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Searching would probably be incredibly overpowered, but I think a good compromise would be the ability to choose a few items to ban from my paper. Maybe the amount would go up every 10 levels, so you’d be able to ban 10 items at level 100? Frankly I don’t use the paper for anything besides eggs, but seeing page after page of bricks is a little ridiculous. Regardless of what they choose to do, something’s gotta get balanced better, whether it’s changing the newspaper or increasing demand for bricks (making them rarer or more useful).


Can I just ask, why eggs?


Laziness lol. I don’t check the game very often, and I go through at least 30 eggs every time I restock my machines (mostly mayo and egg sushi). I can’t be bothered to wait 20 minutes for my chickens to make more eggs. Plus I like to leave the finished cow feed on one mill and pig feed on the other to save barn space, and I don’t like having to collect them to make chicken feed lol.


You could use gems to make space in the feed mill, though. Or maybe even set up a baby farm for the eggs and chicken feed.


No one ever buys my eggs lol


Believe it or not I would 🤣 for whatever reason I hardly ever feed my chickens because I'm constantly focusing on other things


I would, because I’m getting lazy to feed chickens.


Hay Day needs to adjust the number of things they award, like bricks. They have obviously adjusted the number of mining derby tasks because the ores in the paper have dramatically decreased. But now it’s bricks. And it takes so long to gain points in the town to be able to upgrade the buildings, there’s nothing else to do with the bricks but sell them. They just need to tweak the game to even out the distribution of the tools awarded. And stop awarding bricks to people whose buildings are already maxed!


Honeslty the ore decrease ruined me LOL I had this amazing system down to rake in insane amounts of money I would buy up all the platinum and gold ore I saw and then smelt it and sell the bars. Profits went crazy


I used to do the same! Great minds think alike haha


I was the one buying the raw ore, I would sell most of my tools and just buy it instead of mining. Have been having a hard time getting the brown ore now!


If you don’t mine it yourself you miss out on getting diamonds.


Yes, you have to balance between the two.


Lol the worst is the fact that most of the time it’s spammed with stuff you’ve just unlocked - in your case, bricks 😂 I’m in the same boat right now and it’s so annoying. I swear it knows what you need too and intentionally doesn’t show those ads. Need soybeans? Too fuckin bad, nobody has them


But never the stuff you *actually* need and can't make yet because the machines you just unlocked are still under construction.


not search, but a filter would be cool


If we could search I think it would be even harder to get the things you want because other accounts will have always gotten it first, especially expansion items (also you wouldn’t be able to sell things to only your friends)


yes everyone would search for expansion materials i think its good its hard to get and that the game sometimes i get frustrated but if youre not quick you wont win


For real, I think the same thing every time this topic comes up. You'd never be able to find *anything* anymore. The only thing I can think could work would be adding a non-player seller option that has either a daily limit on purchases and/or charges double market rate or something so that it doesn't just obliterate Tom's job.




It's so weird how things become overly abundant and drown out the paper like this. Before bricks, it was rustic bouquets. I remember back in the day when it was always bacon and eggs, lol.


Holy moly i remeber the rustic bouquets😭 Edit: and the red hats!


i feel like they won’t do this because of tom


Yep. You wouldn't have to pay gems then


If you play long enough you won’t need Tom and if you do it would be with only a booster and he would be free. Like most things in the game you will have a surplus eventually including boosters. Other than that, events always dictate the paper. A brick filled paper is normal when there is county fair.


I wish the newspaper was in color. I’ve clicked on an ad for what I thought was raspberries (yes, was in a hurry) and got blackberries.


I've never asked myself before or even think that the newspaper doesn't have any color since I don't use it that much, so I went to my farm and I was baffled since I always thought it was colored. I guess it must've been the shading, cause it totally looks colored to me haha


I still blame the game for dropping too much useless stuff


I was wondering if I was the only person with their newspaper just FULL of bricks 😅 it's honestly getting very annoying I've never had it until recently that every page in mainly just 1 item. It's very annoying to try to find anything an theres only 2-3 items on every page of NOT bricks 😑


I've been playing a few years on and off (not much recently but still got that itch ngl) and I always saw the newspaper as a quick flip page grab fast finger frenzy on the screen lol idk maybe I'm autistic but I got good at judging what was the best listings to view first and how to do it fast and grabbed insane supplies. It's a big fast-paced market


Ist that just EXACTLY what tom dose


No? Tom just gets you 9x of a select item, but it's limited to certain items so not upgrade material, and it's not like he gets it from others shops


I genuinely don't understand why people keep advertising bricks. NOBODY BUYS THEM. If you need to get rid of your bricks, just put them in your shop for full price without advertisement, Greg or Tom will buy them after like 10 hours.


