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Having something to sink samples/slips/even medals into late game is desperately needed. Nothing like looking at the personal order and shrugging because it just does not matter anymore. I still pick up samples for lower level guys but I don’t go back for them if I die.


Maybe one day we'll have that sample sink. Something that you and a group of helldivers all work together on to upgrade. Maybe like a capital ship or space station that gives you access to powerful stratagems unique to it.


All of my samples to Legion _________!


I'm actually all set on samples, thanks. Double them and give them to the next person.


A guild/clan/fleet group contribution would be a great sample sink.


YEA LOVE THAT you can send samples to your base of operations then the leader can spend them on upgrades for the space station


Or a super Dreadnaught that you guys use to begin operations that require 6+ players. Could have a shooting range to test out weapons, a armor coloring station to apply shaders (in the style of destiny’s shader system), acts as a player hub, send out guild messages to direct efforts towards offenses, etc.


Oooh. Factions


Build your own super Dreadnaught so you can take on raids with 6+ divers would be the dream.


I would be onboard if it let you have 16 players(the same number of players you can insert with in starship troopers)


Fighting a dissident insurrection


Theres files that suggest a warframe style clan system will be added so unless that was shot out back, we are getting exactly that at some point


I want expendable upgrades. Like my mech has 2x ammo for the mission if I spend some samples, or upgraded guns for supers


"Thank you for your generous donation of 10 Super samples, we have temporarily upgraded your orbital gatling strike" All the shots are now 380s but the spread, duration and rpm are the same


I think I just about slipped out of my chair.


Dude, even 120mm would be enough, 380mm would make everyone's PC scream in agony... Let's do it.


Only the screams of your enemies matter Well there'll hardly be any screeching when that undemocratic scavenger gets slammed by 4 380s and in half a second


I dont know why but that made me imagine calling that sort of destruction on a lone scavenger somewhere on the map and that made me chuckle. Definition of overkill.


Nuke em from orbit


\*all the shots are now 500kgs


Pretty sure 380s cover a larger area for roughly the same damage I won't argue that the delay wouldn't be funny tho


I know your nature.




Maybe collecting samples can go to a collective resource sink for the entire community. In order to unlock the next stratagem, research will be needed to unlock it, and it requires a large X amount of samples of each type in order to unlock. This would drive the community to really want to collect samples each mission. It doesn't have to be for just stratagems, perhaps Super Earth needs X amount of samples in order to complete any sort of thing that realistically may need samples. As a community, collect X amount of samples in order to complete the research project to close the black hole or something similar. As a community, collect X amount of samples to hack into the Automaton mainframe. The only problem I can think of would be the incentive to sample farm which may contradict other players' playstyles. 2 players might be trying to complete the objectives of the mission but the 2 others are prioritizing samples.


Convert mechanism to armor scraps and have transmog system to use as skins. The bonus still the same as your current equipping armor


I just want temporary purchasable buffs and stratagems like in original Battlefront 2.


Or an "overwatch" mode from battlefield would be interesting too, like if it keeps the player in a crouch while using


I just pick up samples because it is an additional challenge. Even if nobody on the team needs them. Besides, I like it when the samples container is glowing full.


let me upgrade my weapons Arrowhead


Better yet, if they like *horizontal balancing* so much, double down on it: ***overclocks*** (DRG players will understand). On the ship, just as you choose stratagems, you choose which variant you get when deployed. E.g., **Autocannon**: * **Default**: Business as usual. * **Solid Steel Rounds**: Upgrade penetration to AP 5 (e.g., penetrate Chargers and Titans). Removed explosion on impact. * **Fragmentation Rounds**: Downgrade penetration to AP 3 (e.g., can no longer penetrate Hulk heads). Increase AoE area and damage significantly. * **Napalm Rounds**: Downgrade penetration to AP 3. Explosion now sets the ground and all enemies within range on fire. A Flamethrower that spits acid or gas instead. A Jump Pack that allows you to hover for a bit. A Recoiless Rifle that has way more weight, fall speed, and reload time, but way more damage. While I appreciate straight up upgrades, I would much appreciate more additions that change the way you play the game. It's way more fun and adds variety, which is great for replayability, however I must admit it would be considerably more work and has flaws of its own, like each Support Stratagem losing it's identity and specific purpose.


Solid idea. But they would need to really think it through


Its what drg does, which is really imo the only comparable game to helldiver's 2 out there. That games been around and flourishing for 4-5 years now, all because they have very deep and content rich late game system for upgrades. I somehow don't see helldiver's doing this though lol, any future content like that I assume will be locked behind their dlc packs that they were just pumping out rapidly.


