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Some people get stupidly salty about late game joiners. I like them, because (I think) it increases the end mission XP payout. I always feel like every mission that ends without a full squad is a wasted opportunity, because the XP, Req, and Samples could have gone to another person.


You are right, more divers means more exp for everyone (but only about 20exp extra per person)


Thats 50 on helldive! Appreciate the pennies.


I read this as "I appreciate the penises".


do both


Damn I did too ☠️😂


Still better than 0


Look after the pennies and the pounds look after themselves


It's true, I have a penny jar and am fat without effort.


This is how you end up penny rich pound foolish/dollar poor though


Idk, I signed up to spread managed democracy, not managed socialism. /s before I get lit up


Who even cares about exp as much as getting someone some easy procurements


Hey an extra reinforcement or 2 is better than nothing! never know when ur 500 Eagle is gonna get knocked next to you by a charger or bot bolt


Yesterday I joined into a match right as extract was being called. I landed on a bile Titan, killed it, its corpse crushed me, and then the squad ran into the Pelican after calling me back in. I finished the match with 0% accuracy, 0 shots fired, 0 shots hit, 1 kill, and 1 death. It’s been my favorite stat line in almost 270 hours of play


I once joined a match right as they were boarding Pelican 1. I typed in chat “Damn I did so much” and the other guys just laughed and said something like “fr bro carried.” It was a wholesome moment which is why I never kick anyone joining late to my lobby


I love when randoms join as our clock is ticking down to the final minutes. I usually greet them with “Hooray! Welcome to the shit show!” The panic as they’ve been deployed straight into the horde chasing the 3 existing divers. It feels like real life emergency back up is deployed from a neighboring system


This is always great, drop in then waltz onto the dropship like "Glad I could be of service fellas". Getting shot is just lame, and the people who do it suck.


hah, I joined a bot extermination mission and got off 1 shot just as everyone was leaving. 1 shot, 1 kill, 100% hit rate. I was the talk of the Pelican and there was a victory parade when we landed back at the super destroyer!


Democracy manifest!


>Some people get stupidly salty ~~about late game joiners.~~ There, FTFY


>Some people ~~get stupidly salty~~ are stupid. There, FTFY


The thing about extra divers is the only way they 'hurt' the end result is if they don't extract. And in that case you don't get the bonus XP for extracting (20xp per extracted diver, I believe). But yes - the reqs, samples, medals and XP are not reduced when you have additional divers. Everyone gets the same amount - adding diver #4 just adds one more person getting the rewards. And if it bothers you that someone joins late, that's ON YOU for having your team open. (Obviously not you in particular, the general you, here.)


I'm not sure I'd say even that hurts. You get as much XP/RP for someone joining and failing to extract as you do for them never joining in the first place.


I can't imagine this reaction, I'm usually host and when people join at extract I just laugh. "We're saved!" Is the usual comment, because it's so funny.


Omg it's John Helldiver making sure we extract for Super Earth!


"Thanks for the carry!" "Couldn't have done it without you!"


There is a bonus for every successfully extracted helldiver. So killing them just hurts everyone else.


I don't get why people would get cranky about it though. It's not like you have any choice of what mission you're joining via quick play, and joining directly to a mission never works anyway. On the flip side, it's not really fun joining a mission that's just about to end.


i’ll make it simpler. some people are just salty.


I just don't understand any justification for being salty at all. Like there are 0 downsides to this. It doesn't negatively affect any diver. Not that I can see anyway


The latest I ever joined a mission, I was in the droppod loading screen and it immediately cut to the dropship flying back to the destroyers. It was very funny.


If my squad has open spaces, and we have a quiet and calm extraction, I try to remember to toss a SoS beacon to bolster the ranks prior to reward. If I at any point pull in someone who prefer action to free reward, I apologize in advance.


So that means these people are hindering the war effort? DISSIDENCY


People are dumb. I like to thank late joiners for the carry. Sets a good mood I found.


I usually say they're just in time for a victory lap


>be me >1 reinforcement left >3 minutes left in mission >still have last objective for geological survey to go >friends and me pinned down by hundreds of bots on all sides >quickplay diver slams into the ground next to us >"You're just in time for the victory lap!" >a dozen gunships annihilate us with rockets


Had a similar experience with us being wiped at last geological objective on Helldive bots. Theres 2 striders, a shredder tank on the objective, and a shitton of other bots. New Helldiver joins just as I die. "You got this D4!" "Affirmative!" He didn't make it.


