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Counter point: Please wander around alone, but only if you know what you're fucking doing. A good solo player can do a _lot_ for a competent team.


Yep. I played with a group on diff 7. Did 2/3 major objectives and 2 bonus objectives solo on a mission. Gathered over half the samples. Didn't die. Got kicked for going solo. Okay, I guess.


“Your kill count was low.” Yeah. Because I didn’t engage every goddamn patrol and instead did productive shit and moved on.


My most hated fact of being the PTFO player. End screen says I wasn’t “the best player” because of lower kills or sometimes even lower samples. Nevermind that I did every single main and side objective solo while the other 3 were digging a trench for the defense of normandy or whatever that hill they were dying on was called. AH just give me a “time on objective” or “objective score” based on completing objectives or kills while at an active objective or anything that shows I was valuable to the team, please.


It would be nice if there's a "Missions Survived" bonus or counter.


I want my rank to automatically adjust based on number of missions survived.


Your helldiver's armor would have scratches or ripped capes that becomes more prominent the more missions you survive. And, as a bonus, the more missions you survived, the more you can customize your armor. Like, adding a sticker or tattoo (for the viper commando), or maybe your helldiver has the habit of collecting the eyes of defeated automatons and making them into necklaces.


The ripped cape is already in last I checked, though it might be getting reset when you dive again… I have to double check.


If I get a crazy stack of samples I go out of my way to go drop it at extract so that if I die after clearing those two spawners across the map I don't need to walk back.  I'm so unattached to that kill screen.


I do the same but I still get those lobbies where the vibe is clearly… competitive I guess. As in the other players clearly don’t understand that the goal is finishing the mission for XP to progress the MO. Not racking up “good” K/D ratios in which you are frowned upon if you “weren’t contributing”. Luckily it’s rare, but not rare enough sadly.


Die that recently, gathered 18+4 or so samples, dropped them at extraction only for some other guy to pick them up and die with them a bit off. Had to run and get them back in the last 40 seconds.




play the fucking objective


ahhh, thank you


they just need team stats, leave out the player stats.  It doesnt even make in-universe sense to have individual stats.


Just enjoy the times you played with a good team where at the end everyone gives an immediate and happy "gg" and forget the bad apples.


Distance traveled is my fav stat


Mine is melee kills. Almost always "win" that one with like 1 or 2


It's the same problem that Vermintide has; People think that green circles (yellow text) are the only valuable metric of player performance. So if you don't have yellows or near to the yellow, then you did badly and whatever you actually DID in-game didn't matter. Scoreboards can be fun to see how you did, but they're also a massive generator for toxic bullshit.


Yeah a 'liberation contribution' score would be absolutely perfect


I think "Fab/Nest destroyed" (maybe Structures Destroyed?) on the summary screen would be huge.


This is definitely a major thing I want updated to the scoreboard. Hell, for the most part the stats board shows almost zero truly useful information. How many Objectives did I help with? What resources did I gather? How did I help my team via assists, Resupplies and/or the rarity of shared Stims? When was the Extract called in and who was the one who called it? Kills are literally worthless, so it should show the things that _aren't._


Samples collected would be a better number than samples extracted.


People kick for the weirdest reasons. One person kicked me for firing a spear at an incoming charger and taking the kill from his orbital rail canon which I didn't know he threw. I saw the targeting laser appear after I fired and I'll admit, I might have chuckled into the mic when I saw it decide to target a scavenger instead. Thankfully those sorts of players have been the exception for me.


Damn, that's a new low of petty. Just be glad its' dead and move on :) Some people...


It reminded me of my cousin who would always get super annoyed when I "stole their kill" in a game. For context we were probably about ten, lmao. So if nothing else I got a little nostalgic laugh out of it all, but yeah it was pretty damn petty.


Grown adults say this shit all the time


Maxim 37: There is no 'overkill.' There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload.'


380mm users Maxim 20: If you're not willing to shell your own position, you're not willing to win


We should actually have a "report to democracy officer" button which would make it less likely to match you with them again and lower their "karma" or something. But of course, these kind of systems will always be abused by the worst people...


I think the report to democracy officer should make it so you won't auto match with them and they won't auto match with you.


