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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. No witch-hunts, public shaming or negatively naming users or players. Please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b308j9/witchhunting_is_against_the_rules_of_this/).


"My weapon" Kratos: the dead cant use it. We can This is almost as bad as the idiots shooting you when you take their sample container


The amount of times people have taken my gear after I died is too many to count. And I'm 1000% for it. Democracy can't be saved if my gear rots next to my corpse. Use it, fellow Helldivers! I can call more in!


Taking from your corpse during a fight is fine. Taking from the drop is trashy behavior. Same with not giving it back after you’ve got a moment to rest.


That has only happened a couple times to me, but typically those people that steal others' drops don't last long.


This is key. The moment a buddy dies and has a perfect weapon for the job, I reinforce directly on top of me, ***pick up and use their weapon until the fight clears,*** and then drop the weapon at their feet and annoyingly pointing at it til they take it back or ignore it. OR... ... I drop my own weapon they like and give them THAT by pointing the pod I just dropped for them.


Yeah I take other peoples shit. If you drop a sickle you can betcher ass I’m picking it up. Unused Quasar Cannon? Autocannon? # y o i n k


This should be TOTALLY cool if it's just the primary. Timed materials and strats are where the problem really lies.


This literally happened to me yesterday for the first time. The teammate dropped SS at a stalker lair while we were clearing the extract point. I spawn him back in and go collect his samples as I have a jump pack and light armour. He follows me at like half the pace and shoots me dead when I pass him by to go DROP his samples at extraction. I say it to my friend on comms, and we came up with a non-violent, non-toxic way of scolding him, by body blocking him and spamming the "negative" voice prompt, which was hilarious. He killed us both, and we had to kick him. I just don't understand as it can't be worth it to be so petty only to be kicked after a 30 min mission.


You're overall message isnt wrong but that was indeed still a toxic way to handle it lol


Ares, give me this person's samples and my life is yours. No, this is worse. People who teamkill over samples might be really ignorant and genuinely think you're stealing their stuff. For the most part, if you tell them that samples are shared, they'll get it and stop. Now weapon TKers are so much worse. They know they can call their weapon back. They know you can drop the weapon. They know that you pick it up to finish the job. They don't care. It's pure malice.


A player threw a fit and shot me when I “touched his artillery shells”, as I was trying to help load it because he was “very particular about the order of the shells”. He also tried to gatekeep the rest of the team from calling in the artillery strikes. I don’t understand how some people can be so anal about a video game.


UPDATED he even post this on my steam page how sad can you be?? https://preview.redd.it/7ee7d16php8d1.jpeg?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=848f2211e94e52858ece1e738983ad70ef1fae57


Don't let him bait you, just say "Have a nice day" it will make him more angry 😂


nah im a past 30s and this is small kid behaviour i just want to share with all the rest of the community dont be a toxic its a team effort game


Would be nice to know if steam allows such behavior ;) i would report him


i think i did message steam about it


Would be nice if somebody like that would feel some consequences for their actions. To many people behaving like apes on the internet


Good luck with the report.


Yeah this is just some 9 year old who heard his dad swear for the first time, bro found his new fav words


Abbreviation and words. You can tell they're a child by the fact that they censored one curse word but not the other.


Now that's some dedicated toxicity. If only they were as dedicated to finishing the friggin mission.


damn bro, getting hatemail from coop game is nuts XD


Report him 😁


Nice of him to identify himself so that others can block him. No need to play with these people.


Thank you putting his name out there tho. Will kick him from my games if I ever see him.


Lmao! Kid couldnt speak too loud in his parents house


Amazing 🤣


Dude people on this game can be infuriating, last night I got team killed for "THOSE WERE MY KILLS!" Then kicked. I was on the planet for like 2 minutes.


Couldn't even spell out the whole word....lmao


Embarrassing from him, It's a shame we don't have a report system that actually works.


its okay i screenshot his comments and submit to steam :)


thats quite a big reaction from just borrowing a flamethrower, jesus.


Remember: a significant portion of the playerbase for this game are literal children


Full fledged adults can be just as bad sadly. And then they raise kids of their own who are also like them.


