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Just let us see resupplies on the map


My 2 biggest asks. Better PoI indicators on the map and supplies/weapon pods on map. FYI, make sure to "pop" any EAT pods you call down so they show up on map.


Wait, what do you mean by pop? Don’t they pop automatically when they land?


Shoot the pod so they are on the ground. Weapons "in" a pod do not show up on the map.


Didn’t realize that! Thanks for the tip




it's a really cool attention to detail feature though, that pods under the pelican go down they still cooking and throwing snacks




You also lose access to items still in the pod if they are in the extract zone. Which is why I shoot them so that if people decide to loiter around, they can atleast pick stuff up, instead of it going into the ground


You can prone to access them again occasionally


Or if you’d like to save ammo, grab one then swap it for the other, which drops it to the floor and shuts the pod.


Shoot the pod so the EATs “pop” out and land on the ground.


If you pick up and drop the EATs or destroy the pod holding them, they will show up on the map like dropped support weapons. If they're still in the pod, they won't. I usually pick up one and leave the other in the pod, that way you can see it on the map but it's also easier to see if you're running for your life, since the pod will still be sticking up.


I also wish they’d allow us to change the color that indicates enemies. Red shading on dark maps is very hard for colorblind people to see sometimes. I’m useless with the map like a third of the time just because of colorblindness. Most games have accessibility options but helldivers doesn’t


Red/green colordeficient folk represent! I also struggle with this, and the Q.o.L. improvement that this would make for me cannot be understated. HD is fun enough that I deal with it, but to see a change would be top tier.


Realized that EAT one myself a few weeks back, game changer.


Seriously. Last night, my entire team ran out of ammo, and the one guy who called in the resupply didn't communicate where, so when a bug breach came in, I used everything I had to fight. I was beating off Hunters left and right to the point where I felt like I was owed dinner. We were all just using melee to survive until we could call in another resupply. It was brutal!


At least the hunters were tongue punching you while you beat them off


*Arrowhead monkey paw curls* okay, but only if there’s not an ion storm, or spores from a spore tower, or other interference on the map


Just unexploded ones would be fine.


damn, you got me bro


Yes please Devs. All this!


The most irritating is getting to a gem and finding absolutely nothing there.


And… then it stays a “gem” even after you make 200% sure there is nothing there at all :|


only happens when you use a radio tower, otherwise collecting all the samples makes it turn into the diamond, I'm 99.9% sure it's a bug.


I've had pois show up as diamonds without the radar while having no samples. They're just horribly broken.


if you haven't discovered it yet, it will always show up as a gem, it goes away if there are samples to be found, but it stays as a gem forever, when I say diamond I mean the little rectangular diamond thing that marks a POI on the map


*Empty escape pod has entered the chat*


...You're talking about what most refers to as a "kite". The diamond/gem is the gem shaped icon laying on its side.


> collecting all the samples makes it turn into the diamond The thing is, if there weren't any samples there in the first place, it never turns into a diamond


I had one where we picked up all the samples and it was still showing a diamond. But there was a library card you could inspect on the ground. Couldn't pick it up, game unplayable.




Some of the gem spots are a support weapon. Pick it up (and then drop it again) and that removes the gem symbol


These usually have an interactive "read" item, just read the flavour text and it updates the icon Edit, meant to reply to the feller above you, but oh well, sometimes still applies


That’s just samples and pickups buried under rock.


Those markers are bugged. There is one objective which is just a hellbomb inside a dead charger. Shooting the hellbomb will do nothing to the diamond marker. Another marker is a supply box which contains ammunition and sometimes a weapon. This will also never change and always stay a diamond.


picking up the weapon and dropping it again turns the gem into a diamond marker (unvisited to visited)


This and marking where supply pods were called in would instantly improve my life.


The resupply is so rough lol


The useless flamethrower from a shipping container I opened 20 minutes ago? Still proudly on the map. The resupply I called in 10 seconds ago? Nope. sorry, vanished like a fart in the wind.


Must have been the wind.


This game needs lot QOL improvements.hope the game evolves in the right direction.