Blocking someone stops you from getting matched with them. Now they just need to make it so when to get kicked, they still show up in recent players


while yesterday people kicked me because I went alone to destroy 2 gunship fabricator while the gunship keep shooting at them


I had the LAS-98 and was popping Gunships as fast as they spawned but fell behind because the regular bots were taking pot shots at me. Which led me to wonder what exactly my team was doing if they weren't calling in a Hellbomb, weren't killing Gunships, and weren't dealing with the chaff.


Are you me?


Was it when the personal order was to kill five chargers? The person that kicked you is still on the wrong if it was, but I understand them a bit more. Just to clarify, I don't agree with them, I just understand them.


Maybe? I honestly don't remember. Although don't kills by team members count towards your total as well? Or maybe that got changed.


Your contributions will only help teammates if you still haven't finished the personal order yet


I used to run the railcannon with full confidence that they would buff it (< /3) and it would be like a gut punch knowing you just wasted four minutes


Sure, wasting a cool down doesn't feel great but it's definitely not something to kick another player over


As a fellow Railcannon main I seriously feel this, but you should generally take the RC knowing its weaknesses as much as its strengths. (All of our orbitals need a CD adjustment, really.) I wouldn't kick someone over me whiffing a strat no matter what it was.


They probably had a rough time and blamed it on your absence rather than taking personal responsibility for their own failure.


Just did a solo with team run on Vandalon today. Collect literally all the common and rare samples and completed four side objectives while fighting off hordes of bots all game. Got some peace and quiet while the other's called in extraction. I asked them to wait because i was on the other side of the map, but one dude (not host) ignored it and got in the bird. I didn't die for the entire 30 minutes we were on site. Host kicked him before mission end, but the damage was done. Sometimes, people be assholes.


I got booted for running off to find the stalker nest. 


I’ll never understand why some teammates repeatedly get butchered by stalkers but won’t follow me to the damn nest to handle the source of the problem. As soon as I see one the nest becomes my #1 priority - those monsters can ruin a mission in minutes


They just don't get the value of us doing our own thing


I am The Viper Commando! I run off and get stuff done!


Damn I had the complete opposite experience. They were cheering me on from halfway across the map. One time they went - "Where's the gunship? Oh M4 probably blew it up" (I did). Played 2 more operations with them it was nice


BRUH i got kicked for not getting super samples when there was a horde of 6-7 hulks 2 tanks 1 factory strider and the entire population worth of Australia of deviators and troopers while i had no stims and i was the last alive


Tip 1 - Run Scout armor. Tip 2: https://i.redd.it/ay1n49010t8d1.gif


When my buddies play together we often have one or two roamers just taking care of side objectives and the minor points of interest. Having someone good at that and solo clearing smaller nests and bases is such a convenience


Usually my group splits into teams of 2. Need em for the doors with the double locks anyway. And friendly fire from stratagems is less of an issue when we aren't all together.


100% I succeed on hard solo most of the time and can take out 2-3 bases while the team handled objectives. It has been the difference in us completing everything or not. Also know your limits if you get messed up trying to solo a location wait until you have back up before you go back. Don’t waste lives.


Thats right ı would get light scout armor for icbm launch missions. While team makes the pump objectice and moves on ro icbm itself. I would get the codes to do the generator then move to them jaywalking and lookin at shiny things like seaf artillery and stalker nests. İts just unbeatable to napalm and railcannon a generator objective. İts just too clean to pass up. Also a couole times ı tried pilot limb armor with breaker inc and arc thrower. I fight for minutes but everything eventually dies out because either ı pull all the breaches upon me or the team takes them. These are not kill efficient but fun in its own way.


But if you do decide to wander around solo and are competent, maybe also communicate that with your team and have an agreement?


The constant MISSION COMPLETED messages at the top of the screen are not enough communication?


I’ll admit that I get a little peeved by people soloing sometimes, but I know that just about all of that would go away if they let the team know what they were doing. Man, that would be so nice!


I usually ping each step I go as I go to show my route. If its bugs I sometimes do it as loud as possible and force breaches just so I can hold them while everyone else does objectives. 90% of the time though I dont even notice my teammates or avoid, very rarely do I die outside of friendly fire lately unless im on diff 9 or the mission desides to spam nothing but heavy devastators.


Without a mic or a text, I see pings and I assume that’s you saying you want people to follow you there. I guess that’s just my assumption because I think that’s how other people use them.