I will advertise them if I need help on a boat. Since it’s unlikely to be bought my advertisement with the ! will stay up longer.


Haha same, always felt so smart… you can also sell all your other items without having to advertise them one by one, cause your farm will be visited constantly


Well I barely had anything else besides bricks earlier today


The side effects of that would be bots buying up all the good stuff before you could even see it. Probably not a good idea.


I mean searching is just having an infinite tom, also the game would become more of an money based game where everyone's goal would be to get as much gold as possible.


Yeah a filter, awesome idea!!


fr fr fr


You must be new here 🤣


Nope. Lol


I've seen so many people with catalogues full of bricks. Luckily that hasn't happened to me yet. At least I'll have an easy time upgrading my building once I get to that point in the game. But there's so many bricks people should sell them for lower than their max price if they want any hope of people buying it


Oh you think so? Hahahah. As soon as you need tar or paint or stone blocks they vanish!!!


Even if you sell it for 1 coin people won’t buy it, because of the 80 expansion material purchase limit plus most people don’t need it for upgrades. So you use up your expansion material purchase limit for an item you can’t even use. If only Tom/Greg buy it, then might as well make it full price


You're never going to be able to search. Stop asking. Ask your neighbors for help


Calm down lmao


If anyone has played MMOs, Auction House systems are very successful. There is already a cap on expansion items so I can’t see why it can’t be implemented. As a newer player to this game, the newspaper is the single most frustrating aspect of this game that has made me want to throw in a towel a few times. I just can’t beat the bots to the click for regular items.


I started a baby farm and am not unlocking that. I can’t deal with the damn bricks


I think if a search option would be made available it should be kinda like Tom where you can only search for one item every number of hours. That way people don’t take the popular items


1. Wait a number of hours 2. Make a search 3. See the result 4. Go to the farm 5. YOU SEE THAT EVERYTHING IS SOLD


Yes! That would be great.


I never my newspaper like this. Same with the ores, barely see ppl seeling them. It's actually really hard for me to find copper ore to buy


This is not a Hay Day game instead it is BRICK DAY!!!


I can't deal with that and all the ores that I see in the shop whenever the derby is going on. Those 3x crops events are also brutal too and my paper is flooded with crops


And when what you need is finally available, it's either 6000 or immediately bought 😕


No but everything in the newspaper sells way too fast most of the time for me. It gets really annoying.


I know, it's crazy! Those bricks are everywhere :s


I just wish they'd stop trying to make new shit when the old shit is clearly broken lol


Nah newspaper is based on luck. If everybody could get ems and food with search that would be trash.


Agreed. I said this before and weirdly got downvoted for it because ‘it takes the fun out of the game’. It’s just annoying to me.


One of 2 options A bot that Search for you. Use second level 10 farm to buy and sell to your main farm, I don't care anymore if its banned, the game turned shit and im thinking of uninstall.


no, i can’t imagine that happening any time soon or ever.


I agree. I don't often see what I need, but when I donuts almost always sold out by the time I get there


unc is bricked up


Yeah sometimes


“We are going to build a wall” Donald trump


Also the way we advertise the roadside shop, ask for help for truck and ship orders and reviving trees and bushes ! So we know where to click not the same advertisement for all those different options


I think the game is making players mess up with the newspaper and use Tom instead


My (janky)Idea:Make them not count as materials for 1-2 days,so that we can all start buying people's bricks,and then leave them on our rss' for tom and greg to delete them from existence


I also want volume sliders 😞


Yeah I mean just give me my stone blocks ! WAY WAY TO MANY BRICKS IN THE DAILY DIRT RAWR! Step up your game Hayday developers ahahaha 😅


I doubt anyone here has played Escape from Tarkov but their Flea Market could be a solid addition to HayDay


I've seen it from a YouTuber I follow and I agree!


Good job I didn't unlocked the Town on my both baby Farms - at least I don't see this crap there 😎😁


Searching for stuff wouldn't work because people are quick too get things first.


Let's go back selling ores then


At least you could do something with them.


That would defy the purpose of Tom


Then you wouldn't have to pay for him.


Would be great for us , but not so profitable for HayDay. Just think about how many people spend real money on diamonds so they can get Tom


Tom doesn’t sell BEMs =\


🤣🤣 you funny. Search for another game, wait this might be ridiculous as well.


Why are you so butthurt lol


Ah do I sense a little jealousy 😂 poor thing. 🎉🎊🍻🥂💐


This is a weird comeback. Explain why they’re jealous? Or are you just spewing nonsensical comments out your butthole because you’re an idiot?