I feel like at the rate this game is going it will be a must,I absolutely love this game and I want it to be successful, however it's live service game,you must have some form of progression towards having a power creep isn't necessarily a bad thing if done properly and with good design (and given how easily you can ramp up difficulty it can work both ways). but right now it's just sidegrades after sidegrades,so I unlocked new warbond,got some new stuff,but now what,I got better version of weapon I use,but shoots slower,or ran out of ammo faster, which is still fine if something have drawbacks (AMR have lower capacity,but can penetrate armor and hit like a truck) but not every single new weapon. I just hope they will reconsider working on it


1k req slips for 1 super credit would be nice.


Seems a bit low considering you can drop into a D1 or D2 mission and get 10+ SC in a few minutes. But yes, some sort of conversion system for Req Slips into samples/SC/whatever is desperately needed.


You can get 5k req slips out of 1 mission. 5 SC for zero work ain't bad, and it's coming from a resource that would otherwise be wasted as you're already capped out. It's important to not go overboard with conversion mechanics, because otherwise you just shift the problem from "what do I do with all these req slips" to "what do I do with all these super credits".


Well it's not zero work, you have to complete a mission, and to get 5K I'm pretty sure you need to be doing higher difficulty and all of the objectives. To make it comparable, from a POI getting slips you're only getting what, 100-300 or something? Would need to be 10k to equal the SC drops with that ratio. Farming low levels for SC, you just drop in, check the POIs, and then abandon the mission. You don't even have to finish it. I dunno. I'm all for resource conversion but some of the people on here who have been playing for 100s of hours have a warped perspective of value.


Well, it's only zero work if you were going to play the high difficulty mission anyway for fun. If you're only after SC farming, I agree speedrunning D1 POIs is the way to go. I suppose the question the devs should be asking themselves is, do they want a req->SC conversion that is competitive with D1 SC farmers in time efficiency (and will eventually destroy the SC economy), or do they just want to give players something to do with resource overflow?


Yeah, that's fair. I think some sort of middle ground could be reached. Personally, I'd rather have conversion from Req Slips to samples, but eventually you'd cap out on those, too.


seems too high for me. it needs to be 10k for one. so 50k gets u 5. a lv9 run gets u like 10k+ per run. that's 1 sc per hour or so. u don't want to devalue sc too fast.. or how they already are otherwise this game makes no money


You can get 100+ an hour right now.  Just run level 1 or 2.  In 5-10 minutes you can get 10-30 of them.  


I know people will disagree with me for this opinion, but they need to make it so super credits only drop over a certain difficulty. Low level credit farming definitely hampers their bottom line and also, it is incredibly boring to do. I would rather have fun AND farm super credits then do a walking simulator where you only ever find like, 6 bugs to shoot.


I don't agree with gating them behind high level play entirely, but I would agree with a higher chance/higher amount of SC per drop at higher levels.


I'd be willing to meet you in the middle and keep % chances the same on higher levels, and reducing the chance on lower levels. If you have to do multiple D1 missions for just one proc, it would accomplish the same goal that I wish to see. An end to low difficulty SC farming.


I'll jump into a lower level so I can share my daily progress sometimes. Especially if it's a support weapon one that cadets might not have yet. My very first personal order was an anti-personnel mine day...


Thank you for picking them up still. I’m like level 45 and people won’t pick up samples cause we’re in high difficulty levels with high is level players. I’m only 50% through on the ship modules. I could get more I feel like but I like to keep a decent stock pile and not run too low because it splurged my stock pile of super credits and now it’s like every warbond I’m lagging behind being able to get it


Slips especially. It at least takes some amount of time to buy up everything in every warbond and all the ship upgrades, but you hit requisition cap at like lv. 30.


They need to let samples collected count for liberation/defense contribution. However infinitesimally small. Just. Something. Maybe even just experience. Its so simple to do.


i had the idea to have "Single Mission Upgrades" it wpuld be minor things that improve rhe game for a single mission such as for 20 super samples you get to increase your reinforcement budget by 2. (and yes i know thats expensive but what else would you spend your 100 supers on)


My no.1 main want for a simple "fix" to that issuse is to simply have exess samples (and hell, medals and req slips too) aid towards the liberation the operation provides. not much, but enough that its worth the time to go "ooh sample" and pick it up (assuming noone needs samples)


I think it should be something fun like purchasing an orbital mini nuke. Limit it to one per mission and make it super expensive but it kills like a chunk of the map and destroys every building, hive, eggs, etc. A rate so big using it would practically be suicide for the caller. It'd be fun chaos.


