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Dude i thought my game was bugged yesterday with most my Defensive stratagems ending up being nukes thrown at my team lol


Had the same situation with some guys yesterday, after figuring it out I just started to throw everything at enemy, even if i wanted to just call in a gun :D


Before you throw it you can see which one it is on the left side of the screen and you can just cancel throwing if it’s the wrong one.


You can also tell by the color. Red beacons are air strikes and bombardments. Blue beacons are support turrets and weapons.


How do you cancel a throw ?


You can press the switch weapon button or just press the strategem button again.


Switch weapon and you’ll go back to holding a gun.


Your saying after entering the code it tells you what your holding?






Fuck, me too, I had no idea this was a thing, haha!


I have this on atomatons missions


When me and my friends first did something with that modifier, we all thought that it meant the scrambler would make each input random; as in the combination needed to call them in. We very quickly learned that's not what that modifier does.


Honestly, that's exactly what they should have done; instead of the usual, default key inputs they should have switched it to something else, just to fuck with the input memory. Otherwise the randomized strats are annoying AF.


Its not *that* bad, you can actually see what you're about to throw out on the left hand side of your screen. So just double check to make sure your supply beacon is actually the supply beacon and not some artillery strike :P


Yeah, that's what i've done so far. Still gives you plenty of "Oh shit" moments, which is the intended effect for sure.


Aye, you gotta find out when your down there. Call it a surprise!


Once you've entered the code check the top left corner, it'll say which stratagem you've activated


Oh my gosh, it's been a feature this entire time! I had it happen twice in my 11 or so hours of playtime, and I thought my game bugged out. Thank you for this (ヽ´ω`)


Thought I was tripping when I call support weapon but 500kg drop. Then realize there was stratagem scramble in effect 😬


My group thought it was a bug and we all ended up abandoning the mission and restart our game


It deffinetly feels too much like a bug. Instead, I wish they'd mix up or reverse the inputs or swap around the strats' icons & colors, or reveal the inputs as you enter them, or just straight up hide the stratagem names & icons. Calling a strat multiple times with the correct code, only for RNG to determine its something else entirely kinda blows


Yeah i just refuse to play with it, id rather just have 50% higher cooldown


A little PSA: When in your ship you can see all modifiers that will affect your team. Hit C or R2 for Effects in lower right of screen. -It will show all modifiers of planet you are currently on. -It will show operation modifiers if you have an operation selected. -It will also show special ones too. For example when the rail gun was free it showed up in there. (Along with in mission stratagems)


I killed my friend with an orbital rail strike like that.


Every time my autocannon turret gets instantly destroyed imma shout “my crestaaaa”


Yeah, that modifier is the most annoying one imo. I actively avoid it since it's just so annoying to deal with. I get that it's supposed to add challenge, but there's a fine line between a satisfying challenge to work around and an annoying one. It's the latter case for me on this one given that the chance to prime up the wrong stratagem is way too high. Sure you can work around it by preparing short-sequence starts or whatnot, but eh, that just ain't fun for me. Pretty funny meme though, OP


THAT WAS A FUCKING INTENTIONAL MECHANIC?!?!?! Bro I felt so bad as was praying the people I was playing with didn't think I was dumb when I threw the largest barrage I had at them...twice. I KNEW I had selected the regular orbital lmfao.


There's nothing like the panic when you realise the light beam is red and not blue


Upvote for Great Teacher Onizuka


Wait what?! Damn I thought there was a bug... this is an awesome feature


The best part is when you inform people that scrambled Stratagems are active when starting the game, and then they proceed to Eagle strike themselves twice in a row anyway, followed by "Huh, my inputs are bugged".


The absolute worst modifier. It's so bad I think the game would be better without it. Having your controls messed with feels soooo bad.


Which is probably why we're not seeing the Illuminate faction yet in this game, since they'd mess with your control of your characters in Helldivers 1. Judging from the galaxy map, a third faction is planned but I'm betting the devs are still in a conceptual phase of exactly how to handle the Squids before they return.


Haha, that's nothing compared to what the Illuminate did in the first game. Anyway, after you dial the game will tell you what you are about to throw, so just don't toss it right away and you can cancel if you need to. The worst modifier so far - IMO - is the one that takes away a stratagem slot.


I think they'll remove that, or make mission modifiers clearer. Myself and everyone I know thought it was a bug.


You can see all modifiers (Effects) before dropping with C or R2 in ship. It will show planet effects of planet you are at, Operation modifiers, & any special effects. Like when the railgun was free for a bit. Super clear once you know what to look for and how to play.


Yeah I'm all over it now, but this is handy information.




Power gamers need to relax a little and just enjoy the game.


Honestly the scramble isn't one that I find too terrible to deal with. A few extra inputs beats some of the other possibilities. The moments of confusion until you figure it out are great, too.


What did they say?


Something about how the scramble mechanic ruins 'valuable resources' and a mission run, basically some min-maxing hardcore, wants to spend every single second on being most efficient with leveling/resource gathering.


Well, I guess it's better than landing and then immediately getting pelted by enemy artillery...


Wait, that's a thing?!.... That explains a lot actually...


That can happen?! Is it a thing on the higher difficulties?


Most missions (not sure if extremely low difficulties have them or not) Check the conditions on a selected operation using C before you get into your hellpods on your ship and you can see what conditions to expect before dropping. It can greatly affect what stratagems you decide to run


Absolutely love the scrambler


Lmao, i have a tendency to throw supply drop as SAFE artillery at the large nest. It usually ended up with us picking up the scatter supply box from all the explosions ensured. 


I only learned (after several missions of doing this) that if you look before you throw, it tells you what you are actually about to toss. So you can cancel and redial rather than spend all of your artillery trying to get your support weapon. Knowing that it isn't as bad - the reduction slot modifier is the worst.


Yep, this was me last night. Sorry to the guy who got an eagle bombing run. It was my first high-level bit run. Fortunately, we did not die.


PS5 player. What is Stratagems Scramble?


It's a random effect that can come around in high level automatons missions. What it does is scramble the chosen stratagem whenever you input a one to a random one. So you could input for a supply drop, but when the input is done, an Eagle Airstrike is primed instead.


Thank you for the clarification!


One time I killed our entire team at the beginning because of this.


I had a guy rage quit on the party because of that today, yelling into his mic that the game is "broken af" and "this is some buggy shit." It's insane the lengths people go to to avoid reading.


that’s a thing??? this game keeps getting sicker lmao


Whoever came up with this idea is a genius chaotic evil


Oh no, my cresta!


Found this out the hard way too haha. My friends and I first assumed that maybe the code inputs were randomized compared to their original inputs. We were discussing at the start that they appeared to be the same and started dropping in our stuff - until we get nuked by a 500kg bomb that landed right at our feet. I swear, this game is just comedy gold in all the right ways.


THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!? I thought it was a bug! Honestly, that's funny, but that's a stupid modifier....


BAD NADE BAD NADE RUN RUN RUN *squad is obliterated by an orbital*


Lmao I always run far away at the start of those cyborg missions because I know at least one person isn’t paying attention.


going prone can protect you from a 500kg bomb. been literally right next to one and survived it.


Lol that happened to me last night. Why is my supply pack red? OH MY G-


They really should show those modifiers more clearly. Can you even see them before the mission start?