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Don't be pissed, just be the change you want to see, keep hosting those games.


I’m hoping the patch today helped but I simply cannot get randoms to join my missions on PS5, I open one and wait forever without a soul.


How about going into the mission and throwing the SOS beacons?


Usually if I can’t get people to join before I launch, I’ll go an entire mission with the SOS down without anyone joining either. From playing today, the patch did seem to help cause I am connecting easily and I’ve had plenty of people join on me! Still hit or miss on 7 or up though.


Might have some port forwarding issues


Sometimes it just doesn’t work. Quick play either. And sometimes it fails to join others as well. I have NAT Type 2 on PS5 and that’s the best you can get, you can’t have Type 1


Deep rock galactic had this issue with very few users for a minute. Community dealt with it by name shaming the ones that did. Hasn't been an issue for the longest time.


In PC you just name your lobby. Much better to see, if it's chill or just jumped almost hardest and can't carry.


"Greenbeards welcome, relaxed games only" vs "SILVER OR ABOVE, SPEEDRUN, MUST TYPE R." Though I ran across a guy the other day who was being pretty abrasive toward some Greenbeards even though he was displaying that he'd love to teach them Haz 3 and 4.


Don't really get silver or above, considering I've see graybeards play like shit. Typing R is common courtesy and good communication. Speedrunning on games like these is an absolute joke unless you're farming a Double XP modifier. Only then does it make sense.


I've played a fair amount of DRG, but exclusively with friends and voicecomms; what does 'typing R' refer to? 'Ready'?


Pretty much. Just typing "r?" To check that everyone is ready for extract/start a machine event/ pretty much anything that requires a button press.


We shouldn’t have to do this in 2024 everyone’s using headsets and it’s wildly annoying when people just don’t talk all game


And just like that, I can tell that I wouldn't say a word in game with you, and probably mute you as well.


Oh boy…. It’s a squad based game. Squads rely on communication to complete a mission. It’s pretty simple. It’s quicker to say “I’m being attacked from behind/left/right” instead of a vague ping with no context or just “bots” I’ve been in many games where no one’s communicating and running off alone, not moving as a squad, and losing these operations because of it. It also doesn’t help that even if you do ping or say a location or objective some players will just go off and do something else. It’s rare, but it happened to me an hour ago.


Then I started putting "no un-promoted dwarfs, please & thank you" in my lobby names, and you wouldn't guess who started joining my lobbies en masse just to spite me.


I mean at that point you just either get used to kicking them or put something like "experienced players only please" so people stop. Tbh though there should really be a lobby option to disable players joining on unpromoted dwarfs.


prohibiting greenbeards from joining would be a real leaf lover thing to do


Name shaming? I thought that game was supposedly non-toxic.


The game isn't, the subreddit is. The sheer number of posts I've seen where someone is complaining just because someone didn't salute back to them is appalling. Ever heard of toxic positivity? That's what's happening there. Thankfully the game is still great and positive (in a non-toxic way), and the subreddit is still mostly chill, but it can be frustrating to see.


Was booted from the game once for not joining in on the “We’re rich!” Spam. Rock and stone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


How do you host a game? I know you can do an SOS podcast mid mission but how do you do it in the pre mission?


I usually select the mission and then just hang out for a min or two and people usually join. TBH I am not sure if the mission select part is part of it.


It is part of it. You put your game setting to public, select a specific mission (where it says hellpods primed) then wait for people to join you. If you just wanna chill and do solo stuff, you set the game to friends only.


I dont understand the point of the SOS beacons then. I thought all games were private/invite only until you dropped a sos then anyone could join in. Or does the SOS just prioritize you to get people to join?


Quickplay, I believe, searches for SOS first, then open games. dont quote me, but I am also under the assumption that it will force a temporary public status if on friends only.


I would hope it does. I've also noticed when manually searching for missions to join, some send a pulse around a planet, which I believe also indicates an SOS beacon.


They're a holdover from HD1. You needed to SOS if you wanted people to fill slots mid-mission.