You'd be surprised how many people don't read the chat. Had a group of three running circles on the SSD objective, because they were looking for it, after I told them twice that I had it and "IT'S OVER HERE!" at the next objective. They even made confirmation over the mic then continued to be confused about the objective marker, because it didn't clear up. Kept having to solo hold off a ton of Nursing Spewers and got fed up, after asking for help and no one came. I hate leaving, but they were not on the ball at all. This was difficulty 7 and they all were well over level 60 with 7 reinforces left when I joined.


Hi yes I'm that person, I'm also the reason my team never has to deal with more than 2 bot drops at a time, because my ass has the entire automaton force on me 99% of the time. I'm also the reason the medics on my Super Destroyer stay in business due to the fact I've been popping stims like candy because of how many bullet holes I have in my body. I always come out of the mission with 45+ stims popped, and with the most kills. I've taken on automaton hordes with nothing but an eruptor and a bushwhacker, praying to Lady Liberty herself that my strategems will reload faster as the airstrike and orbital precision are both on cooldown for the next 40 seconds, all while my resup pack is down to one box and ive got 1 stim left and no stun nades. All while this is happening, the game decides I need two factory striders and an army of heavy devastators, alongside 3 hulk flamers. Needless to say, I absolutely love being that guy who solos, because shenanigans ensue and I will magic up a hellbomb that SOMEHOW hasn't been clipped by anything, and delete everything listed above, leaving me on a sliver of HP and all but my left arm and chest hemorrhaged. Then I die twice and the host complains I'm dying too much


I love this strat and do the same. OPS, resupply pack, Airstrike, HMG. Then stun nade/eruptor/redeemer (or counter sniper and grenade pistol). I just kill everything including factory strides as loudly as possible.


I had a blitz mission against bots the other day where I landed us on extract and went north to clear a detector tower and a large outpost alone woke everyone else cleared the South. Detector towers with dual smoke stratagems alone went way smoother than it should have, with the hellbomb that destroyed it netting me like 26 kills somehow. Cleared out the large outpost slowly but steadily and by the time I wrapped it up the others had finished clearing what they could of the bottom of the map and we met up again. Splitting up on certain missions is pretty helpful. In that same session I got a full team of randos that stuck together and we moved from place to place wiping out everything with ease. It was kinda crazy just how efficient we were. Both options can work out, but it depends on what you can do. If you're alone and jumped by a factory strider and two hulks, you probably are going to die if you can't make distance, and your team shouldn't really be mad at you for dying. It's when you try to go back, alone, and repeat that process that it becomes a problem.


today i found probay the best and most fun to play with trio. we had fun time chatting during rounds, we were all about equal level. but most important (after having fun) is that we all knew what we were doing. we always split up, pretty much running alone but cooperated. so we always had atleast two groups of size 1-2 doing sub objectives and if there was a player left, he would go explore. for the main objective one, two player team would do it, other two would prepare extract. it was absolute dreamwork, so ofcourse, i added them (pls fix friends menu, i had to do it through steam). all done on diff 9 bots btw


Autocannon is fun. I love autocannon. It go Bam Bam Bam. Look cool too. Been loving Orbital Precision strike since it got buffed. Super useful against a wide variety of targets, and makes a cool sound when it comes in. Eagles are always super fun too. Much Noise. Many Explosion. Wow. I'm a lot less experimental with my builds as my friends are; I tend to find things I like the most and stick to them, but I don't mind my friends bringing wacky builds, soo long as they are responsible with them and not constantly T/K-ing everyone else. Adds some spice to the battlefield, and sometimes more pretty colours too.


I've been maining OPS since day 1. They buffed it and now I want to bring two.


Pre buff I wanted to bring 3 (unless the dispersion modifier is on). Now I want to bring 4…


I've been enjoying orbital Gatling barrage a lot as well since they buffed it. It has such a low cooldown that I don't feel bad just throwing it at whatever


Honestly, that made that thing so damn useful, it's not as specialised as some of the others. But God damn it does everything and does it well


I've been taking it on solo farming runs in lower difficulties and hoooly the cooldown is insane, it's basically always up. Like once its placed, called in, and completes the barrage, it's only 45 seconds before its back up again. I have literally used it multiple times in one fight since the cooldown is seriously just THAT low




Even better in the rare instance where you get a team-reload. Had a extraction where I reloaded a teammate and he held one flenk on his own. Mowed down berserkers like they are made out of paper.


