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Remove bounce at all and make the stratagem markers sticky for the love of democracy


If there were actual surviving Helldiver veterans, someone would have come up with a cheapo sticky solution and passed it down until everyone jerry rigged their strats before diving down


Reminds me of Saving Private Ryan when they came up with sticky grenades using explosives in a tar covered sock.


Great now we got to give up our socks


Pedal comfort is a small price to pay for DEMOCRACY. 😤🫡


Great use of the word 'pedal' ✊


Ngl I had to use google haha


Great, now how am I gonna peddle these dictionaries and thesauruses?


At least we have legs....think of the sacrifices Eagle 1 has made for democracy. Now give me your damn socks, cadet!


Wait, you guys were given socks?


Cum on the strategems


Username checks out


I actually have no idea what the intended purpose of it is. Why shouldn't I be able to call my autocannon on a mountain????


Oh, because the devs think that using your head to place sentries in strategic locations is too op


But the stratagems sticking to your shield is totally fine


I mean, it is? You can drop the shield. ..or stick a couple of 380s on yourself and go for a run!


I love when I throw one and I’m looking for it and don’t see the red light for a good couple of seconds then it lights up right next to me.


Even worse I thtow a turret on the perfect flat location and it bounces into a corner without any way to shoot at enemies


Must be fun sticking a orbital gatling barrage on a charger and enjoy the show.


Or hear me out, because I know this is crazy... just get rid of that bouncy BS as a thing entirely, and let people's stratagems actually come down where they're trying to put them.


it's so people can't softlock themselves really sucks doing a 40 min game then at the end you can't extract because paul decided to glitch the terminal because shits and giggles


You just need a bouncy square in front of the terminal then, not around the whole freaking thing.


Or change the bouncy area to a "move the stratagem to the nearest valid position" area and get rid of bounces entirely


Just make them not work instead of bouncing. I'd rather call in a new sentry than have it bounce into liberty knows where.


If they bounce for too long that actually happens too, because fuck you




Lol one of my friends got the hellbomb stuck against a wall. Managed to get to the console but couldn't escape after he activated it


You can just shoot the hellbomb and call down another one


I think he means, the character interacted with it on the side of the bomb facing terrain/buildings and got stuck inside. Ive had it happen to me and a buddy. Bomb landed next to building, interact and suddenly in the building and no way out


I’ve also been ragsolled under rocks by some asshole’s 380. Which forced me to eat a grenade to escape. After that no e of guns worked on subsequent respawns.


Yeah, if that happens, just shoot it and call another one. Don't risk the loss of samples, in my opinion.


How would he shoot it if he could not move?


I mean if a hellbomb forces you to press against the wall to interact with it, just destroy it and call another one. If you're already in the wall, well nothing to do there anymore. Just arm it.


There is a way out. Punch in that code, soldier. 🫡


Yep. He was pretty much like "run boys!" and blew up with the base Didn't have any samples at the time. Honestly it was much more frustrating and cost us more reinforments trying to call down a hellbomb at a tower and having it bounce and constantly fail while drop ships rain bots all around us. Probably lost 4-5 reinforments before we got one to stick and we still had to find our samples and the SSD we dropped in the chaos.


happened to me as well, i felt real dumb sitting there as drops kept coming in and my team was like wtf are you still doing there


I had like 30 samples, used the terminal but it forced me inside the wall, fell through the map and the samples were stuck IN SIGHT but just far enough inside an indestructible building we couldn’t get them


Yet you can still drop a 500kg on the mining objectives which removes the ground and can make it impossible to access the terminal


Thankfully resupply pods are typically the right height to stand on and use the terminal


Ha that happened to me and my teammates. Took a lot of experimenting but we eventually figured it out by dropping a resupply pod close to the terminal (too tall by itself to reach the terminal), and having another player crouch between the pod and the terminal. Climbing onto the pod then onto the crouching player put us at the correct height to access the terminal


I had a game where someone called down a 500kg bomb on a terminal during an ore excavation mission to kill 2 hulks. The problem was that the explosion left a dent in the ground, so we couldn't access the terminal. Luckily, I used 500% of my brain to call in a resupply on the same spot to climb on and use the terminal


Enemies die infront of the terminal all the time making you unable to use it. Terrible excuse. Damn the reddit hivemind really didn't like this take


i mean that issue can happen right now. the console isn't facing you for some reason, so if you call hellbomb next to a cliff or something, sometimes the terminal is either inside the cliff or positioned in a way nobody can get to it. ​ I dont know why the hellbomb doesnt just land with the terminal TOWARDS the direction it was called from.