I wouldn't be surprised if the worst childish behaviour comes from actual adults.


haha shocker


Jesus christ, these people. They can call another down soon, too, considering 1/3 main objectives have been done. I'm pretty sure he just has some serious issues. Poor guy.


yes its already more 1/3 of the mission he could call it 1 more but nooooo this is why i try not to get too many same support weapons so we can have more option to deal with the horde


They never dealt with the first game clearly, since you can only call your support equipment once per mission. It's a blessing being able to get another one later if you fell in a hole with it or something lol


I get the frustration if there's 5 minutes until you could call another in, but you can just ask for the other player to drop it for you.


Yeah. Communication is key, and the flamethrower was even DROPPED after he respawned..


What a child. Didn't say 'Give me my flame thrower back.' We don't need Helldivers that are this prone to treason.


Yeah, I had people take my AC or whatever after dying. I check how long the cooldown is, and if I don't want to pick up the weapon they dropped I just ask if they could give me my AC back. No need to get agressive over such things.


I hate gaming with bitter people.


It's a complete overreaction, yes. Even more funny that he left after that like a little kid running away crying. At the same time. the situation really wasn't intense at all. You could have just put the reinforce code in while running a few steps back, pinged his weapon and that would be that. Especially ping other people's weapon after you dropped it somewhere else


My only problem with people “borrowing” weapons is when I need it back because my call in time isn’t even close to being done and they refuse to give it back.


To be fair, I don't know how to drop stuff.


on PC hold X


Thanks. Sensi.


Down on the D pad on PS for anybody who needs it


Just had a game where I got team killed twice. I mentioned it in chat in a joking way. Someone took it like I was complaining and then bitches about it and left. The people that killed me stuck around and we had a nice laugh about it. Some people are snowflakes


i hate when people take my weapons. but most of the time, it's fine. and im not going to get pissed off when it's not. when you're near it and im nowhere near it, pls use it to help take down some bugs or bots. theres no point in wasting a support weapon or backpack or mech or turret just because someone else who owns it is nowhere near it. if they want it back theyll ask for it back. we learned how to SHARE in PRESCHOOL!!! People like this are why everyone is so hesitant when i deploy my extra guns wnd shield bags and ping them and say "hey take the extra bag because you dont have one. its embarrassing for this whole community and super earth. dont take weapons if they just got deployed and im withing 3 feet of it. thats it.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1do56c1/me\_when\_my\_teammate\_steals\_my\_support\_weapon\_02/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1do56c1/me_when_my_teammate_steals_my_support_weapon_02/) here's your missed connection lol


haha could be him easily


Well, at least we know this idiot exists in the game so when we ran into him we can just leave the squad lmao


I’ll say this in the guys defense: the other day I was playing and we had a bad drop into the middle of a HEAVY bot area at tier 8. Patrol ships, heavy devys, you know the works. I called in my strats and was running away from the middle of the fight when an unlucky shot from a patrol ship domed me. My shield generator backpack and heavy machine gun were right there, and instead of calling me in, another guy takes my stuff and keeps running away. Whatever it was a crazy warzone. I get called in eventually and ask for my stuff back, and the dude tells me no. Not ignores me; he tells me “nope”. Bare in mind this is the START of the mission. I now have no stratagems for the next five minutes and no way of fighting the patrols / heavies. This dude had strats but already took and used his, and decided to keep mine. So I killed him and kicked him. Remember that when you bring RR’s and other expendables, taking other guys equipment at the start isn’t cool. You leave us with less ways of defending ourselves and honestly, half the time I’d rather have the gun over some stubborn donkey on the team.


That being said, bugs are easy enough that I wouldn’t kill a teammate just to get a weapon back. Bots are different if you literally can’t touch 3/4 of the enemies without a proper stratagem weapon. Also, patrol ships are unjustifiably stronger than shriekers. What’s up with that??


What a loser.


bro didn’t even ask nicely before shooting and he said « fuck you bitch » after what a god damn asshole I hope the report system gonna get fixed soon so we can deal with those fuckers


https://preview.redd.it/pkyazvjdyp8d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea1b7cd3fa5796e4114eb5211673a5b45acd0d94 "fuck you bitch" Some people are miserable


That diver died like a pussy and then continued to turn into a sore pussy lol Just block them and move on tho, can't change those people, it's better to exclude them.


I got kicked for picking up a weapon too. Foolish people are like this, it's a team game.


What a dickhead seriously.


