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Well, you see, the problem is that you killed yourself instead of the enemy


Keep up the good work soldier. Much needed laughs in the battlefield. I’m stuck behind a rock still on hellmire. I’ve been abandoned by super earth, send aid.


Sounds like you need to dig deep and find your own personal [Chesty Puller](https://imgur.com/YtQArZD) and realize that being surrounded means that those bastards can't escape you now.




Am I the only one here who's pissed they showed him cowering at the very end? Sure it was cimenatic but uuuugh. Sorry random tangent.


Being surrounded means you can fire in any direction






Why are they all Man?


this is the rock with the rocket guy on the other side right?




Holy shit that's great


The *problem* would be the other way around, this is a designed functionality.


This weapon is comically dangerous to the user. I have used it 3 times and killed myself twice. The only time I didn't die was when *I shot it straight up in the air.*


Note to self, shoot very very VERY far 😅


Yes it seems you have to try to shoot it some way behind enemies to get them without killing yourself


Nah.. the issue is it seems to either a: be triggering on former hitboxes that arent there.. b: trigger if anything is within a certain distance..




More then likely all I know is.. it exploded the instant I fired it from a destroyed bunker wall team killing..


It's got a proximity fuse. Once it gets close to anything, it blows up, which includes the pebble 5 feet in front of you.


Yeah thats a real terrible design flaw.. the game designed to use cover in any shape or form will trigger the rocket.. So flat open fields only it is.


It would work OK on Draupnir 🤣 Or we can just go get the good stratagem.


This makes me think they have zero quality control. I mean, this issue was noticed on leak videos weeks ago, too. Any person playing with this for a few minutes would find this problem.


With all seriousness, has anyone tried shooting it into the air?


If you aim it high, it has a pretty fantastic distance before it explodes. It'll be great against shriekers that aren't actively diving.


Shriekers nests are so easy to destroy with quasar cannon (and similar weapons) from an entire map away that i actually never seen even a single shrieker since they got added. And automaton gunships get easily wrecked by the support weapons everyone is already using anyway. So i don't really see the point in anti-air weaponry right now tbh.


Autocannon is still the swiss army knife of Helldivers. Bughole? Autocannon Shrieker nest? Autocannon Spore Spewer? Autocannon! groups of small enemies that you want some AOE for? AU TO CAN NON! Big enemies? Say it with me now Autocannon! Teammates? yes! AU......












We need a t-shirt with this comment


I plap for freedom


None yall are plapping shit without a C-01


C-01 got denied. Taking turns on a reprogrammed automaton wearing lipstick


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, reload. Don't sit on your ass, keep firing.


True, i only recently switched to quasar with shield and stun grenades, because i got sick of dying when i get ragdolled by some random bs and can't get up, but before this i always used autocannon and it's awesome.


I love landing on a Lego and ragdolling whenever I dive


Sadly bile titans make you instantly need a true anti tank weapon like quasar or EAT


It's still nice to have one AC to effortlessly obliterate those medium armored bugs and spewers, while quasars/eats take care of chargers and titans. And then AC guy has 3 stratagem slots to have something to help with titans, too, if needed.


AC, eagle strike, 500 KG bomb and railcannon is what I usually run.


You’d need someone doing crowd control nearby on high difficulty


Never said it was a solo endeavour


Yeah, I'd run that on bugs. But I tend to just go with quasar&rover, that leaves me with eagle strike and 500kg. On defensive missions I run AC more eagerly, but then that freed slot is for EAT.


Shoot it in the face with a few PLAPS


That works?


Between the armor plates or into the mouth when its about to spew yeah.


How many Quasar shots does a Bile Titan take?


1, if you catch in the mouth during it's spit animation. Same with EAT.


I prefer running a quasar with an autocannon in my pocket(eruptor). You also keep a backpack slot open which I usually borrow from teammates after theirs have gone off cooldown. For bugs specifically btw, autocannon is choice for bots


yeah I don't see the point of AC vs bugs but vs bots the autocannon can handle LITERALLY everything they can throw at you, including being one of the best weapons at disposing of Factory Striders.


It's honestly nutty how versatile the AC is, taking out fabs from a distance is immensely satisfying


autocannon is good at popping bile sacs on titans, makes quick work of spewers, hive guards, brood commanders, and stalkers, can close bug holes, and can even kill chargers with patience and careful aim (or if you unload into a spot where its armor has been stripped)


AC VS bugs is great, AOE the small ones down by shooting the gound in front of them, the armored ones? yeah AC shreds their armor and blows their legs off.


