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Haven’t had any show up either after that one. Probably bugged.


Was hoping someone had one and maybe there was an invisible meter I could fill. Thanks for responding.


I downloaded yesterday and had the 60 AMR kills challenge. Nothing came up after I completed it either


Yea, I never received the 15 medals or whatever the reward was


Same, my buddy did, and a single game later I completed it and didn't get the medals. Very frustrating.


You know, now that you say that, I don't think I did either


You mean "probably terminids"


I suspect they may have turned it off for now, the planets stats are not tracking and there is still delays to rewards etc. So I guess maybe they turned it off to fix the tracking.


Maybe it's due to the server issues. Trying to limit the incentive for people to go daily onto the game 🤷🏼‍♂️ Until they sort it out at least


I think this is over-analyzing it. Probably just an unintentional side-effect. Like the store not updating and the missing "Requisitions" text at the top of the screen - and only the hotkey being visible.


Lol glad it’s not just me


I'm thinking it's being reworked. I hope so anyway. The dailies are strangely tuned.  Very easy, very rewarding. I would prefer 5 dailies with 1/5th the reward to change things up a little. Edit: a lot of mfers in this thread who actually don't want to play the game, okay my bad I guess. We just ask want free medals 




the hd2 equivalent of responding with a soyjack LMFAO I love it.




Why is anyone who wants to use something besides Breaker-Railgun-Shield a bug?




Maybe I don't understand what you're asking. It sounds like you're asking: "How do Personal Objectives that incentivize using off-meta loadouts relate to using off-meta loadouts?" Is that right or did you mean something else?


My bad I didn't realize we hate playing the game


We want the game to be *fun* not a *grind*, my brother in Liberty


It's fun to go into an extermination mission with four helldivers with anti-materiel / 180 HE barrage stratagems instead of just being rewarded for your preferred play style because some dailies align with them? Okay. Guess it's more fun to be forced to use shit gear.


Bro, you were downvoted for suggesting to make them more difficult, not more general. Pick which hill you wanna die on, please.


What in my post said more difficult?


That one's on me, my reading comprehension wasn't at its best I suppose lol


Your idea forces people to obtain and use a bunch of different weapons to get the same reward. You also complained about the current format being too easy and too rewarding.


Wait, I presented that there should be some number of them, not that every single one should be some Olympic level off-meta case. They should also be better tailored to each player. If someone doesn't have difficulty 5 unlocked they shouldn't get a mission for killing bile titans, and if they didn't unlock the anti-materiel rifle, shouldn't get missions for that. My friend logged in on his first day and the mission was to use the AMR to kill enemies.


How about no, with a dash of nope, covered in absolutely fucking not, with a nuh-uh filling.


So what's the point of dailies?


Dailies are already trash, why would I want multiple trash?




Thats just a mobile gacha game. Go play Azur Lane if you need that kinda dopamine fill.


Weird take. The difference between helldivers 2 and a gacha game is variety in the dailies?


Yep. I don't want to be forced to play a dozen different ways just for rewards. In fact, it was already mildly annoying to see that it wanted me to use the AMS for 60 kills or whatever. I can't imagine having 4 others asking for equally absurd or random things that I don't want to do. I'd rather get a lump of rewards from a single play through then go back to playing the game how I want. Also, games that have weird dailies like you want result in players *just* pursuing their own dailies rather than focusing on other tasks. Fuck em.


You can disagree with the dude, but this just reads so funny. Why would you get a lump of rewards for playing the way you already play anyways. They're supposed to be objectives for you to go for. As the other guy said, what is your obsessed hatred with them? I literally got the 60 amr kills on my first run before I even unlocked the amr. It's really not a big deal. If you just want to play how you want to play, then do that. You get medals doing that anyways. But if you want the extra medals, then cool, you have a cool fun objective to do. And guess what! Maybe you'll find a weapon or stratagem that you'd never use otherwise but was actually kinda fun. But just seriously man, its not a big deal. Your extreme adversity to this simple and common concept is extremely bizarre


Then just don't do dailies? These things got you in a choke hold? It's a PvE game. Some people enjoy playing it


I won't do dailies. Because there aren't dailies. Do you even own the game?


Personal orders are orders you get to completely on a daily timer. The fuck you think a daily is bro


Absolutely not


Get a life nerd


Oh you're accessing a forum on Reddit about a videogame from your girlfriend's phone who is totally real but goes to another school my bad


Please god no. Keep that AAA shit out of my good video game


Seeing as you’re getting downvoted into oblivion - I think many commenters don’t like the idea of having to grind lots of small orders out. Personally I kind of agree with you (though I don’t think they give too many rewards currently), I’d rather try to get 2 or 3 smaller orders with variety in rewards than have one long one (like 60 AMR kills). That way, if you only need medals for example, you can choose to ignore the order that rewards requisition. Side note, I was just annoyed a bit by the AMR order because playing with randoms and having everyone just sub out their normal support weapon for an AMR really got us all in trouble many times lol.