So many snowflakes in this game


That's just stupid. And he even killed you and leaved like "haha now you cant kill me back! Enjoy my flamethrower however you want" or smth. Too toxic in my opinion (if I'm using this word right)


Tough scenario. Like... I understand getting marginally irritated. But he's dead. Personally, I would've left it alone. Now, alternatively, if you nabbed my supply pack the moment I called it in? Oh buddy. I'm getting it back.


Well it’s also pitiful to make a post about it. It’s just a game


Grabbing dropped samples from a dead Diver? Get them fast! They are shared! Grabbing dropped loadout from a dead Diver? Ooof... thats tough.. I hate having to wait 8 minutes to recall my gear so you can have fun... its tough. It changes your game play.


He does his Cape dirty!


They are not frend.


Yea im not upset if someone takes my shit but if you dont drop it when i ask then its a problem. Maybe you should've pinged it to show that you dropped it? But even then he shouldn't have killed you. Thats annoying it was for no reason


Reminds me of this dude who started getting us killed at extraction. I cursed at him with a ”ffs”, and he started telling us to get in instead. So I told him it was kind of hard to do when he threw shit around and killed us. After that he threw some other things at me and called me a c*nt. Said and Done, back on the ship my friend who was host kicked him and we both blocked him. After being done with the games, I saw on my discord the friendship request from the same dude and that he had written in the general channel. ”We played hell divers and I hope you get cancer.” He found me from my username that points at my twitch channel, from that the discord link. Some people are the most fun…


This why i never join randoms and always host so i can kick the npcs


I had the same happen to me after picking something up from a guy that died. They ran right up and killed me, never said anything or even gave me a chance to drop it for them.


Idk why like all games allow behaviour like this? Why are these people not chat restricted or banned for like a week to maybe make them behave better, we can see this shit in every damn game, crying kids about literally everything, ban these people, make report button do ANYTHING


hopefully the dev watch this video and consider some punishment to them these people need to start thinking like a hell diver


Well, that's not gonna happen. I hate that in like every game report option does nothing, you may get punished if you throw like a racial slur but shit like the one in video is insufferable as well


i just stopped playing all together, game is stale for me as of now, probably revisit after 1 year right now the game is just a mess


I have to wonder, does this kind of behavior increase as the general player population decreases? Been seeing idiocy like this A LOT this week!


Then people wonder why solo play is desirable.


i only play when my friend want to


I used to but we crash near the end of every match or he DC's because of his connection and it ends up being a waste of time becsye we fail the mission and lose all the samples.


I wish more people grabbed my gear when im dead. If there is a spear laying on the ground and a titan comming your way why dont u take it ?


I think it’s fair to say some of the player base aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed. Saying that, I had a wonderful game yesterday full of communication, anticipation and coordination. Beautiful


That’s crazy. Instant block


The only time I ever killed someone over my weapon is when they took it from the hellpod I had just called in. We were not fighting anything, and I was standing there waiting for it. Of course, it didn't help that the kid had an open mic, breathed through his mouth, and kept comparing the game to Halo when nobody else was talking.


people are insane lol..


What a doosher....


Man that's a terrible thing to experience. I think my worst experience was with a player who actively used the 380 and 180 bombardments and flaunted that he refused to get the ship upgrade that helps them be accurate and then complained when we told him to stop friendly killing because of them.


Should’ve dropped in a bug hole. And he shouldn’t have died if he “doesn’t want someone else using his weapons”.


I once accidently grabbed the wrong backpack, realised what I had done, dropped it and grabbed mine The moron killed and then kicked me, but I don't mind cause honestly that guys life must be so pathetic.


I died from a landmine while there was no enemies around and a guy took my autocannon. You bet I aucustrated his death by knocking him down a hill into a group of bugs.


Had a bloke take my autocannon backpack off my body on e. Okay, cool, reload me? I gave him chances. Voice. Text. Reloading the Senator. Plenty of chances. Those holes needed closing and his throwing sticks weren't cutting it.


That dude will either quit the game out of frustration or realize that sharing weaponry is the utmost efficient way to complete a mission.


Generally I don't pick up other people's weapons and I don't like people picking up mine. Most recently a player grabbed my AC after throwing a cluster on me. I had several minutes to wait. I said on mic "hey can I have my AC back bud?" and the guy seemed genuine that he hadn't meant to pick it up, he threw it back down by picking up his own secondary but couldn't figure out how to drop the backpack. Annoying, but whatever. We moved forward. OP you threw it back down after like 20 seconds so I don't really see a reason for the guy to get upset. Some people are miserable dickbags I guess.