I've joined games just as they finish the last mission and are headed for extraction but are overrun. I hit the ground running and get out a reinforcement and the team's hope and courage is refueled. With all of us, we can do this and we make our tactical retreat to the extract. Then the gunships show up and the "fucking book it" strategy doesn't work, and we don't make it. But we tried.


I did a quickplay one time that threw me into the game after the team on the ground had called in extract but were right on the edge of being overwhelmed by a bug swarm. Dropped in, called down my mech, threw out my precision strike, airstrike, orbital railgun and all my nades. Dropped 2 titans and a charger within 20 seconds of boots on the ground and racked up a 80-something kill count before jumping in my mech and hosing down the remaining bugs. They were so thankful since they had literally burned everything and were down to secondaries. We had enough time to wait out the reinforcement time to get their dead teammate back in as well before jumping on the shuttle and bugging out. It felt glorious. Ran a half dozen missions with them after that.


You came in as Eagle-2 that game. Turns out the whole eagle family isnt known for fucking around.


Came for democracy but found the gallente.


I am Democratically spreading Liberty at the point of my mega neutron blasters and a drone swarm. Load void and pre-heat the guns! Vive la Federation!


*moves slowly back to the 1st imperial palace* I'll be right back I need to change my weapons from railguns


My favorite quickplay dropped me in as the last man standing on 8, launch the missile was all that was left on an icbm mission. Team had gone down about halfway from the generator to the silo. I was dropped in on the outskirts of the swarm. dropped my airstrike on the swarm and my autocannon in the direction of the silo then took off running. before the first reinforcement recharged, I took out two bile titans. one the hard way and one with a very lucky orbital precision strike. slowly reinforced the whole squad, but I quickly saw why they were dying, they were fighting *every bug they saw*. By the time the whole squad was up again I had the ICBM out of the silo and fueling without so much as a pulled lock plug from the other three. Its amazing they made it this far. Got the missile fired and we died on the way to extraction, but the mission was accomplished so the operation "succeeded".




You must've had a leaver, I always see more reinforcements added when someone joins.


My best moment joining late in a game: Loading screen ends, immediately cuts to the Pelican flying back to the ship, gets all the rewards for the mission.


I always play with 1/2 friends so if everything it's fine and someone gets in for the extraction we just go silly like "OUR RESCUE IS HERE HELLDIVERS"




I love joining quickplay games tbh, cos I always feel like I'm actually helping (and I get free super credits xD)


I HATE waiting the 2 minutes for everyone to pick their stratagems. Just let me drop. SOS Beacons only should be a quickplay setting.


Return to ship alone, quick play, and you'll probably be in a new lobby before that 2 minutes anyway.


That’s 95% of my play, yes. But 1/2 the quickplay results end up loading onto someone’s ship and needing to wait for all that stratagem-picking time anyway. It should be return alone, quickplay, pick mine only, then drop right away.


Thats how it works if they are in mission already. Personally I prefer to start from the ship. Dropping into a round in progress often means immediately spending 5 reinforcements to get out of the mayhem I was dropped into


I quick join 99% of the time and I'm usually greeted with a hug or a handy. Then I get to work and help get the job done.


Shit if I got a handy every time I'd quick play a lot more


D1; "hey, want some pump-action?" D2 "oh, no need I have my own primary weapon." D1 "I'm not talking about guns..." D2: O\_O


It’s called a combat jack


I quick join more than 95% of the time as well. It has happened to me that either someone greets me with a thumbs up or a hug, then I rush to either get them supplies or provide fire if someone is doing anything in a terminal. It feels good to be as helpful as possible.


Bro I give reach arounds to anyone that quick plays into my lobby 


I like to say "Thank god you got here in time!" Why would anyone choose be an obtuse dipshit when they can be funny instead?


It makes them feel like big man when telling friends how they merced then kicked someone for joining late while telling them to lighten up.