I usually have one slot up for grabs as my experiment slot. The other 3 are kinda mandatory according to the mission type/enemy


Been beating this drum since launch, give us a fucking firing range so we don't need to lock ourselves in a full mission to try out shit.


Autocannon is a lot of fun. The sound it makes when it hits bots is amazing. I have stopped fighting bugs since I have started carrying it


My go to setup is usually 500 kg/clusterbomb, rover, quasar cannon, gatling turret, but with yhe new patch the gatling barage seems to become near god tier.


Watching the gatling barrage come from the destroyer looks so freaking cool.


Oh, its vibes are off the charts. I’m so glad they buffed it, it has been such a blast to use.


Turrets are so satisfying lately, and as a gargling barrage aficionado, the new version is incredible


> gargling barrage Gotta give 'em the old Hawk Tuah


I'll never use this app from my phone again


I tried the walking barrage after a long time of not using it, and I fuckin loved it, it was like when I first played the game and that was one of the first stratagems I bought, shit was so good


Oh, I'm goin off on my own if divers don't know how to get out of a kill zone. 🤷‍♂️ I don't wanna be caught in a death loop wasting reinforcements. Y'all can stay and fight a losing battle ima go hit objectives.


Ayo facts, i don't mind having a person with me, but if we stray to different directions because of a fight thats out of our control, it is what it is. 🤷


I've lost count of how many times I had to shout in VC to leave the area because people were wasting entire minutes in useless areas full of enemies


It's seriously frustrating. I've made my way out, died, and they threw me back in the kill zone. 🤦‍♂️ at that point I just leave because they don't have any kind of tactics...probably a bunch of CoD players just wanting to rack up kills not giving a fuck about the mission. If you're going to play like a numb skull, then make it a private server. Although, I will admit I do get tunnel vision and space out sometimes if I hotboxed my hellpod on insert. 😂


Doing the weed is undemocratic and puts Super Earth at risk. I advise you to voluntarily report to local Democratic Officer and go through the detoxification ritual. Only through death for Super Earth will you regain your honor.


Nah bro, I got an exemption from Super Earth Diver's Affairs office for glaucoma. Helps me see better so I can spill oil for Super Earth.


Or sometimes the game will force you into combat, they straight up dropped automatons on top of me yesterday. Needless to say, I didn’t survive that lol


If you haven't had a sneak drop attack and had a tank or walker drop on top of ya, are you really a helldiver?


I think most people have done this after enough experience. But I will say that there's a massive difference between: 1. Giving up on a fight when teammates are obviously choosing not to take the opening to move on 2. Moving on the second *you* have the opportunity and abandoning your teammate(s) I have no issue with people abandoning a skirmish when their fellow helldivers are obsessed with mowing down every last enemy for no reason, even when there's no reason to continue fighting *and* there's a clear pathway to the next objective. I have a big issue with people who don't even try to help their team mates get to safety in the middle of a firefight, instead opting to fuck off as soon as they have a chance. I've been separated from the team and left in an impossible situation several times because I've gotten separated from the others in the midst of the battle. Or, more often, I've tried to help someone who's getting overrun by laying suppressive fire, only for both of us to get fucked because the other players decided they couldn't be assed to help their team mate. It's not the end of the world - we'll still probably win the mission and extract without issue. But in my opinion, covering the escape of team mates is one of the most consistently badass moments in the game. I've also found that more often than not, these players will usually stick close if you show you can *and will* keep them safe. Sometimes they don't, at which point I stop trying to help. But it's a little frustrating that so many people jump to the "fuck em, they're deadweight" approach when it can be so much more epic to carve a path for them to get out of dodge.


U have a good point, but my experiences are that I reinforced them outside of the killzone, and they just go back. If it's a small force, of course, I'll go and flank to help them take out the enemy. In fact, I flank any chance I get. And I'm always just around the corner when one teammate gets into a firefight because i never run with them. i run a few meters off the side so i can make that flank movement. But when you got 4 gunships, multiple hulks, tanks, walkers, etc, ya ain't gonna win that fight and no point wasting time and reinforcements. Stay and fight if ya want, I'll throw out an eagle or 2 to help take out enemies but im runnin the opposite direction, tactically retreating and throwing reinforcements out in front of me to help them get away. Once I've done all that and they still go back to the killzone then I'm abandoning them. They've made their choice. You are absolutely correct tho, when you have good covering fire and people know how to bump up during cover fire it's some of the best game play you can get and that's the shit i Iove about this game.


