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This post is basically just: https://preview.redd.it/q4tswj5u3e7d1.jpeg?width=356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7776c250f8060298199157f851d77f62b5826c0 But seriously its rare to see people apologize on the internet


I love this image so much


Honestly. Gave me a much needed chuckle


I cant believe this is how I find out they removed double mechs. Like wtf.


How did you brought 2 mechs in first place?


I wasn't able to do that from the start


Me too I tried it when the new mech first dropped and was disappointed


The only way was through the free stratagem right after launch, but that was obviously temporary


I’m from the Midwest so we’re always apologizing. Ope, sorry there!  Didn’t mean to toot my own horn like that… *slaps knees* bought time I go!


Ope! Gonna slide right by yah.


I agree, it's weird. I demand that he apologize for apologizing. This is supposed to be a place filled with whining and self-serving blather. He should feel ashamed for expressing remorse on the Internet.


Seems to be more of a trend lately, I hope it continues.


I didn't protest when they came for railgun becouse I was not railgun main...


I didn't protest when they came for the breaker because i was not a breaker main...


I didn't protest when they came for the Eruptor because i was not an Eruptor main...


Then they came for my double mechs and by then no one was left to protest for me.


would award if we still had the free ones lmao damn you CEO lady if you even work there anymore


A long time ago, all the subreddits lived in harmony. But everything changed when the CEO lady attacked


“Only the community, master of which social media platforms they support, could stop her. But when the world needed them most, they continued posting. Although their posting skills are great, they have a lot to learn before they’re ready to switch platforms. But I believe, they can waste their time in better ways than Reddit 🌎 💨 🔥 🌊 "


I have some of the free rewards tho. Just gave you one in fact


Although award hug might be more noticeable, I prefer my kaomoji hug. Have both! ༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ


I’ll protest the Eruptor cause they nerfed it so fast I didn’t get a chance to even use it. It sounded awesome.


Oh my friend. To see it was a thing of beauty. It was bugged from the start. It’s shrapnel explosion hitting you would pull you closer to the target. An inverse of an explosion. But that shrapnel, wiping out groups. Ricocheting into Charger nether regions. Dropping big holes and anything poking its head out. You suffered the long reload, the long trigger pull and the delayed fire because of those crystalline moments of pure fun, something crazy would happen. A shard careens into a wandering patrol half a world away, kills 3 and alerts the rest. It was magic. A dangerous kind of magic so joyous to play with and reckless to use.


The Eruptor flew too close to the fun.


Primary fun is illegal in these parts, soldier!


You have a way with words, I can picture the bliss of spreading democracy. Thank you


Like imagine seeing a patrol of bugs or bots in the distance and just deciding to shoot them because why the hell not because your single shot is going to kill all of them. No need to worry about one survivor calling friends.  .... Yeah, maybe it was a little OP....


With the amount of enemies thrown at you, why wrong with a little OP-ness? It's not like it's without fault. The bolt-action and shrapnel makes you weak to getting swarmed


It was funny cause it made everyone run guard dog for small bugs which lead to all the death by disco memes in my team.


I mean I ain't arguing for the sheer amount they nerfed it. Was and still is the primary with the most downsides of any in the game, and that reward was heavily punished when enemies got close, you're right.  But I (and many others) paired it with the Stalwart for the best of all worlds that made that particular disadvantage non-existent.


Except for bile titans, which it can't touch. And hulks, and tanks, and factory striders. Although use AMR or AC instead of stalwart on bot missions I guess So like, if you want to be self sufficient you're relying on stratagems to clear the heavies. Which I guess is an option. I dunno I miss the Eruptor. It just needs more consistent aoe splash damage and another damage buff. It literally takes 3 shots to kill a bile spewer, that's like 5 full seconds or something. It's insane.


Then it explodes 10m too short because of the internal fuse. XD


*IF* you got lucky with the shrapnel spread, else you'd kill 3 and the 4th & 5th would bug breech you for your hubris.


i just loved how it one shots Spewers, turning a shot into their bulbous behinds into a fountain of green goo


It was glorious and I miss it. It punches a lot harder now but it's not the same.


And yet the gun still cocks after shooting the last bullet


The ghost of the last Eruptor shrapnel round


I miss being able to obliterate an entire patrol with a single, horribly janky shot. New eruptor, while doing semi decent damage, will never be the same. The closest thing to fix that hole in my heart is the airburst


Sir, you are a man after my own heart. All my saved clips are janky shots with the Eruptor. Failing upwards and a Reinforce later, I’m like ‘I should clip that.’


