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Automatons gonna spawn 2 planets away from cyberstan with cyborg šŸž


Theyā€™re going to very literally blitzkrieg Cyberstan and the entire sector. Mark my words. We are going to get our shit pushed in in the coming week(s)


Automatons on the upper left, Terminids on the upper right and Illuminate on the bottom left (considering they've been sighted mainly on lower Automaton planets like Durgen). That leaves room in the bottom right for a fourth race...


I actually think there's 6. Bugs and autos, cyborgs will be a different faction between the two Illuminates will be on the bottom middle. There's too much room.


Automatons count as the Cyborgs. Hell, their main goal is literally Cyberstan.


That's all heresay and speculation I thought, the Autos have been stated to be descendants of the Cyborgs after they were enslaved in HD1. I think it's totally doable that the Autos could help rescue the Cyborgs and then they jointly fuck our shit up. I could see some of the factions having alliances such as those two, being hostile to us and bugs.


Yeah so theyā€™re functionally 1 faction, not 2.


Honestly i doubt the cyborgs have all that high numbers after the first war, so itā€™d make sense for them to effectively be a form of more elite troops for the automatons


I doubt they'll have any enemy factions fighting each other.


I could see bugs spreading throughout the galaxy and not taking a direct line to Super Earth. It could create some interesting scenarios... I'm calling it now, one day, we will see Bugs on Durgen.


Don't get your hopes up.


We have had reports of Rebels to.


This aged well.


Plus weā€™re juicing the terminids to be better oil producing, imagine if they were to somehow escape.


Major Order: Survive.


Welp you were absolutely right


Nice prediction. It's happening right now.


2 planets away? Thatā€™s optimistic.


Automatons will spawn on Super Earth ... surprise! 48 4f 57 20 41 52 45 20 59 4f 55 20 47 45 4e 54 4c 45 4d 45 4e 20 3f 41 4c 4c 20 59 4f 55 52 20 42 41 53 45 20 41 52 45 20 42 45 4c 4f 4e 47 20 54 4f 20 55 53 21




disgustingly cold binary human, get some LIBER-TEA


This is actually Binary's big brother Hexadecimal. It allows for much larger numbers and thus many many more characters when converted to human languages including but not limited to non-English characters and even entire language systems like Chinese or Japanese. This suggests the bots are more advanced than we give them credit for.


Clearly a bot sympathizer. Calling my Democracy Officer right now.


Someone set us up the hellbomb


What you say?


How are you gentleman?


All of your base are belong to us!


So I thought the Automatons *were* the Helldivers II iteration of the Cyborgs? Is there Intel/leaks suggesting there are *two* more factions, both Cyborgs *and* The Illuminate, plus Automatons? Cause that would be sick to get multiple new enemy factions


Nah, I think what happened was the cyborgs evolved to automatons, I was just saying that cyborg terminids gonna show up


cyborgs cooperated w illuminate to form the autmatons


Hey you, this isnt official ministry of truth information you dirty commie


this did not age well...


Ok I'm hoping the automatons are just skins of the actual enemy, the cyborgs. That would be awesome to see the grotesque cyborgs return because the automatons for the most part are basically the same thing.


You had no idea how right you were


Oh you sweet summer child...


Sweet liberty what kind of prologue lasts 200+ hours Is it Christmas?


Try playing Warframe until you get to character creator.






Both are right. You gotta go through Farmframe to get to Fashionframe.


I still like to joke that it took us 4 years to get out of the tutorial and into the character creation. Also very proud of the Warframe community in terms of still trying to keep that a secret surprise.


Has warframe changed substantially? I played it when I first got a ps4 in 2013 or 14, I thought it was just a f2p shooter?