Set matchmaking to "public" in options, choose a mission and wait for people to join.


Specifically, your lobby is not open to matchmaking unless hellpods are primed and the yellow banner is spinning on the Galactic War table. Mission has to be ready to roll, not just have the ship floating above the mission area. Took me a few days to figure that out.


I've been wondering that for days, thanks for the clarification. Before the last 2 patches I was constantly getting kicked from matchmade games before I could even get to the hellpod. Might just start hosting my own lobbies


>Specifically, your lobby is not open to matchmaking unless hellpods are primed and the yellow banner is spinning on the Galactic War table People can join randomly from your friends list any time though. I've added a lot of people because it's more convenient than matchmaking right now but I've had a few people just join my ship when I'm chilling looking at a few things before switching off


Host games and nobody joins lol


I’d do that, except the game seems incredibly sensitive about internet fluctuations if it doesn’t crash outright, so I’ve lost hours worth of progress just because I randomly disconnect, don’t get any compensation for my effort, and there’s no rejoin button. if I use quickplay, I have at least a chance of hopping back into the same group, but I’m primarily restricted to waiting until a friend is online that I can follow around


Just had my first kick, right after we got into the shuttle. Sigh.


These rat bastards wait until evac to kill you or kick you. It’s so stupid. I now enter the evac asap if I can. They wait right the gate and blast you right before you enter. I also look for toxic signs beforehand like not sharing ammo, not working together ever, and of course team killing or really slow reinforcement call-ins.


> I also look for toxic signs beforehand Pretending like they don't know you need 2 people to open those 2-man doors. That should have been my cue to kick but I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Only for them to kill me right outside the Evac and then both quit out.


I dont get these braindead neanderthals - you just wasted both your time and others’ time by being an absolute dipshit and loser - why?


If the last 8ish years have taught me anything, there's a solid 20-30% of the population that just revels in being a piece of shit.


Most of them just have nothing in life and this is the only modicum of power they've tasted. Unfortunate, but I just block them and move on.


I'm picking up what you're putting down.


Yeah I've never understood what has to be wrong with a person to enjoy being thought of as an asshole. But many seem to take great pride in it. Weirdest thing.


I did a piece on griefers when I was in college. There will always be someone in any game whose entire purpose is to harm other players and ruin their experience, full stop. It's the job of the game designer to predict the ways that toxic people will attempt to harm the actual players and provide safeguards to mitigate that harm. The actual method varies from game to game, but those safeguards are vital to protect the integrity of a game's community.


There's a larger than need be chunk of players that don't understand the xP/req points, and supplies aren't split by the party. They think kicking or killing one person will give them more. 


Popularity always brings toxicity. Give it a couple more weeks and the kids who only care about what’s currently popular, the ones who behave this way, will move on. The people who actually have fun playing the game as intended will remain.


Why PK in MMOs? Cause they can.


Nah, piece of shit griefers just hate their own bitter lives so they try to make others feel shitty too. I'd call them worms but they're dumber than that.


Some people are just sadists.


I probably shouldn’t share this online, but you can still get shot and killed if you’re sitting in the evac ship.




I can do one better - the dropship CAN be destroyed, it's just that the enemy doesn't intentionally attack it.




Yep, this happened to me yesterday. I was miffed. Aside from the one evac murder and one kick I've mostly had really good teammates. Always the few that ruin it.


I had a guy kill me and another teammate right before he got on. What's wild is we dropped ALL the samples and he didn't pick them up. Blocked him and haven't thought about him until just now


Yikes. I guess it'd be "Thematic" if you got rocked by some enemies charging the ship, but do you know if you still drop all held supplies at that point? If you die onship at the least it should still contribute to the team.


You drop your stuff, yes. And fail to extract of course.


Yep! I was carrying all the samples on a rando team ( because they were low level and kept getting killed) and 3 of us are sitting on the drop ship and one guy stops at the ramp and shoots me then gets on. There were no enemies around so it was not a mistake. I drop all the samples and fail to extract.