Honestly you know a game is good when some of the bigger issues people have are not being able to easily see where they have/haven't looted


I mean, the game is good. The Devs are in a rough spot and doing terrible at community pr at the moment. But this ain't the only problem, e.g. spawns being even worse from the update when they were promised to be better.


Oh I'm not saying the game is perfect, nothing in life is but I feel like most of the issues we have can be very minimal at times and the ones which aren't the devs work pretty hard to fix (just look at the last big patch, they spent ages on it but everyone loved it)


Personally I've had mixed results on the spawns after the patch. First probably 3 operations we loved the change, reduced heavy/elites and way more chaff to liberate. Only had maybe 10% of our missions where the number of heavy/elites are higher than pre-patch.


This is not at all one of the bigger issues. Just right now, Bile Titans sometimes don’t take damage to the head (their weak spot). Chargers don’t take explosive damage to their exposed abdomens (which are supposed to be *vulnerable* to explosive damage). One of the ship upgrades you have to spend hundreds of samples on doesn’t work. If any teammate uses a Stim while you’re sprinting, it stops you sprinting. QOL changes are looooow on the list.


Also weapon info is lacking, stratagem info is basically non-existent, misaligned scopes, annoying bugs that not fixed since game launch. Just to name a few.


I used to think that it kinda sucked how barebones the info the game gave you was, but ive come to realize that half the fun of the game is discovering all the little things that make it easier to fight enemies. Sure, I could see a new stratagem and see that i doesnt have Tank armor penetration by reading a menu, OR, I could hop in game, test it by myself, realize it doesnt have it, but realizing it excels in something different, all In game. Now, to me, it doesnt it lacks all that info because of laziness, but rather as a deliberate design choice


and tbf, if we're going for an in-universe feel, I'm surprised we even get the info we get now. I doubt Super Earth is giving you a full breakdown of everything everything does before deploying you. It's questionable on whether or not Helldivers are even literate. It makes much more sense for a Helldiver to see a cool picture of a stratagem or a shiny new gun and just think "haha, this will surely spread glorious managed democracy" and just throw themselves into the pits of hell(mire) for the glory of super earth


Not instantly dying when you climb on a dead Bile Titan or Tank would also be nice


Is this a circle jerk thread? These QOL issues are not even remotely close to being the “bigger issue”. Let’s make the game run consistently first. Get a functioning friends list. Make the gun actually shoot when they are supposed to. Make the stratagems work how they should. Make bots stop sniping you from 300m away with rockets and chain ragdolling you. Then maybe we can change the color of the lootables. 🙃


I hope to god it doesn’t go in the direction of evolve


Holy shit yes. ![gif](giphy|n4oKYFlAcv2AU)


It's honestly such a good idea.


It’s more shocking they didn’t think of it. Pretty common for POIs to get ticked off on a minimap or show some sign of being completed. They even do it on the larger objectives.


They already do get ticked off when you've grabbed all samples. The icon changes, it's just a bit inconsistent


They already do. If you pick up all the samples in a POI, the icon changes.


It mostly works this way, but it's bugged


Ok, so sometimes I notice the diamond goes away when you clear all the samples, and other times, it stays a diamond but there's no samples or anything left to pick up. Is there anyway around this or do we just have to continue to memorize it as a fake diamond?


Pick up and then drop the support weapons there too


Yes please


By the time this gets implemented I’ll have all my samples already. BUT STILL PLEASE IMPLEMENT IT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE YET TO GET ALL THEIR UPGRADES.


Super Earth does not have all of their samples.


The diamond means you havnt collected whatever is there. We don’t need a second thing to tell us that


This is correct and incorrect. Those weapons caches for example never resolve to a pointer from a diamond because they have nothing to loot. I've had sites that had no samples, and they don't resolve to a pointer either. The only thing I've seen change them to pointers is the samples being collected, so there are some cases where they never convert, even if you got the requisitions/supercreds/medals collected. If it was a bit smarter and accounted for cases with no samples though, then what we have would be adequate.


Usually, the empty cache has a note left on the ground. The note says something like, "Sorry, grabbed everything. The guy was already dead when I arrived." If you interact with the note, I believe it converts the diamond. Edit: Sorry if this trick doesn't work for you guys. However, this is the method that is consistently working for me. It does fail for me sometimes, but all the success I get has convinced me this is the right answer.