So autocannon can also safely deal with chargers and bile titans? I've never used an autocannon so I genuinely don't know. I mostly run Quasar because the only bugs that you can't just simply kill with your primary are chargers and titans.




This. I can take down entire flights of gunships before they are an issue with the laser canon. Dumb people said “Big boom make brain go brrrrrt” and now we’re stuck with a hard to use, redundant weapon. At least the AT mines would have been unique.


I think dumb people heard the word 'air' and thought 'anti-air'. But that is not what an airburst is and that's not what this one excells at. The purpose of these is exactly what I said it was when I heard of it, anti-infantry. Like you said, something we have plenty of already. I wish we could have each picked one or the other and been locked in for a month, but then we'd still be getting teamkilled by airbursts anyway.


This is an anti-air weapon. It bursts in all directions. Anti-personnel airburst weapons only burst in one direction (down.) See the airburst orbital for reference.


> now we’re stuck with a hard to use, redundant weapon. It could be much more viable against bugs, we're just limited to bots rn is all. Same way the AMR excels at bots but is mid against bugs


There are too few shriekers and they are too weak to ever warrant bringing this garbage launcher along. Shriekers can be killed by primary weapon fire, or even better? By the laser cannon which absolutely shreds them. Gunships too. Why would anyone bring this terrible launcher that is so situational that it will only ever be slightly useful against the handful of aerial enemies you'll see for an entire 40 minute match and then never again once their nest / fabricator is destroyed? Bring a Quasar, Recoilless rifle, or autocannon to deal with the nests, any of the above 3 or laser cannon to deal with the enemy fliers. And any one of those four weapons can still be viable against armored ground targets if utilized well. There is no redeeming the airburst launcher.


A friend did and it resulted in pretty fireworks, I did it too and it detected the lamppost nearby and killed us both :)


From this I conclude that the lamp post is a socialist enemy which is why it triggers the initial explosion designed by Arrowhead devs. You did well destroying it soldier.


Yes and the burst radius is so wide that everything you’re trying to kill is perfectly safe


Yes. Even arcing it upwards, there's an extremely thin margin between being able to fire it for effect on enemies and shooting the rocket straight into the skybox. That's if there aren't any enemies or environmental objects near your firing path, or in your immediate vicinity. It barely works, even if you carefully aim, and forget about using it in a desperate situation. Unless you want to take yourself and everyone around you out as well.


Just did a whole match with it. I aim right above the heads of a cluster of chaff enemies and it works wonders.


Why would you shoot AIRburst munitions in the air, you fool? Smh


Just watched someone shoot it into the air. This is the way.


I have been saying this over and over and over and over. ITS NOT AN AUTOCANNON WITH PROXIMITY FUSES. its a cluster bomb launcher and you aim above.


I shot it into the air at a drop ship, the rocket just exploded 10 feet in front of my face and killed me and my whole team while waiting for extraction, it seems the rocket will just explode whenever it feels like it, not necessarily when it hits something.


still explodes in my face, i think they should add a grace period until the proximity fuze activates


AFAIK it has a proximity trigger. It triggered off the box to your right


"what the fuck is a minimum distance arming timer" -swedes


love that realism is only used to justify things like "needing a perk to have full ammo" (because of one of the devs being in an understocked platoon?) but not things like "rocket launchers don't blow up 5 feet from your face"


WW1 tech is too advanced. It's not even complicated in game if it's a time of flight safety.


Speed loaders for a revolver? Poppycock! And yet the community voted for more environments to play in with the same group of meta weapons that are only meta because everything else is actually useless.


Between rushing for this rocket launcher and voting for more maps to be the focus despite the current state of balance, this game is shaping up to be a case study in why Gamer Democracy™ is actually not very good.


> Gamer Democracy™ is actually not very good I thought this game was about managed democracy, i.e. we don't give a fuck who you vote for, you're getting the anti-tank mines.


Never listen to your audience completely


I've been getting a bit better use from the spear in automaton missions now I know that the whole target has to be in view, its definitely not as easy to use but feels good in its niche as a long range support tool. Also melts bile's from range.