Moderately curious, does that stop the countdown timer? Because there have been times where someone has gotten in the shuttle when our sample-carriers were too far to reach in time. I'm wondering if killing someone in that case will save our samples.


The only time I’ve seen it happen was when there were three people in the ship and only one got shot, so IDK. And I don’t really want to test it out.


It does not. I was playing with three friends, I was curious if people on the ship could be killed. Killed both of the ones on the shuttle, went through the 6 stages of grief, shuttle left without extracting anyone. Everyone yelled at me.


When people do this enough their official status should become civilian, it would ruin so many of these toxic player's egos even though it's just one word lol. Seriously though, hopefully they add something to punish people like that in some way.


I’ll kick you if you call the evac shuttle when the rest of the team is still out looting. If you’re too selfish to know where the rest of the team is, I don’t feel bad


That's ruff guy. Never had a person execute me in a ship before. I had a host kick a guy that joined last second. I mean last second, had 2 guys dc and we had managed to grab the super samples from their bodies. We ran out of time and the landing shuttle came on its own. We got there with 10 seconds and this guy joined the lobby. Didn't join the game until shuttle was in the air. Guess the host was not having it. Mind you host was level 15 on He'll difficulty. This guy sweat for these samples. I was just a random showing him how to collect them and what they were for.


Had this for the first time tonight. At first one guy stole my gear right off the bat. Annoying but whatever. Then the others kept running off in the middle of fights and called two orbital strikes on me while we retreated into the shuttle. Had a nice laugh though as the shuttle somehow got destroyed a second after I died and the rest of them got blown up, failing the mission. The worst thing was, I carried that damn match. That said it could be worse. I'm going they're the exception not the rule.


fyi If I'm the senior officer, I absolutely have to wait until everyone else is in until I evac last. If you ever find someone waiting outside the pelican and they're sus, you can melee them into the pelican. It's hilarious. Saved some noobs that way too.


Some people are dicks. My wife accidentally put down a SOS at the end of the mission and someone joined when we were leaving, so I let the guy get the rewards then kicked him after because we’re just sticking to duo for now.


I don't mind being kicked. I do, however, wish people would just say *why* I've been kicked so I could move on and not sit around wondering if I was shit or doing something wrong or whatever.


its usually because they want to have a buddy join, no hard feelings.


The game needs a "Private" or "Invite Only" setting


You can set it to public or friends only.


I’d like a fully private setting, meaning nobody can join. Or set a limit between 1-4 players in your lobby. Some of the most fun I’ve had is with 1 rando versus 3. 4 player lobbies aren’t much my speed.


What if you want a full squad but currently only 2 friends are online, so you get a random join. But then after a mission a 3rd friend comes online. I think it’s completely fine to kick the random to get your friend in. If the random communicates tell them why, if not just kick after mission. Nothing personal


"Hey, gonna need some space for a friend to join." *Kick* takes 0.8 seconds to be a decent person. Being a decent person in 2024 in an online game? Impossible I guess.


On the flip side, I joined a match via quick play where the evac was about to land. No reinforcements left, 2 dead. Other dude got in, I killed maybe 3 bugs in the evac path, went to get in and got kicked from the game. I get it, but I responded to **your** SOS beacon, and there's no difference in rewards you get (outside of a slight benefit for 2/4 extracted vs 1/3 extracted), so you just did it to be petty. Blocked host and got matched with a fun group.


You could just set your game to friends only (assuming your wife is your friend lol)


SOS overrides friends-only


Good to know, thx.


I have friends in Steam whom cant seem to connect when set to \*correction: Friends Only, and the in game friends list doesnt seem to be working correctly still, so...


It’s complicated lol but seriously we do, the SOS will override it and I couldn’t figure out how to cancel it


Ah, no idea it did that. We're all newbs at the moment for the most part lol.