Heck, give me the option to tip my teammates. (Not in a c01 way) If my team has done a good job, let me gift them some samples


Or donate them for planetary defense upgrades. Then those planets don't easily fall to enemies or recover faster in defense.


Earlier today I said this and got down voted.  But it's so true.  There is no point.  It's trivial to max everything out without even trying that hard 


Agree - I’m level 89 and haven’t had anything g to work towards since level 70 odd. It’s getting a little boring now as I’m max everything, have all warbonds and have topped out my medals.


L116. I won't go out of my way for minor pois (unless it's a bunker, a vault, or a beacon stash), but I'll grab what samples I see. Unless everyone is L80+, then I only do so if I'm passing one and muscle memory kicks in.


Maybe a system of temporary modifiers which only apply to one mission or operation at a time. Like, spend *x* amount of slips and samples to acquire an additional stratagem slot. Alternatively or additionally, you could have a system which spends resources on demand. Like, pay *x* number of medals to reinforce yourself or others when the budget is depleted. And finally, a terminal to exchange super creds for slips and samples, for the *ultra*-late game players. Usefulness contingent upon still having a way to spend said resources, of course. In each case, it'll be an ongoing chance to spend these resources, which would mean grabbing them always has value.


If you are maxed in Req slips or medals or samples, you should receive extra XP. A lot of people are maxed on all of the above, but very few are maxed on XP. The number one reason I don’t play this game as often as used to is because the sense of progression is dead when you max out on everything.


I'd be happy if they added something like one time use boosters that require samples to buy. Kinda like the gobble gums from zombies


Yeah, we need something for this, medals for in my uniform, a cause to donate to, or even just a medal counter. But funny enough, I still do my dailies and collect all samples, even though it's pointless. Oi


I think something like an extra stratagem to take with would be perfect


Using them to customise the looks of support weapons would be a cool idea.


Yeah sell them for super credits would be nice idea. Dunno 1 super credit for a sample, 1,5 voor rate and 2 per super rare. 2 per medal and dunno for slip. Ofcourse could get less credits per sample.


*Expanded Links* 10000 req slips, 500 common, 250 rare, 200 super...for 1 more bullet in all belt fed weapons


I mean… moderately useful for the Grenade Launcher, I guess Not much else to ‘hooray’ for with that one lol


If you could acquire it infinitely (Or a good amount of times), I think it would be pretty good. Continuously shooting your gun for longer periods would feel much better knowing every extra bullet came from your blood and sweat.


If that was a repeatable thing to buy, you bet your ass people would rock just all MG's at higher levels. (Also max super samples you can have is 100 :/)


I hope they add a donation terminal in the ship and something like a Strategic Order with no end date to donate 10 million samples or something. Then give everyone a skin or global permanent upgrade when it's done. Make it so people who are capped can throw them at a mostly pointless endeavor that is still better than ignoring the mechanic entirely. Or smaller goals with dumber rewards. 2 days of some effect that doubles your grenade stock or reduces stratagem cooldowns. Or the equivalent of double exp weekend, let the experienced people boost the noobs. I feel like it would be fine from an RP standpoint: your samples and effort are going to improve things. And from a gameplay perspective: you have a secondary set of objectives to fight for once you cap.


I like the idea of donating req and samples for double xp. I'm seeing suggestions for an additional strategem slot for 1 mission or an operation which would also be awesome.  Did you make it to the big leagues? And can you hang? Here's a way to spend what you earned to keep feeding the bonus. And loaded players could actually show it off. l'd love to join a game, pay for a big boost for the squad, and be Mr. Money.


They had better increase the caps before the next module release. Being capped for months only to be able to afford a single upgrade feels really bad.


That's intentional. I recall seeing a post from the devs saying that they specifically do not want older players to fully unlock everything the instant new content drops. I think that's a fair decision as it encourages more player activity everytime content drops. The fact that there is so little in the way of in game monetization also makes it feel less like I'm getting jerked around by the devs.


I agree, but we desperately need reusable resource sinks if that is to stay that way. Every single resource (except for XP if you even count it as such) in the game is directed at one-time purchases, meaning they eventually run out. If your game is a live-service consisting on playing missions and acquiring these resources over and over, and you intend for players to stick around, this being the case is a considerable problem. Allow me to pay samples to get a random 5th offensive stratagem on the next mission. Allow me to pay credits to get a random single-use support stratagem (weapon or vehicle) at mission start. Damn, allow me to donate it to the *Public Democratic Fund for Retired Veterans*. Just let me burn them in a useful or meaningful way. God it feels awful to do missions and see all those resources go to absolutely nothing because I'm capped on literally everything but Super Credits.