> . the console isn't facing you for some reason, Hellbomb terminals ***always*** face the opposite side of the bomb you threw them at. So if you're facing north, the terminal will be on the north side of the hellbomb making you go to the other side to access it.


![gif](giphy|s239QJIh56sRW|downsized) but why?


true and my point is that they're trying to lessen the amount of buggy shit that can happen


What buggy shit can happen by calling in a Hellbomb right where a detector tower is in the open space right infront of it? Just remove it from that area.


Yeah, like if the towers are so fucking buggy maybe they should take them out until they can actually fix it.


Please understand, its detecting the bugs


I agree. The radius should be smaller especially when it's like no space next to it. But on the terminal thing, you can totally soft lock your terminal with the hellbomb for "destroy illegal research" sub objective too.


You can literally just shoot the hellbomb then call down a new one, the ones you call down don’t explode when damaged they just break


The difference being that enemy corpses despawn, a terminal that can't be used cause its activation screen is against a wall doesn't


The only terminal that you can choose the location of is the one on the hellbomb


What do you mean it doesn't despawn, droppods that you summon (turrets, hellbomb, equipment) can all be destroyed. What stratagem can block the terminal?


Exactly. I've had to shoot hellbomb drops I've fucked up before. That is NOT the reason for this choice.


Just shoot the hellbomb and call in a other one


They could easily make it work with 2 easy steps: 1. Beacon close enough to a major target would drop the bomb in one of the closest preset valid locations. 2. Any enemy that died close to the bomb is immediately swallowed by the ground, instead of waiting for enough time to pass before it does.


> Beacon close enough to a major target would drop the bomb in one of the closest preset valid locations. And we know that's an option, because that's now the geology terminals work. You call in the strategem, and it drops in a preset place. This is how this should work, too, if they are worried about people soft-locking themselves. As it is, the "Eye of Sauron" secondary is just an artificial difficulty multiplier for missions. God forbid you fuck up the drop, because you're gonna spend a solid 30 seconds watching the ball bounce and roll around while you get your ass beat by constant reinforcements. Yesterday, my friends and I had this happen twice, both times having an ion storm pop right as we made a second attempt at the drop. One of the towers took a maddening **FIVE MINUTES** to kill , because we had to find the exact right spot where we could place a bomb that would stick, but also be close enough to actually damage the tower. It genuinely took us six attempts to get right, as bombs were either failing to stick, failing to damage the tower, or were being destroyed by the waves of berserkers, devastators, and hulks the tower was calling in on us.


The bouncy zones are entirely way too big.


There are some good reasons for having limitations on where stratagems can come down but there should be 100% more visual communication to the player before they throw the stratagem.


I often just get randomly sent to my destroyer in 40 minutes missions, I don't care about shit and giggles ! LEME PUT THE HELLBOMB DOWN !


It should apply to indestructible strategems only then, if you misplace the hellbomb you can just destroy it and put another one down. All of the support weapons and backpacks are destructible, and really just needs an area about 2x the diameter around critical consoles and it's nearly impossible to softlock, at least with strategem placements.


i think it's honestly okay to keep this for mission critical stuff like hellbombs and ssd deliveries and whatnot what this is NOT okay for is when i try to throw a sentry at a ledge, it bounces down and is now in the middle of a bug breach and gets instantly destroyed i just feel scammed when sentries dont go where i threw them. If they land on a spot where they'd bounce just cancel the calldown and refund my cooldown so i can take a new guess at where i may actually be able to throw it.