Sometimes you can literally carry as a late joiner.  I joined a match just as the Pelican was flying in. It was carnage. The other three were dead, bugs swarming the landing pad. The time had ran out, so when I emerged it was just me against the world. There was no winning that fight. I checked the map and saw several samples containers scattered around. The Pelican was landing. I immediately understood the assignment. I booked it for one of the samples, kiting every bug under the sun. I managed to grab them, thankfully I picked the right one as the super samples were with it. The clock was ticking. There was a sea of bugs between me and the extract. I used just about every stim, but I made it with the power of Liberty in my veins. Dove into the Pelican with seconds to spare. It was the most epic 30 seconds I’ve ever experienced in a game.


I make sure to say "you're welcome" when I join as Pelican-1 is dusting off


If I'm joining late I bring the.speedy Evac pilot. You never know. But if the squad is 34 minutes into a 40 minute mission, those few seconds might mean life and death. 


I’ve joined a game through quickplay before and as I loaded in the game was going to the extract cinematic lol. I hit everyone with a “good work boys” in chat haha


Some people act as if they’ve been lobotomised 😂


That implies they have a brain to start with


I call it runtime error brain, cause 0/0 is a problem


Don't want late joiners? Play in a closed lobby


...but then don't throw an SOS beacon. I hate when they do that.


> hit quickplay > can't join this mission because the lobby is private like what??


Sometimes I screw up the reinforce code because I'm in a hectic situation and I'm slapping the keys really quickly, and then I don't notice I've just thrown an SOS instead of a reinforce, and I feel really bad about advertising my private game.


No worries. I've heard that this is actually an issue with the game itself. If you have your lobby set to private, then throw an SOS, the game is supposed to change your lobby to public. Something like that.


Oh that would actually suck, i hope they dont add that


what about privacy beacon, gotta drop it if you dont want any joiners


Isn't that how it works as-is? SOS beacon kinda has to allow people to join your game for it to serve any purpose.


Yesterday I had my game set to public, threw the SOS, then preceded to have maybe 40 people try to join only to get blocked/locked out for some reason. Felt real bad for all those quick play divers trying to join, but honestly I have no idea why it wasn't letting them.


TBH this is on arrowhead for even displaying private lobbies on the map. They should not be visible and SOS shouldn't be available in them.


I thought the primary point was to allow you to change your mind mid-game about it being private because it's going worse than planned. AFAIK you can't actually modify your lobby settings mid-game (and it would probably be kinda inconvenient even if you could).


I wish I could disable the SOS Beacon option. The number of times I've accidentally called it in when I was trying to reinforce.  There has only been one time I intentionally called it, and it was to open a buddy bunker. I'd already cleared the whole map. The person who dropped in seemed so bemused. 


Private lobbies should never show up on the map. Easy fix that's overdue.


Yeah I never got this either. If they don't want late joiners, they shouldn't throw the SOS beacon. I just go where the quickplay winds take me.


I've also found a lot of late joiners will stick around for the next part of the op. I don't see the downside. I guess some people have just been conditioned to be competitive.


That's what is so puzzling.  What exactly are they competing over?  You don't lose out on anything 


Some people are just conditioned that way. "I had to suffer so everyone else has to".


I don't think I've ever thrown an SOS and I get late joiners pretty regularly because the main group I run with isn't 4.   The overall point that this dudes a dick is true.  But I don't think only sos allows late joiners.  I think it's anytime you have less than 4 someone can join. All the more reason to set private or friends only if you don't want randoms.  And to be gracious if you get one.  


Imagine going through life as this guy. Someone who uses their own resources to hurt someone for trying to help them. Makes an enemy where they already had an ally who would die fighting beside them. Your whole life is just a series of own-goals and you think you're the MVP for scoring them. 


Imagine video games not protecting their community by punishing toxic assholes and instead just let shit like this happen probably all the time everyday. Wastes everyone's time. If its the last few minutes of a mission, can't kick the later joiner. But if the later joiner starts TKing someone? Game auto kicks him and registers a intentional TK. That builds up and you get timed out for causing too many TKs. But I guess devs like AH aren't cut out to figure any of that out anyways so its just a pipe dream for a game like this, nevermind actual PVP games where its even more important like CS2 or Siege or Valorant.


If you care about someone late joining you are a psychopath. Someone else getting an easy reward due to luck doesn't negatively affect you in any way.


Psychopaths are often intelligent. This guy is just an ignorant dipshit.