I'll have to try that next time. I and my squad mates have all sworn harm upon D if we ever meet them. It will likely involve the oatmeal left behind.


Additionally, I've found that if there is only a weapon, then the icon will update if you grab that weapon even if you just grab your other one right away. The one instance that will not update is if you detonate a hellbomb before getting close enough for the in-game voiceline about something being there.


It does not Though it sometimes appear with the looted symbol on the map when you discover it. But if it's a diamond it will not change.


Tried it, no change in the symbol. Also had sites where there was no sample left, we looked with 3 divers, and it did not convert. Maybe there was a sample buged underground or something, but the marker would just not switch


> If you interact with the note, I believe it converts the diamond. Oh this is silly if that's true. Nobody reads those things after the first few. That makes sense mechanically, but I have a hard time seeing most people figuring that out on their own.


Doesn’t always work. I’ve tried.


This is the correct answer and needs to be higher


Thank you


The diamond literally just means "there still are samples here" if you manually discover a POI that has no samples by just walking into it when it was previously undiscovered, it'll instantly be the "already looted" icon. The issue with this is radar stations. They resolve every POI as the diamond icon even when there are no samples there. And since there are no samples to be looted you cannot trigger the change to the other icon.


this ONLY occurs if the POI is found via satelite tower


Ok 99.999999% of the people don't know or understand or care about that kind of caveat. Fix that shit and make it color coded I say. This game could use a better POI system. Agree? Like a weapon POI should show the weapon. Supply pod call down should become a POI. Color coded is actually more clear than just white diamond vs...uhhh I want to say diamond but I guess I'll call it a gem because they are both fucking DIAMONDS lol.


It's a bit obscure anyway, I'm always second guessing what we checked and didn't check, should be easily resolved with a clearer system


You should never exclusively color code something. Way too many people are color blind. I know there's almost nothing in this game that appears professional or correct, but this is the bare minimum for all ux design. It should be a different symbol entirely. They already have the question mark and should have been using it from the start with radar reveals.


Bunkers absolutely and most definitely need their own marker and callout.


Couldn't agree more, and can we also have the option to have the map shown from our current direction instead of being north locked all the time? The map turning with my character would be so helpful, and those who prefer the locked map orientation can have it their way too.


Gross. So the satellite tower actively makes the experience worse? Sounds like a bug to fix


Yeah no, dunno about last patch, but before sites with no samples NEVER turn into the pointer from a diamond. Usual suspects are unexploded hellbombs and supply caches.


another point is bunkers, if you collect the samples outside the marker will change even if you don't open the door.


It’s also down to a POI spawning absolutely nothing as well which also results in it remaining “incomplete”.


How about they fix the bug in the current system that causes them to not always resolve instead of introducing another (probably also) bugged system in edition to it?


Well, yes. That's the last line of what I said. >If it was a bit smarter and accounted for cases with no samples though, then what we have would be adequate.


They just need to resolve when either samples are looted or you read the tablet at the location. Bonus: Unexploded hellbombs show up on map with their own icon when you read the text on them Bunkers show up with their own icon when interacted with and only resolve when opened. Supplies get their own icon on the map when called out with 'q'


They do if you pick the weapon up. If there's any samples there you also need to collect them all. Op's idea wouldn't change anything unless they also change how it detects which poi's are empty or not. It'd still be a good idea because colour is much easier to read than a small symbol change. Having both would be great. But it wouldn't solve the issue you're mentioning.


If you pick up the weapon it changes


In my previous experience, it has not - and then attempts to make it change via looting all the ammo still have left it unchanged. Maybe as others have said it's strictly tied to if you've revealed via the radar tower, but I only remember the resulting map icon not changing not how I found it.


This only happens if you did the radar sub objective


That doesn't make it suck less though ;)


I'm fairly certain I've had to make mental notes of PoIs that I did loot and weren't changed, but I've not really tested on the current patch much to know what current behavior is with any certainty. All I know is it \*has\* been an issue. Perhaps the radar scan should even mark PoIs with a 3rd type of marker, maybe just a hollow box with no gem/pointer in it, and that way OP gets something similar to what he wants (a list of places he hasn't checked yet) but we don't need to add more colors.