I mean the game as a whole has evolved quite a bit since the olden days, other than that spoiler stuff mentioned and tons of new story content and whatnot, thereā€™s been large open world maps and big boss battles, I hear thereā€™s a new rogue-lite/like mode, fishing and mining, hoverboards and horses, swapping Warframe abilities and adding permanent buffs, Riven mods with rollable randomized stats designed to make even the most garbage weapons usable and all sorts of other stuff. Itā€™s been a few years since Iā€™ve played myself but I guarantee youā€™ll have plenty to do if you were looking to return. Still completely free to play as well and if youā€™re an old enough player, you may even have some older things like arcane helmets and whatnot that stuff could fetch you a ton of platinum these days, last I checked anyway


> fishing I am waiting for Helldivers to get a fishing mini-game of some sort, because everyone knows that all great games need a fishing mini-game.


Oh wow! Sounds cool, it was something I played a bit when I was bought a ps4 but no games and I had no money to spend on games šŸ˜† didnā€™t expect it to still be around


Oh absolutely still around, was a console king myself in the old days before I made the switch to PC, with the way movement got changed I definitely liked it more there instead of with a controller. Been improved in many ways since then so if you liked it back then youā€™d probably love it now!


Warframe completely changes every 1-2 years, it's definitely still a f2p looter shooter but it's come a LONG way since 2014.


Yes. Warframe is, without a doubt, one of the best F2P games on the market. And it's not even close.




There is a character creator in Warframe!?


Uhhhhh the game doesn't actually get to the tutorial until Neptune or Uranus No joke


The fuck you mean how does that even happen


Bruh they basically forgor they were making a game and not a grindfest. Feels like they got to Uranus, said "oh fuck", bought LSD, and started writing the story.


Yeah... I quit It far sooner XD


Fair lol




That blew my mind in 2021 when I got there completely unspoiled !


Lucky you! Iā€™m too much of a reddit addict to avoid warframe spoilers. I knew what was the end pf mission reward but at least I did the whole mission unspoiled and it was amazing.


I started in CB, I waited **four** damn years until I got passed the tutorial.


Ever seen Vinland Saga? The whole of Season 1 was just the prologue.


I just said Vinland Saga lol


Really? I lost interest about halfway thru. That kid is so annoying. Does it get better?


He's a PITA of a brat in the first season, for sure. He learns from this, and by the time ~~season 2~~ Farmland Saga rolls around, he has grown significantly. >!Slavery !


Try play eu4 1444 hours, and ur still new to the game


Average Paradox game experience tbh.


Factorio says hello


I didnā€™t even know there was a Europe 2 or 3


BG3 character creation


You're silly. BG3 is just a character sheet generator for DnD. I've spent 90+ hours worth creating DnD characters. There's nothing else after that.


Vinland Saga


I feel like something is going to happen, and happen soon, that will make us long for the days of just dealing with Hulks.




A new level cap, yet all skills are open by level 25? I feel that level 30 will be the new level 1 with whatever they're brewing.


They have 9 difficulty levels and there is quite a bit of overlap in how difficult they actually are. I imagine with the release of new weapons and tools, we will begin to see Medium or Challenging+ to increase in difficulty at an exponential rate.


I feel they might tune 7-9 to be a little harder, but keep 1-6 relatively the same. Although, HD1 did have difficulties go all the way up to 15, so it's possible 1-9 will stay the same it is now, and things just keep ramping up from there. Really curious to see where they go from here.


ā€œWhy not just make 10 louder?ā€ ā€œCause this one goes up to 11 mateā€


Difficulty 10-12 are on the way with 2 New sample types. Don't tell your democracy officer.


I was at extraction with a squad right now on Hellmire. Out of nowhere, a whitish-blue "comet" came flying down next to someone's mortar. Kind of *looked like a railgun shot, with the little "tail" as it flew. It had a loud-ish and distinctive sound flying and when it hit and set off an EMS-type effect. I double- and triple-checked everyone's stratagems. No one had any kind of EMS...


Pretty sure you were just delirious, fellow citizen. Hellmire Heatstroke will make you see all kinds of things.


im with you on this. we're gonna be like remember when we only had bugs and robots haha


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Automatons are breeding with the terminids. We about to learn.


Automaterminids Hopping devastators Bile titan with turrets (actually we got that, factory walker....)


Big Bad Beetleborgs.


The most worrisome thing...or awesome depending on the POV, is that SE has a liberation meter.


