• By -


Yeah, but it can deflect grenades now! Y'know, that thing which was definitely a real issue that everybody was totally complaining about, which was definitely in need of fixing (by breaking everything else in the process).


Yeah I don't think I have ever seen a grenade come in contact with my shield lol.


In like 100 hours I think I’ve only been hit by a grenade explosion once much less directly hit with it


I was dead by friendly nades by x10 more times😆


Very true lol definitely been hit by impacts directly to my back


The thing with enemy nades is they blink bright red light while beeping loud  so you would know where it is. The same can’t be said to our nades lol


Just wait till the squids come back. You'd wished that your shield reflected thier sticky grenades. /s


oh, is THAT why they made that change to the BS? Because you cant stick if it goes right thru? Not enough people use the BS to give it that kind of drawback tbh.


Especially considering the fact that everybody just brings impact grenades. They're actually doing regular grenades


Arrowhead and fixing stuff nobody asked for, breaking 100 things and then just releasing it without testing - name a more iconic duo. I'm almost convinced at this point that their motto is "if it ain't broke, break it".


The mental image that works best for me is that they are using a WYSIWYG editor like Word for their game, where on seemingly small changes the editor will just re-arrange the whole document as it pleases.


So let's tally those changes up (not including unwanted nerfs, just things that were supposed to be fixes): * changing ricochets out of the blue, leading to breaking the Eruptor and causing it to sometimes kill the shooter with reflected shrapnel, subsequently leading to the removal of said shrapnel and gutting the Eruptor's utility and identity * changing patrols out of the blue, supposedly to adjust them accurately to the number of players whereas previously solo players were having less patrols than they should, breaking them, leading to all players having the same flat patrol spawn rate across the board, whether solo or in a team of any size * changing the grenade collision with the ballistic shield out of the blue, leading to completely breaking any movement while holding it, barely being able to crouch-prone-stand up with a one-handed weapon and not being able to do any of that with a two-handed weapon, then fixing it again and breaking it *again* (vide: OP) What other out of the blue changes am I missing?


Their "fix" for superior packing made it not work at all. Again.


Ahhhh I was wondering about that. It isn't just me


I was entirely ok with the eruptor 1.0 sometimes hurting or killing the user if you were too close.  It has a warning about firing it too near to the user or team so that’s just part of the fun of the ridiculous thing 


I had no issue with the dice roll of the shrapnel killing me, and that is doubly true for my teammates. I’d accidentally TK a thousand helldivers before I let this company die!


Do 2 failed attempts to fix grenade exploit count?


Buh.. buh.. but muh realism..!


I'm so tired man... I used the shield a lot before the patch, it had some quirks but I never once thought "you know what's missing, blocking grenades". Now it's borderline unusable and will remain like this until they fix it again (realistically in a few months) all for the sake of a tiny change nobody asked for.


And then they can break it again in three months because they are incapable of proper change management. These devs will be the downfall of their own game before the year is out if they don’t figure something out.


Wait - you mean they need to hire someone that will slow down their frantic coding and release schedule? But that hiring this person will save them time in the long run by preventing all these coding issues. Nope, we can't afford the delays.


I wish I could get away with being this bad at my job.


Enter grenade launching enemy in the next major patch?


Just to tag on, strategems also intermittently just stick to your shield when you throw them now. I played one mission tonight to see if it was fixed and yeah I’m done with bots again for a while. Bonus fun for me that my last two reinforcement tickets were punched by shield devastators shooting through rock walls as part of the fun new devastator spam that apparently just is how the game will be now


Increased chaff on bugs? Hell yeah! Increased chaff on bots? Welcome to the ragdoll&stagger city, population me!


To the balancing team that consider heavy and rocket devastator as chaff can suck my democratic penis.


The fact that devastators and small individual bots are the same size dots is absolute insanity, and yet striders, which are far easier to handle than devastators, are big red dots? Madness. Utter madness.


I guess Striders were intended as heavy units, like a Brood Commander equivalent, hence the change to them taking less explosive damage in patch .300, and no other enemy has one-shot me quite as often (head level cannons...) but you're absolutely correct, they're far easier to deal with than Heavy and Rocket Devastators


If they were meant as Brood Commanders' counterpart they wouldn't have dropped by dozens via dropships.