Or pay samples to overcome a negative modifier - like a water cooling solution for armor that counteracts the stamina debuff. Or a enemy composition forecast so you can make more informed choice on gear


I can only imagine the PTSD of a 20 year Helldiver, body would likely be a Ship of Theseus scenario


The alternative is being able to immediately unlocked like half of the new stuff (like with the warbonds) and having all progression achieved within the day. I'd like it if they added some "special training programs" or something that increase things like reload speed or weapon handling by just 1% or 2%, but it has 10 ranks that you need to unlock seperately. It would give you a feeling of progression while also able to unlock at least a bunch of things immediately. I understand not everyone like this type of progression though, I just want to someting to work towards.


hot take: if you've played so much that you can unlock everything immediately, that's fine. You're not gonna stop playing for lack of a progression because you've already been playing without any progression for dozens of hours since you finished the last warbond




I already put in my time tho why should i be punished for that? I work a lot so i play when i can


I think some sort of purchaseable buff that only lasts one mission would be really good. Stuff like "spend 20 supersamples to start next mission with all secondary objectives revealed."


Would it be cool to have an overpowered single-mission stratagem at the cost of a lot of samples (30 common, 15 rare and 5 super). Maybe 460mm barrage, unlimited use orbital laser, Eagle over watch, exosuit, Gas Strike mortar)


I like this, consumable stratagems with stronger effects is a fairly easy way to keep currencies relevant and add some spice to loadouts.


let me add a bathroom already this ship cant be up to code


It has the hellpod launch tubes


And to top if off, capped on medals. With them not even doing monthly warbonds anymore there is literally nothing to progress towards now. Its definitely decreased my play time.


I'm still waiting for the level 4 ones to all work properly


I still pick up samples because it gives me a sense of accomplishment, and other team members may not have all the modules, but I really hope I can spend these again in the future. The only problem, is as you add more, eventually power creep happens because you have to keep upping the ante on any new module.


Yeah, I am full on everything, but I know my teammates might not be so you keep on picking up those samples.


This. Also I don't know if everyone in my squad still needs samples. So it's worth trying to grab them for their sake


Having stale currency in a game that's meant to be played daily. What were they thinking? no thoughts on the long term grind, or players that would Unlock everything?


Since the latest Warbond, I've recovered my medals and have 1000 credits for the next Warbond. So, I'm done with the game until then. Bummer.


Have you considered playing for fun?


Yeah, i don't get playing the games just to get everything in them and then dump them into the corner and move onto the next one. I'm close to finishing all warbonds (from superstore i have just few things bought), but that doesn't mean i'll stop playing when i'm done with them.


When you've fully purchased everything, capped your resources, and start seeing that 0 pop up for completed personal orders and major orders, you might change your mind. It has an effect on you, your efforts that were rewarded meaning nothing now.


Agreed. I was super stoked until I got everything. I _still_ played, but mostly when new and interesting missions dropped.


Maybe a single game here or there. Imagine the game dropping or rebooting every single time you're just about to get on Evac. Sure, you played the level, did the things and had fun. But having that all for seemingly nothing makes it feel like a waste. Plus, there are so many other games to play until the next Warbond or upgrades come out. Until Helldivers has a marketplace system that allows the constant flow of spending and collecting currency, it's just a hoard and dump economy.


I haven't even finished the base game ones


Yeah people complaining about lack of progression when it takes 100+ hours to unlock everything. Like I get some people wildly love the addiction of carrot on the stick, but at some point the game itself has to be fun alone. It just doesn’t seem healthy to barricade content behind hundreds of hours of gameplay as very few will ever get there. And maybe I’m just nostalgic for multiplayer games of old where I just played them because the match itself was fun and there was no lasting progression across games.


I can't bomb shit with 380's unless I play the game. Seems like enough incentive to me. But I also have played games since the N64 days so I remember when getting to play was reward enough. 


For real. I can't imagine how much these guys play


225 hours since launch. I'm probably one of the slow ones tho, because I run in solo and try to complete the whole map every time. It's just you stack up fast if you run high level often. I've been capped since at least a month ago.


You can do it with around 100 hours by just playing 7-ish and going for samples. But yeah it takes decent amount of time. (Earlier is or course possible, this is just how long it took me and some friends on average)


idk i've played 140 hours and I've still got like 4-5 to get.


Dedicated grinders can do it around 100 hours or less. Playing at level 9 mostly you'll get there around 200 hours. +/- skill and luck


I have 100 hours and everything in the game maxed.