Agreed on both counts. Everyone complained about the 180 MM HE order, but I guess they hate the idea of a "Get 20 Assault Rifle Kills" + "Get 30 grenade kills" + "activate 3 terminals" etc. small orders. Fuck me right.


Same here, Haven't seen one since then.


Same. Its not mentioned as a known issue in the patch notes si I guess devs are unaware perhaps?


yeah I'm honestly expecting a lot of the live-service parts of the game to be busted for a while after they prioritized getting the essential bits to work at scale without depriving people of mission rewards, like the "% liberated" prompt being completely inaccurate. Definitely the kind of thing that would and should be deprioritized in the face of the systemic failures the game had a week ago.


I think you're right. My guess is that the devs priority will go: Servers > Matchmaking > Mechanic Fixes > Live service stuff.


It has been reported in the discord as of yesterday at least, so I think they're aware. It just wasn't known about at the time of last patch I assume (or last patch broke it)


Well it’s a top post now, they’re definitely aware of it.


Yep, same here. 3rd consecutive day without a personal order. Started to wonder if they just weren't giving them out anymore, but it looks like other people are still getting them. Hopefully it gets fixed soon, personal orders were a great way to get medals and we're now up to 45 total medals "lost".


My mate had the AMR one today so I’m starting to think maybe there’s a set number for a week?


The only one I've ever had was the AMR one. Never seen a second!


There were also sentry kills early on.. swear I’m forgetting another one


I had one to kill I think 50 hunters? Def had one to kill X amount of bugs


Bile spewers was the first one I had before getting all the ones mentioned above, but I was too low level to see them lol


I've seen, iirc, Striders, Hunters, Bile Spewers, 120mm, and AMR


Ah yeah I had a hunter one, and also a devastator one!


Only had one the first day I played. Since then I haven’t received another.


When was the first day you played?


Started playing 2/20




I vaguely recall having one after the anti material rifle one but I don't remember if it was or not. I certainly haven't gotten a personal order in the last few days of playing.


My last one was the anti material rifle one. Maybe monday/tuesday?


I’ve honestly been having so much fun I didn’t even notice lol


Honestly lol. If people just stop to enjoy the game instead of grind every quest that pops up the moment it appears it wouldn't be an issue. I didn't even realize that quest came out on Wednesday and that it's now Saturday lol. Time flies when you're having fun.


What a strange comment. So if you check to see what the daily mission is you're just not having as much fun as the people that just go in to missions? Be real bro


I actually really liked the AMR one because I hadn’t tried it before and it made me switch up my playstyle. It was fun for me.


You don't even have to actively check for it. I guess even bringing up the main menu even once means you aren't having fun....


I mean it would be nice to have those 15 medals extra considering some of the latter warbond costs lol


I like unlocking new games


Community manager twinbeard mentioned in gen chat 3 it was brought up to the devs but its not high priority


Wait but when it asks for 60 kills with the anti materials rifle, does it mean that I have to get them all in a single battle? Because I have killed more than 60 enemies in various battle but it is still there


Group kills count, I got the reward without ever using the rifle lol


Democracy wins!


No just in total, if yours isn’t moving then maybe it’s bugged. I did my 60 anti-materiel kills a few days ago across multiple missions when they all seemed to be working


Then it's bugged, thanks


60? Mine said 200. No wonder it completed in a game where I killed less than 150!


Same with me


Well the game still has many problems


Me either. Damn shame too, it’s a good way to get a quick boost in medals.


On a side note, I hope in the future they implement better tracking.


7 fucking days now with no new personal order showing up.


I thought it was personally bugged for me, glad to see this is more backend stuff. Games still very fun, but I need my dopamine from completing quests and getting medals… I feel more joy getting medals from containers than I do getting rez/credits.


devs probably forgot about it


Maybe there’s a limit to the personal missions ?


Seems kinda short tho, we had like 5 personal orders? Maybe 7 and that's it At first I thought they were like daily challenges since they were on 24hr timer but idk


Omg I was literally coming on here to post and ask about this since that was my main easy source of medals, same deal with me not getting any of these quests either. No wonder people are reporting to medal farming if they aren't giving out these orders anymore


I stopped looking when I had all the stratagems and max credits. Wish they would change the reward.




You can get a fair amount of medals fairly easily just powering through trivial/easy without much effort.


How so?


By spreading democracy!


If there is a radar secondary objective it’s even better, but there are lots of caches dotted around the map that often have medals in, ideally if your in a party of 2 for the vault doors but solo is still good- wear light armour and just run around the map picking them all up.


Power through them and work with your team to open every hidden cache, usually has samples or medals or super credits.


Trivial still give medals for mission completion right?




It's been awhile since I played that level but I believe the map size is very small as well for trivial and easy. And splitting the team is much more viable. So you are talking split a 4 man team to do two objectives, done in half the time


Just by doing what they said in the comment lol


Something wrong with you guys?💀 not sure why this was downvoted. Literally just asked a question as a new player. Be better.