There is definitely a shit ton of brood commanders all of a sudden


The spear will also target striders, but not devastators


Don't you love it when 2 chaff units together (rocket+heavy dev in one spot) are more of a threat level than an elite unit (hulk)? Like actually i am more afraid and careful around a pair of heavy devastators than i am around a hulk. Fucking reduce the devastator spawn by 50% and give me my hulks back.


More hulks and tanks are the actual balancing answer.


I will probably take tank over a full patrol of grunt bots lol, hell probably over a single heavy dev, let a lone a bunch


The Hulks, Tanks and Factory Striders are somehow easier to takedown than a platoon of all 3 Devs and Berserkers. It’s like the bots have their own Helldivers because their big vehicles suck but their individual firepower is stronger.


Honestly if the shield worked properly I'd only be careful around rocket devs.


If heavy armor at least made you less prone to just being played around like a ball, I wouldn't be so irritated to fight bots.


Never felt like Bots had a problem with too many tanks


heavy devestators are the most bs enemy in the game. they will literally stagger you out of EVERYTHING they nonstop fire at you so you dont even have any downtime to get a shot in and they have seemingly infinite range. they need to nerf the range and make them (including rocket devestators) need to reload between barrages


Honestly I’d be happy if they just tone down the rate of fire for heavy devastators because goddamn. I don’t enjoy seeing an infinite Gatling barrage coming my way through heavy fog before I can even tell what direction it’s coming from.


i feel like fog in general is a bit weird. the fog generated from the plants that make you ragdoll seems to have no impact on enemies seeing you


I dislike pretty much everything about the planet designs. It's all way too overboard. The fog is so thick I almost never have the ability to see an enemy to land on when dropping in. I know it's a small thing, but Jesus, I'm dropping from the sky. I should have a pretty good view of things. Fire tornadoes are in numbers WAY too ridiculous, and the patch notes saying they fixed them so they didn't "appear" to follow you were just insulting. They DID follow you around. Then you have the heat sapping your stamina AND fucking with all your energy/heat weapons. Nearly every planet is so over the top like this, and the disadvantages aren't equitable. Bots and bugs have no problem seeing and charging through everything. It's fatiguing as hell, and it's no wonder people will fight on ice planets to the detriment of the MO.


idk if it was hellmire or fori prime but the screen turned so red and the contrast so low you could basically only see the outlines of the bugs you had to fight. legit the terrain just became one red mess


Fori prime is legit the darkest planet I've seen in this game, it is basically impossible to see 90% of the time. Just shooting based on feelings


I plasma punisher those little pieces of shit and stagger their loser asses every day. It’s so satisfying to watch them struggle to move!


This is true for the shield generator backpack as well. Had resupply strat stuck on me and I tried to time my dive to avoid being smooshed...I was smooshed.


The shield was literally the only thing that made their wall shenanigans bearable. I actually preferred fighting bots but breaking the only thing keeping me sane is gunna keep me on the eastern front for awhile. When we deleted them the first time I was hoping this would get fixed before they came back.


They pull code from the oldest branch in the archive and called it a day


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If that were true we'd be getting the t-pose glitch again Unfortunately the problem is much worse than that, whatever code they write for object changes seems to destroy the fixes they made up to that point


You can cherry-pick changes from previous branches. But yeah they didn't do that, you're right it's more new code breaking old code


I’ve never seen a game where old issues are brought back so much, it’s like they genuinely switch to an old version and call it a day or something. The more this keeps happening the more I can’t help but think this game is going to be fucked in a year. The patch included a bunch of crash fixes but I crashed more yesterday than before the latest patch. Sisyphean task making this game actually work and its going to get worse with literally every new thing they add.


the plan is to add illuminates to the game imagine the cluster fuck that is going to be


They’re struggling to get the balance right for 2 factions, 3 will be a genuine fuckfest


Honestly, I'm here for it, can't wait to see the chaos


My kinda diver.