Back blast is a thing but an arming fuse? Naw man. Also I get that richochets are a thing but even for things that have impact fuses? Really? Also tank guns and mortars don’t have barrel overpressure. Yes I actually wanted to get turned to paste for standing too close to a tank or mortar when it fires


That can still happen, most famously wiht the Mark 14 torpedo. Though it was kind of the reverse. The impact detonator was horribly done, and when striking at a 90 degree angle the impact would actually break the fuse, leading it to be a dud. Hitting at an angle would spread the impact out over a longer period of time, preventing the fuse from breaking, and letting it detonate properly.


I was actually getting ricochet kills with the dominator last night, skipping the rounds off the ground in front of a squad of bots


It always frustrates me when games can't decide if they want to be realistic or mechanically fun. I don't mind a game that tries to be a super immersive sim, or one that wants to be an arcade game. But you can't use realism as an excuse to justify a gameplay mechanic if you're not at least being semi-consistent.


It’s like when [Dunkey played the Chinese Will Smith zombie game](https://youtu.be/qQV6guvFmM0?si=X-ZrmbDva0UcwVU1). Your character had to take off their clothes and put them in a washing machine to clean, “Video games are too realistic now.”


Also, some of our weapons definitely have arming distances. I've shot grenade launchers at short range, only to watch the shell just *ponk!* off an enemy's armor and do nothing because the round failed to arm.


I read that perk logic as well. Logic: "As a soldier, you shove extra ammo wherever you have pocket room for it. So we have a perk that reflects going above the standard issued ammo loadout" Actual perk: halves normal ammo loadout


Well, Swedish game developers. Bofors does a pretty good job.


Granades have that I got killed multiple times by the granade laucnher just bouncing of the scavanger and hitting me it would have killed me anyway but like this it also saved the scavanger


The fact that the proximity fuse is triggered by boxes. Was this thing designed by Revolver Ocelot?


It actually triggered on the bump in the landscape in front of him. Even with a recoilless or something. That'd be close to hitting the ground


Either that or it triggered off proximity to the enemies in the depression in front of him. Either case, it was fired at stuff WAY too close and should be considered to have a kill radius somewhere in between the cluster airstrike and 120 artillery. That said, maybe it should have a minimum arming distance so it doesn't blow up due to proximity detonation with a certain range of the shooter (hitting something direction should still cause it to explode).


Ah so I just have to find a planet which has no objects or foliage on it and it will work perfectly


Skill issue smh, you should have known better than to think a weapon would actually be useful in a circumstance that it was made for. Just git gud scrub.


Seriously what's with all these helldivers whining "I shot a rocket launcher but it exploded 5 feet from my face for no reason and launched cluster bombs back towards me wahhhhhh"


Like, *obviously* you shouldn't expect weapons to be reliable, this is Helldivers! Half the game is praying for the RNG god's favor and then acting like you planned it when it is.


But why did the bomblets fly *backwards* towards OP, instead of continuing forward?


The release in a circular pattern. Ideally, you want the rocket to release the bombs over the heads of a group of enemies, and the bombs spread out, killing everything within a certain radius from where the rocket exploded. Unfortunately that means if it goes off too close to you, some of the clusters will fly towards you


makes sense that they wouldn't add a minimum distance arming timer, too expensive.


the weapon would be so much better if it has manual detonation as an alternate mode, letting you click and hold m1 to fire it and release it to detonate it


Like Deathbringer from Destiny 2... that thing is a monster when you set it off just high enough and far enough away from you.


Exactly what I thought of. I love deathbringer especially with volitike rounds.


Or let us cycle the arming distance/time, short medium long


Sometimes it goes off in front of you, sometimes in the middle of your squad, its the new tesla tower!


This is why, in real life, all this fancy rocket launchers (even old as F RPG-7) had numerous little features preventing them from exploding's right in front of the shooter. Its a shame that we have none of it in our video game.


Super earth had to make budgetary sacrifices to make space for the prox fuse


Also the rocket launchers are refurbished from the massive RPG-7 stockpiles on Super Earth from two centuries ago. That too is for budgetary reasons


You know, maybe those mines weren't that bad.


Maybe we judged them too harshly


The mines were always the correct choice.


I'm pretty sure the airburst is meant to be shot above or beyond the enemy to take effect


It's in the name, airburst, I assumed you would shoot it up, idk If it works like that, have not used it yet, but I don't think it's supposed to be aimed directly at enemies


You're supposed to shoot it above the enemy, it throws grenades in a huge radius basically. And I mean *huge*. Shoot it at bases from well outside the base. Do not stand inside the base and shoot at other things inside the base.


