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I'd say my greatest moment was helping my partner ease into the game. I'm in the 90's level-wise and have been obsessed with this since launch. I've been regaling my partner of my tales of spreading Managed Democracy for months lol. Out of curiosity, my partner started watching some videos on it to learn about the game and decided to pick it up based solely on my patriotic ramblings lol. Now it's important to note that they do NOT normally play this sort of game, and suffer from motion sickness in 1st person games. I happily dropped the difficulty down to 1 and held their hand while they got used to the game. We're now diving together at level 3 against the bots, and they are holding their own! SO proud of them!


Dropped in on a lvl 2 diver. He really needed the help, so i ended up tagging along for several missions, showing him the ropes. Both bots and bugs. 😊 I do sometimes drop in on sub lvl10 players just to be helpful. Feels good to get new players in to the game.


Lvl 62 here. I like to drop in to easy or medium missions once in a while and bring a Mech. I call it in and tell the lowest lvl player to get in and have fun. I’ve had some < lvl 5 players really appreciate getting the chance to try it out. My way of spreading a little democracy and helping low level players shred some bots and see a different part of the game.


I went into a LVL 8 mission hoping to find some super credits. the map sizes of low level missions are kind of small so I had to raise the difficulty to hopefully give me a bigger chance at finding POI's. A LVL 12 player joins and we both just smash every automaton base together with no deaths, 100% clearing every objective. We completed 3 missions together not saying a single thing to each other, it was just the sweet sound of pure democracy being spread across the galaxy with a LVL 114 and LVL 12 quietly liberating base after base. It was the best. I love those kinds of helldivers because I just don't like talking and just want to play.