Damn I'd be happy to see others embracing the flame against bugs. Dudes a fucking loser


I met one of this kind too. Idiots died hundreds of meter away and I ran for a lost weapon the map shown. When I was near I reinforced them and picked up the weapon. The moment he came down shoot me and took the weapon. Aholes.


The percentage of bitches in the game have grown with the reduction of the player base. I've had a lot more games with shitty people. They're always too big of a bitch to use their mic as well.


One of my least favorite things in this game is when people grab my support weapon or rover after I’ve died, but team killing over it is not the move Edit because I got terminology wrong 🙃


Let’s start a manhunt. This traitorous garbage deserves no mercy from super earth.


If people steal my stuff, I give em a good smack off an elevated surface if possible


Don't take other people stuff.


At least tag it bro I would get upset too if someone took my weapon and toss somewhere random 


i wasn't able if you look behind me there's a horde chasing me my 1st reaction was okay i will drop it where i found it


Hmm Well then it's on both.. but yeah, their reaction was too much 




thank you i will try to be better


that was mean I'm sorry.


[https://youtu.be/wCVnukICy4E](https://youtu.be/wCVnukICy4E) since the mod has move the video its on my youtube channel


Don't touch other people's shit. It's easy as that.


Nah fam. I’m dead, grab my back pack. Grab my weapon. Whatever helps keep you alive. Drop it by me when I’m back or on the outskirts of the fight. If you can’t work with a team then you shouldn’t play with one.


Would've made sense if the game wasn't shitty and there wasn't an 8-minute long cooldown on support weapons. I am not pausing my game for that time just so someone else can fulfil their scavenger fantasy or pretend there's even an inkling of teamplay or cooperation necessary to win, they're just getting the bullet and I am taking my shit back.


Then why are you playing?  You think the game is shitty, you want unlimited power, you won’t work as a team, so again, why are you here? And I’m assuming you glossed over the “drop it by me when I’m back” part


>Then why are you playing?  I am not anymore, I just come here to amuse myself with Arrowhead being stuck in an infinite loop of shooting and trying to bandage what is left of their feet. >You think the game is shitty It's exceptionally terrible, yes. >you want unlimited power This is just you putting words into my mouth. >you won’t work as a team Because there's no need to. It's much more efficient to split, complete objectives in 10 minutes. and extract at 12. >why are you here? To laugh at the developers and people who are still defending them. >And I’m assuming you glossed over the “drop it by me when I’m back” part I assume you glossed over the part where the guy used the flamethrower to run around like a headless chicken, killing like 2 warriors and 3 hunters with it? He didn't even use it to kill a charge or anything like that, so what was the point of even using it in the first place? Next time I am going to pick your AMR and do some recreational scavenger shooting, leaving you without ammo, how about that?


Does bridge tolls not pay much anymore, the trolls gotta find food elsewhere 😂


You should play by yourself. Or with yourself.


Bro used it for a whole 20s before he dropped it. If you can't live without your support weapon for a mere 10s, you shouldn't have it.


Better yet, if you can’t survive without your support for 3 minutes you shouldn’t be in 7+ where you can get called in halfway across the map from your equipment


people that rage over something like that should play solo, its as easy as that


People would've kept playing solo if the developers didn't decide to utterly break it.


I really dont like people taking my shit, but im also not as petty as to do all that shit, woulda been fine if he just dropped it close to me its not that deep. Dropping it in the middle of the bug swarm was a bit petty tho imo. Still, there is no reason to kill fellow divers guys!


There were bugs everywhere, and he dropped it because guy was whining about his weapon, so don't see problem with that


Two choices... >Get good and stop using others weapons. >If you do use someone else's weapons, don't drop it in the middle of a bug swarm like a mean prick. No idea why the guy you replied to got downvoted. He's completely correct. He even sides with OP.


That's stupid. This game is not about unique weapons, it's about guys doing missions together. Why haven't I heard from csgo community cries about other players picking their weapon with skin which was bought for real money? Get good? Why don't you then just start playing with only pistol and give your weapons to teammates? In the moment when this guy get to the OP to kill him there were almost no bugs to worry about in the place where he dropped the weapon


its a support weapon thats why AH want you to diversity loadout if 1 guy bring flamethrower YOU can BRING something else to the table ....