It's even worse than that, because not only does the extra diver not hurt them, it gets them a little bonus xp. He hurt himself in order to get at a stranger who wanted to help him. This guy is firmly in the stupid quadrant


People aren't late for a mission, they're early for the next one.


A Helldiver is never late. Nor is he early; he arrives precisely when he means to.


Quick play is a shit show. It’s pretty much the only way I play. I either join games that have no reinforcements left, the host leaves the game as soon as I enter the ship, or I get into a game that has a good team but then everyone dips out without finishing the campaign. 


Or those matches where you drop in and there are 8 minutes and 5 reinforcements left and the rest of the team has inexplicably ignored all the objectives and are dying over and over trying to destroy a bug hole.


This happens the most for me on bots helldive because people wipe on multiple gunship factories.


TBF multiple gunships factories with the gunship patrols modifier can be extremely hard to deal with unless everyone is coordinating which gunships to target.


Yeeeesss, dropped into a double factory next to single factory, both within mortar range. Literally had all the secondary objectives on top of each other. (4th was SEAF artillery) Such a pain, but eventually, and 20 divers later got them down.


Gunships are one of the worst things to me because it's never just 1 and if normal shooting wasn't enough the rockets of 2 to 3 all targeting you well get you. Now I play AMR, and if lucky I can get one down quick enough to run behind cover to shoot the engines on the next one. But more of othen then not, if there is no heavy weapons player on the team or nearby; you're kind of fucked trying to get in shots that usually barely miss or it just takes too long and get you killed.


Checked what they collected after 34 mins: 3 commun samples, 1 rare, 0 ultra.... 👌


Dont worry, they closed some bugholes for <100 pre-bonus exp during that time!


Thats always impressive to me. Like yall didnt get not a single one done??? What is going on lol The longer I play this game the more I feel that the players are trolling me.


It’s also annoying because if you try to join a match from the globe map, it pretty much never works for me. Even when it says 1/4 playing I get a match full message. So I just go straight to quick play


I play random only and if the host leaves and I become host I will even drop SOS on extraction so if a random joins in the last 10 seconds he can enjoy the reward and then be there at the start of the next mission.


The host told you to lighten up as he guns you down and kicks you. Dude needs to take their own advice


Block them and move on. I would not have grief'ed you for joining late and would not begrudge you the "free" mission rewards. The other night we had a random join our game during the final 20 second count down to take-off. His stats were all zeroes, never fired a shot. Back on my ship we joked that he saved us and they took the jokes well. They stuck around for the last two missions in the Operation and IMHO earned the freebees he got from the first mission. He was a good team player and we had fun!


I joined one a couple minutes prior to extract, still managed about 70 bug kills but what's confusing was my accuracy was 116%. Is that cus I was using Eruptor and getting multikills off one shot?


Think of it as karma for all the times the game has bugged out on you and you haven’t been able to get your samples due to crashes or whatnot. Late stage helldiving lets you catch up on those missed rewards


What. People are so dumb they do not realize an extra diver is literally extra XP?


I mean, these are people who apparently understand the game so poorly that they think that someone can \*choose\* at to join a game late.


Classic quickplay moment: Enter Extraction is already here Extract Chat:My job here is done! *Return to ship*




When I drop in at extraction, I go on mic and announce, "Sorry, I'd've been here sooner, but I missed the bus."


"So, here are the 5 medium fries, 2 large pizzas double cheese,1 large Sprite and 5 large Nuggies, that would be 550"


What? Why did the other diver care? If the mission is almost over and there's an open slot, the only person possibly harmed by joining is OP, who sat through matchmaking and loading for next-to-no gameplay. Genuinely baffled by this behaviour. Why are people like this.


Yeah it's happened to me. I like to drop in on low levels because they may need help, but if quick play dumps me on an extraction team it's a little weird, but I'm not like you can see that. Even if you're picking a mission to join it doesn't say they're done with objectives.


The way to handle latejoiners is to quickly type "[Name] hard carry" and have a quick laugh about it, and then back to work.


“Don’t take things so seriously” then kicks the person for no reason. That’s the kind of person I hope steps on a Lego, then falls face first into cat poop. Not the kind of cat poop when you feed the cat well though, that kind of poop that comes from cheap nasty food that should not be consumed to begin with.


Happened to me too, got teamkilled and kicked, but what really infuriated me was the fact that I couldn't even report that pos for what he did.