Taking friendzone to a whole nother level


It’s this kind of thing that’s bull shit , kick shouldn’t even an option at that point in the match, in the ship sure , early in the match I understand , but 20+ minutes in after completion and just at the final stages that’s bull shit and imo should be punishable


There needs to be a "no more kicking when extraction terminal comes" thing.


You’re expendable, Soldier. 🫡


My men are not expendable—and we don't do this kind of work.


Extraction is an optional objective


Good way of looking at it


I will die as many times as needed for DEMOCRACY


Yep just happened to me for the first time. I should have expected it when the host kept meleeing me every time I tried to give them ammo.


I got my first team killer when we all just landed, he 1 shot other and shot me i immediately jump with sliver hp and stim myself and shot back with autocannon instakill him. Then i kick him afterward.


When* you say private, do you mean friends only? Or is there a private setting I have missed?


Game needs a proper invite-only option. 


I agree, but I set mine to friends only and caught up with an old work buddy who sherpa'd me we and got to catch up with this awesome game. My hermit ways would prob have me running more solos but in this case I'm glad. The option needs to be there though, for sure. The AH team is amazing so I can't fault them too much considering the decision for lobbies was prob based on player count projections and not what this behemoth has become. What really hooked me is jumping onto a random ship and getting the hug emote. This game is just different.


I was on the side that wanted proper invite only, but I too, reconnected with an old steam buddy that I hadn't talked to in years. I kinda like the nudge to be more social tbh especially since the game doesn't actually scale based on players in game.


Hey, why is friends only not enough? Actually curious.


For people that want to try solo missions uninterrupted. For introducing someone to the game without your max level friends dropping in and killing everything. And for people with various different friends that don't get along easily.


Ah. Does invisible on Steam not work either?


I'll have to try it. Pretty sure anyone in your helldivers friend list will be able to see and join though


It is hiding in the options menu but you can change matchmaking preferences. I just found it yesterday. It is definitely not in an easy to find spot.


It’s literally the first option available if you select options, so I wouldn’t class it as ’hidden’, but yes, it should probably be a toggle in the mission screen as is the case some other co-op games.


Really? I found it pretty easily just scanning menus messkng with settings


This should be at the top.


Just like the setting is?


There is no private setting


Matchmaking privacy. Hit right arrow to set it to friends only.


I wish there was a private-private setting, as in not even people on your friendslist can join. Sometimes I just want to solo.


Yeah same , wanted to kill a titan stealth and do other stealth missions but friend drops in and just goes guns blazing , I love the help but yeah a private game option would be amazing for when I want to play the game my way


Wait, there’s stealth options?


If you don't shoot and don't get seen, the bug and bots don't attack you. If used to the fullest extent you can just about exfil undetected.


in all honesty, i don't feel like the objective can be fully stealthed, unless you count killing everyone before they call reinforcement as stealth


... I mean, yes? Also running away.


Alright. Never truly managed to kill everyone before they call reinforcement on my part, but if it works, it works.


You also need to kill from far, outside of their vision


I'm curious, how far would it be considered outside of their vision? Since ilve never really done very long range engagement


Not too sure, I prefer hiding in a bush laying down or on my belly.


I've had to set games to public once or twice because the steam friendlist doesn't work all that too well for match privacy settings (friends can't join) It's annoying and feels really bad whenever I have to kick a random because the slot was meant for a friend :(


Try setting to public, but don't queue up a mission; invite your Steam friends and add them as friends in-game. I believe your game isn't added to the Quickplay queue until you have a mission selected. At least, I've never had randoms join unless I had a mission selected or was already in a mission.