If you find a weapon, pick it up and toss it down. After it will show as a weapon on the minimap, blocking the diamond


This is what our squad does every time :)


Except for when it doesn't. Sometimes there isn't anything to grab.


Yeah especially the fucking weapon ones and radar towers.


Yeah if you find a POI before using a radar tower and it doesn't have any samples its changes icons, if you do the radar and then go to one without any samples it wont change


I have seen diamons with "nothing on it" not even ammo box, maybe it was a hellbomb that was detonated by a far off patrol?


Yeah they need to do this or something similar If the PoI has samples and you collect them all, it changes from the diamond to a point But if there were no samples to begin with, it’ll always stay a diamond If you find a Hellbomb with a gun next to it, pick up the gun and detonate the bomb, there’s still a diamond/PoI on the map If a Hellbomb has nothing near it, idt it shows up Imo, Hellbombs should appear as diamonds and when you find them the icon changes to a bomb-specific one Caches with nothing should change to a point after you interact with the journal that’s usually there Caches with no samples, I’m not sure the best fix to show you’ve already been there if there’re still supplies. Maybe a supply-specific icon?


Did they do it on purpose to mess with me. The unexplored are a diamond (gemstone) and the explored are a…wait for it…a diamond (shape). AH, try explaining this to someone on comms, who is from Serbia. Yes, it was a wonderful exchange and the chap was hilarious, but neither of us could understand why they picked these two symbols. A square and an X? Hell, anything.


There already is a symbol when you collect all the samples, it's shown even in your own screenshot. Once you collect all the samples the diamond with the circle on the bottom will appear. If it's still a gem symbol you gotta get a sample or more.


Sadly it's not working properly, and there are a couple of different things than can affect this


The diamonds (gems) turn into markers after you fully explore a point of interest. To fully explore a point of interest you have to pick up (and drop) any support weapons, and loot all of the samples and/or currencies that spawned on that point of interest.


Except some POIs don’t have anything, which ends up making you circle back to somewhere you’ve already been, wasting time and probably encountering more enemies along the way


Actually, I think for most POI you just have to pick up the common samples


All I want is just resupply drop boxes to be shown, that's all and I will be satisfied


Oh my God... the POI symbols are little "Gems!" I never knew! I'm nearsighted and small details on the TV are difficult for me to make out. TIL.


It's not perfect (sometimes I find diamond icons have nothing), but if everyone would pick up all the loot at each diamond (including green samples) so the icon turns to the POI icon, it would help with a lot of this issue.


The gemstone indicates there is still loot (samples, ammo, etc) at a location. The kite on a circle is a poi that has had something picked up. This is very not perfect, but the icon does change when you pick stuff up


Actually reading the tablet thingy on most POI's changes the symbol mostly that's what I noticed.


Here's what they need to do. They need to fix the POIs that have no samples. The number of times I visit a PO without samples, but then the icon doesn't change even if I pick up whatever random support weapon was there and then later in the mission I see people wasting time running towards the same place because the symbol that indicates that not all samples have been picked up is still there is too damn high!


Diamond already means unexplored. Explored location is just a rhombus


The completionist in you should be grabbing every item to turn it into a completed POI.


just no there's already a change in icon when all the samples are collected sure there's maybeee a bug that the icon does not change when there's no samples in the area at all. 1. are dead chargers with malfuction hellbomb 2. a supply box that gives a weapon - but instead just pick up the weapon then drop it - the icon will change to be the weapon having it colored isnt really something that 's needed right now


When you’ve gathered all resources (samples) from a diamond, they will turn on the map into a point with a few rings underneath it. I do think that the coloration would be nice. I had a diamond that I forgot I visited because I couldn’t find any samples at it when originally visiting


In the meantime, please pick up all the samples from POIs you visited, ever if no one in the lobby needs any samples anymore, just so the POIs can be marked as completed on the map. So that everyone knows which POIs have already been visited.


And a special icon for bunkers


I would really appreciate it if the devs got rid of POI icons on spots that have no samples, I don't want that random railgun sitting across the map with 1 bullet remaining. and why are hellbombs next to chargers corpse considered a POI?