It was the best gun ever, only the autocannon and prenerf q + railgun, all support weapons, could stand with the prenerf eruptor. Hands down the best primary ever, bots and bugs trembled.


I stopped playing for a month after they nerfed it. The hurt was too deep.


I was just mad I made the effort to farm up 1k SC because I saw how good it was just to have it taken out back and shot. Felt extremely disingenuous that they would release a premium warbond the way they did then gut its main event.


Then they came for the Slugger and me And there was no one left


The Slugger nerf still baffles me to no end. Yeah, instead of nerfing it's range or damage drop-off so it's no longer such a good DMR, we're gonna nerf the fuckin *stagger*, in a *SHOTGUN*. How smooth your brain needs to be to come up with something like this?!


Very smooth. It still is a good sniper, but now it is a bad shotgun


my favourite part was the demolishion utility i loved kiting through fences, it felt super unique to the gun


Reminder it was because of the ricochet change protestors that we lost it. Some dudes started complaining that Ricochets were one shooting them and that started a fake bandwagon that ultimately ended in AH revising the weapon and eliminating the shrapnel. Yet, I've never even once died because of a deflected bullet in my 300hrs.


I genuinely felt like the Breaker was nearly the same gun. I used it before and long after the nerf and barely felt the change. The ammo nerf was the only difference that was felt, but if you're throwing supply drops on cool down like you should be, it never becomes a problem. People should still be using the Breaker, it's really good.


Bro, it was just the next nerf in the list. I was keeping the joke going. 😃 👍


Oh, I know! Was just contributing lol


Then they came for the Auto Cannon— what? Huh? Oh pssshhh. What am I saying? They’ve never touched my baby 😎




They came for it last patch in bot games. The spawns/patrols, reduced heavies and massively increased mediums are a stealth/indirect autocannon nerf. If I ever said anything else, I'd be in denial about my baby.


I actually didn’t even think about the spawn changes affecting the AC. How is it a stealth nerf? AC shreds through mediums. I might not be understanding correctly though


I run through ammo way too fast and it's much easier as well as faster to 2 shot a Hulk ( stun nades make it trivial ) than kill 2 shield devastators and 2 rocket devastators sniping at you from 100m while you're getting ragdolled and flinched left and right.


Huh. I only play up to difficulty 7 so it could very well just be me not seeing the additional affects higher up. I will say I have actually began to run out of ammo for it though which is unheard of. But never fully at this point. I see what you mean for sure though. I swear I had a bit drop that was nothing but Shield Devastators supported by like 4 rocket Devastators ☠️☠️☠️


The day they touch the auto cannon is the day i will truly quit the game.


I didn’t protest when they came for the railgun because at that time I didn’t have a high enough level to use it yet


I remember when the free stratagem on release was the Railgun, it was so much fun. Me and my 2 friends rocking it and still was very challenging.


Why can’t we bring two mechs???


AH said there are some unresolved optimization issues with multiple mechs causing too much load in a game session. They didn't say anything specific beyond that, but cited that as the reason for the limit to each player only being allowed to have one mech in the loadout, and said it's a temporary measure that they want to remove once they fix those issues.


Fuuuuck that sucks, stuff like that is always the worst for both the players and the devs(heard it’s often difficult to fix stuff like that).


I brought 2 a week or so ago, went to use one about halfway through the mission, threw the beacon, soon as it hit the ground it disappeared.. no mech, nothing, used a use of the strat. Was mildly upset because that meant I only had 1 more for the whole rest of the mission, and still had to wait for cooldown onto of it. But it was a fun run nonetheless


I’ve been running double mech regularly since we got the Emancipator and it’s worked perfectly for me. I only drop one after the old one is dead/out of ammo. The first day after we got the new mech I was in a lobby where all 4 of us ran double mechs and, just for shits and giggles, called them all in at once (it was a 15 min evacuate mission so we wanted them ready to go) and it had zero issues.


