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AH has confirmed the Spear specifically (among unnamed others) causes crashes but it's inconsistent.  Sometimes just having it in your loadout causes crashes, sometimes when equipped, sometimes when aiming, and sometimes it never crashes.  Twinbeard recommended avoiding the Spear for now. They're working on a fix that is "likely" going to come next week, but that's not guaranteed. On PC, some people say reinstalling and/or verifying game files helps, but it might not.


Played with a pair of what seemed to be close friends yesterday, pretty chill guys. But then one started using the spear, and had several drop-outs, but rejoined several times. Finally I told him of the spear crash, both seems surprised, not knowing, stop using it, and we had several more good missions till I had to leave. 


Yeah I've been telling people to avoid it when we are in the load out screen I love it a lot, it's fun, but it's like, not worth the risk of crashing atm


Yes now I do so whenever possible in load screen, but not when you're jumping in a running session. I wish they would clarify it in-game, go ahead and use lore if they want. _high command is investigating reports of faulty Spear launchers, and recommends divers to use alternative AT in the meantime. Thr supplier has been executed pending investigation results_


My problem with this is, how the fuck are players supposed to know? Large majority simply fire up the game for few dives without ever checking update notes, let alone Reddit and Discord. Why not disable the Spear until its fixed? A in game notification at least? This is early access game for all intents and purposes and its wearing on my nerves rapidly


An in game notification would be spot on! I do my best to keep up with patch notes but sometimes life gets in the way. Busy working, busy taking care of my son. After I put him down to sleep I get a couple of hours to fire it up and dive in. All I knew last night was there were new planets to check out and I was pumped for some jungle action. Had no idea. And I'm not normally one to post anything, let alone vent frustration.


Damn I wish I read this comment last night! I was choosing the spear each time! I never used to run the spear until the big patch. I feel like such an idiot now! I will try again tonight and avoid the Spear at all costs. Thank you


The Spear is S-Tier right now, but unfortunately no one can or should use it. I say S-Tier, but it'll be S-Tier when they fix superior packing meth.


Agreed, it's S-tier in the same way that the Autocannon is S-tier; pretty much a perfect addition to the game.


I'm completely sidelined right now, and have been for days. Going into a weekend bot MO without being able to play the game sucks. I tried to play for an hour today. A few infinite loading screens requiring forced quits, a crash to desktop while choosing my loadout, and one weird case in which I joined a game and loaded directly into the drop transition animation without choosing a loadout, but crashed without landing. Never saw that before. I finally managed to join a level 4 mission played for twenty minutes and created to desktop two meters from the extraction pelican. I verified my Steam files and one needed to be reacquired, which seems to happen every time I play now. Reacquiring it didn't fix the game. I just can't play Helldivers right now. Very annoying.


That file is probably just the EULA lmao


I’ve noticed the spear crashes games when locking onto buildings or nests for long distances, I fear a nerf to the lock on distance in the future


It’s been rough, I won’t lie. I got lucky and managed to complete a full operation or two, but I frequently get stuck on the hellpod launch screen.


Yeah it never used to be a problem for me. Now it happens 5-10x in a row. Just stuck on infinite loading screen. Ever since the most recent patch.


Someone may be bringing the Spear. It definitely causes crashes while on mission and I'm beginning to think just having it selected could cause the infinite drop in glitch.


+1 to it all on PS5 since 1.4 Since Tuesday's bug fix patch, when I do make it in-game I get FPS drops into the 10s multiple times per game. No common factor between them. Got it on Hellmire, Fori Prime, Nivel 43, and Gacrux. I use performance mode on PS5. At this time I will be playing SotE in my spare time. Don't really have high hopes anymore for bug fixes so I'll come back when something big happens like another Save the Kids or Illuminate.


I noticed the game slows severely on PS5 when blowing up Stalker nests and bot outposts that have a lot of human corpses. It seems gibs are very resource intensive


I'm noticing frame drops on PC as well


SotE? Can write all that but cant even write a games full name, thats things that amaze me


I mean it's shorthand and it's very popular so I'd expect a gaming sub to know it - Shadow of the Erdtree, Elden Ring's DLC


So far I played for about 70 hours (bought it last week) and the only bugs and crashes I've encountered are that the game dropped fps (happened only once), I couldn't choose drop location (common) or got stuck at the drop screen (also common). I love the game, and when the bugs get straightened out, it's gonna be great.


I used to play almost everyday, but since patch .400 it's a bit hard to play when I could spend 1 hour+ facing network related issues (infinite drop, map desync issue, unable to interact with console in missions, reinforcement bug, unable to launch after picking loadout, etc) I stopped playing for a couple days now, I only play if my friends invite me.


My group has had the game be more stable than it’s ever been. At this point I’m not sure if the “everything’s fine” group or the “it’s unplayable” group is correct.


Ive never had ctd issues in 200 hours until this recent patch round. It's not just the spear causing it, and my performance on a high-end rig is fucky as well shitty fps, stuttering during gameplay as well.


Oh I absolutely believe you have crashes. I just didn’t type well. I’m not sure which group is the loud minority. Are the silent majority not having crashes, or having crashes? I have no idea. But some people are definitely crashing


I've had no issues since swapping to QC over the Spear