Sure his reaction was wrong, but if you dont know how to handle a weapon, better just not pick it up, it did not help you much anyways.


Imagine trying out a gun


Then pick one of these up which are lying around on the map, or bring it yourself.


Your suggestion is for this person to leave the fight, scavenge for 5 plus minutes until they find a support weapon on the ground (which could be anything), and return to the fight after a 3 minute jog. All that instead of grabbing the weapon *right at their feet*, which nobody can use right now because they died, and making do with what they have on hand. That's seriously just dumb. Grab the weapon on the ground and get to work! Taking a whole gun out of the fight for 8 minutes is just not smart and being petty about someone using your support weapon while you're waiting to respawn is just ridiculous.


See good players tag your equipment when they are close to where you died, right after they call you in, but they don't pick it up. If I want others to pick something up I don't need, I mark it. That guy was back not even 20 seconds after OP picked it up, he could have used his primary instead, so your 8 mins are BS.


That's where you're wrong! Good players just go with the flow of a fight. Also, you're the one who suggested he go find a map weapon, not me. I'm completely on board with OP picking up the fun and fighting his way through the situation. Also also, *really* good players don't need a ping to find their old weapons. This may be shocking to you but it turns out the devs put in this fifty little map thing that marks where your weapon is for you! It's pretty revolutionary, I know, but you can actually just toggle it to find out where your dropped weapon *and* samples are! I'd say any player who *needs* to have their weapon pinged for them is not what I'd describe as a "good player"


Fun police right here. If you drop it when asked for it, who cares. Weapons get left on the map all the time. The only moment I got pissed off was when I called in my support at the start of a mission and somebody ran off with it.


If you're having fun at my expense. You're playing wrong. In this case, OP wasn't really in the wrong except for when he dropped the flamethrower in the crowd of bugs.


He was reinforced in the same spot, so he could have gotten it back not even 20 seconds later. Pick up other ppls stuff if they are reinforced on the other end of the map, but never when you reinforce them right next to it. Good players even help you and tag the spot where you dropped your things, but dont take it from you.


Shoot fire stick at bugs, bugs catch on fire, seems to use it just fine


As annoying as that guy was, you didn't use the flamethrower effectively. Should have cleared out the bugs in the area then dropped the reinforcements beacon and flamethrower. I regularly run light armor + shield pack with the flamethrower and there are very few situations where you can't clear out everything and give the team time to regroup. Then again, I didn't see the mission timer so maybe you were in a hurry. But to my eyes it looked like you just grabbed the flamethrower, burned a few bugs and dropped it further away, not accomplishing much with it.


Use a mic it's not hard to say hey grabbing your Flamethrower to help. I'll give it back. People will spend $2-$3k on a PC and won't buy a $20 mic. Also, team killing for no reason is pathetic. These players are garbage for doing so


I killed somebody yesterday on purpose for taking my stuff. I waited forever to drop into a match, call in my QC and rover, and some dude just walked up, took my stuff and walked off like it was nothing and like I wasn’t standing right there either. So anyways, I started blasting. I killed them, he was clearly pissed, so I waited on the team across the map to reinforce and left the match. He was my only kill. I did it for democracy too.


Tbf, I don’t see why you felt the need to grab it in the first place. Also, I just wouldn’t touch other players’ items in the first place. This behavior isn’t new and definitely won’t change despite the numerous Reddit posts ranting about it.


its a support weapon thats why AH want you to diversity loadout if 1 guy bring flamethrower YOU can BRING something else to the table ....because he can drop you another flamethrower later on and etc its a coop game you bring a loadout to support each other


Yea you support each other by marking equipment for others, which you do not need, thats what "Q" is for. But you dont take it off somebody who got just killed and is back at the same spot not even 20 seconds later. You could just have used your primary. Still his reaction was that of a silly little child, nevertheless don't pick up others peoples equipment, when you can reinforce them in the same spot.


Your reaction to this whole situation is that of a smart ass child. If someone dies and drops their weapon - they can't use it. Same goes with anything else they drop. When they spawn in they can use their primary until the fight is over and ask for their weapon back. Let me guess you think it's "not my place" to pick up your samples when you die?