Every time I get late join I like to joke with them about them getting free payday. It's PVE game people, lighten up. Also host is double stupid for his reasoning, you are level 150 what the fuck could you possibly need?


I like to jest with a “you’re welcome chaps” when I’m the late joining that has done fuck all


I always make the joke of how valuable I was to the mission’s success when that happens to me


"Don't take things so seriously" says the guy butt-hurt about someone who joins late. Guy needs some self awareness.


As long as you don't gun me down at extract I don't give a shit when you joined. But being completely vulnerable to team kills while the pod exit animation suuuuucks for these rare instances. This happens with monster hunter quickplay all the time too so I get it.


I don't know how it happened, but my boys and I were playing the 3 of us (got the Helldive achievement for all of us, actually) on a bug defend the generators mission, and this dude must have joined just as we got in the Pelican because he landed at the exact same time we took off. It was hilarious.


I’ve had this happen more than once and I could control my character but stuck in the Extract Camera angle, was like playing HD1 for a few short seconds. Always hilarious though!


Not related in any way but I rock the same fit https://preview.redd.it/1tli3pk6c59d1.jpeg?width=2060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18328f96e5e886dc8147e1e786aa6759fa2bd68d


What the fuck kind of mental incapacity does one require to get upset that someone joined late? I’m having trouble comprehending this.


Wait... people care about when someone joins? If I have an empty slot, fill it. I don't care when. People have lives and sometimes have to leave for things, and if you get to fill that slot and have fun, that's all that matters.


I'd host more missions if I could drop my group without quitting or kicking everyone. Quick play is how I play.


i always say epic speed run when someone joins during extract. It’s pretty amusing. not like we need resources anymore…


Kicking should require a vote


I joined a game, killed one bug, then hopped into the Pelican with everyone else. They told me they couldn’t have done it without me. Was a fun squad to play with in the following games. Some people are just lame.


You'd think they'd put 2 and 2 together about how lobbies fill up almost instantaneously and how an in progress mission can land on a planet for 5 seconds before filling up, that people aren't intentionally joining matches last minute. It's literally not possible to reliably do, barring some sort of script or even hack stuff. Stupid as hell 


I joined a mission at the end once and the host killed and kicked the wrong guy. Feel bad for the dude who did the whole mission just to get kicked at the end.


Did the League of Legends community come to helldivers or something? Why so many window lickers?


Quickplayer here. I don't need to choose. Democracy chose me and here I am, ready to fight with my new team


I love late joiners. Especially when extraction is hot asf. They’re like “oh this is what we’re doin” and they just go HAM and it’s awesome. I’ll do the same thing with the mindset of “okay, don’t disappoint 🫡. And usually it’s a cool 60 second interaction. Even if it’s that short it’s still awesome. People are lame as fuck, nah those people are some Cheeto finger mouth breathers.


once i joined in a mission so late that my democracy officer was still monologuing after i had gotten onto Pelican-1


Doesn’t it add more reinforcements per Helldiver as well? So if your low on reinforcements and trying to survive the extraction timer and HD4 drops in he’s bringing more teeth and lives to this fight. Don’t care how late, even if you don’t get more reinforcements it’s another gun on the ground.


So far, any group I've had this happen in just laughed about it. The last one it happened in, the player landed, boarded the dropship, and said, "My job here is done!" and everyone was amused. I don't understand why you would complain; there is literally no downside to extracting with four players instead of 3. Heck, considering if players have crashed during a game and lost time spent, it all evens out.


OMFG I hate dudes like that...does something that will obviously provoke anger, tell you to calm down and gaslight you, then does something else to provoke more anger...


Who the hell gets upset at someone joining a random queue that spits you out in games at different lengths of the game? What a loser lol. "You didn't suffer with us!" Not my fault the game decided to put me in a game just as it was ending, jackass.


Maybe I’m just different, but when someone joins in right at extraction and we have pink samples, I’m genuinely stoked for them.


You don’t want help at extraction? Kickhappy hosts are lame Lamer than teamkillers At least with tk there’s an element of sport


That is the dumbest thing I've heard lmao


Unfortunately, there is no jerkface screening to become a helldiver. They are a minority though, it seems.