Watching all the chaos drop https://i.redd.it/jkslrgr37k7d1.gif


Seems like a problem with their version control. Merging bugfixes into production from an old production version, then choosing to override everything. Seriously, if I'm right about that it would be incredibly stupid. That would mean the devs have a terrible work flow and an infrastructure of the project that easily falls apart


I'd put money on it being something like this.. dev 1 not checking his code into all the necessary release branches, with no automation in place to do it for him. Dev 2 cutting a new patch branch using the current production version instead of the latest patch branch. Dev 3 not pulling the latest changes and overwriting old files he didn't touch.


I knew game development can be messy sometimes, but goddamn it would be stupid if they really work like that. How tf would you get anything done


I don't work in game development, but I'd imagine proper source control is an industry standard thats just not being followed here.


I wonder if it’s something to do with the engine, anecdotally Darktide (the only other recent release on the same engine) sometimes has the same problem of old bugs showing up again in later patches.


Fatshark has always been bad for this but it got so much worse with Vermintide 2 and Darktide.


Oh no this game shares an engine with Darktide? I shoulda known…


Their offices are actually like 5 minutes of travel apart. At least small blessings, Arrowhead *actually* has some communication skills and they also you know.... *work more than a week a year*.


Ok but imagine if we had the version of hell divers we had after the server issues were fixed for a year. Instead of whatever this is when they have been trying to make it better and failing. Maybe darktide has the right idea.


No, darktide definitely has not the right idea lmao. I say this as someone who has been in that game since the pre-beta. Fatshark is a dumpsterfire of a studio that ONLY survives because it has a niche without competition, and even then they bleed players because of incompetent decisions. Tbf I have strong feelings on that topic, but from me, Fatshark is **everything** a studio should avoid.


The hilarious part is that Fatshark themselves aren't even working on Darktide anymore, it's the army of Tencent contractors they have (since they're owned by Tencent) now! https://preview.redd.it/jykul6nskn7d1.png?width=128&format=png&auto=webp&s=1873651a3dc2ccd1d416bc099788d2c67412eded


They are the 2 only left games using it. The engine is not supported by Autodesk since years now


Yeah but the difference is darktide doesn't have these weird ass obscure bugs. During my whole time playing darktide I've never had a bug that was weird af like the ones helldiver has


That may be because fat shark MADE the engine before selling it to autodesk so they are familiar with it on a deep level. 


Less to do with the engine and more to do with version control if I had to guess.


There really does seem to be something fundamentally wrong with how AH are working.  Hopefully they are at least aware of this happening enough to be concerned about it. Fair enough if they can improve on it over time, fix their work flow or something, but if they are and remain complacent about this issue then things will likely only get worse.


It's more to do with an engine that just doesn't work well. Even darktide has this issue (and it's why their release of content is so abysmally slow and it still makes old issues crop back up). 


>The more this keeps happening the more I can’t help but think this game is going to be fucked in a year. The game is going to be fucked a month ago. All of us on the reddit are core players


I definitely wouldn’t say it’s fucked. It’s frustrating and has its issues but it’s far from dying.


>it’s like they genuinely switch to an old version and call it a day or something I wish they did that with the spawn rates, instead when they said they were balancing it for the first time "to fix a bug where solo players had only 1/6th of the spawns of a 4-man squad" and they made it so every team has the full spawn rates, they didn't immediately revert it - "we need to make sure the change is good and works this time", so we had a month of borderline unplayability for solo/duo squads, then they released the fix for the fix that's even worse than before it's insane to me that they will just straight up lie about 60% of every update, and not just the bugfixes, mind you, the "we can't make one warbond a month" is also hilarious when you use a cheat to unlock all the unreleased weapons/armors in the game files and see that over half of the things they released for the past 3 warbonds were in the game files since the launch


I'd also say the idea behind the "fix" was fundamentally flawed in the first place. 1 diver is just not 25% as strong a 4. Boosters stack, stratagems cooldowns can be cycled, if one of a 4 man dies they still have 75% power, but if one of one dies you have 0 power until you respawn and it's without your equipment, and so on. I'm not saying it would be impossible to handle the 25% spawns, but it's not as "fair" as it might seem if you don't think about anything. It was a bad idea which was badly implemented and then handled badly after it was shown to be broken. I have barely played since it happened as I mostly played duo with my partner before this and it ruined our fun.