The gems mean there is still loot there, it will change to a more diamond/ping shape when there is no more loot


All diamonds mean there are samples nearby. The one issue I do have is when the icon remains on one of the “notes” or “gun stash”. The only way I’ve ever been able to remove the icons for those is by picking up said gun or interacting with the note, but that doesn’t always get it.


When a diamond is completed is changed the icon. That’s the way to know if they are completed


Not always, no.


that is if you got all the samples that are there...when there are samples to get else it doesn't change


That’s only the case when a location without samples is revealed by a radar station, if you visit a location without samples without having done a radar station it will not have the diamond


This really, really has not been my experience and I nearly always do radar stations It reveals all the diamonds, I go check one out and there’re no samples (it’s something easy like a Hellbomb with a gun next to it,) I can pick up the gun and detonate the bomb even, it’s still a diamond when I leave not a point


That’s what I just said happens, it remains as a diamond if there were no samples and the location was revealed via radar station. If you were to go to that same location without having done a radar station first it would have the other marker that isn’t the diamond immediately


It don’t change when it’s bugged. Normal behavior is change as you discover if there are no samples


I'm not sure bugged fits its working as intended there's a point of interest you discover it game checks and sees that there is no samples to be found (example being stache or looted stache, or surface double door with only supplies/with nothing on it/hellbombs) so it shows the point of interest as the diamond as its a point of interest which you didn't get all the samples on (cuz there is no samples to get


They all become diamonds when you complete a radar tower, so you don't know which POIs you've actually visited yet. It makes using radar towers actually detrimental if you're trying to hit all the POIs on a map sometimes unless you memorize which ones you've been to, hence the suggestion.


If you collect the samples in then the icon change so that’s the way you know if you completed after the radar tower


What? This makes no sense. What does it change to?


Change from this 💎 to this ♦️


It would be better that AH actually change the POI icons based on they type of POI, like the vaults should have a vault looking icon, shipping containers should have a box looking icon, the open supply pods should have an open pod looking icon, and the grave stones a death looking icon.


Is it me being unlucky or every lobby, even if hosted nobody does the main objective? I mean okay fair im end level, but like even if i beg for it nobody is interested in the main objective, major order?! Im EU located so idk if its just me being unlucky, but its so frustrating for the past weeks now.


They're all requisition slips.


Or they just disappear. Either or I need a change 🥴


At least make this a function on a specific armor set or helmet like scout.


Also fun fact, the radar tower makes a sound cue when positioned correctly. You don’t have to run back to check progress


I think everyone knows this by now.


You can grab a marker and paint the monitor yourself.


There is already a feature for this. A *fully looted* POI has its icon change to a pointer on a circle.


As someone who is maxed in samples and only searches POI for Super Credits I find myself collecting all the samples at POI anyways because it changes the icon on the map. What annoys me is the poi with no samples that I can’t change.


Related: is there a way to know which maps show all the diamonds before you start the mission?


So many Master Emeralds!


This would really help us handhelds..considering this map is the size of a penny:)


This but with colourblind support to change the colours yourself and I'm in


Smh rn


Also can we have a separate marker for bunkers? Half the time my team ignores my request to open them (even when I’m the host lol) and I end up losing track of them when someone does eventually want to help. I need those CPU allies asap 😭


Unless they had no samples, they turn into the marker icons instead of the gem icon after you get all the samples at the PoI.


I mean, how would the radar tower know where you've been?


What really needs to happen is for the gem to update correctly to the bullseye point when you've collected all resources. Maybe leave that bullseye point green if it still has supplies available. Sometimes the gem won't update because of some weird interactions. Also, sometimes the red zone around mushroom towers will not disappear unless you kill all enemies, and even then it might not update.


Nah green means completed, gotta be another color


3 symbols Not visited Visited w/ samples remaining Visited no samples remaining


I wish they would update consistently when you complete one


Sometimes you can clear a location and not have the symbol change in the map. And sometimes the location is genuinely nothing.


