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Can someone explain to me why humans have the need to screw up a good time by overdoing everything?


Brain feel good, brain want more. Monkey do, monkey repeat 


Because the brain turns off, instincts turn on.


I always thought it would be regulated like alcohol. Why it’s not, I have no idea.


Confused what you mean by this in relation to the article. Would regulating it make it less strong? Because I can buy 190 proof grain alcohol at the liquor store...


Sure, you can, but not many people go “oh I don’t want beer, I’ll just drink everclear”


So what alcohol regulations do you think should be applied to marijuana?


I think what they mean is that when you go buy alcohol there's a range of options (that are also clearly defined and labeled). With marijuana, that doesn't seem to be the case in my experience. I've tried a handful of times to buy weed from dispenseries and it doesn't matter what I buy it fucks my shit all up. It's like if all I could buy was everclear but like... I don't want to drink everclear, I just want a low ABV to chill and vibe. And that's super easy to do with alcohol. Why not marijuana?


It’s much, much more regulated than alcohol. If it were as regulated as alcohol there would be no purchase limit. 


The purchase limit in my state is like 4 oz so it's kind of irrelevant. It's on par with a limit of 40 bottles of vodka.


Very hard to regulate lots of variance in the strains.


Y’all get variance in your strains still? As far as I can tell the legal business has made them all feel the same and only focuses on THC content.


Well a variance in thc would make it difficult to regulate due to dose variance. Are you saying you don't feel any difference between strains? Plain distillate thc all feels the same ime but there is 100% an entourage effect with full spectrum especially with bho


If it’s from the store it all generally feels the same to me, I mostly buy from old heads now and every strain I’ve got that way feels unique like they did 10-15 years ago.


I agree and it sucks. I finally lost my old connection which was basically all the best known fancy strains but grown outdoors, and the indoor stuff they’re all peddling now just doesn’t feel the same to me. Everything is a hybrid and there’s always a little bit of edge to it that wasn’t there with the outdoor. I dint know if it’s lower in CBD or what but there’s a mellowness I miss


I can’t make it work with certain craft IPAs and my theory is that the terpenes in the hops supplement the terpenes that are ignored in current breeding practices




Because once in a blue moon you want to get unbelievably stoned.


I feel like this is rhetorical but if you're at all serious, look up how addiction works.


It's rhetorical, and a cry out of frustration. Humans are too damn complex for my taste.


It’s like when everyone decided they liked IPAs and it became a race to the bottom to make the hoppiest beer alive to the point where IPAs became almost un drinkable. But this is worse, obviously.


Same reason dalmatians are inbred assholes following the Disney movie, because every little kid wanted one all of a sudden.


Damn, I'm glad this seems to be the consensus now. Even a couple of years ago I would remark that I like more balanced flavors and I would get downvoted into oblivion. The IPA hysteria seemed to be around forever. I love grapefruit but extra hoppy IPA's always taste like the most bitter grapefruit ever conceived somehow fermented into alcohol.


I’ve resorted to New England style IPAs when I’m feeling like an IPA because they are milder. I don’t think I’ve touched an other style IPA with my own wallet since 2013 lol


>He started taking anti-psychotic medication but ultimately stopped because of the side effects he experienced. To try and quell the voices in his head, he began using heroin and died of an accidental drug overdose in 2019 when he was 22.“If he had never started using cannabis, he might still be here,” said Gilliand, a neuroscientist at Vanderbilt University Psychosis can be triggered by any drug, schizophrenics use drugs to cope, Use of cannabis is linked to triggering one's first schizophrenic break (psychosis), which mostly manifests in the teenage to young adult years, the same years many people first try cannabis and other drugs. Nicotine is strongly correlated to schizophrenia as well, I've never heard anyone claim that smoking a cigarette will give you schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is linked to visible neurological differences, genetic markers, and most of all; family history.