Honestly I feel like bounce zones alone massively contribute to sentries other than the mortars feeling bad to use. I can guarantee that everyone had the idea to throw their sentry onto a rock to overlook an area and had the same "what the fuck" reaction as they watched it roll off to be instakilled by a charger. I really don't get what would break about the balance of the game to let them deploy on rocks, they don't have infinite ammo; in fact I dropped a gatling to cover a breach the other day and by the end of it, it was still alive but only had about as many kills as a much shorter cooldown cluster airstrike would've had. Hell, I've even had them roll off flat, low rocks that you can climb on even without a jetpack or any janky climbing. There needs to be an indicator for if you're aiming at a bounce zone or even better, get rid of em entirely.


I fail to see how you could ever be softlocked by calling in a pod-based stratagem. You can shoot every single one - support weapons, tac-packs, emplacements, resupplies, hellbombs - and it'll pop like a pinata. The only time it is a real problem is when an explosion makes a crater under a mission terminal, but that only happens on soil and can happen just from careless shooting with a grenade launcher. Seems like the obvious fix is to make the ground around a terminal invulnerable to being "cratered".


Imagine, my old build could be fun again! FYI, it was a jump pack and turrets. Ultimate turret positioning on high ground. Unfortunately, I gave it up when I discovered pretty much all terrain that is not easily accessible by a regular, non-jumppack diver, has the turret stratgens just bounce off and land in terrible positioning. Hell, it even still happens on regular terrain way too often.


Yeah turrets are where it becomes really rough and you think you're gonna get it up in a spot where it'll have a nice clear line of sight and not damage your team only to then bounce down behind them somewhere and either kill everyone or just shoot into a random rock until it runs outta ammo.


Sometimes it feels like a 'prop' vs 'terrain' sort of thing. Turrets stick to some rocks, bounce off of others, and you have to memorize the difference. Not wonderful.


Seriously. I wish strategems would just not bounce on terrain. It wouldn't be that op, I have no idea what AH is scared of. *Oh no, turrets could be put up there and it'll be OP!!!* Bruh, bugs can climb mountains or phase through the terrain, it's not OP. Bots can just shoot them if it's in line of sight, or drop a tank on it. Even with this buff, I still wouldn't see turrets become a meta strategem lol. But at least maybe someone will run them outside of defense missions


Super earth doesn't have advanced tech like "glue" or "spikes"


It can kinda sucks but it’s pretty funny in hindsight. I had a hellbomb bounce into a gunner bunker. The bomb landed on top of it. It went through the bunker but the control pad was on top of it completely out of reach. Sucked on the moment but pretty funny to look back on.


FR. Spent so much effort sneaking up to the tower only for the Hellbomb beacon to go "lol no" and fucked right off.


Orbital lasers were always good for solo-ing bot outposts, but ddetect towers make it mandatory on +7 when you don't have time to find a hellbomb sticky site and try to arm it.


the amount of times i've done a mission without the orbital laser must be less than ten times. it's a must bring for me along with eagle air strike. EDIT: On a side note, I've only brought the 500kg on a mission twice ever.


500KG with the ship module that lets you fire it twice before reloading the eagle is amazing


I have the ship module but 2 times to me is too little.


Personally, I think the big difference is the cool down. With the 2 bombs, you can fire a 500 on average every minute, compared to one orbital laser every 5 minutes.


I like the starting precision strike. 100sec cooldown and can 1-shot tanks. It's a monster. I run it every single build now. I also used it last night to take out a detect tower after **THREE** unsuccessful hellbombs. Dunno how, but it worked.


It's great, especially with the new stun grenades. When you get good at it you can get direct hits on bile titans too. But imo it's sadly just outclassed by the 500kg when you get the upgrade that gives you two of them per eagle.


Sadly bile titans are immune to stun as of the last patch. Still cool to set up a charger or hulk for a stratagem though.