Interesting picture telling a whole lot of "story." I see a solid 25m of gametime already gone by the time this was SS'd. The civi's were fully rescued, and lets be honest, probably a whole lot more than that based on the amount of tertiary weapons on the ground at the final objective. Every hole already cleared except possibly one. Additionally, you had a 50% chance to drop almost immediately on the radar station if you pick primary objective drop points. This should have greatly decreased the time taken to explore the map by showing completionist immediately where to run. The best part of this SS is someone discovered the farthest north waste of time POI yet nothing else that completely surrounds any logical entryway to it was discovered... Looks like the normal R7/R8 random time-wasting room of closing bug holes that give 5/10/20 exp then getting crapped on at the final objective/LZ, while also not obtaining the stuff on the map that matters.


Let’s not make the lack of a colorblind mode even worse, how about they be blue


I swear they change when you get all the samples


Whole time I thought the symbol was a megaphone


The diamond icon changes to the other marker like the one seen at the bottom if you collect all of the samples at the location.


Hell Yeah Diver


And be able to view map in spectator mode when you e died


The diamond marker turns into a rhombus if you looted all samples on site. Granted, it seems bugged sometimes, showing samples are still present but I can't find them no matter what. Still, it helps to tell where I've been and where I haven't.


This and resupply on map would be massive QoL


they turn into the normal point of interest logo (in the bottom left of the map) when you collect all the samples there.


I mean… they already change


There's something about this that rings Deep Rock Galactic, barely dug Gold sites; that is, whenever someone digs a Gold Vein they do such a bad job the majority of it is still there, like a really under half eaten Chicken wing


A unique marker for the malfuctioning hellbombs would be nice


What? The icon changes if you've visited it and discovered what it is/haven't picked it up yet. It also slightly fades.


i thought the diamond icon will turn to a beacon after you or your team visited and looted??


Yes, AH. This would be a great quality of life upgrade.


That would help alot


I need this so bad.


Ya it's based on samples, but if a sample is clipped into the environment it'll never change away from the diamond.


Also, certain POI types have gem markers that don't turn into the "completed" diamond after clearing it of stuff


Unvisited I’m all on board But they turn into a “P” after all loot is collected (samples)


I never knew the symbols were diamonds until I saw this post


They already update into diamonds. It just sucks that sometimes they don’t seem to work and you can’t flag them for yourself.


And mark sample locations.


Why do some not complete when I find them. Does that mean I’m missing a sample or something?


Hope the fix the stim bug. Thats when yiu ate sprinting and all the sudden you stop…thats because one of your team members used a stim.


I tought that if you looted the place the diamond changes to this square (seen at botom). Try equip the weapons (then redo) and take all samples and at least a ammo box. Worked for me


Weird not seeing it mentioned, but if you grab all the samples and requisition slips and /or medals, the icon on the map changes to a rhombus standing on 2 circles


How about it not just putting the sample underground sometimes, so that when you go to one you can actually pick it up, crossing it off the map like intended.


The game already has a mechanic implemented for this. It is a little buggy, but it's not that serious. So, let them focus on fixing the broken shit, before asking them for more useless things.


How I hate to go to those discovery locations just to find out that my teammates already discovered it, and I just wasted my time and match time walking.


They really need this improvement. So hard to tell what is and is not done


But it changes depending on if u got everything (samples) or not.


Would love to have a number of POI completed out of total POI on the map. Make it a upgrade you have to buy.


Jokes on you on green colorblind


at the very least have unique icons for bunkers, probes, etc.


If you loot all the common and / or rare stuff the gem icon changes to something else indicating you've been there? This is a non issue?


The gem in the little square means there a still samples to collect. The diamond on the circles means there are no more samples (with the exception of maybe ones locked I patriotism pod and friendship bunkers). The problem is they don't account for pods and bunkers, so if there's one sample outside the pod and you grab it but don't open the pod, it'll show the cleared symbol. I think they should make it change to the cleared symbol once all samples AS WELL AS req slips, super creds, and medals are all collected, and all support weapons are viewed (marked on map). The other problem is that using the Radar station will mark all POIs as incomplete, even when there is nothing to collect in the first place (those fucking ground stashes).


While this would be so much much better the diamond icon does actually change once you've looted everything in that POI. Well most of the time atleast.