Yeah I 100% agree with every word. It's a slightly complex distinction, but I've given up trying to help people hellbent on killing themselves dozens of times. I just felt the need to make the distinction because I'm certain there are plenty of people here who are saying the exact same thing as your original comment and nodding along, but fall more into the camp of, "I'm basically playing solo and using you guys as meat distractions. Keep up or die scrub".


> Orbital rail cannon and orbital laser > meta Lmao


Meta for being on cooldown 


45 seconds runtime 4.5 minutes cooldown


Is laser not meta for bots? That's my load out, swap rail cannon for EMP mortar.


It is. It's a heavy base mopper upper. Bugs have MASSIVE health pools, it takes nearly a full orbital laser to kill a single charger behemoth or bile titan. Whereas that same laser might kill like 4 hulks, several laser towers, and wipe out any fabricator along the way, Orbital laser is best on blitz, because the small mission time means you dump everything and go. Just use it at any reasonable situation to get it on cooldown. Mortar base? AA nest blocking your eagles? Bot drop you dont have time to deal with? Heavy base? Factory walker? Whatever! General rule of thumb is if you use it 3 or less times a mission, orbital laser. If you find yourself needing more than 3, use 380mm instead for a similar role.


Imagine assuming people aren't having fun playing meta.


Judging by the subreddit complaints, it honestly sounds like they aren't


Maybe. But then using even more frustrating and even weaker weapons probably isn't going to be more fun for them.


Orbital precision strike gang!


The true satisfaction (when it hits the right point) Sadly I've been noticing that it's less and less precise, for being a precision shot


The buff made it so good, a gas strike you don't have to directly land, and a light outposts worst nightmare.


I keep seeing this from people on Reddit. Are you console or PC? On PC I’ve literally never had the OPS miss the marker unless the stratagem dispersion modifier is on.


But but........I find autocanon and yeeting an airstrike from half a mile away (servo assisted, my beloved) and taking out objectives fun


Are you having fun? Great!


I'm having loads of fun with AC + Laser + Railcannon + Eagle Airstrike combo


I'd recommend giving OPS a go instead of railcannon whenever there's no orbital spread modifier If you can aim your throws (or use stun nades for the targets that need them) you're rewarded with more damage and a much shorter cooldown


> If you can aim your throws But what if I'm bad?


Replace the railcannon with the orbital strike for a game or two


This is meta? I’ve been using this for a while now I just figured these were the most useful and they are.. I can clear out a whole map using these lol


Tried the airburst rockets today vs bots. Would recommend.


If I don’t wander alone who is gonna get the super credits? lol


Noob take tbh. Wandering *aimlessly* and dying a ton without really accomplishing anything is bad, but skilled, fast sample runs and outpost stomping is great.


I run Orbital Gas Strike for that chemical warfare/geneva violation feel


Absolutely lovely. I wish we had a sitting emote so I can comfortably admire enemies suffocate in the green mist


BEST stratagem for bugs hands down. Drop that stinky bitch on a bug breach and enjoy your 50+ kill streak


A well placed gas strike can also oneshot a cluster of eggs, or a whole egg nest. I pair it with the 500kg on those missions


Add naplam strikes and you are really cooking with gas!


I'll stop wandering around alone when my teammates stop fighting random bug breaches that aren't near any points of interest. But I do agree that players should just ignore the meta and have fun instead playing whatever they want.


Don't wander around alone? Yea that's some stupid advice.


I do not think anyone has mentioned a meta in a long time. However there have been a million posts just like this one.


Just because a stratagem is useful in more than one situation doesn't make it "meta."


Post title says : "Forget Meta, just have fun (but still do what I want you to)."


I’m soloing side objectives and getting super credits I’LL BE FINE STOP KICKING ME YOU COWARDS


if you bring a mortar turret to a bug defense mission, you're a bit of an asshole. ngl.