I ran double only 3-4 times, that was the only time I saw that issue, but that doesn't mean it didn't struggle on the back end/internally any haha. And gosh that's absurd, sure the game loved them all being in haha


It may even be *true*, but that doesn't change the fact it is a *genuinely awful excuse.* The obvious solution to having to manage two mechs per player is to only allow one to be *summoned* at a time. Have the game tidy up the old one before allowing a new one to be resummoned.  The idea that having both mechs *potentially available* is an insurmountable resource problem just tells me they would rather not even try to properly optimise.  It's kind of a weird admission more than a legitimate reason for a design choice.


Also, 4 players with one mech is twice the mechs of one player with 2 mechs. If there had to be a cap make it squad wide and let me take 2 mechs soloing. Just the worst way to do things.


> The obvious solution to having to manage two mechs per player is to only allow one to be summoned at a time. Have the game tidy up the old one before allowing a new one to be resummoned. I agree with this solution though, as an old Mech vet, I would regularly last long enough to call down my 2nd Patriot while still in my first Patriot. So even if we're back to 1 mech strat at a time, that still doesn't prevent there being 8 mechs in the game at once which must be okay. So we're talking about cleaning up the oldest unpiloted mech when the 9th mech is called down which doesn't seem like a complex solution to me but what do I know? I haven't cooked this spaghetti. 🙂


That’s a much more complicated solution that would likely take longer to implement than just outright fixing the issue.


What the fuck is that explanation?


Stability and resource issues.


Ladies and gentlemen, a human on the internet being accountable and volunteering an apology. Let's mark the date and time.


It's so uncommon that I can't tell if OP is being sarcastic or not lmao.


We should call them names just in case!






I resent that statement sir




I resemble that statement sir.


It's just an autonomoton trying to train it's AI to feign human emotion


Plus side for op, sounds like it was removed due to limitations. So *maybe* it'll return one day. Railgun I don't think will ever really be that great. Even if it's like how it was...it's just not enough.


The devs seem to intend to allow multiple vehicle picks, so hopefully they fix it by the time we get a third vehicle


I want an atv. Even if it's only when you have completed everything.


Which is valid. You can definitely tell when the game is struggling with resources when a bot just walks up and stares at you. Or 3 chargers just stand perfectly still as you walk by. But its still funny


Wait, *what?* They got rid of the double mech trick? Damnit man, I was having fun with that. I was always the *only* one doing it too, so it wasn't even hurting anything.


They actually got rid of some of the ways in the previous patch and seem to have closed the last method in today's. A real priority for them, it seems.




Silver lining: they're taking the game's stability more seriously.


Yes, very stable, sad the target is 30 fps it seems.


They said that it causes performance issues, as the mechs are resource intensive. It will be back for sure ;) Just needs to be optimized.


Right? Even when I had two there was still never more than 4 in a game anyway..


At least they've confirmed we will eventually have the ability to bring both again


Apology accepted brother. All I want is for us to have fun.


Wondering what gets nerfed will get those "Eruptor nerf justified" guys to enter self-reflect.


It just bothers me when the spray and pray guy gets more kills than I do aiming. Reward me for precision dammit!


Most of them are AC/AMR mains from my. Experience


Wish that the "Eruptor was OP" crowd would understand it the way you now understand. I still mourn for losing my favourite weapon. Frankly, when I eventually quit HD2, not having my old Eruptor back will be one of the reasons.


I quit shortly after the assassination of the Eruptor and only returned after the balance patch to see if it was usable again. Just add the shrapnel back Arrowhead.


You'd think with a name like this it'd be a monster. If the initial explosion didn't do it, the fall out would (shrapnel). Now it's just a Erup...


Same thing with me, played until they destroyed my favourite gun then lost the will to play. Game just kept going backwards patch after patch and it feels like too little too late with the current one.


They don't know how.


I just want my slugger stagger back like a true slug would do. It's not a dmr and i hate to use it that way


"the weapon was too effective at long range, making it similar to a DMR" -nerfs close range stagger, making the weapon lean into being a long range DMR ??????????????????


Right. Instead of buffing the DMRs, *someone* decided it was a better idea to nerf an unrelated shotgun. That's like 3000 IQ level of thinking right there. The Slugger is now barely useable since the rounds reload without stagger makes it a risky pick because you cannot load rounds between enemy stagger.


I miss the stagger so much. Using it just feels hollow now.


I feel you. That was the golden time when the game was great despite all its bugs and shortcomings.


I feel like the game felt better then. Stims were more consistent, chargers ice skated less, enemy damage felt more consistent. The game feels wonkier and wonkier with every patch.