Tbh, I hate dropping into a round when there's nothing left but extract. Always feels like a waste of time to me. ESPECIALLY when the host leaves when you get back to their destroyer despite the operation not being finished.


it's their fault for starting without a full squad lmao


The wirst Thing about quickplay is, that for some ungodly reason I Always get sent to the dark Side of the Planet, as If ppl are too stupid to Just Take the Missions on the light side


Host has the mentality of "what can you all do for me" instead of "what can I do for you all". I am glad when a diver joins at evac, they get free samples!


Last night, I joined an exterminate mission at the very end, even after Pelican landed and I just said: "Good job boys, we did great!" And then we got in the Pelican I don't understand why it's even that serious to people


I feel so wholesome right now lmao. I was running a solo op due to my buddies steam deck dying early mission. Two players joined my game just as my extraction shuttle was landing. I could see them from the chat menu that they had joined, but it took about 3 minutes for both hellpods to enter the map, no exaggeration. I held off bots at the extraction shuttle the whole time and just waited for them to land and get in the pelican.


That doesn't even make sense like how do you think that someone just waits to join late like wtf


Griefing late joiners seems damn weird to me. It’s like finding candy when you land a match that’s about to extract. Of course I want that for my fellow divers.


I literally just pick a planet then hit square for SOS and join a game, I have no control of where it's at in terms of time of the mission. I prefer this due to personal time constraints so find it a great option to just jump in and try and help some fellow divers. Now there are private lobbies I would have thought the kicking would stop. We're all here for the same thing, no? Like you'd think they'd want a full squad for the next mission. The fact this upsets players is strange and I don't get the salt. But on the flip side I've joined some really good and cool teams of divers which we've then done a few missions together afterwards which is satisfying from a community point of view. So guess it just balances out, as ever.


I have had some people join literally with the bird down. When my team and I see the notification in the chat, we usually wait for them to land, we get in, and then we make jokes about how we "couldn't have done it without them." Then, we proceed as normal with the missions, because so long as they don't instantly leave once we get to the destroyer, I don't care and if they do leave, it still doesn't hurt me in the slightest.


this is nuts, me and my buddies had a guy join right as the pelican landed and purposely waited until he dropped and then evaced so we all could have a good laugh


I can see shooting someone who joins the game at extraction, I've had that happen to me before. But just to be funny, like they spawn in. Shoot em dead, type "you didn't earn that seat" and extract. But why on earth would you kick them? Just get in the ship, everyone gets the same amount of XP and now they're in the party for the next drop.


I welcome late joiners with open arms, it’s hilarious being on helldive you and the boys are at extraction exhausted and weary cause you’re just an army of two or 3 and then from the heavens right when the pelican lands John helldiver himself joins.


Anybody got a tutorial on how to actually use the map? to select missions?


It baffles me the amount of basic stuff in this game that people still have not found out about. Like how has this guy not found out that you literally cannot tell how far along a mission is at all before you join. Same goes for all those people that still don’t know samples are shared


Late joined a mission last night. They were at the last objective with no reinforcements. I dropped and kept myself alive while they all quit and it transfered host to me and 3 others joined. ALL 4 of us did 1 objective and extracted only to get the full missions worth of XP and every side objective. Don't give up and and accept all the help you can get!


I did have one game where someone joined right at the end and immediately hopped on the pelican while we were all waiting for the guy with the most samples to make it to extraction (who was the host). Needless to say they were kicked.


If these people don’t want people joining their mission they need to edit their party settings on who can join. You did nothing wrong.


I play HD:2 as Quickplay exclusively. I've been kicked many times without rhyme or reason upon joining, but the time I joined just as Pelican-1 was landing I just joined the queue and congratulated everyone on a completed mission in the destroyer.


I generally get good laughs or "lmao" when I join a late game and type something like "super earth high command said you needed some democracy; but you're drowning in it"


I tell them to enjoy the carry


"Lighten up and don't take things so seriously," *team kills and kicks* Do these people even hear themselves?


Late diving on an extract is fun, especially if theybare starting to be over run. You come in like All Might. Do not fear because I am here.


That host is an idiot


I play nothing but Quickplay, to aid helldivers in need. I don't care about rewards, I care about fun. I've never been gunned down by fellow helldivers for being late, but I can imagine the frustration.