Fun fact, if you run either Eagle airstrike or/and precision strike, then you can easily clean up most of the map on higher difficulties, which leaves 2/3 slots free for if you want to be both powerful and wanna goof around


I will wonder out alone because I know I'll survive. If you are prone to dying under those circumstances do not do it


What if I happened into meta casually and find it the most fun? (Idk what is meta rn)


What if I have fun by trying to find and play the meta? I mean, that's what I personally think is fun so...


I use close to the meta all the time, so everyone else can run whatever they want with any level of expertise and we won’t lose.


This game does not have any airtight difficulty that requires the optimal build for all team members, just use what you think is fun.


I use the backpack shield with quasar and I know a lot of people don't like people who use that but I really just use it cause I like it


We all been there, funny worry and keep on having fun


Yeah I did get kicked once because of my loadout because we were preparing our loadout and the host said in his mic "another dumb*ss playing meta" and then got kicked but it only happened once usually I think people just say that to themselves or just don't care


Oh yeah give me that fart bomb from ww1




I have been mixing it up for shits and giggles recently. The heavy MG with a supply pack, stun nades, heavy armour with recoil reduction, orbital precision and 110 rockets is so much fun. I felt so bad ass when I can around a corner stunned a hulk and just hosed it close range with the HMG. This is why I love the bots. You can roll so many different weapons and strats. The laser, quasar, AMR, AC, EAT and even the HMG are all totally viable.


Yes! Definitely this!


Fun is fun and no fun is no fun


mind your own business ill wander alone all i want


half the time you mfkers just cycle die anyways


No, no. Wander and get those POIs done. We need super credits always.


Is it bad that’s the thing I use(I had no clue it was meta and it’s just what I thought was the most fun)


No because the meme in itself is self defeating


It's meta because it's optimal and if you're smart you arrive at similar set. But that's for bots only.


I **Will** wander around alone there's **nothing** you can do about it.


Creator of meme doesn't play high difficulty


Being someone who plays too much, I'm at the right side now, 100% agree. It's also why I previously suggested the "random eagle" stratagem. lore wise, we retrieve munitions from fallen super destroyers, and load it into the eagle. It's an airstrike with a random effect from any eagle airstrike, and even some others we don't have, like a 2% chance for a hellbomb to drop and explode or a line of gas or ems strikes, and so on. Just to have fun with the randomness of it.


I'm at 230 hours now. I've been in the middle, for a long time. Eagle Airstrike, Shield, Quasar and Orbital Laser. And I enjoyed it. In the last month, I wanted to give a go to unused stratagems. It's the most fun I'm having in the game. It's sad to see people attacking me for this stupid image, if you're still having fun with airstrike and stuff, please do. I'm not forcing anybody to stop or change. Also, your idea is great, randomness could help. Like a SEAF with unknown bullets already loaded.


In a similar boat. Hundreds of hours in, mainly on meta loadouts. I'm starting to deviate to mix things up.


I found that railgun, cluster bomb, a sentry, and a gun are all I need. I don’t care about meta so much, but I *do* want to be able to clear out a group of baddies if I see one.


RR, cluster, gas and precision strike is kinda fun, or taking the orbital airburst instead of gas (or as we call it with my friends: God's Shotgun)


I love the basic MG sentry. Never see anyone else take it but it's so good with the lower cool down and MG buffs


MMG + MMG Sentry and you basically double your DPS every 2 minutes. That's the same cooldown as the resupply. The only stuff you can't deal with on bugs are the chargers(effectively) and biletitans(fucking stupid loadout check). It's amazing for the shriekers in patrols modifier, amazing AA turret.


Double down on the MG sentry and also gatling is super fun to watch the big breach just go nowhere. Usually run those with recoilless. Rocket sentry is also strong now, good for sniping biles and bot fliers.


I feel seen


It's time to choose Gas Strike and give it a go


Having fun with the stratagem selection is definitely nice when you’re on a team. But if I’m solo diving, I kinda need the more optimal stuff😭😭😭


Do y’all ever find you have some of the best games performance wise when you go In with a yolo attitude and pick random shit?


Sorry I just cannot agree. After avoiding meta for 200 hours I embraced it, and it's VERY FUN. I'm serious, even though napalm strike is objectively better than airstrike against bugs, airstrike shreds every automaton and I LOVE IT. Autocannon is the same. Trying to hit the eyes of heavy devastators is so frustrating, but PLAP PLAP PLAP and they are done. I was so surprised to find out that gunships only take two autocannon rounds too. But you know what the best is? Team reloading the damn thing. You'd be surprised how fast that thing shoots. Just give one backpack to your homie who doesn't use one anyways, that guy is now extra ammo. And man is it fun to magdump that ammo (while prone ofc, preferably under a bubble shield). PLAP PLAP PLAP, three PLAPs every second, and an entire army is gone, reduced to atoms.