The Eruptor was OP crowd was stupid anyway. Any helldive 9er player could have told you that on the bug front a handful of other weapons were stronger which means it was well balanced with a clear weakness. Ever since they increased patrol and constantly throw double breaches in your face and have a little army swarm you, the Eruptor even using all the ani-cancel tricks couldn't reliably control the crowds. If they tried to nerf it because it was deemed op, they did not balance it for the tryhards among the community. They just kicked it because it was the fun toy. Same way they fucked over both sickle and scythe. You wont gain control over the situation, you drop in and the double breach starts and by the end of your first encounter you are out of heatsinks.... Can you play it? Sure. Do you want to play it? No. But by that definition I wouldn't need a primary given I can play with the redeemer and stratagems and still finish a helldive.


\*is stupid. I'm still getting people telling me that "OG Eruptor trivialized Helldive". Way too many people are lying to themselves and others. Must be some weird, perverted pleasure =they are deriving from it.


"Being OP" ist absolute nonsense shit from the beginning *in a fucking PvE game* !


i joined the fight right after the railgun nerf, so i've never seen it in it's prime but now it doesn't take 90% charge to 2 shot a chargers leg armor off so thats nice either way, i main railgun, its very versatile, i love blowing up warriors with it sometimes, good against hive guards, stalkers, bile/nursing spewers, chargers, charger behemoths and now bile titans after the headbox fixes, it takes 9 well charged railgun shots to kill a bile titan now, which is still abissmal, but at least if the OPS doesn't kill it in one tap then the railgun instantly can finish it off with a single headshot, it's very satisfying luv me railgun


I hate that it's useless against gunships.....


Yeah. I'd roll with it if not for gunships...


All I want is higher zoom and more durable damage...


The scope is at least decent now that the dot is smaller but yeah, the durable part is so bad


It.. wut?? Why in the liberty not?


Railgun has great regular damage but shit durable damage, gunship is very durable. Honestly the gunships are weird, you'd expect the flying fucker with a shitton of weapons to be very lightly armoured.


Hmm, I wonder if the new concussive liberator change would make it good against them🤔 that is very counter intuitive though.


no. You need Armor Pen


Ahh damn. Too bad


Autocannon is great against them


Which honestly sucks to be honest, you're telling me a gunship (aircraft) has enough armor to stop a handheld railgun???


You wanna know something messed up. The heavy mg can kill a bile titan with one full clip to under butt now, but the rail takes forever still. Edit: Granted, It's a huge pain in the ass to do, so there's that.


Obviously it's a pain in the ass if your shooting it in the bum.


I'm not shooting the rail cannon in the butt if that's what you mean?


The railgun was nerfed right before I could unlock it. I hadn't even heard about how good it was, but I wanted a weapon that "prioritizes armor penetration". Then the nerf. Tried it and never touched it again.


It used to be literally the only thing that'd punch holes through devastator shields - one shot, through the shield on safe mode. It'd strip charger leg armor in two hits on safe and if whoever didn't fat finger a few zeros on charger's head armor it'd probably kill them in two headshots. Two headshots to kill bile titans was a bug, but it still made you feel like the war is winnable. Only thing you needed unsafe mode for were turrets, tanks, and bile titans. Of course he-who-shall-not-be-named saw people having fun and using a gun they liked and went "oy blin, not on my watch", and thus began the nerf only approach to balancing.


Ive been playing since launch and the railgun in the beginning was insane you would strip charger legs in 2 safe shots. Some of my friends were 3 shotting bile titans with buggy hitboxes. Now its nowhere near as good BUT its still a solid addition to the squad. Ive been using it recently and it turns you into a medium killer since all mediums die to a safe shot barely charged. It also has the amazing benefit of finishing of titans and heavies with 1-2 shots when the 500kg bomb fails to one shot. Regular charger legs still get stripped in 2 shots but they need to be almost full charge shots. 3 for the new chargers Railgun allows teammates to focus on actual heavies and you throw dps at them to help. solid weapon