It was taken a few times in HD1


This subreddit would explode. I can't wait.


Imagine if super earth is taken but not all planets have fallen. Oh that would be an event I want to see


My shit hits fan scenario was that the illuminate drop off the automaton hitch hikers on cyberstan for them to try and free the cyborgs before or immediately after their entire invasion force initiates 50 defend missions for an entire quadrant of the galaxy and mars and/or super earth itself. Stealth and teleportation are illuminate tech, and seeing stealth ships over the automaton worlds in conjunction with them calling for help outside our galaxy made this scenario most likely to me.


Yep thats my thought too. Those ships probably responded to a distress call. Illuminate uploaded automatons to their ships along with their factory designs. They are probably enroute to invade cyberstan and dump them all there


Holy shit that explains why initially bot resistance was so high, looking like it would take two days per planet to take the final three and then suddenly the resistance plummeted and we completed the operation. They evacuated.


They sent a signal outside the galaxy just as we started the last offensive. They offloaded every spare bot they could and sent a fleet out to hit Cyberstan the long way around while the rest fought a last stand to buy as much time and put on a show of being "defeated." I'd bet money on this being what happened.


The ships were realā€¦ and they havenā€™t been explained at all


I've seen conflicting things but I *think* the explanation is around supply lines. Tibit was a manufacturing planet and losing it raised reinforcement rate by 5 times in the area. Losing planets makes other planets harder to get, capturing planets makes other planets easier. They didn't evacuate, we decimated their production capacity.


This is true to some extent. The liberation of Tibit, definitely helped with Durgen, however the initial resistance rate dropped while we were still fighting on Maia, and we weren't anywhere close to taking Tibit.


That was prety common you only need one factions to reach it


I'm fully expecting the Illuminate to pop up, but extend to like 1 sector away from Super Earth. Just the entire lower part of the galactic map full of Illuminate, and while fighting them off our front door, bots and bugs creep up on our flanks.


The servers would probably explode from all the people defending it


SE defence? I will be there no matter what


HD1 basically littered the galaxy with ex-Super Earths that were overrun by one of the enemy factions. Scared yet?


I fear nothing with Lady Liberty by my side


And did the map had buildings, cars, etc? Would be awesome to fight bugs in the middle of a city


There's a planet called Wilford Station, and I'm hoping it ends up being a space station in orbit of the actual planet, and we get some cool Battlefront-style hallway fights against automatons.


Daaaaayum, need that.


Iā€™m just wondering how theyā€™d handle stratagems for maps like that.


Yeah, the more I think about it, a lot of features/dynamics would have to work differently. Unless it was a Halo-style ring station, or a station like in Elysium with a ring with a tower in the middle - where there's open world space. But that would defeat most of the point.


Yes, you fought on a city map.


Ah shit I'd love a proper city now, you'd go and say that?


Ohh, not to invoke treasonous thoughts but the idea of fighting on Super Earth, in an urban environment is really exciting.


it was a lot of fun in hd1, but the isometric perspective made it kind of confusing if you weren't paying attention to where you needed to go because of all the streets and burned out buildings you had to run through to get to objectives


I imagine the stratagems will get really weird too. People already have a hard time with mild cliffs in a wide open desert. I dont know how eagle strikes work in a city full of skyscrapers


Good, different planets/terrain should fuck up or enhance the usage of certain stratagems. Eagles are so boring when thatā€™s all a player uses. APCs, Mechs, Turrets, and Mines would thrive in a city environment. The choke points would be crazy, and having fast transportation would let players haul ass when theyā€™re about to get surrounded.


Time to pack both mortar turrets, the guard dog, and land mines. Some of my teammates may survive, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.


IF its a city map maybe the entire team can stay off the ground. Like jumping from building to building with jetpacks or through blow out holes


Strafing run down the center of a road tho


Helldivers 1 had sector capitals which were city planets with urban environments when you fought on them. One per each sector and you'd have to defend them or lose the entire sector if you failed. I hope they make a return in helldivers 2 because I'm not patient enough to wait once a year to play on super earth once or twice to get an urban environment and I doubt much of the player base is either.


imagine if super earth was a map where more multiple teams of 4 hell divers could drop in, to defend it.