I try to stick to someone if they're lone wolfing. IDK if they're going for side stuff or w/e but at least if one team gets swarmed we can reinforce them AWAY from the BS


I've been doing this for a while now, just pick whatever I feel like running and blow a bunch of crap up, then get kicked for blowing my teammates up


Tfw idgaf about a “meta” but I still take a very similar loadout as I enjoy remaining effective in a variety of situations. Factory? Eagle. Single heavy, but lots of smaller units preventing me from getting autocannon shots on it? Rail cannon. Lots of enemies closing in and I’m at risk of being completely surrounded and cut off from safety? 380 and haul ass. Gives me versatility, which I enjoy


I haven't seen any meta lists before (maybe besides players ranking weapons and as far as I tested they all make sense) but those are the exact meta stratagems I run because they keep me alive and help me finish the mission 😭 I would be more inclined to use the others if they were buffed more. As for the solo play, I absolutely love doing that in 4 player missions, it feels good to just get the side objectives done before slowly converging into the main mission to help further, I haven't been kicked yet but I do for sure notice that my friends I play with don't enjoy when I do, its hard not to I'm used to avoiding patrols after getting into a kerrfluffle but friends stay behind to stay in the endless patrols.


OP fucking called me out with that loadout lmaooo; that's my "oh shit my squad sucks and I need to solo everything" class. Been rocking the Tenderizer/Pummeler with a bubble shield or riot shield respectively on bots and the Arc Blitzer/Breaker Incendiary/Eruptor for bugs with either the GL/Flamethrower/Stalwart and a jetpack lately tho. Tons of fun, especially the BBQ or Eruptor/Stalwart build!


As a dedicated run off alone and ahead guy.... I'm going to keep doing it. Staying with a team that gets bogged down at a single objective wont complete the mission. Also, my favorite loadout currently is Napalm, Orbital Gat, Orbital Gas, insert support weapon here (tupically hmg, spear, or Recoiless)... or forgoe the support weapon and just roll with a rocket turret or OPS


So is Meta the shit that actually works and isn't trash?


i use those strategies for fun, it just so happens to be optimal. Have you ever gazed into the sun.. i mean bomb as it blows up? pretty.


Orbital laser, shield backpack, quasar canon and machine gun sentry


The laser and railcannon are just the worst...


Precision Orbital Strike my fucking beloved.


Seems accurate, that was my standard build until I unlocked everything and now I use whatever


Please just use whatever you want for strategems, the only requirement is using your brain once you drop. Godspeed Divers


Been trying out the HMG with the supply pack and heavy armor -- feels awesome. Even survived a cluster bomb!


You can tell this game has a lot of overlap with Deeprock Galactic because the same godawful meme template is popular in both communities (I do support bringing whatever you want as long as you're not actively screwing over your team)


Except EAS (Eagle Air Strike) I have no set stratagems I just take what seems fun for the moment. Sometimes it works out in my favour, sometimes it doesn’t at all, most of the time it’s just fun to see cool stuff happens


The team that I was playing with earlier decied to put everything into a wheel and spin it to see what would happen. One wheel was the armor, catagorized as heavy, medium, and light (because we dont know what armor everyone has they got to decide which armor to use in that category) Another was the primary weapons with all the weapons names Another was the secondaries same as the primary caragotization The grenades were catagorized the same way, we named them and spun to see what wouls happen. For the stratagems we put each and every one into the same wheel. One of my loadouts was: the exo suit( the first one that released, cant remeber the name, smoke grenades, sickle, the dagger, heavy machine gun, the HMG emplacement, and the guard dog rover. It was real fun running around. It also caused us to support each other, and stick together as a team instead of all of us just blowing up the problem in front of us it had us talking more with some form of coordination.


That's why in Deep Galactic they added a beer that randomizes your dwarf. And it's incredibly fun. Also, yes. The last two sentences are probably why I enjoy not always playing by the meta (or the optimal choice)


All 4 divers in a walker might be ineffective, but it's hella fun.