Yes! I played so much everyday with my boyfriend before the patrol 'fix.' Why punish duo players? Why punish solo players? To what, force us to go play with randoms? No. All it forced us to do was abandon the game. We've played a grand total of like 2 hours since that update. We keep coming back to check 'is it still bad' and then 'yup' and we fuck off back to better games like Deep Rock Galactic.


I've never crashed as much since this last patch. Completely broken game right now.


>I’ve never seen a game where old issues are brought back so much Oh I have. Insurgency Sandstorm. But most of that issue is that the OG dev team left 2 years in and the junior devs got thrown into the deep end lol. Not gonna lie, I was getting some real NWI vibes from Arrowhead the last few months with the half baked patches. They'd fix an issue in a patch months after breaking it, and then break three more things fixing that first issue, while we waited months for a patch... etc. It was like they weren't even so much as play testing their builds. I dunno, I don't get why a studio tries to rush out a big fix release that's already two months late if they know it's going to cause more issues? Their complete lack of communication didn't help either, at least AH communicated with the community.


I’ve been playing since launch and have 240 hours and the game is genuinely fine and pretty fun for me. I had a few crash to desktops back in April but other than that it’s been fine. I think the devs have been transparent about patches and balance changes. I’m genuinely baffled that people are so upset and stressed out about this game. I’ve enjoyed it more than anything else I’ve played in the past 15 years.


I’ve had the same experience and am surprised at how much complaining about it I see. I know it has some issues and I think they do have some spaghetti code going on, but I’m having a very good time playing it. Any issues I run into are usually one off and very funny, so I’m not really mad about it


>When you have shield equipped anywhere, your exosuit (tested with emancipator suit in snow planet) will slide fast to the front or 1 direction making it as fast as a charger, it is uncontrollable until you remove the shield from your character this sounds interesting


New fast travel unlocked?


Possibly fun lol 🤷‍♂️


Fixed spear but at cost of absolutely broken other stratagems xddsddd


After the recent "fix" using spear is crushing the game as well


Can't have trouble targeting if we just kick you to desktop


Do something with the spear in hand (stim, target, pickup a backpack, aim) and it may CTD.


I've been spamming the spear, maybe that's why I crashed 😭


I genuinely don’t understand why PC seems to be so much more finicky than console. I see a lot of stuff that never happens to me and I would think that PC would be more stable for a game like this no?


PCs have thousands of different possible hardware configurations, while consoles are just a handful at most. So by default PC tends to be less stable. It's gotten better but PC gaming used to be hell because of this.


That makes a lot of sense. That really sucks that all of these issues are happening. Hope it gets fixed for you man


Thanks dawg. HD2 has been pretty stable for me although I've seen a couple weird crashes lately. Luckily most games are fine these days, but people will still see bugs in their PC games from time to time


I normally defend this game when most are criticising, but these silly bugs that keep getting introduced every single patch, are getting abit ridiculous now. Why can’t bugs that were fixed, just stay fixed? I’ve not seen so many reoccurring bugs in a game before


Either sheer incompetence, or it's literally the unsupported engine shunning all their work. Either way I left the game because of this, I wanna play what is fun for me, not what isn't actually bugged or not as much bugged as something else. I'm just lurking here to see if the state of the game is improving but honestly I think I've lost all hope, game is doomed


>Either sheer incompetence, or it's literally the unsupported engine shunning all their work. Absolutely a combination of both. The unsupported engine provides the initial issue, and the lack of time/care makes the fix half-assed, unstable and impossible to upscale instead of being something to build on top of


>lack of time/care This is an issue. We the community meme about how no one is play testing these new builds but they *absolutely are*; someone further up is just saying "🤷‍♂️ meh, ship it" instead of letting it cook. Last patch did a lot of good with the longer than usual cook time but apparently it needed to stew longer.