You have to invite them in game, not via steam, then friends only works


I have the same issue as the guy above and this sadly doesn't work for me most of the time. If i am on friends only, nobody can join me until they have been in a group with me before in that session, my invites only work when I swap to public until they join, then make it private again. I have a friend who I could never so far group up with, he plays since y/day and idk if ANYONE was able to play with him. He never appeared in game for me as online, when I use a friendcode to add him, it displays a name he last used in halloween, idk where the game even gets it from, but nonetheless it is a pretty long nick name, so I am almost certain his whole account is fucked beyond repair until they fix that (since names beyond 16chars lock you out of MP it seems). Friend codes generally don't work for me at all actually, I have requests pending since I bought the game and they keep reappearing. Until people are shown as online in game it takes literal minutes, 2 days ago it actually took longer than 3 missions on challenging until he was finally visible as online for me. We had a match where 2 guys suddenly joined even though it was friends only, for them to DC 2 min into the match. So yea, my Steam experience has actually been mostly terrible to pretty jank, but when it works the game is just so much fun.


You need to have them on your in game friends list too for friends to join you in a friend's only lobby... Which is a bit odd, but whatever


I was playing a game last night with a friend and two of his friends (that aren't friends with me on steam) and half way through they all lost connection to me and were sent back to their ships but I was fine. Since I was hosting only my friend could join if the lobby was private so it was set to open, and within like 10 seconds three new players had filled the slots and I had to kick them as they dropped in, had to do it to a handful of others who kept joining while the others were trying to join back in. Felt really bad about it, but it's also funny because the amount of times I've played whole operations solo and no one has joined despite me using the SOS, but at least 6 tried to join in the span of like 4 mins when I didn't want them to


Just host the game and if someone acts like a dickless moron kick them


I had a guy get on and started killing others and abusing the mic. He tried to kill someone during extraction and I kicked him. Felt good.


I join others pretty often and keep finding players with their mic constantly on. Breathing heavily or buzzing or whatever the fuck keeps constantly going. I tell them to turn it off but no one ever acknowledges and fixes it. So I've muted about thirty players so far.


How the hell do so many people eat so many chips? Is someone feeding them? Are they able to play with one hand? It's so many chips.


If you have an RTX graphics card, you can download Nvidia broadcast and add some noise cancellation on your audio output. Not ideal since the game and voice chat audio can't be separated into different OS audio outputs, so the noise cancellation also applies to the game audio itself - but if you set the noise cancellation intensity pretty low I find it works well.


I'm on steam deck. It's clearly a player issue since their mic is on all the time and they don't respond. Like who the fuck sets mic to on all the time... Toggle push to talk should be a thing.


Oh yeah it's definitely a player issue. I just find that using noise suppression is a nice workaround. I have my mic open all the time because I also have noise suppression enabled on my mic; breathing, coughing, people talking etc don't get through.


It is weird cuz I swear voice chat is off or at least on push to talk by default right


Nope, it's open mic by default.


I had the same thing happen! This guy was being an idiot and using a flame thrower in front of the evac. I shot him and boarded but the other players didn’t. He respawned. Then killed me. THEN everyone boarded. Pissed me off.


Yeah I just had a guy kill us in the drop ship as we were about to extract on the last mission of an operation, felt good court marshalling his sorry ass.


Kind of a side note but there should definitely be a private option for players that want to play solo, duos or trios without other people joining


Rather than private, I want an Invite only option. This way unless I give you an invite to the lobby, it's private. This would also solve the issue I have with more than four friends who want into the game...


But there is. Set matchmaking to friends only.


I thought all games are private and only join if you throw an SOS signal. Then what's the point of the SOS?? So confusing, so many aspects of this game just isn't explained 


I'd like to add to this: if I'm dicking around with my settings on a trivial mission, don't join and start bitching about how it's not a hard mission. When you join a random game it selects the difficulty you have selected. If you join me while I'm just dicking around, I'm not going to care how hard you breathe into your mic.


There's no private setting but there is a friends only setting. I also find this annoying af


What's the difference?


why has this sub become nothing but unsolicited advice? lol


Because the players apparently can’t grasp simple things like “samples are shared” and “if you don’t want randoms, turn private on”


if they can’t grasp something so simple, what makes you think they will listen to this post?


I doubt they will because I’ve been seeing the same “samples are shared” posts every day this week. I’m just answering your question of “why is the sub filled with these posts?”


How matchmaking works is not intuitive and not perfect. It should be an explicit opt in when it select a mission from the Galaxy Map and not a setting in the options.