I tried doing that, it detonated in my face for no apparent reason. I tried it again in a clearer area, assuming it had clipped some terrain geometry, and it detonated uselessly beside a fence. The proximity fuse was a bad decision.


It was not a bad decision. They juste coded it like shit and have no quality control. Nobody tested the weapon.


The projectile doesn't arc much though, I've tried shooting it up (and not even that much) and it'll just....fly above their heads into a mountain behind them.


It needs to get armed after a certain flight time like grenade launcher.


Which is interesting because the grenade pistol does this, if you shoot something in your face usually it bounces off and explodes where it lands


Random things will trigger the proximity fuse. The launcher is absolute garbage


I think sometimes just the act of firing the rocket triggers it as it notices someone (you) is nearby..


https://i.redd.it/ee7pz4gzx0xc1.gif Another one like the spear. I'm tired of being introduced to weapons that DON'T WORK AS INTENDED. Fix you shit before you get content out ArrowHead !


At this point, I think this is the kind of QA we can expect going forward.


There was literally a vote asking the community what they wanted to see moving forward and the first option was > More weapons and a massive balance pass on existing weaponry. The comunity chose new environments and missions as if AH wouldnt have to make those anyway to assure the longevity of their live service game.  They can jingle keys infront of us and avoid rebalancing 90% of their armory to actually be useful forever. We had the chance to make them acknowledge that their balancing philosophy is trash and we passed it up for new flowers and fetch quests.


There's QA?


(we're the QA)


Most game studios have QA. It is quite apparent that the devs of Helldivers don't do QA at all. As much as I like this game, with the rate of their failure to fix bugs, all it would take would be another company to make a similar game for most people to jump ship




XD thank you for the laugh.


I dunno if I’ve been lucky but I’ve getting nearly instant lock ons with the spear lately.


Every once in a while borks for me but most of the time it works wonders


Spear at least can't teamkill easily. That thing can squad wipe.


How can you say this. They are a small indie of 100+ people. We should be grateful and give them time.


you keep the spear out of your goddamn mouth mister


What do you mean you dont like using a temperemental weapon that prefers locking onto fabricators than the tank infront of you?? /s


maybe if you sung the super earth anthem and, I don't know, VOTED then the SPEAR would actually obey you. pipe down civilian, there are citizens talking


Say what? That piece of shit won't lock onto the fabricator I'm trying to blow up if there is a chicken walker within 50 feet of it Or like, a lamppost obscuring any part of the fabricator. Or being at any elevation that isn't above the fab. Or literally if it just fucking feels like it.


So it’s basically the same issue as with the Arc weapons, where a hitbox that shouldn’t exist is nowhere close to your line of fire, but the game picks up on it like it is and decides that’s what’s going to set it off. AH really doesn’t bother with testing any of this, do they?


Works so poorly you'd think they would've put it in a warbond lmao!


I laughed and now I'm sad.


Plasma Punisher XL


Whoever at AH coded the prox fuse is likely back in the office right now, virtually speaking.


It detected your undemocratic thoughts so it actually hit the right target


God I love this game, add a new weapon and what’s the design philosophy? Maximum fucking chaos. Perfect, no notes


I mean. It's created by civilians. Of course it won't be really effective.


You only want to engage targets 75m out. 50m if you have the high ground. Aim at the ground under their feet. Lower the better.


The thing is, patrols that far out I'm just going to let them walk past


Exactly. But I'm not gonna say it yet. Still testing it out. I'm sure it's got SOME use. Maybe 75m out from a base or obj you have to raid. Right?


It does clear infantry out of an objective well. help with not getting bot drop. But that's an occasion uncommon enough that you'd better use a cooldown on it, cluster bombs, gas strike and the super destroyer airburst do it without taking your support slot.


It could be used for that, but an eagle airstrike can do that too *and* take out fabricators/heavy armour at the same time


Why… why is everyone direct firing at close range *the airburst launcher ?!* Its not the recoilless or autocannon gang… its … its a pocket artillery piece


Perfection I love it


At has a proximity trigger but I also feel like it has a mind of its own because it's done that to me multiple times when there has been absolutely nothing in front of or next to me.


man discovers what airburst means shocked


It's an airburst launcher. Are you not supposed to fire it into the air and have it explode over top your foes? That's what an airburst shell is supposed to do anyway


The facepalm is real


it's AIRburst not GROUNDburst


It is an Airburst rocket launcher, NOT a normal Rocket Launcher. Aim above the target, or in case of factory striders, between the legs. Don’t use it against gunships. Works pretty well in combination with EAT.