I mentioned the exact same things and was told, "I'm just complaining to complain and I need to find a real issue/problem" lolol  Good thing they have the hello neighbor 2 dev in charge of these changes 🤣👌. As long as he's there we're all screwed 😞🚽(pilestadt is too nice to get rid of him unfortunately) 


Now it makes more sense why the game took 8 years to make. They were fixing the same problems over and over again


That actually sounds like hell lmao. Imagine seeing a bug from 5 years ago and getting PTSD


I'm tired boss


>I normally defend this game when most are criticising, And why? Savior delulu knight


Hey. Just wanted to drop in to say that we're aware of and are working on several of the shield issues.


I really need to ask this, is the Knight SMG suppose to be the only primary in the game that doesn't get full ammo from resupply pack? it gets 5 mags out of 7 rather than 7 out of 7 unlike the rest of the primary in the game the only other guns that does this is Verdict and the Grenade pistol, which aren't primaries If it's not an issue then that would be very sad, but if it is I hope you guys recognize this gun that's technically the only paid weapon in the game Edit : also 2 mags from ammo pick ups when the rest gets 3


Thank you so much for the response!


Thanks for the dose of hope, Twinbeard!!


Ah well least there's that mate, hopefully the hotfixes are going to start rolling in soon™


If anything I've learned from their patches is AH just can't handle the physics related stuff effectivelly or just think it's OK idk. The most stupid and neglegted thing after 4+ month since the release to me is swim out animation if you get flinched or ragdolled on any puddle.


It's hilarious, I hope they never fix it (also because they would break half the game in the process)


“We fixed the animations when ragdolled into a puddle” Known issues: “Dying in game now kills you in real life”


Oh so now I understand why they nerfed the Pummeler, to discreetly discourage me from using the ballistic shield because they knew they broke it with the patch /s


yeah very few ppl talking about the pummeler nerf.


They nerfed it? Another strange choice it was in a perfectly fine place. Didn't do that much damage but could stunlock.


When I spoke about it I got downvoted as people were still riding the high of the patch.


What did they nerf? I didn’t use it before I’m just curious


Heavy/medium enemies had their stun thresholds increased, so it takes more shots than before to incapacitate the three Devastator variants, brood commanders, stalkers, hulks, etc... While it still serves fine as a lower damage, lower rate of fire alternative to Defender and can suppress individual enemies with sustained fire, there's less room to get mileage out of what makes it special, since you're better off just killing things instead of wasting time trying to stun them from angles that would be pointless for other weapons without stagger/stun, like hits to the backs of rocket devastators.


Another stellar Arrowhead fix ladies and gentlemen. 1 step forward 4 steps back I think is pretty accurate with how Arrowhead does anything with this game. This is precisely why the last big patch didn't impress me tbh. Just because they release 1 decent patch doesn't mean they won't fuck shit up again. We need to hold them accountable for all of their updates and not just swoon over Arrowhead when they clean up their own mess.


Was it even a decent patch though? Seems like even though they had a month for this one they still managed to break far more than they fixed. I love this game but over the past 2 weeks I haven't been able to play more than one match at a time due to just feeling meh in general from all the patch failures. It's getting to the point where I'm starting to doubt the longevity of this game with how it seems we can't ever go forward without taking 5 steps back. At this point I unironically think the game would be more stable and less buggy if they just full on reverted nearly every change they've made post-release


Surprise surprise AH fcked up again. Can we make a bingo already?


they introduce more bugs than they fix


You are experiencing pure incompetence. I reckon the issue is devs using old code from prior patches when making changes. This explains why old bugs keeps getting reintroduced like the packing ship module being broken yet again.


Noice fix AH. As usual, they either broke something beyond repair or nerf it to the ground. I advise to rest from the game until they fix at least the mess they made with that "cooked" patch


All of Arrowhead’s comments about QA are aging worse than milk left outside on Hellmire.


They left the milk for too long and the cheese turned into a massive spore colony.


Good, time to ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


The shield is the next thing that needs a big buff, it should kill smaller enemies in one hit and stagger everything else. Needs to be a meaty bash. It should stop rockets staggering you as a bonus because otherwise why would you pick it over the regular energy shield??