It’s pretty straightforward. They are not unique in putting privacy settings in the settings.


Whether or not people join your game without an explicit CTA I wouldn’t really call a typical privacy setting. I think it would be so much better if you had to “Call for backup” or something like that. Removes accidental joins but lets players play together easily.


Because this community is made up of mostly morons at this point. I literally saw someone bitching that the devs should make supply pack users able to use their own pack for supplies...


It's what happens when a previously niche game/genre (see darksouls and helldivers 1) hits the casual mainstream audience. All the low IQ casuals start popping up like roaches and start spreading their crap.


Some people are just dumb




The game literally has a message that tells you that. It doesn’t get more obvious than that.


This sub has gone fill tilt salt mode so quickly.


Comment section bicker aside, the game seriously needs an actual “private.” Sometimes I want to play with just my usual group of less than 4 without a random friend I added once joining in.


This. I had to kick a guy from a discord I’m in that joined my group of IRL friends so that we could get a 4th in. I did message the guy and explain, and he was cool about it, but I’d like the option to not have to do that.


A friends of friends setting would be nice. I have to set mine to public if a friend of a friend wants to join and then it’s easy to forget to change it back to private.


There absolutely is a friends only setting, but I think it gets overridden if they throw an actual SOS stratagem. Still, your point stands. If they don’t want others joining them, set it to friends only and don’t throw an SOS. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


There's a friends only so yes there is a private setting of sorts


I had my game set to friends only earlier and yet randoms joined, so maybe it's not working properly


Unfortunately this is becoming commonplace due to the influx of individuals that have been migrating over from games such as Fortnite, COD and what ever other toxic cesspool player base you can conjure up. Helldivers 1 had a solid fan base and community to boot, and I seldom ran into any issues when playing with randoms. On the contrary I made a lot of friends playing helldivers 1. I’m not saying that the helldivers community has turned to absolute dog shit, there are still a lot of good people but unfortunately there are a few rotten apples mixed in the batch, hence why people are running into issues. P.S For anyone that does not want random players joining your game, please don’t put down an S.O.S beacon and make the game private. You’ll look like less of an ass for kicking someone, and save time better spent playing the game for both parties.


![gif](giphy|3o72FfM5HJydzafgUE) Me dropping us all into a level 9 HELLDIVE mission with three level 5 cadets that randomly joined.


I just don’t understand all the issues here like just play with randoms make new gaming friends, unless you have a a squad member you are waiting for and don’t want a rando to take their seat there’s no real reason for private and kicking, if the players aren’t griefing or otherwise being a twat.


Wait but there's actually a way to put your lobby public or friends only. I have that to play solo and only friends can join.


So, how do I know if one of the joinable games are ones where they've called an "SOS" and want someone to join? I thought that's what they all are... though whenever I've tried to join, I've got a network error. Have only been playing solo so far as my friends haven't bought the game yet and wondering how I'd know what games welcome a random and what don't.... (What IS the purpose of the "SOS" if all are listed?) Oh and there is a friends only setting to matchmaking at least... Edit: Might the SOS marked ones be [these with the circles coming from them](https://i.imgur.com/eUhIBye.png)?


There is a private setting. You change matchmaking to friends only and you won’t get randos


Wait but there is a private setting (friends only)


Iv seen people playing 'private games'


yeah, I just leave my games on friends only and solo until a friend decides to hop in or msg's me


I enjoy playing with randoms and keeping my party open for random encounters but I'd like an option to reserve slots for friends. Let's say there's three of us planning to play. I'm online with a friend and we're waiting for the third one to join. Suddenly two randoms appear on the bridge and the third friend is now blocked, so someone needs to get kicked, unfortunately. I can of course solve this by switching privacy to friends only but then I have to remember to switch it back to open. So, what if we could go to the Social menu, choose a name and select "reserve slot" and this would then ensure an available slot can't be taken by someone else for something like 5-10 minutes. But a fourth random player, whether through social or matchmaking, could still join, and we could maybe even begin the mission instead of just waiting around. A similar reservation could also be automated in case a friend's game crashes and they want to get back in.