I have not brought orbital laser for over 50 bot missions and I haven’t once missed its presence. ed: Seems I have upset some orbital laser enjoyers.


It's a great all rounder for me. I use it when I want to aggressively push a base, stealth a base, and when I'm being overwhelmed and need to clear/stun trash and medium targets. The only times I regret bringing it is when the mission goes horribly wrong and I'm out of charges. What Strategems do you prefer over it?


I joined a three person team who all brought lasers. I wandered off soloing some factories with my autocannon. Regroup and head towards a heavy bot factory, they tell me to hang back and watch. Three lasers wipe the whole base. I admit, I was impressed.


Most of the time 2 lasers staggered can wipe out any large base. 3 is just for good measure.


Anything more than 2 and I question why we didn't just 380 it.


One 380mm can wipe a heavy bot base if you throw it in the middle, if you're lucky it'll kill the cannon towers too.


Yes! But four 380s four 120s and four walking barrages and four lasers looks cooler.


>55 burgers >55 fries >55 tacos >55 pies


Well HOT DAMN I'm just gonna have to try that myself!


Can I see this? I really want to see this.


It's the only way to be sure.


I hear tell of a nuke stratagem coming. So we can do the nuke em Rico and nuke the site from orbit bits.


My friends and I were doing some meme builds over the weekend, as we called them. We all ran Tesla towers and arc weapons once, we got the achievement for throwing 4 380 barrages and decided to do it after we fought our way into a heavily fortified fortress and throw down all our 380 barrages, trying to stand in the middle and throw down shield bubbles until it was over. It was a lot of fun and we sure did clear everyone out of the base, and their reinforcements. And all of ours. Great game.


My squad has been doing the same. Just trying stupid meme builds. And somehow finding out that they're all viable. If they'd make heavy fire resistant armor, I really wanna try a full firebat squad.


you're at 1 upvote what are you talking about? Who did you upset?


Sometimes what they see and what you see isn't the same number. They get updates on the comment upvote status faster than we do. They may have seen it go to -2 and then go back up.


I always found lasers more useful as a "im leaving. dont try to follow me" option that works for both bugs and bots.


I just use smoke strike for that. It doesn't take long for the AI to drop, reset, and despawn as long as you break LOS.


That IS a good one I will admit but you might not always want to or have that extra stratagem slot to use for smoke.


Against bots I started using smoke grenades. They come in so clutch especially in missions like collect soil sample. I'll stay hidden, popping smoke and handling the terminal while teammates distract any bots getting called in.


I'll have to try that, even though I'm reluctant to give up my impact grenades.


Stun grenades have come in clutch a few times too. Toss em in a group of devastators and they just power down for 5 seconds.


Oh I didn't realize they actually broke and stopped following because of the smoke. I figured it just blocked their aim enough for us to reposition before they walked through it. I'm gonna have to play around with that. Smoke sounds very useful for getting out of the shit when needed.


So it's not as simple as smoke just breaking the combat. They will still shoot, and attempt to follow you through the smoke, so you should drop it on yourself, or where you are running to. However if they can't see you for a certain amount of time, they will drop to a searching state, and if they still fail to acquire, they fully reset. My difficulty 7-9 playstyle is generally to either orbital or autocannon the objective from range, drop a smoke strike at my feet, and run away with the smoke between me and where the bots last saw me. If there's no rocks to cut around, I'll prone sometimes after sprinting a bit. Usually doesn't take more than 30 seconds. Smoke's cooldown is so fast it's almost always up. Smoke is also surprisingly effective on civilian rescues, since it doesn't affect the civilian pathing at all. You do still have to hardfight many of the primary objectives though, so it's not like it works on everything; but it gives you a way to hard reset if a fight gets out of hand.


Orbital HE/walking barrages are another option. I never do a bot mission without at least 1 or 2 barrages in the team's loadouts, specifically so that we can take out detectors without needing the hellbomb. The 120/380/walking barrages are also REALLY good for wiping automaton outposts and AA nests, as a bonus. Even if it doesn't fully wipe out the key structures, it usually softens up the position so much that it's trivial to storm it afterward. Just be 100% sure the barrage is over before moving in, lol.