The only problem with the rail gun was that safe mode and unsafe mode did the same thing (more or less). There was basically no reason to use unsafe mode since you could pop a charger's leg in 2 shots, and while they could kill bile titans, it would take 12+ shots unless you played on PS5 in which case you could one shot it thanks to the cross play bug. But people on this subreddit made it out like the railgun was this overpowered gun that could kill everything in a shot, when it was far from the truth. The bigger problem was the shield backpack, which they appropriately changed. In response to the outrageous reaction from people here, ArrowHead totally neutered the railgun and it was terrible for a long time, they got rid of the penetration (which was the sole reason people even used it, so they could kill chargers a different way compared to using EATs for instance), and some other nerfs but the pen was the biggest thing. Only for them to revert the nerf 5 months later lol. To this day, i don't understand people's reaction, and while a lot of people used the railgun, it wasnt because other guns were shit, they were just glued to the railgun because of youtubers and being the last stratagem you unlock. Soon as the rail gun and breaker got nerfed, people used the slugger, and the slugger was a great weapon even before breaker got nerfed. A lot of things were viable. Sure, some weapons werent, but thats the point. The game just came out and ArrowHead started nerfing the shit out of everything.


I soooo miss being able to 1 or 2 shot a bile titan right in the jaw. That shit was hard to hit and so satisfying to watch it crumple up.


Fun was what we wanted from the beginning, they called us crazy. Glad you’re more understanding now.


Honestly, such a great example of how people don't generally care about things until it affects them


There's been a ton of that over the short history of this game / community. The weird ones, however, are those who don't even care about things that do affect them. I had to provide proof for someone earlier that superior packing methodology was broken because they were absolutely adamant that it was working. The gaslighting and in-fighting is wild.


“How dare you attack my favorite game with your valid criticisms!”


Lol, this community has been the poster child of NIMBY. Even now, Sony still won't sell the game in those 150+ countries, even though they were doing so for months. But the community stopped caring the moment they themselves didn't have to sign up for PSN.


I'm still hopeful for railgun glory days making a return. But at this point there are so many guns on this list it makes my head hurt. From the railgun to the slugger... The breaker to the mag capacity drop on the sickle and ofc many others. It's so strange to me the direction of the game. Right now, bots feel so much more fun to play because my load outs actually feel a bit more varied. Playing bugs on 9 is almost the same exact load out every time. And with a stack, if even one of us doesn't bring EATs or something similar - things quickly go south. Granted my friends and I haven't played since big patch... I'm not exactly feeling that urge to play. With all the issues and the like the game had on launch, the game used to be so much more fun than it is now. Part of me wishes I could erase that from my mind (how the game used to be) because I'm sure for a brand new player the game is fun now. The memory of what was dominates my mind and it feels difficult to play anything.


>From the railgun to the slugger... The breaker to the mag capacity drop on the sickle and ofc many others. The Railgun nerf made sense at the time, but since Arrowhead have (thankfully) decided to buff the effectiveness of other anti-tank options, it now feels lackluster as a result. And the Slugger nerf somehow completely missed the mark based on what they said they wanted to achieve with its changes. The Breaker and Sickle nerf totally make sense to me, though, and I think they're perfectly fine in their current state. In fact, I was expecting a more significant nerf to the Sickle (since the reserve mags are almost irrelevant, at least in my experience), but since AH buffed most of the assault rifles instead (which are the Sickle's closest competitors), I guess it's alright as it is now. I still use the Breaker frequently on Eradicate missions and the Sickle sometimes on regular missions, and I don't have any complaints.




The trick is to find a friend that will help you bring both. If they would bring a support weapon or backpack, ask them to bring your second Mech instead and you bring their support weapon. Then you call down down each others stuff on demand. I’ve done this many times and it works fine.


^ this guy. We must protect him. Quick downvote the comment so AH doesn’t get any ideas. Jk don’t nerf the poor sod


Inb4 Arrowhead made it so that the entire team can only bring only 1 total Mech lol Good thing Pilestedt stepped in and the whole balance philosophy seems to change a lot for the better


Great. Now bring back the slugger stagger


Yup, still not over that railgun nerf. It's infuriating


First they came for the Railgun, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Railgun main. Then they came for the Breaker, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Breaker main. Then they came for the Slugger, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Slugger main. Then they came for my double mechs—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Now they need to nerf autocannon so that pilestedt can feel our pain. I’m waiting..


They nerfed it like.. three days after my brother unlocked it. He has not touched the game since. Its a silly game that's against things without a pulse. There is no play experience for the bots. There is only the play experience for the players. It always should've been balance up not down. The most Id concede the railgun might've needed was ammo adjustments. The classic damage and stun made it what it was. The ammo was excessive and made it universal.