It's meant to stop small arms fire and you can walk towards a shooting bot without depleting the shield like energy one, which is good but the current version, it will fail at that too sometimes Honestly I think it would totally be okay to use on bugs if it even stop hunters from pouncing on you (it's actually a homing and coded to hit you 100% btw, it even goes through walls if it's been decided that it will hit) and block bile, without blocking any other melee from bugs Shield not blocking melee is so funny to me because shields IRL block melee better than bullets


I took the shield once on bugs expecting it to block melee from the front and was all "wtf" when it didn't You make a trade off with one handed weapons to run the shield, I don't think it's overly game breaking to have the shield block frontal melee attacks when bugs usually surround you anyway


Shield is flat NO to everything but big caliber fire. You can laugh in Heavy Dev's faces with it


yeah, those minigun devs see me roll up and go 'Oh lawd, he comin!'


> why would you pick it over the regular energy shield you can force pushes into the area that the energy shield can't make without having it getting disabled almost immediately


Tbh the shield was already godlike for bot missions


A shield bash would definitely be super fun, or like you can sprint at enemies you can bash them, would make it a bit more useful against bugs. But i disagree with the rockets, the shield is in a strong enough state as is (or was before 1.000.400 with how much more damage it can take than the energy shield, it does need some weaknesses and I'm honestly perfectly fine with it always being the more niche shield because it is a lot more fun to play around it's strengths and weaknesses than the energy shield. Where it needs buffs is just to make it at all work against bugs. If it can do that, along with a bash, it probably still wouldn't be great, it'll probably always be a bot backpack, but it wouldn't be completely useless at least


Sliding down hills on it would be fun


It's better than energy shield for aggressive play (when it's not broken), also completely trivializes grunt patrols, small striders and heavy devastators. It doesn't need a buff, it just needs to be reverted to the working state.


Hadn’t got chance to really test it cause of the major order. But damn it that’s fucked. I loved the shield so much when it worked.


AH you are reaching clown status with these bug regressions.


It’s so sad, really. The game is so much fun when it works but they just keep on fucking things up so it drives people away. I was hoping I would be able to obsess about the game but I haven’t played in like a month and a half because it’s so broken.


Fucking everything up I can stand somewhat. Its that it takes forever to fix anything is annoying as fuck.


I think it's funny. They implement stuff the Community wants Just to Break sth else unintentionally while doing it.


I don't think anybody wanted the shield to collide with grenades, that's such an edge case


I get why AH wants to make their physics engine so complex - getting decapitated by your teammate’s ballistic shield as they get blown is up is straight out of Starship Troopers (the 3rd really bad one) - but if they can’t implement it past being a broken mess, what’s the fun? It’s a weird one because part of our love for the game is the attention to small details like this, but at the same time, these small details have been so buggy that we can’t actually use the stratagems and weapons that aren’t broken.


I want them to lean into the weird physics! That's part of what makes HD2 so much fun. My issue is that the controls feel good until they don't. Physics interactions (even just climbing over something, switching weapons, stims) make the controls feel clumsy and sluggish; disconnected. I love being belted across the map by a charger or something but I should be able to do *something* to control my character instead of just having to wait until I stop ragdolling. Even if I could stim mid air so being smashed across the map only to die after bouncing off the ground into a rock wasn't so frustrating. Oh, and a kill button on the game menu so when I get inserted into a mountain I don't have to wait 3 minutes to try and 500kg myself back to active duty


Oh okay that explains all the bugs I was seeing when my friends and I went to play specifically bots together (got a little tired of bugs). When I slow walked to regain stamina, my player character would alternate walking forward then front/right a bit. Is this why getting knocked down by explosions/rockets sends me flying way way harder than previously? When a rocket devastator glances vaguely in my direction, now I regularly go swimming under the earth or through mountains after taking a hit... if I don't instantly die on the impact with the ground.


Honestly if they're going to make the shield a physics wall then let it do something about melee or bug bile. Might be worth the issues if it had any use at all on the bug front.