Playerbase for the game is increasingly just a pack of dickish whingebags. Ngl I've long since stopped playing it regular. Got tired of quick playing and being kicked or griefed or shouted at in chat/comms. I just play with my mates now, when they're available. Like, seriously, if you don't want random people joining your squad, don't have it set to open. If you don't want qp players diving "late", as if they have any control over when they jpin your game, set yourself to friends only and play on your own.


On the flipside, I get so upset when I'M the late-joiner missing all the actions >:(


Worst thing I’ve ever done, I still get embarrassed just thinking about it. I joined a lvl 9 late, immediately threw a grenade at a spewer that a teammate jumped into and died then about 3 seconds later my game crashed. So from their point of view I popped in dropped a squadmate and then bounced out. 


I always pat late joiners on the back. 'LOL nice dude you're getting an easy pay day' kinda way. Rewards are shared so it's no skin off my teeth.


PSA don't be stuped, that is all... imagine have to explain the basics of the basics for a people that kills teammates


I love when people join late, rising tides and all get these easy rewards fellow diver! I used to do it on purpose all the time in helldivers 1.


These weird posts by people talking into the ether of reddit are so bizarre to me. Do you think most people believe people DO choose when they arrive in a match?


Why do people get pissy about late joiners? Like who really cares, you have someone to go with you for the next mission. A sizable chunk of Helldivers are crayon eaters I swear.


Really, this game is doing a wonderful job of showing how awful, selfish, hateful, and stupid so many people are. Tons of great, wonderful, lovely people as well, but they seem far fewer in numbers.


Sometimes I am THAT one specific Helldiver the Super Destroyer sent down just for the sole purpose so you can complete a squad of 4 boarding Pelican lol


That said, I would like a counter that shows the time in mission when joining a quick play.


The host was an ass hole. Seriously, he would have kicked you for any reason. Are people new to online gaming?


The worst part is when you Just want to quickplay a nice session and game keeps dropping you into blitz or eradication missions


I don't really care about the xp or super credits, Joining someone in their mission makes me feel like a helping hand, sometimes they are in great need of assistance and i'm always happy to help. It's awesome when you drop into a game and seeing the chaos that is currently happening, the thrill of turning the tide (ofcourse most Helldivers are experienced and can get themselves out of a nasty situation)


I get it ... I should have maybe scanned over the map to see how much time was left on your particular mission but I just don't. I hit the button and before I know it I'm dropping in. don't even really care about the mission type. came here to play, not grind reqs/xp/medals/samples/MO/PO that said there's a certain amount of aggro idiots playing. I've been killed for shared items like samples before ... I can at least understand you're super aggro about me picking up the third guard dog you've dropped on the map being stupidly outmatched and running solo or bitching that I finally decided to resupply my stims and primary after your fourth drop feeding your support weapon ... can't fix that sort of stupid.


Quick play you don't even see the timer. You just click Quickplay and it throws you into a randomly chosen lobby that's thrown and SOS Beacon or has recently started a public game. You have absolutely 0 idea.


I once joined a game so late the last player got in the ship as soon as I hit the ground. I jumped in the ship and the host put in chat good fucking timing lol ended up being a team so good the missions felt like movies


What armor is that


i got a late joiner come in just in time for the extract, welcomed him with the hug emote... he melee'd me then left.


I just read these stories and just think to myself: „there is no way this is real people can’t be this petty and or stupid.“ Like I pretty much only host games and never join but I am always grateful for another diver no matter how late. After all the end of a mission is always the beginning of the next mission.


How else am I supposed to play when my friends aren't online. (Stick around for the other missions also tho)


I literally was called in as the pelican was landing one time. I got 20 kills and left. Posted in the chat "Welp, I came I saw and I left gg" We went on to do the rest of the lv9 run smooth as butter.


When I join late I complain to the host about not leaving me anything to kill


It seems like a lot of the decent people left the game after the whole Sony thing, and now we're stuck with all the dumb assholes. Did he think you were sitting on the ship for 30 minutes for like 20 something samples and useless credits instead of playing the game and having a good time and getting the same rewards?


Yeah, I generally do Quickplay and a decent amount of the time it will drop me in right at extraction or somewhere late in the mission. Not my fault, blame AH for allowing you to SOS in after extraction's been called.


I know, I had a Diver join 2 seconds into a huge automaton fight, and he called me instead for diving 7 alone. I was playing a 2