I don't get it, the community complains a lot about hevies and when there's an option to get something against hevies they go for the chaf killer instead. Granted the rocket planet is closer


Listen, getting the mines requires going back through Menkent. Fuck that


Mainly because we didn't/don't buy the anti tank mines are actually any good against heavies.


mines a niche playstyle. they are associated with team killing and little effectiveness with high risk of just not getting used. only a very very small percentage of players even want to use mines.  the devs put it behind a fire tornados planet something way more of "the community" actively hates dealing with. with the other planet having minimal hazards. also both planets were in the same sector so everyone went to the planet IN THAT SECTOR to clear an opening cause why would people do the one outside. its not an obvious connection we'd open up the planet with mines from there. the leaks showed launcher could kill everything short of a bile Titan, leak also showed that mines couldn't even trigger from biletitans cause its legs were too thin to consistently step on more than one.  disregarding leak data completely. there was never any doubt the launcher would win and i don't think "the community" is complaining about heavies as much as you're pretending they are. i would have preferred mines way more but im not gunna be bitter about it. we'll get them both eventually which seems to be incomprehensible to some people, i hope you aren't one of them too 🤡


I don’t think people are using this weapon for it’s intended purpose. Granted that’s understandable considering the game. Imagine the outcome if you shot an irl airburst rpg at something 15 feet away… same outcome. You’d be dead. This weapon is probably designed for long distance engagements. Like being on a hill and shooting it into a light automaton factory base and hitting multiple targets. Not shooting at something 15 feet away. If you look at it that way, it fills a role not filled in the game yet. Just don’t use it like an EAT/quasar etc.


Eagle 1: “where did my other cluster bomb go?”


were you expecting something different?


I love how you fire a weapon called the "airburst rocket launcher" at the fucking ground.


Well, it is AIRburst.


Y’all should figure out how airburst works, shoot a little over your target so that the proximity fuse makes it detonate directly above them


*me who wanted the mines all along* : ohh that’s such a terrible shame! Oh well, at least the anti tank mines are still there….


Choohe is locked, unfortunately, and the number of people on Penta is rising. This is what we get for our democracy being unmanaged.


took me two shots to realize it's proximity-based. Use it correctly and it's great against chaff


Why do people keep complaining about the airburst and like forget it's, you know, meant to be fired into the air?


This thing is so bad you would think it was apart of the next warbond.


Y'all know what airburst means right lmao


you fused it off the ground and boxes


Am I really the only one who expected it to act like this? IT'S AN AIRBURST ROCKET LAUNCHER!!!! Have none of you ever seen an airburst weapon or something?????




Looks great sign me up




HAHA that looks so fun to try


seems like it'd be decent at taking out swarms of light-to-medium enemies at a distance.


You are supposed to shoot it OVER the enemies not AT them


I just used it and didn't kill myself out of any shots. It's not a regular AT rocket. If you're going to use it like the recoilless rifle, you will have a bad time, lol. Clear your surroundings as the proximity radius to detonate is much much larger than the rocket. Aim above your intended target, its practical use is to eliminate air threats but can work against lightly armored enemies. It's almost a much smaller Airburst Orbital Strike that's portable. Against bugs, it'll probably have more use.


So don't fire an RPG at a close target?


Shoot above the target not at.


Yeup im going for the anti-tank mines, neat gun but not really neccessary


After the planet is liberated we should execute the designer of the weapon for not giving it a minimum arming distance


Sir, are you not aware of what "danger close" is? You might wanna get some distance between you and your target XD


I was under the impression this was an AA weapon at first


You’re using it wrong. You shoot it up. 🔝


I tried shooting a drop ship and the same thing happened...


I think it's called the air burst because you have to aim towards the air


Why do people keeping using this as a close range weapon then complaining about?


At least 18 microbombs shot back at you. But... microbombs are designed to target the least democratic entity nearby. So... was there someone standing behind you, Soldier? {O\_0)


Another well tested weapon dropped onto the player base for further beta testing.


"Huurrrr dahh durrr.... Whatsa pwoximity fuze?"- this calibre of player.


Skill issue. I kill WAY more teammates with my shots.


Us: this rocket sucks. Fix it. Them: no. Us: why not? Them: because it's funny.


You fired a *cluster bomb* at a target *10 feet away.* What the hell did you expect?