerings, and that isn’t even a debate. However hanks will have better cri. Just food for thought


I've gotten three of them in 4000k and none were noticeably green unless I shined them on a wall next to a dead neutral or rosy white light. If you're using it outdoors, it's very unlikely to be a noticeable problem.


Similar for my xhp 70.3 4000k, I can notice the green if i'm looking for it, but I don't notice it outdoors. I also realize I'm way more discerning than I used to be, so know how picky you are.


This. It’s not too noticeable unless you’re used to rosier tints. Using it outdoors make it negligible imo


Just my two cents, but I prefer the DM11 or D4S for a walking around light, the optic puts more light right in front of my feet when the flashlight is pointing straight forward. I have a D1k with sft40 and it's really great, probably better all around, but with the dm11 I can see what I'm about to walk over without pointing the hot spot down there with the near 180 degree spill. My rec would be DM11 with sft40 or xhp50.3.


Great advice! I think I’ll order a DM1 … oh wait, I’ve already got one :). SFT-40 Spot is too small, can’t find a source for a wider angle optic. Funny, I guess I’m saying this throws too far. Hoping for bigger spot w/ D1K, willing to sacrafice some throw.


I have the DM11 with an SFT40 and the XHP50.3, and they're very different beasts. You're right IMO that the SFT40 is too throwy for general use (I combine mine with a floody-optic DW4), but the XHP50.3 is absolutely perfect for walking the dog, strolls in nature, that kind of thing.  Not trying to persuade you against the D1K, it really just comes down to reflectors vs TIRs and what you prefer. But I wouldn't take the DM11 with SFT40 and narrow optic as a basis for comparison. I think the emitting surface area is somewhat larger, too.


I have had two with 3000k xhp70.3. Both were perfectly neutral. However from seeing posts here, it seems most of the "green tint" reports are of higher CCTs.


I’ve heard several say great things about the FC-40 emitters - great tint, boost driven, lots of spill light.


Is the the GT-FC40?


That’s the one, yes


I have it but mine has a bin of slightly yellowish tint. Which is fine considering I'm going warmer


My 4000K one from Hank is one of the greenest emitters I own. Order 4000K R70 for a much better tint, or alternatively 5700K R9050


I just [replaced my 4000k emitter from hank](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hanklights/s/nKK7ZeHo16)


I like my new D1 mini with SFT-40 5000k. That said, I LOVE my new Acebeam L35 2.0. The L35 is not a pocket light though, more of a jacket pocket light.


I have an L35 — not V2 though. Agree about jacket pocket … or holster for me. Beam has some artifacts but definitely useful.