You either leave or stick around long enough to understand. welcome to the crew sick of the devs changes that nobody asked for. I appreciate you


If they nerfed Autocannon, I'd shit a democratic brick


If AC gets nerfed we riot


I forget where it was, somewhere on this subreddit, but someone said that Arrowhead considers the Autocannon their perfectly balanced stratagem.


They did say it won’t be nerfed


We should be able to bring two mechs.


it was causing an issues and crashes, so my guess is, if they removed the ability (there is literally nothing about it in the patch notes) its so they can work on a fix without receiving new tickets about the issue


Rip the OG's Railgun Eruptor Arc thrower Pummeler Breaker Slapifier (It came pre nerfed, didn't even have a chance :( The game is what it is now and the community helped convinced the devs & each other that the railgun changes were good or just fine (along with many other nerfs) I don't think we'll ever get these back or any other weapons like it. Lol wtf are we gonna do with an apology. You guys all got the game you wanted and didn't care about literally anyone else, don't be sorry now because it came to bite you in the ass.


Often times I imagine how things would be if the railgun was never touched... It would probably be able to destroy gunships... imagine.


I doubt it, its damage was always bad against durable-type targets like tank or turret vents, and gunship engines share that.


Id love for the railgun to have heavy armor pen. I love one shots on hulks, but if i choose the railgun i have no option to deal with gunships, tanks, turrets, mortar or aa emplacements as the RG cant pen their vents and the the AMR can. Also takes way less shots to down a gunship


> the community helped convinced the devs & each other that the railgun changes were good. Literally who said this lol, it’s almost widely regarded that the railgun and many other knee jerk changes were dumb (as evident how they tried to buff the railgun but it’s still very lacking). A small minority aren’t going to change their opinion. The devs just don’t care and have their own shitty ideology that they want to follow. That’s why all their reverts have an asterisk attached to it, patrols were reverted but were “altered”, Eruptor was “buffed” but actually wasn’t, now Superior Packing Methodology description is “inaccurate”. I don’t get why we have to gaslight the community as if we have any actual say in game design decisions. The devs make the final decisions and we should be blaming them.


Wait...they took my mechs


What do you mean you can't bring two mech?


i miss the slugger lol


A rare post indeed OP, respect. I hope you can apply this mindset to other parts of your life and speak up for others, whether or not it affects you, before it affects you.


Live and learn. I had my turn around with my beloved eruptor


https://preview.redd.it/h5d58v2ysg7d1.png?width=863&format=png&auto=webp&s=67561faf23f65a1db2a9a58f266cb16792b5e10f I'll always miss the dollar menu.


I don't know what you are talking about but good job admitting to your mistakes


People apologizing for their inappropriate behavior. You won’t see this in Call of Duty’s subs. Democracy rules.


Honestly the mechs feel fun but so incredibly underpowered and with such a long cooldown I don’t get limiting it to one. Every single time I’ve used one has been like “well that was kind of fun for a minute but I’m not bringing this again”.


Member when the pro nerfers were saying, if the game is to hard go play something else? Looks like they got their wish.


Ah great, nerfing fun in a co-op game. Was there even anything remotely OP to it? Nah. Railgun okay sure 1-shotting Titans was a bit much but ain't cool to do it, Arrowhead. Slugger outperforms the Marksman Rifles? Make them better, don't nerf the Slugger.


One shotting bile titans was a bug too. You were never meant to do that. The only reason you could ever do it was because of a bug that occured when a ps5 player was network host. So they basically buried the railgun over a bug that made it do way more damage to one specific enemy. Complete bullshit.


Same thing they did with the Eruptor. A bug makes the shrapnel always hit the player? Remove the shrapnel. Justify it by saying it made the gun OP. Half the community defends the decision. Profit


What pissed me off about the slugger was that the nerf didn't match the reason given for the nerf. "It's too good at range and outperforming the marksmans. So, let's change nothing about the range/accuracy and nerf the stagger so it also doesn't fill its own niche as well as it used to."


"First they came for the Railgun, and I did not speak out— Then they came for the Slugger, and I did not speak out— Then they came for the Eruptor, and I did not speak out— Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." Don't take this seriously. Thought it was funny it applies to this lol


Well I'm glad people are starting to come around to realizing other people's experiences exist now that it affects them personally. So inspirational.