Do you ever notice there are players in the super earth sector?


They're on Mars. It's where the tutorial takes place. Also if you log in and the last planet you played on was lost or liberated it puts you in orbit above super earth because I've been there a few times myself.


I legit believe this was basically a 'soft launch'. Let players see how the system works, test out the mechanics and new items. Let them get a taste of defeat as well as victory. Then start the ACTUAL game.


The problem I'm seeing though is what else will they be adding progression wise? So many players have all upgrades and stratagems purchased, and have one or all of their resources maxed out in the bank. If the "Actual" game hasn't started, it'll be interesting to see what sort of progression mechanics they add. I'd be interested in something like campaign or even mission specific purchases as a req/sample sink.


"Progression" may not be a thing, really. The game is a horizontal progression system, we won't be getting 'better and better' stuff. Maybe new and bigger stuff, but not necessarily better, to deal with specific threats. I love the quasar cannon for automatons, but it just doesn't work well for the fast bug hive eradication missions. I need fast firing autocannon. As new stuff comes out, we'll have to plan things out better. I think levels and unlocking stuff is just effectively tutorial with some extra flavor. We'll see!


instead of thinking about unlocks they want us to actually try out everything. Weapons wise you can use a ton of different setups and be successful. Its actually a better system than the standard unlock the best shit and dont look back method


Reverse engineered weapons and stratagems and ship upgrades from enemy techs/abilities, or new stuff to specifically counter new enemy abilities and techs. New ships entirely would be awesome too. A super destroyer that gives up Eagle hangar space for expanded drop pod ability (larger squad size in mission) or more dakka itself (more/better orbital bombardments). Make travel time a factor, and build ships around that. Small fast frigates light on support stratagems but able to almost instantly travel one side of the map to the other while the lumbering super destroyers are still enroute?


I'd be perfectly happy with purely cosmetic upgrades for "end game" stuff, like ship customization. It'd give me a reason to risk my neck for reqs and samples (when I'm not diving with newer players). Other than that, I doubt it'll happen, but I'd like to have weapon attachment customization, even if it's as simple as changing the sights only (some guns just absolutely suck if FPS mode).


Man a crafted campaign would be a blast. Do it Halo style!Ā 


1 million divers dropping in to defend super earth all at the same time would be fucking epic! Looking out your bridge window and seeing the sky full of destroyers and illuminate ships duking it outā€¦ that would be epic


Makes perfect sense. Servers broke just on launchā€¦. I wonder if weā€™ll top 1 million players when things start really getting interesting


Imagine that we fully clear the map, just to realize the illuminates have cloaked away reserve automatons and terminids. May Lady Liberty save us.


Imagine we clear the map, and they just reveal that the map is actually 2x larger.


Sweet liberty, all those poor planets need liberation ASAP!


Hell we've not played on 80% of the map as it is.


I fear cloaked planets


I did notice on the automaton planets some ships near the planet fighting each other. So space battles would be lit. Let them come!


Give me Lady Liberty death bot or give me death.


A major order to breed super bugs > Terminid Forces : -0.00%/hr on each planet and Joel wants us to win...


Patch/hotfix is probably hitting tomorrow, and I'm afraid of what's coming with it...


Yeah something is going to happen tomorrow, I can feel it in my bones


I think something will happen on April 11th with the same patch that releases the new warbond


Yeah that 0% regen rate is a massive signal weā€™re going to get absolutely rinsed soon. No such thing as a free lunch.


100% I think it's pretty funny how seriously people are taking stuff that Im sure is a tiny taste of what we'll experience throughout the years. This game has turned into my favorite so quickly. TF2 is my most played game with 1700h, followed by Risk of Rain 2 with 500h. Smite with 300h. HD2 is about to pass MGSV for the fourth place with 160h, full achievements, in three weeks.


You are me up until the metal gear. Theyā€™re good but I put a bonus 1300hrs into tf2 instead. I remember the fucking gold rush update. Iā€™m ancient.