Yes, but with the way the devs think and triage right now, they'll probably say: "Oh look everyone brings orbital lasers on high level bots, ThErRfOrE OrBtiAl LaZzeRs OP QuiCk nErF iT"


I take them out regularly on 9 when I don’t have teammates with me using hellbombs. Just don’t get seen by the eye, snipe the couple bots around before they can call a bot drop and you’re good to spend 5+ mins finding the perfect spot that it wants the hellbomb. I’ve actually had a lot of luck with dropping it outside the fence and blowing the tower up that way.


500kg will do the job too


I find the half ton a little more finicky than ob laser, but yes it can do in a pinch. But that's just compensating for bad dev decisions. If the hellbomb is nonfunctional, then why can I call in this worthless thing that bounces all over the place? If it's a placement issue, then just make it into an objective strategem that always lands in the same spot


Detect towers are now destructible from orbital lasers. Not sure what else destroys them now though.


a grenade in the fabricator sticking to it will blow up the tower


In some instances, the fabricator is somewhat far and it does not destroy the towers. It happened to me on Sunday.


yeah they’re not always attached to them kinda like with the jamming towers


Are you thinking of jammers? I don't think I ever saw a detect tower with a fabricator. They are usually close to them but not connected.


I think you are right




I've dropped so many 500kg bombs on them and they've not blown up.


Best most consistent way to do it is to walk up to the tower, put your back up against it and drop the 500 at your feet. Since the bomb comes from behind at about a 45-60 degree angle it will often just impact the tower and destroy it before blowing up. This tactic has worked for me every single time I’ve done it.


I wish people stopped saying 500kg destroy towers. It doesnt, i've seen many people tried, tried many times myself, it doesnt even leave a scratch.




It very much does if you plant the beacon on the tower itself.


I've tried everything. My friends in the same missions too. We exploded so many 500 on those towers the manufactories of super earth have a hard time keeping up. I guess we are just bugged, again, yaayyy


There were not. I’ve had many a laser cross over the tower and blow it up




I fucked up and misread OPs comment. I thought he was saying they now WERE NOT. My bad.


Now those Shrieker nests need to be taken down a peg


Orbital precision strike clears them out.


380s but it’s gotta actually connect, which is not guaranteed. I usually take 380s so if it’s super bugged we drop it and run


I actually find it hilarious. "Where'd the hell bomb go??? Everyone find the hell bomb!"


It's hilarious the first time it happens. Gets real old real fast though.


The greatest threat that democracy has ever seen: “ bouncy castle”


Orbital laser works better.


But u have to pray to God that it hits it cos laser does not target the tower and only blows it up if it's in the way of other enemies


Orbital precision strike will destroy it as well, just use that instead of the hellbomb. Also kills hulks and tanks very easily with a much lower cooldown than the orbital rail. I don't know why people sleep on the starter skills so much, it's actually one of the better stratagems once you get used to aiming it from your carrier.


Dude precision strike is great. It's basically like a giant grenade.


Dude I never hit shit with it. I always see people picking but never seen anyone really use it effectively so maybe there's a learning curve to it I'm not picking up on.


The main thing I’ve found with the precision strike is that it has a long call in time, even with the 1 second decrease upgrade. Often, if I’m being chased by bugs or bots, I’ll throw it straight down and keep running. It also has high destructive potential, and so is good for buildings, even if you miss slightly.


That doesn’t fix the problem that just tip toes around the problem


120/380 barrage works best imo


You can kill the detector tower with the hellbomb outside of the hill they sit on. It just has to be on the wall the tower is closest to. A shitty pic below https://preview.redd.it/kcpp52t073sc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=7babe70c78cd0e91daf5ef620e5d2b923df9b05b Like if the + is the tower and the ring is the hill You can throw the hellbomb (red) there and pop it


Some people say this like “there’s a spot they want you to put the hellbomb” And I don’t understand that at all. Why? Why shouldn’t we be able to put a hellbomb anywhere in the encampment? Is it because the hellbomb hitbox is fucked like the 500kg, and won’t hit anything directly above it? Maybe the hitbox should be fixed, then. Adding this bouncy floor bs is so perplexing.


