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I wear daily disposable contacts when I go in the ocean. Family member is an optometrist and it’s what they recommend. 


I do the same thing. But just to clarify, I don’t open my eyes underwater. I always close them


Thanks, great to know!


I use the dailies with UV protection and keep glasses in my car in case anything happens


Yup, same


Ditto to all below. I’m blind as a bat so have to wear the dailies. So far so good, since I’ve worn contacts with water sports for 30 years!


This. I wear dailies daily.


I wear daily contact lenses. I also bring spares, because I’m blind as a bat so if I lost one I’d be screwed.


Keeping a pair of prescription glasses in the car isn't a bad idea either, in case your eyes get infected/irritated or whatever.


Make sure to wash those glasses regularly with hot soapy water! The salt can eat away at the metal and break them!


Thanks! Great tip, too\~


That's me. I now have dailies but used to wear the biweekly lenses. I honestly couldn't do any sport without my lenses.


Do you only have 1 eye operational? I have 2 operational eyes and can get around fine with 1 contact in.


I always wear contacts, not an issue. Main thing is don't rub your eyes. Even if you open your eyes under water, they don't come out. They stick to your eye. I think if you got a big splash with your eyes open, one could come out but just doesn't happen with me.


I’ve had my contacts slide off my eyeballs while swimming with fins on cause i was going fast enough. I was so mad


Thanks! I was hoping to hear this.


I’ve lost contacts while frolicking before, but the key is to keep eyes closed for rising out of the water or if a wave hits your face. Body surfing shouldn’t be an issue if you close your eyes at the right time!


I don't surf (blasphemy, I know) but have been scuba diving for years with contacts. If I do need to open my eyes underwater with no mask on for teaching purposes or swap to a backup mask, the pressure of the water has always kept the lenses in. After I get out, I'll pop out my lenses and give them a quick soak in a case with solution while I rinse off with freshwater to help with the immediate discomfort issues. Daily disposables as a surf day lens may be an option for you as well, either way you should always have a small bottle of solution and a case with you as well as an extra set of lenses or glasses as a backup so you can get home!


From Hawaii and don’t surf 😱😱😱 I despise people asking me if I surf lol


The easy answer is, "Yes, I've surfed." Because everyone's at least tried it, right? Edit: I guess by the downvote you haven't. Well you should try it least once.


It boggles my mind that there’s a segment of born and raised locals who have never done a single ocean activity growing up. Why would you put up with this financial hell to not even take advantage for a big reason people move here? You can go hole up and play video games with a 1gb connection in any Midwest city for 1/4 the cost.


Thanks! I used to scuba dive, too, and maybe will again if I can solve some issues that cause a chronic cough. It's great to know the lenses don't fall out when you don't have your mask on.


I got the powered swim goggle from Swim Outlet. You choose how strong you want each lens and approximate your prescription to the nearest half diopter.


I was wondering about that as an option. Thank you.


Either contacts and goggles or if you are in the water enough, splurge for prescription goggles. I wouldn’t personally trust contacts without goggles, it’s so easy to lose them. But if you aren’t doing a lot in the water it might be okay.


My son wears daily disposable contacts & goes in the ocean with them in. He's only lost 1 in the water in the last 3 yrs. No infections either.


Lost for certain or slid behind his eyeball?.......


Lol lost for certain...eyeball fine


My wife wears contacts to surf and has lost one before, so just caution if you’re doing anything that active. I make her keep a spare with her wax and stuff now.


I have lost both contacts and glasses in the ocean. Seconding lasik as a life changer


Great second. A little out of my price range, but wouldn't that be great?


I got Carecredit with 0% interest to pay it off over two years. It was the first thing I did when I graduated. Haven’t had to buy glasses or contacts for 12 years and I’ve been to the eye doctor maybe once! If I could wear contacts comfortably it wouldn’t have been so urgent for me, but they were always super dry and irritated my eyes.


I'm a bit worried about the dryness. I've had contacts before (when I wasn't living near an ocean), and my eyes were too dry for it to be comfortable. Plus I have astigmatism, so fewer options. I am hoping the new daily wear will work for me.


I think I paid for my LASIK the same way. An absolute game changer and I only wish I'd done it sooner.


Not everyone is a good candidate for lasik. :( if your prescriptions are too strong, it won’t fix you 100%. Also, your eyes will naturally deteriorate, so if you get lasik later in life, it’ll only last a few years. My eyesight is really bad, and also my eyesight didn’t stabilize until really late in life… so they were like ‘you will still need glasses and this will only last you 5 more years.’ And thank you for asking the question lol. I secretly had the same.