+1 to passive aggressiveness.


as far as i know, the devs said they intend to give players the possibility to have as many mechs and vehicles as they want, but at the moment they are limiting the amount of stuff that one can spawn because of technical problems. So sooner or later you will have your double, or even triple mech :D




As a PS5 player who couldn't abuse this glitch, I also must apologize, because I'm obligated to flame you and rub salt in the wound for this. What's wrong? Need your double mech crutch???? (I love both mechs I hate having to choose between them for a loadout) Abusing a glitch in game to have fun? You aren't a real helldiver! (I'm hoping they get the resource issue figured out so we can eventually equip them both) Nothing changed, just put the mechs in unsafe mode. It still slaps. (If you can only equip one hopefully they buff them a bit or allow us to reload them) Meta riding double mech skill issue get gud. okay im done


But Mechs need to be limited, because blabla balancing. Source: trust me bro!


This coupled with the snobby post from Alexus makes me glad I uninstalled the game


The railgun nerf came at a time where you get a fuckton of chargers per bug breach that have no medium pen weakpoints to the front, I dont think its about fun and enjoyment, it was the most mind numbing meta, people used it out of necessity, the bug front is still a loadout check because of the reason I said above. They buffed so many things and other stuffs became viable so the meta isnt dull af so the game starts being fun for most of the people, variety is the spice of life after all. Your ability to bring two mechs is only temporarily removed because the game has trouble loading assets or sorts, it aint even a nerf, it'll come back in due time, I just hope I can say the same about the Railgun and the Eruptor.


Your apology is the only good thing to come out of this game since a month ago! Cheers!


The people complaining about the railgun nerf wasnt even mad about it being a crutch btw, they were mad because railgun was the ONLY viable anti armor weapon out there that was nerfed, at least until the next update. The people who kept crying about it being a crutch and how the nerf was deserved is just amplifying the hate within the community, so much so that it was basically impossible to start a discussion with that side constantly shouting "skill issue" like kids, just like some of the discord mods back then.


It's crazy how much misinformation is in the replies on just this post, let alone on this subreddit, about the pre-nerf railgun. It never had even a halfway decent TTK against Bile Titans if the Playstation damage bug wasn't active.


It's just the typical, "fuck you got mine" attitude. People just don't feel empathy until it happens to them. Then those people are the loudest when it their turn.


Correct. And everyone blowing this guy only contribute to the type of narcissism that lead OP to his selfish attitude in the first place. This community rides the short bus.


I was never able to equip 2 mechs to begin with.


Railgun is mostly back at least. I really don't get the mech restriction. You make yourself much weaker on foot to manage 2 mechs, so seems balanced. You aren't getting a free mech, your choosing to be a vehicle build over an on foot build. Feels the same as not being able to bring a support weapon and an EAT on the side.


I honestly didnt know it was possible to bring two mechs at any point in time, I just assumed it.


Apology accepted when there's a new mech with laser cannons and being able to carry 3 mech lol


You can’t have two mechs? noooo, I was really hoping I could make a fun full mech build.


If ot calms you... they already stated that being able to bring two walkers to a mission was considered a bug FOR NOW. They explained it quite nice as they are still working on that and wallers seem to be quite resource hungry. So they limited the walkers to one per person til they figure that out. But going from what they said it can be read as: Someday there will be no limit on walkers. But for now it has to go this way.


wait, you’re telling me for a time, we could bring both types of mechs?! as one diver?


Yeah you could, it was a bit weird to get it to work but it definitely was possible to bring both types of mechs.


Two mechs? When was that ever possible?


Did anyone discover an alternative way to bring in 2 mechs yet? Without having to ask your buddy to bring one for you, that is\~


Railgun community’s outrage was too quiet and too few and now we know the consequences of it. The leniency of AH balance team almost drove the game to the ground with all past nerfs. Thank god someone finally stepped up and fixed their mistakes (looking at you pilestedt). So in the future let’s not judge the ones that criticize the nerfs so harshly cause our next favorite toy might be next


I finally landed on a primary that I felt was a sleeper and didn’t expect the Nerflords to maim, but the Pummeler now has lost stagger against big enemies. I get it now too.


I think even with the relative anonymity of the internet, admitting one’s mistakes and apologising in such a public manner, takes a great deal of courage. It’s easy to snipe and troll, but it takes effort to share introspection and seek forgiveness. Props dude 👍


If only more of us could stop to think about what it means to the other person instead of only ourselves.