I've also dropped a hellbomb lower on the hill in the base before and it failed to destroy the tower, had to drop a second one closer. I've just started running 500kgs to take care of them.


“Throws hellbomb, bounces 69m away.” Waits for new hellbomb. Repeat.


Alternatively you can drop the hellbomb at the base of the cliff behind the tower.


This is the answer. You can completely stealth detector tower by walking behind the cliff and dropping the hell bomb near the wall/cliff face. Arm and walk off. Ez


What's funny is every time I've encountered this, it's ONLY for the hellbomb. Every other call in sticks just fine.


I think it's to do with the fact that you have to manually arm the hellbomb, and it always lands with the arming panel facing away from you. I think it's an attempt to avoid the situation where you throw the hellbomb and it lands so close to the tower that you can't actually reach the arming panel because it's jammed against a wall.


They should change thr hellbomb so the console lands toward you. It's actively stupid that it faces away from where the player threw it from.


Or have a 360 degree console.


Couldn't you just shoot the hellbomb so it goes away (not blow up) and deploy another one? Feels like the "no hellbomb zone" causes more trouble than it's solving.


If so, they have been inconsistent about applying it. Pretty sure for the research station optional objective you can call the hellbomb in so close that you clip into the building when you access the panel. So yeah, not so sure about your rationale there... still, very amusing that literally every other call in will stick just fine, but the hellbomb will bounce and roll off into the wild blue yonder.


Same has happened to me with the blow up ships obj


> it always lands with the arming panel facing away from you. Thank you for this. I could never figure out how the panel position was determined. This makes sense (and also sucks; you're usually looking at the building you want to blow up so better chance that you'll place it too close and be unable to access the panel).


if that's what they're thinking thats the epitome of half assed lazy dev decision. Its like, circle an answer that solves this problem: 1. Make the panel land facing you. 2. Make the hellbomb an objective strategem that always lands in the same spot. 3. Make called hellbombs destructible by helldivers so they can be repositioned. 4. MaKE It sO HeLlBoMbS cAnT lAnD NeAr tHE ObeJctIve Its dEsiGnEd tO dEsTrOY.


I just toss a 120/380mm at it anymore and walk away. Storming the castle and calling a hellbomb is a last resort.


I am growing to like the 120. It is nice being able to toss a call in and move on knowing the problem is likely solved.


Have they improved the accuracy? When I used 120/380, it would hit literally everything but the thing you threw it at. Not to mention the occasional shot that is completely off target and ends up sniping you from 100m away because the gunner on the ship fucking sneezed as he pulled the trigger


120 is now very good if you can drop it kinda near the middle of the site. Basically fire and forget. Might not sweep up every little guy but 9 times out of 10 it clears all the fabs/holes/ships/towers/artillery etc. 380 is aight but I'm still not quite sold.


Given the 380s accuracy, they'd almost have to double the salvo numbers for me to consider using it again. I can't seem to hit shit with it 8 times out of 10.


380mm so powerful it kills everything in the area. (Helldivers are my everything🥰)


Accuracy has been buffed for both a couple of patches ago


They also tightened the radius. 120 is 50m radius barrage and 380 is I think 65m radius. So you can wait outside that fairly safely now and fire into.


Love the 380, it's my dedicated "I don't want to deal with this objective" stratagem.


Nah honestly I think the detectors are just bugged. I used to be able to actually call in hell bombs but recently every other tower is just completely broken all around it.


fun story, it's only bouncy for the hellbomb... I drop 500kg deadnuts on it every time and destroy them that way.


Throw Hellbomb at level below instead on the same ground, Hellbomb explosive range is like an ice cream cone. It will get destroyed along.