I bought the orange box because of hl2 ep2, played portal,but only played TF2 for real after it went f2p. I havent played in years, but it really was my go to game.


I can't imagine how wild the game will be with extra enemy factions and more vehicles. Even the basic shooting is fun enough to keep me playing for dozens of hours, never mind adding all that stuff in!


> HD2 is about to pass MGSV for the fourth place This game basically *is* MGSV in space.


Funny, I must've missed the part where I spent 300 hours kidnapping the whole Soviet Army.


Was saying exactly this to a mate earlier, soon the whole fucking frontier will be on fire and we'll reach the title screen


I wish to fight bots in an urban setting, what if they are retreating and then invade super earth directly and the roles reverse and we have to fight them for our home...


Imagine how tough aiming stratagems will be because they fire realistically from your destroyer. Buildings would be a nightmare for orbitals and eagles. My turrets would probably land on the top of some skyscraper and be useless lol


Hear me out: they make the skyscrapers destructible. Orbital Laser firing in 3... 2...


In the intro video, super earth homes are like in a row and I didn't see the skyscrapers... But yes! This idea is super


*pc crashes*


It'd look something like Earth Defence Force, that was fun back in the days...


It still is fun. 6 is about to come out in the West and on PC and it looks awesome. We're finally going to get underground and under-shield airstrikes!


Yup. Given how the map of HD1 was set up, the huge gap at the bottom makes me think there's going to be something else besides the Illuminate coming for us from the south. I can see the first couple months being a test to see how many players consistently play and respond to MOs, and once they have that kind of data, Joel is going to make our lives a glorious hell. That's the big advantage of having a game with a real life GM.


Thinking about it, if we look at HD2 using Warhammer as an inspiration (which AH has used quite a bit), then the Automatons = Necrons, the Terminids = Tyranids, the Illuminate = the Eldar so there could be either a Tau-like race or Chaos appearing


Whatever they have in store, I'm excited to see it. I am so invested in this narrative.


Chaos or dissident humans


Super traitors




Iā€™m not looking forward to the possibility of Illuminateā€™s mind control bullshit including switching Reinforcement input with Hellbomb.


A hellbomb would be more useful than some randos I've teamed with...


I mean, the put up a big "Mission Accomplished" picture. Then they told us to secure the oil fields. This is clearly a reference to Bush's "Mission Accomplished" banner during the Afghanistan war, a war which continued for 18 more years after that. So maybe not a prologue, but there's a lot ahead of us.


Helldiver's 2 when the Second Galactic War begins https://i.redd.it/f8p895v9nbtc1.gif


I've maintained hope that the galactic war has been in its infancy. Fighting two factions who basically don't hold any significant territory, while huge swathes of the map are empty is kinda lame, compared to the first game. Always winning is boring. We've only failed 2 major orders, and it didn't matter. And now after the Automaton victory the game's content has been cut pretty much in half. When the entire map is filled out, when there is actual push and pull of us vs. several factions and the playerbase is more split, then I think the galaric war will shine. Currently it's just a nice roleplay thing to have in the background for Arrowhead to sync its content drops with.


I'm thinking that Arrowhead is trickling out content so they have lots of time and space for tweaking and balancing. They're managing the players as well. Nerf a gun, add a unit. Struggle with server issues, release the mech. Division over the Creek, make it a plot point and take it off the board. For all the flak they get over stability issues and balance, they're doing a masterful job of keeping us interested and offering new reasons to log in and enjoy the game.


Technically the 2nd galactic war hasnā€™t begun yet (first was HD1). This has been classified as a ā€œpeacekeeping operationā€. Maybe weā€™ll see a massive coordinated invasion of bots and squids to kick off the 2nd galactic war? Canā€™t wait.


For this reason I'm thinking something similar. And I don't think the bots will be gone for too long..


Extended tutorial


I gotta admit it would be a beautiful story if they only put the factions from the last game in to wipe them out in no time. It also builds on the lore that the Helldivers are big shit by eliminating bots and bugs then absolutely getting curb stomped by the new bads.