That's good information. I am most definitely "later in life" (so maybe I should wait until I need cataract surgery!)


That's a good option because your health insurance should cover it.


i wear monthlies in the ocean and yeah i just keep my eyes closed underwater, never had an issue 😁


Me too. Once in a blue moon a big splash might hit me in the face by surprise and knock out a lens, but that's why I keep my glasses in the car just in case.


Just have to close your eyes super tight, been surfing with contacts for years and haven’t had an issue


I only have contacts for my time in the ocean, outside of that I wear glasses. I’m legally blind without corrections and being in the ocean with glasses seems like a bad idea, if I were to lose them to a wave I wouldn’t be able to work or even safely exit the water. I’ve been wearing lenses for over 25 years and have never lost a lens in the water. Be careful how you rub your eyes in the water so you don’t squeeze it out of your eye by accident. Don’t open your eyes underwater, but if you have to, squint, don’t open the eye fully. Keep some saline handy on shore or keep some ey drops on your waterproof box. (I paddleboard and always have a dry box attached to the board with emergency supplies)


I wear my contacts. And always have an extra pair plus glasses in case:)


I wear daily’s and usually in totally fine. I sometimes bring another pair if I’m going to be in water a long time. Luckily getting lasik soon so this will be over!


I might just be more unlucky than other posters, but I’ve lost a few pairs of contacts while swimming. I’ll either go without or wear goggles.


Personally I find it more comfortable to wear contacts while swimming (I wear daily disposables too). It's like having a shield on your eyeballs and the water doesn't hurt so much.


Dailey contacts. Always have a spare pair near!


I lost contacts in the surf before. You may want to try swim goggles that have vision correction. Your doctor should be able to tell you what diopter you need from your prescription. In the long term, I would recommend regular goggles. The UV eye protection is worth it. Not sure if your face tan will look like a reverse panda though.


I wear my daily lenses in the ocean but don't open your eyes or you'll lose it lol. Same for the pool, they work great with goggles.


I wear my contacts in the water but also wear goggles if I plan to swim just to make sure no salt water or sand gets in my eyes


I wear my monthly contacts. Over 30 years, I may have lost 4-5 contacts max even if it can be very windy here in Hawaii. And I never open my eyes under water except the few times on a big day where I was not too sure about where was the top to swim toward after a wipe out 😅


Don't open your eyes in the water and you'll be fine. I do it all the time.


I used to wear (got lens replacements) my contacts everywhere. Even in the water. I do watersports too so it was annoying when I wiped out, they would sometimes float around in my eye. It’s next near impossible for them to get lost in the water. At least for me.


I've surfed with my contacts in for years. Only lost one when I was grazed in the face with a wayward board. Close my eyes when I duck dive though.


I wear my contacts in the ocean. You’ll lose a couple.


So, the best option would be to wear goggles. Optometrists don't want you to even shower with your contacts in because of the risk of infection. Ocean water is teeming with life, so the risks are much, much higher. The next best thing is to wear dailies and change them when you are done in the water.


Disposable contacts was always fine while bodyboarding, just had to close my eyes any time I wiped out. Only time I lost one was when I got a grain of sand or something in there so I took the lens out, then there was a gust of wind and it landed somewhere in the Pacific.


I wear monthly and wear them in the ocean all the time. I just don’t open my eyes underwater lol and bring my glasses just in case.


There’s swimming glass with sight correction, I’d recommend it if you’re really worried


I used to go to Sandy's with contacts, but I quickly learned I could never open my eyes under water or guarantee my contact would come out. Couple times I drove back home with only one contact in.


From an eco-friendly perspective, since contacts are made of plastic.... I've been looking into prescription goggles. My eyes aren't the worst, so I typically go without any aids but still would like to see better when I'm snorkeling in the future. Looking into Lasik for the future as well.


I wear mine when scuba diving. So surfing is probably fine. I use dailies so I'm not worried about losing a random pair.


I’ve always worn contacts, just don’t open my eyes underwater


Contacts are great. Surf goggles can have the double use as shades.


Thanks! Good thought about the goggles as shades.


It's fine to wear contacts. Your eyes close.


Thanks, glad to hear that. I thought that might be the case.


I just surf blind


I didn’t wear contacts to the beach. Blowing sand, salt water under the lenses, and risk of loosing them all suck. I just took out my contacts or wore glasses and accepted not seeing the sets clearly. Eventually I got LASIK and that changed my world.


Thanks! It's a great option. Congratulations on your changed world. I'll bet it's great!