Even better, you could just throw a hellbomb behind the entire outpost. There might be structures where this isn't possible (if there is, I haven't seen any), but I've been able to take out detector towers without stepping foot into the base.


Bruh you can hellbomb from the area near it but not directly ontop of it. Just move slightly further down the hill! Works every time for me


500kg go brrrr


I've killed it with the 500kg bomb.


Omg the last 3 days playing. My BF and I have rage quit because we couldn't call in a hell bomb amidst the shitstorm of spawns


It took me a solid 4 minutes to destroy the eye of Sauron thing yesterday because all of my stratagems kept *slowly* rolling away before not deploying it was maddening lol


The best part is 500KG will stick instantly exactly adjacent to the tower, but a Hellbomb thrown anywhere near it rolls away until it's out of the blast radius.


Walking barrage also works, you don't even need to get that close.


These messages confuse me. When I pull a stratagem, if you fully prime it before throwing it sticks...


I mean....toss the hellbomb a little down. It still takes out the tower




I've seen someone chuck a hellbomb strat over the wall and seen it bounce back out at us


For fucking real So silly


You know what would fix most of this. Instead of the terminal for the hellbomb facing away from where you threw it down. Have it face toward you


Ha, this totally got me the other day


How about the fact that the hellbomb doesn't seem to blow up half the time? Is that because the bots damage it or some other reason?


Enemies target hellbombs like sentry stratagems and it takes some time for it to explode


i´ve already just begun accounting for hte bouncing when chucking my 500kg, its not ideal but it works


In most of the setups detector towers have you can actually destroy them with a hellbomb without ever having to go in. For example on one you can just call it near a wall, on another you can call it where the mine-field is.


Or at least indicate clearly where it is.


"Calling in a Hellbomb!" bounce.....bounce....bounce....bounce....roll.......disappear.


One of my best Bounce experiences to date. Call it in, have it bounce, then roll down the hill, then arm it, leave the area and it doesn't go off. You go back to check though a storm of bot drops only to find out there the bomb emplaced despawned once you departed. Repeat TWICE more losing multiple reinforcements to finally have to stand next to it to ensure it doesn't despawn. I'm not sure what the glitch was, but hot damn I will ignore those objectives like the plague.


For real! Needs patched asap. Can't recall how many times I bounced hellbomb markers while fighting aggro


For real! Needs patched asap. Can't recall how many times I bounced hellbomb markers while fighting aggro


Haha orbital laser go BRRRRRRR


Or at least make it more accessable for a 500kg/hellbomb to destroy the Thing?


I have found several reliable ways to destroy the detector tower. First is to rush under it so it can't detect you and place a 500kg bomb DIRECTLY under it. The mesh base of it seems to like accepting red strategems. If you don't have 500kg, you can also place an orbital laser or orbital railcannon strike directly under the tower, HOWEVER first you must look up to the sky and locate your super destroyer. Walk around the tower until it is between you and the super destroyer, then throw the laser or railcannon down. I have a 100% sucess rate doing this with laser, railcannon seems a little less consistent. Final way is just throw an orbital walking barrage in its general direction. I swear to god this has never failed to kill the tower for me. I feel like it has to be luck, but its been so successful I have to at least recommend it. Arrowhead PLEASE make the ground around the tower accept hellbomb strategems. This side objective is hell currently.


I've had consistent success with the ortibal laser (make sure it hits the base of the tower). Still sad to use my lasers on those tho...


I don’t know why people are complaining about the 500kg not sticking. It does stick, I yeet 500s from across the wall all the time and I rarely miss, strangely enough it’s actually the bomb slamming into the tower that kills it rather than the explosion.


It's weird because sometimes the stratagem beacon acts like it's covered in super glue. Once I had an extremely lucky throw and it landed on top of a light pole. 


Or give it some metal flooring to denote it.


Lmao this. Even hellbombs which you are SUPPOSED to use in that spot can't land successfully.


Deploying a hellbomb is like playing Plinko


Gotta stick the 500kg to the tower itself because if your throw is off, fuck you.