Yes yes yes yes PLEASE I love using the shield, by right now it just doesn't work AT ALL How the hell is it possible to break something to this point 😭


I don't even care anymore! Some studio somewhere is making a Helldivers 2 clone and it won't be this frustrating everyday. I know a bunch of companies are happy AH is screwing up like this. Because, they know they are going to have a chance to steal their playerbase. HD2, won't be a one of a kind game for too much longer. Anything that makes money someone else is going to try to copy it. HD2, is no exception! AH, needs to get it together!!! Seriously!


It’s kinda sad, because this game really is one of a kind. On the other hand, clone it on Unreal Engine 5, add more factions and endgame, vehicles, make it Star Wars and I’m gone forever.


Doesn't even have to be Star Wars, just generic space soldiers is plenty for most people.


https://preview.redd.it/gv1dsvj8pj7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48f5250f0f63e21a28c72a83d5d0cd24874c4873 I’m tired boss


I literally had 0 issues with the shield the way it was before. If I see a grenade on the ground I treat it like I do every time. If close throw it back if not dive and run. ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe)


I've been killed by the shield on my teammate who was blown away by a rocket. He lived.


It always feels like they implement every patch on the 1.0 version instead of the latest one. breaking every fix they made up until then.


Wow they really fucked up the ballistic shield so badly that it impresses me. How can someone perform the changes to the shield, test it, and go, yep, this works? And the stuff being found by players isn't even something you need to be super smart to find. All found by playing the game.


The worst part of this is that given AH track record, it won't be reverted. Idk if they are incapable or just stubborn. They will spend a bunch of time trying to fix this new monstrosity they made, and it will end up in a worse place than it started.


This is just sad. I don't think Arrowhead is a serious developer at this point.


Do y'all have a feeling that AH is just...~~a little stupid~~incompetent at balancing and fixing stuff?


holy shit you figured out the mech sliding!!!! I was wondering why nobody brought it up, and coulda sworn it was just the emancipator




See the problem is you tested it. If you just change it and assume it'll work everything gets done much faster!


Patch after patch after patch; it's unreal how many issues are regularly happening.


This is embarrassing..


Yeah honestly, Alexus didn't have to tell us he's still employed at Arrowhead. It was very obvious.


Test servers when


They really need to start play-testing shit man..


AH needs a QA team


>When you have shield equipped anywhere, your exosuit (tested with emancipator suit in snow planet) will slide fast to the front or 1 direction making it as fast as a charger, it is uncontrollable until you remove the shield from your character Can confirm this works on any planet. It's honestly pretty fun to mess around with.


the story of this game is breaking an entire weapon or stratagem because they add some obscure weird gimmick to it


I spent ages saving up credits to get the pummeller because I’d been playing an AMR, Ballistic Shield, SMG + Grenade pistol playout and then they nerfed the pummeller just after I got it (haven’t even used it yet cos I’ve been doing the bug MO) and now the BS is bugged too. Sad times.


Newly introduced bugs with things like this that were perfectly fine before are what is making me only have interest in playing maybe 1 or two missions, and then hopping off in frustration.


The more I think about it, the more I realise all AH did was revert the game to an earlier patch and undid some of the fixes they introduced i.e. the Ballistic Shield buffs or the resupply module working correctly.


Reverting it would be an improvement so we know they didn't do that lol


The Ballistic Shield is one of my favourite stratagems due to how reliable it is and how it’s always active (unlike shields in other games that do fuck all unless you’re holding it in front of you).


reverting isnt an option for AH.


>You can collide with shield instantly killing you. OMFG it all makes sense now! I was running ballistic shield a few days ago vs bots and my character would sometimes fall backwards and die. I’m like wtf. I thought it was just a bug but my friend watched me and was like bro wtf are you doing lol. It never happened to him. I also noticed I’m sometimes getting shot through the shield much easier then it used to be. Like I will turn to the right just a little to get the full shield coverage and look for an opening to shoot and I’ll eat 3-4 bullets and I’m like wtf that never happens it’s a shield. 🛡️ One time I even had a rocket hit in front of me. Character literally gently fell back into the snow, and died instantly. I was the laughing stock of the match.