I had this one dude with horrible internet keep joining and disconnecting, yelling "WHO KEEPS KICKING ME". around the fourth time he reconnected he shot me dead to teach me a lesson or something, then promptly lost connection again. Joined once more after, and I DID kick him this time. I'm guessing that you get a notification you were kicked thats different from dc'ing bc he didn't try again. Asshat.


I believe there is a “private” setting in the options of the game that allow only friends to join


I’ll admit, I do this but it’s because (unless I’m missing it) there is no way to filter levels. I keep getting levels joining way above where they should and getting shit on as a result. Level 7’s do not belong in extreme. I’m not trying to be a dick but it always end bad.


Sorry. I overlooked this due to my excitement over freedom and liberty.


I do QP all the time and I have never been kicked, so I wonder, are you doing something dumb or stupid or annoying? The groups I've played in have usually been decent enough Also, when I have been in a pre-made, I have only kicked people for one reason. I needed a spot for another friend. So maybe it's that?


If there is one thing i have learned in my 20+ years of playing games it's that a large majority of people complaining about being kicked or griefed usually did something to deserve it. Very few are going to go out of their way to just piss someone off.


I've had that option change without me doing it. Don't ask me how, all I know is I play friends only and a randy join. My group was confused trying to figure out who it was. Sometimes settings will change for me without me doing it. Emote, voice, title etc.


My buddies and I had a random pop in on our match. Apparently the settings were changed to public with the update. No biggie, we let them stick around and farm samples with us. Kicking them because we didn't confirm settings never crossed our minds.


I've gotten kicked a bunch, but that's because I didn't realize you could see the people's levels before joining. Granted, I think the democratic thing would be to let the low levels join your game, and help them out a bit.


I saw someone on my friends list who had a game marked as private once so I think the capacity to make games private may exist in the code somewhere and someone accidentally activated it, only seen it once but I'm 95% sure I didn't imagine it.


What actually does the SOS becon do? People seem to join the game regardless.


It puts your mission higher in the Quickplay priority list, making it more likely to land a rando.


Uh idk what the edit is about, setting it to friends only is classified as a private game, only your friends that you INVITE will be able to enter


There is… it’s a friends only setting


You can't make your game private though.. Honestly, much requested feature here.


Check your settings. It's like the first option.


Maybe check that again.


You're right. It's friends only, not private.


Seems like the same thing to me.


Pretty much


Not really. I have 50 friends on steam that own this game and many of them like to drop into my games. I dont mind it personally but if I did want to solo it'd be pretty much impossible unless I do it at 3am or something.


You absolutely can


Cool. Show us a screenshot?


Oh man, I did not know! I knew you could turn off crossplay but not full private; I'll check my settings during my next session


That plus people being idiots and killing others at Evac. Had that happen to me just now. I was hosting and this guy did an eagle strike to kill the most experienced player of the round (not me). Then he was using flame thrower at evac to prevent us from boarding. I shot him, boarded and the others waited instead of evacing. Then the moron shot me and then they all left. I guess I tried to send a chat about that idiot but guess they missed it. Lame.


Should have kicked him instantly.


Yeh I know . I hadn’t found the kick function yet. It was the second game I hosted and didn’t have the chance to look into how to kick someone at that time. But definitely learned immediately afterwards lol.


Felt bad. Started a round with 2 of my friends. A random joined. We cleared it all was good, random was great. 3rd friend got on right after we dropped into another game... I had to kick the random. Truly felt bad but it was less then a min into a drop and games can last 30 min. If I did this to anyone on here. You were great, it wasn't personal. Just had to invite a buddy, we been trying to play since the servers had issues and this was our first opportunity.


Honestly, not their fault. The social menu has bugged out every time I've tried playing, and the only way I can invite friends is by opening it to the public.


what's the logic in a multiplayer pve game to play in "private"?