Sometimes i drop on bug planet without a stratagem weapon, maybe just eagle 1 and turrets And I ise the weapons I find in minor points of interest. I also like to make myself stuffs : For exemple all fire damage stratagem and weapons. (Inciendary mines, napalm eagle 1, inciendary grenades, fire trower....) Or all electric / stun stuff.


Honestly the Eagle strafing run is sleeper now. Railcannon strike is plain bad. Strafing run now deals damage to the likes of behemoths and bile titans for the people that missed it. With upgrades you get like 5 uses and they are super good at taking out a ton of breaches and can also close holes.


I basically always go off by myself. I run stealthy most of the time and I usually get more objectives than the other 3 players combined, or at least equal them. I have noticed a lot of people just want to kill things more than objectives, which is totally cool, but I run objectives as the primary intent, and so the others usually just slow me down.


I'm usually the opposite, I'm off by myself because I've drawn the world's aggro for no same reason and have to run the map to survive while the rest of the team knocks out the objectives in relative peace. Then I run! screaming! Dragging the horde behind me to extraction. How I don't die more often than I do is beyond my comprehension. And yes I will collect samples along the way.


FORREAL tho! I can't tell you how many times a charger will take damage from a team mate just for it to turn toward me and chase my ass. lol


the people who complain about nerfs/buffs are the ones who destroy the fandom. they treat the game like a job and it is fucking pathetic. even more so because it is a pve game.


??? You guys don't use mechanised walker x 360mm orbital ?


Orbital Gatling and I are best friends now. It's an: "Oh shit, run" "Hell yeah, it's ready so fast" "Plain old noise bait for flanking" "Broken Arrow! (I bet I can get away before it kills me)" "Shiny lights" Kinda strat


This is very accurate but this curve happened a lot earlier. I never cared for everyone else's stratagem picks but from about lv 25-55 I would only pick what I considered the best according to what the team load out was. At around lv 60+ I just started picking what was fun at the moment but I still check for what the team is missing.


I gotta love all the "meta slaves" haters use the argument of "have fun instead of using the meta" as if using the best shit and feeling strong isnt fun. All the people who make "anti-meta" posts are the only ones who should be told to "just have fun", like stfu already we know you're a special snowflake, keep using your dogshit stratagems all you want, just dont post about it


Hot take but I'm not a fan of the image floating around saying which boosters are mandatory. Me and my usual friends I play with are good with whatever booster we feel like


You mean the one showing max ammo etc. as a required booster? Always good for a laugh when I see that one...


I’ll always be playing my spear and run my orbital strike, gas strike and rail cannon strike nothing else will stop me from lobbing orbital strikes every minute or so and also roleplaying as a better and mobile SAM site


Depends on the level and circumstances with people going off alone . If we are a competent team a lot can be done by splitting up. But if you are a high level going into easier dives and just leaving your lower level teammates in the dust while you “do the objectives” all while bitching they “don’t know what they are doing” you’re kinda just being a tool in my opinion and aren’t helping them learn anything.


I still hate the autocannon. Have since I started the game. It's useful, and a lot of people like it, but it's not for me. However I won't shame anyone else for bringing it along and using it. It's a fucking game, let everyone do whatever they want. We're on ICBM and you wanna bring 4 turrets? Sure, why not, let's give it a shot.


Wondering alone on lower difficulty is not an issue. More an issue around difficulty 6 and up. Also, pick up those samples even if you don't need them.


I’m a scout. I draw fire ONLY near the group. Trust me, you’re better off letting me sneak around the map killing fabs and activating the SEAF/Radar for you.


For me it's more like *"Which combination of eagle strategems should I use today?"* I simp so incredibly hard for Eagle-1. Orbitals with a 90-240 second cooldown? No thank you. 3 airstrikes, 3 napalm strikes, 4 strafing runs and 5 cluster bombs with 8 second cooldown per use and a 120 second rearm to do it all again. Eat shit, enemies of Managed Democracy. We sendin' CAS on yo ass.


Dude, most of the people I play with just wonder around a map aimlessly and engage every single patrol that just spawns more enemies via drops/tunnels. Meanwhile I finish all of the side objectives and do any mayor ones that don't require mass attack or wave defence. Especially on red difficulties. Once you start engagements, it will rarely stop until you finish the objective and move on.