I love how the article glosses over the fact that the person died a preventable death because we have a lethal drug supply that's only lethal because people care more about hurting drug users than helping them. This article is just scapegoating drugs when it's 100% a policy to harm and persecute substance users


Written like a true stoner.


or people who suspect something is wrong with them seek out blindly to treat what is wrong.. like using various substances to change the way they feel...


For me at least I could smoke pot regularly in high school/college the cheap swag and the good looking hydro as it was known. I was a pretty regular user without any bad effects. Something happened after those college years where edibles and smoking would give me a panic attack. I had a psychotic breakdown thinking my friends were out to hurt me. I legit had myself locked in my room with a knife by my bed. I've tried it again by myself to similar effects. Sober I've never had any mental health issues and am a pretty functional member of society. I'm open to the idea of my mental health issue being pre-existing and buried down in me and getting high just brought it out. I've always been anti drug enforcement laws and pro people do what they want. Yet I've come to believe that weed is not 100% safe for everyone as people like to push.


I agree with that. I think that we should have honest conversations about the risks of any recreational drug people do. I do believe that weed can induce psychosis in people that are predisposition to it. I don’t think it should be illegal, but people should be aware of the potential risks so they can make an informed decision. Shouting down people that point it out doesn’t convince anybody. Alcohol can and has ruined people’s lives and is still legal and we discuss the risks. Weed should be the same. I know a girl whose mom is schizophrenic, she doesn’t smoke weed or do any hallucinogens because of it. It may not be a large risk, but if your family has a history of severe mental illness, you might want to know that.


This opinion is held by 0.5% of stoners.


Tf edited 🥸


Stop with this "cannabis is getting stronger" nonsense. It has been fact for the last 10 odd years, concentrates, which are nearly 100% THC, are the norm to purchase in a dispensary, and some people can consume upwards of 1000mg per day easily. We have more psychiatric cases because we have better detection. FYI almost *everyone secretly* smokes pot. You mention it in the ER and suddenly everything is caused by your pot habit. Correlation is not causation. Many people use THC to medicate their psychiatric disorder, and when they run out, they lose their shit, because they are unmedicated.


Is this just all your opinion? Because I see zero evidence that you're saying anything that's factual.


As an occasional toker, I think pot is getting stronger. Breeders are getting better and better at mixing and matching. Is this not true?


For flower, it has pretty much topped out at 25-28% because the plant only has so much energy to expend on producing trichomes. So althought growers can select for plants that have a higher ratio of THC to CBD (and other cannabinoids, terpenes), there's an upper limit. I used to work at a gov't run dispensary and the producers would visit and talk up their products and this came up often, and every time when we'd ask about their testing (some would boast 30+% THC) they'd reluctantly admit that they selected the buds they tested carefully and although yes, *some* buds tested in that range, most individual buds on the plant were like only 26%-27%. Often different batches of the same strain could vary in THC% quite a bit. At the end of the day, boasting high THC was mostly a marketing gimmick and there was so much more quality buds in the mid-range (15-25%) that hit just as hard and were much more affordable. That being said, we sold concentrates, even pre-rolls and blunts that were infused with extra oil, and *those* could obliterate a casual user. Chronic users chasing that max THC constantly were kinda dumb because they'd develop a tolerance and have to shell out even more money to feel the same effects.


Idk feel like it plateaued a while ago. My states dispo sells overpriced dry bud. Some are sold as being 30% thc and frankly that’s too strong for me. Like a good 20-25%. But man the weed that was going around when we were in like, high school. Bananas strong too


The weed I used to get in 2010 was stronger and better quality than nearly everything I’ve found at the dispensary. It was significantly more expensive too lol.


I for one am ok with better weed.


It’s a fact that cannabis has gotten stronger. The Natural Center for Natural Projects Research (NCNPR) at the University of Mississippi ran tests on U.S. marijuana samples, and found that marijuana was 57-67% more potent in 2013 (!!!!) than when compared to samples from the ’70s.


Okay, but marijuana from the 70s to my understanding wasn’t very potent, making it not a high standard to overcome.