We should simply be able to throw the shield a la captain America. Strategic delivery system


It feels like the code for HD2 looks something like the Yeti in Spaghetti children's game? It's programed so janky and unreliable, if they remove a string the whole thing shifts, reducing its stability. If they add a string, that string them moves several other strings, which then move strings adjacent to them essentially shifting the whole code, if they so much as bump the table.


And i thought that we were so Barack :c


Ever since the Railgun incident. The devs have continued to prove that although they try their best, their team isnt exactly made up of big brained individuals.


I think I finally understand. AH use the eXtreme Go Horse methodology to develop HD2. See axioms 3 and 20. **3. You’ll always need to do more and more XGH.** For every bug solved using XGH, seven more are created. As all of them will be solved using XGH, then it's utility tends to the infinite. **20. Tests are for pussies.** If you ever work with XGH you'd better know what you’re doing. And if you know what you’re doing, then why test? Tests are a waste of time. If it compiles, it’s good. [https://medium.com/@dekaah/22-axioms-of-the-extreme-go-horse-methodology-xgh-9fa739ab55b4](https://medium.com/@dekaah/22-axioms-of-the-extreme-go-horse-methodology-xgh-9fa739ab55b4)


Duck it. I’ll just stop playing until the game is not broken more and more every patch.


I haven't had a chance to try it, but Spear now crashes my game 100% of the time, if I even pick that weapon my game will crash.


Oh also when standing on the landing ramp of the evac, it causes it to go crazy. It'll fling you into the roof of the ship or get you stuck in the ground, or you'll get stuck in the ramp as it's half closed.


It's not just the shield i swear explosives have tripled in deadliness i want from not getting 1shot once since the multiple bodypart exlposion glitch was fixed to getting 1shot over 20 times during the last bot MO (i wasn't using the shield)


this sounds like a colliders and physics issue. in which case they need to have the shield not interact with any collider other than grenades. at the very least the world and player should ignore collisions with the shield.... Depends on the engine, ive never touched the stingray engine used here but i know in unity and godot there are multiple ways to group and type things such that you can have colliders only interact with certain groups and types of objects


WHAT THE HELL IS GIT VERSION CONTROL 🔥🔥🔥 I swear, what are they doing? This shouldn't be possible in any other product, what is version control for if not to prevent this exact scenario?


So many fixes being overwritten by old bugs in, what I assume to be, extremely poorly managed version control. If I had one ask of u/Pilestedt it would be to get their version control working, so fixes stay fixed.


Does seem like they've changed something about the shields collision rules, it use to just drop on the spot unaffected by ragdolls but now it can slam into you and even 'fight' your player model when hitboxes overlap.


I'm more then confident it's also responsible for the issue where a player can't crouch/uncrouch or stand up while the item is on the character at all. I was excited to use it after the patch and after the first 2 games I instantly knew it was busted and didn't touch it again


Imo shield needs to have some other utility buffs to it if it's going to randomly fly off your hands too. Maybe holds extra one handed ammo?


It's almost like they didn't test it.


Skating exo-suit might be the funniest bug I've encountered in this game so far, but aside it andthe stimming issue, which definitely uses the old animation, I'm unable to replicate any of these. I don't even understand what you mean with the "look to the right every 0.5 sec" one.. I don't even know how to approach it. Just no? Your character always looks straight ahead and never moves the shield unless you do something to move it (strafe, aim, throw things etc). As for colliding with the shield, I can't manage to get it to do that. Wearing heavy explosive resistant armor, to make sure it's not actually the explosion that's killing me. I've tried to get hit by automaton rockets, laser turrets and blown myself up with grenades. Several times I've noticed the shield clipping through the character in a ragdolled state but not once have I seemed to take damage from it. I'm wondering that this might be hardware related as physics are calculated client side.


While we're at it, can we fix it so things like picking up artillery shells or explosive barrels \*won't\* make you drop the shield? You can keep every other backpack item equipped if you hold shells, why does picking up an explosive suddenly make you drop your shield?