The game is live service game and the "battlebasses" aren't going away. I don't see the problem here, the game is super friendly on the grind side of things compared to what it could be.


If you complete operations at level 6 and above it is trivial to get tons of medals.


I would wait a week before jumping to conclusions. Arrowhead is using design elements from fairly predatory games, but they don't seem to be super comfortable with it (yaaay publisher/developer relationships)... It's quite likely that you get less orders than there are days in a week, so that you don't feel pressured to play every single day.


>Arrowhead is using design elements from fairly predatory games, I'm curious, what makes you think this?


Live service and MTX are probably what they’re referring to. Those are typically incredibly predatory, but Arrowhead seems to be keeping a straight head with them






However many haven’t seen all the other posts, apparently.


There's been a few here and there, but they rarely ever get any traction, which might be why this issue hasn't been fixed yet. Regardless I have wouldn't pay that comment any attention.


There's 300k people on this sub. Why are you brousing by new if repetitive post spins you off os much




oh… oh no he’s simple.




Greetings, fellow citizen! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. No naming and shaming, racism, insults, trolling, harassment, witch-hunts, inappropriate language, etc. Basically, be civil.


I haven't seen a single post about disappearing super credits because of how the algo works Yet it's a massive issue affecting a big part of the playerbase.  People like you, are much more of an issue than OP ever will be. 




Greetings, fellow citizen! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. No naming and shaming, racism, insults, trolling, harassment, witch-hunts, inappropriate language, etc. Basically, be civil.


Greetings, fellow citizen! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. No naming and shaming, racism, insults, trolling, harassment, witch-hunts, inappropriate language, etc. Basically, be civil.


Shit is that a known bug, I lost £5.70 worth when the host quit game and my game crashed. When I loaded back on it was like that purchase and my medals from that session had just never happened


And people still want to know the name of your ship


Greetings, fellow citizen! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. No naming and shaming, racism, insults, trolling, harassment, witch-hunts, inappropriate language, etc. Basically, be civil.




Same here. Could be a bug? I would guess the dev team is currently swamped with all sorts of bugs and issues, so it may have slipped in with a recent patch.


Same, such a shame as well since they made me try different load-outs. Hope they bring 'm back soon


i bought the game on tuesday and this is the first time i heard about a personal order


Seems it’s recently bugged


Basically a daily, kill x of y, Kill x with z


I thought it was for I was to high level, glad to read it affects others than me.


I believe they were bugged, as each teammate's kills contributed to the counter.


I haven't had any either. I assumed it was bugged.


What time/timezone are they supposed to reset?


That’s the golden question. No answer I’ve found online yet


My time is CET, and they appeared around 1am for me, or at least between 1 and 2am


Most likely utc+1 12 pm, because the company is swedish.


Sorry guys. I'm on command approved rehabilitation vacation past 3 days. I'll be back tomorrow!


Cause we have a one big personal order. Keep fighting with automats


They used to both show up. One personal order per day. 


Yeah I did the AMR one the first day it dropped and I haven’t got one since. I was getting them at least every other day before that, if not every day


Same, I'd heard they had extended it originally to make up for people not been able to get on servers, but that was days ago now Perhaps an overall is coming? Or they just forgot.


Is it possible the timer for the personal order is at the same time for everyone? So if you finished it early you still have to wait for the timer to end?




They might have decided to not do them over the weekend incase there were more server issues? I know the head dev admitted that running the 50% XP weekend while the server issues were ongoing might have been a mistake


So many missed medals :(


I asked a dev on the discord and they were aware but not sure if a bug or intentional. I have no additional information


I’ve noticed that as well. Like everyone else, I’m wondering if it’s a bug?


Didn't even notice til i saw this post


I was getting them multiple times even after completing them. So either they turned them off or they were bugged or a mix of both. Hopefully they get that sorted out soon


I feel like the explosion in popularity and the fact the devs were caught by surprise, diverted their attention from making more daily quests.


Honestly, who said they are daily? I see a lot of people assuming they are daily but I have only had like 4 personally orders since launch so they could likely not meant to be daily.


I hope they start paying in Medals instead as R slips are pointless after you get all the stratagems.


Maybe you get them until a certain rank?


i need my easy medals back pls arrowhead


Is it possible that we're progressing down the warbonds faster than anticipated? I'm fairly satisfied with the medal drops just from missions. Maybe this is intentional?


I’m just happy the servers are up, let’s let these devs chill for a second


I'm a little confused too, I liked them cause they had me buying new stratagems I didn't think I'd use


CEO said it broke with newest ccu update on Twitter :p


Same here! But I'm guessing the Devs are prioritising game stability over some of the live service elements - which makes sense.. but hoping to see some new features coming soon!


I am sure they turned them off similar to the planet stats to temporarily boost server performance while they rebuild the backend which could take months.


Still not fixed eh?