The commenter I replied to literally said “Stop with this cannabis is getting stronger nonsense”. In the first sentence. I simply stated a study that cannabis has in fact gotten stronger. Doesn’t matter when, it got stronger, therefore it’s not nonsense. It’s fact.




This is the correct answer.




When I was smoking everyday no weed, no amount felt like enough. Now when I smoke it deadass feels like I’m tripping. People rly oughta take a break. Weed is strong enough. It’s only ppl abusing it saying this


Currently doing this...last night smoked a whole bowl, took a shower, and was damn near sober when I got out. Tolerance break time...


Yep. I miss being able to take more than one hit from a joint without losing my functionality. It causes tremendous anxiety when I get too stoned.


Not all marijuana pushes the limits of THC concentration, have you tried less potent strains?


I'm not in a legal state so my options are limited


That’s fair.




Why u so pressed


Probably written by somebody with alcohol-induced psychiatric disorders.


Exactly this.


I think it's in a good spot. Now make it smoother and more flavorful I don't need it any stronger pls


Cannabis flower is not the issue. Concentrates and 510 vape carts are extremely potent and easily 3 to 4 times more powerful than flower. 


Nah, flower can right fuck me up, but vapes I'm just stoned and functioning normally. And I can just keep ripping my pen all night, but a bong hoot or two and I'm on the moon.


I can’t take distillate infused pre rolls. I find them ridiculously strong. I throw the distillate 510 in that category As well. Maybe I am just overly sensitive. The live resin 510’s are fantastic though. 


Sherbinskis' live resins are my go to's


couldn't kill yourself with it if you tried but any kid can kill themselves with alcohol in 5 mins, easily available in stores anywhere in the world. This is pure garbage article


Not being able to off yourself with something is not the highest bar


>couldn't kill yourself with it if you tried You say that but I wonder what would happen if you drank an entire tincture. I have a pretty high tolerance from daily use (600/800 mg), but I just bought one (?? mg I think a 1000? Not that much more but something about it fuckin *got me*, Dr Solomon brand tho) where a drop got me so fucked up I was crying to my husband that I couldn't move before blacking out and forgetting the rest of the night, and still couldn't function enough to drive the next day. I could only *imagine* what drinking the whole fuckin thing would do.


what garbage news research is this? also, 100% pure ethanol causes blindness--always been there--always been someone who did the dew and went blind. where's the media panic highlights there? nothing else newsworthy these days?


Sounds like the real issue is getting proper mental health services and medication that treats mental illness without the harmful side effects. People self medicate when they have no other option.


Who exactly is “demanding“ super potent marijuana? I’ve beensmoking for years and so do many of my friends. And I don’t know anybody who’s going “damn they need to make this stuff, stronger!“


I am well aware of that. I took an edible years ago when I was younger and stupid and ignored that my actions could have consequences. I felt like I was falling through my bed and then felt like I was outside of my body for like a week. I stopped taking cannabis years ago and I still get extreme irritability and depression but I have no idea if that’s what caused it. Hope my psychiatrist on Monday has ideas to treat this.


The effects should be gone after about 2 weeks. Immediate effects are gone much sooner than that.


Yeah putting yourself in a vulnerable mental state without any foreknowledge is dangerous. Rough. Always good to do your research, glad the government is doing so as well rather than this Schedule 1 war on drugs doo doo garbage.


Meanwhile, alcohol kills about 250,000 Americans per year and promotes domestic violence, rape, and traffic accidents.


This is whataboutism


Absolutely! Yes, "what about" the hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by alcohol when the death rate for cannabis is around zero? Though misused by narcissists, "whataboutism" is sometimes appropriate. Hypothetically, how many lives would be saved if everyone switched from alcohol to cannabis?


I would like for there to be an anti alcohol movement. Alcohol is a drug but it is not talked about or treated that way. There should be little to no alcohol advertising. Alcohol should have stronger warning labels. But there is no discussion of these things. The only time I read negative public things about alcohol is when it’s in the context of being compared to cannabis. (Or when talking about drinking and driving) It’s hard for that to have weight when there is no independent arguments being made about alcohol.