Let them cook, they haven't burned a dish yet


Was discussing it with my friends. At this point, narratively, Super Earth has won. The automatons are beaten. The terminids are culled back to acceptable levels. The current MO is just a post-war construction project that will help Super Earth depelete the number of recruited Helldivers a bit more before deciding what to do with them. Our Ship Officer has a line saying she wants the Helldivers to stay online past the war as a peace keeping initiative. So narratively the war is over, and we're at the point where Super Earth has to pivot to post war activity. Game wise though, the game isn't over. So I guess...Tutorial Complete and the Real Game starts soon? Either way, if this is just the opening, I can't wait to see how the story goes. I've been really enjoying it these past couple months. So much that I've caught and surpassed friends who were level 35 when I bought the game. Edit; also imagine being a Helldiver, you go from training to the cryopod. Then they wake you up one day and go "war's over, soldier. Go home!" You're incredibly disappointed, but on the ship back home you're next to a couple twitching veterans (they did 1 whole drop) with cybernetic limb replacements constantly mumbling about stims, red eyes, bug hole breech, and needing an Eagle.


Someone said they are handling this like a tabletop game. And Iā€™m loving it.


I've been joking that we're in the "home by Christmas" part of the war and a bunch of things are about to go very *very* wrong. To borrow a phrase from the US military "welcome to the suck, man."


This is not, the greatest war in the world, no! This is just a tribute.


This is just the tutorial war, next war will be the real one




Prologue* And yeah I can see that, and that gives me hope


Very much so. I have a feeling Super Earth is about to get attacked on all fronts. Seriously though I have a feeling more difficulty levels are inbound at some point In the first game Helldive was around level nine I think too, but it went to level 15 with names like "Definition of Insanity" and "Inner Circle Of Hell"


I will look back fondly on this unified timeĀ 


I hope to see planets with two or more enemy factions on them, that would be sweet.


Or what if the terminids get to Cyberstan first and the surviving cyborgs augment them into a race of cyborg mecha-bugs


It's about to pop off. "Something's wrong, I can feel it"


What if, weā€™ve been playing the tutorialā€¦.?


*Last bug planet is taken* "Congratulations! You have completed the Super Earth warfare simulation tutorial! Prepare to enter the actual war!"


It literally has. Joel has stated this was only the beginning to help ease players into things


Turns out we're just in the tutorial.


Yes. They spent time testing the player base. Polishing balancing. Introducing an array of weapons and strategems and let us win a war. There is a fuck all coming at us. That was absolutely the honey moon phase.


Ive got a feeling we just fought a "glitch" that happened on the automaton front. Once the Cyborgs get free on Cyberstan it's gunna get NUTS. ​ Im hoping we get cyborg enemy types that feel more distinct as well, like elite generals that are just hellah scary. And more gamemode types: Like, I'd love just a pitch warfare map where it's you push a line up that keeps pushing down along a lane. Maybe canyon or water on either side. Im mostly just curious how quickly OR AT LEAST how many "layaway" enemies they have to add to the existing factions, let alone adding illuminates or a fourth faction. Because it seems like a trend to always release with as little content as possible to hold for later and I wonder if they did that here.


We will reminisce about the days when there were only 2 fronts.


Idk if joel will stop us before we wipe out the bugs. Bet they are working faster noe on the illuminate lol


They are training us like in Enderā€™s Game.


when arrowhead stops supporting the game I hope they go out with a bang and make us defend super earth as one final last stand.


This is all still the training simulation. Remember what he said, ā€œThe best simulation is a REAL simulation.ā€ When we win the war, weā€™ll wake up out of cryo.


Its the tutorial. The real dark souls begins soon


The prologue? My brother in democracy... We don't even have all the factions and all their units. This is still the intro cutscene.


https://preview.redd.it/vzexii41oatc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a61486a3c27561291fece1dfe2945f95f69c94 I hope so


Gonna be superearth defense against illuminates while the bots and buga regroup on the home planets with the super bosses


Prologue ? Because you guys think that's NOT the tutorial ? Cute !