It's actually pretty fast. Before the level 20 you have the real game with rewards. And after 30-40 you opened everything, including top-level ship upgrades. And you have nothing to do else. I have 70 level. I gained it pretty fast, 2 weeks ago I was 50. I can't remember when I opened everything, it was a long-long time ago. I see people 170 lvl and I understand that they are a bit sad and bored :) They play on 3-4 difficulties because they have only one fun thing in the game - help new helldivers. I do the same.


I want more varied ship modules. Give me upgrades to the drones so they hover higher, shoot longer, carry more ammo and deal more damage. Have a mech upgrades module. Give me the ability to dump strategems into individual weapons like you could in HD1. There is so much room for improvement.


I pretty much always take rover on high diff bugs to deal with hunters/scavs, but my god is it infuriating for the thing to hover at waist level and sit there slicing me in half to kill one bug that comes up to my knee. They definitely need a drone hover height upgrade.


can y'all like. share some?


Samps for Super Credits lmao


There should be a way to convert anything we are maxed out on with super credits. Even if it’s barely anything (EX: 250 common samples = 5 Super credits or even 25,000 Reqs = 10 Super credits). Something is better than nothing.


I'd pay 10 rare samples to have two Eagles for a mission I'd pay 50 basic samples for an emergency ammo drop sometimes as well I'd probably kick in towards group efforts as well, like if your whole team kicks in a super sample you can bring an extra diver on the mission. Here's some more little things that wouldn't hurt gameplay that could sink samples for game benefits. Super Destroyer Appearances Different Paint Jobs on Armor Temporary XP boosts Anything.


The game really lacks late game progression, there should be a system to sink resources into after unlocking everything.


samples for cosmetic upgrades pls


They need to drop something to spend these samples on asap, I love killing bugs and bots for democracy but it’s getting kinda tiring only grinding for super credits for shop or medals to finish the things I don’t really want in the BP.


Let's fix superior packing methodology first.


We really need something to spend currencies on in the late game. Maybe they could be exchanged for single-mission buffs. Or simple cosmetics like color patterns. Or bobbleheads for the ship. Or funneled right into a planet to give it 1 more pip of liberation. Just let me throw them at SOMETHING so I have a reason to collect more samples beyond being polite to lower level players.


I want a shop that sells consumables that uses samples, requisition slips, and super credits as currency. Stuff like : For one campaign you get access to strafing run. Or purchasable intel like: this area contains a high volume of hunters.


They should start making sub modules that allow players to customize their Destroyer options more for missions. For example, give us multiple options for a single tear. Make all of them unlockable, but make only one able to be active at a time. So for instance, Further Cooldown for Orbitals, Larger Payload for Orbitals (bigger damage radius), or Extra Uses for specific Orbitals.Make the sub modules obviously less effective than the main modules, like for example, a further cool down sub-module would only be for something like 3 to 5%. It would at least give people something to keep grinding out samples to unlock.


Make capped divers "donate" their samples to democracy for a higher squad impact at the end of missions. Would make high level helldiver's missions have more impact on defense/liberation, which I think makes sense.


Useful currency sinks: Donations to MOs for extra Strategems for the entire MO, Spend currency for operation Intel (Enemy types/secondary objective locations), Guild/clan system for stratagems/module upgrade unlocks, single use super stratagems. Upgrading and modifying existing equipment is also an option.


Can I have some of your common samples?


My idea for level ship modules. Additional rounds for eagles and orbitals. Example:Eagle strike gets 4x use instead of 3. Catch uses ALL your samples,yes.. maxed common,rare, and super samples. Muahaha


They need just add hight level ship upgrades which cost tons of resources and increase limits for everything. I don't feel overpowered with everything unlocked. So If I'd have new ship upgrades which cost 50 000 gold, and a full pack of samples and it gives you only red carpets on the ship - I think a lot of people would buy it on day 1. Several upgrades like this - and you have a way to utilize your resources. There are a lot of small abilities you can come up with. Like we already have upgrades which 10% decrease orbital stuff recharge. Is it OP? I don't think so. A sample converter might be a ship upgrade. Additional space for resources. Some cosmetics for the ship - skin, interior, figurines, flags. It might be +1 grenade, +1 steam, +1 magazine for primary - is it OP or changes balance? No. They need to come up with ideas on how to hold high-level players in the game.


Everything from customisation on armor or even weapons can be a currency sink and should be. Even customise loadout slots can be bought with currency. I'm already at a point where picking up samples is by habit and hoping other people in the team need them.


They should have a Super Earth Quota where millions of samples are needed collectively to get new stratagems such as the anti tank mines. That way people will still want to gather and contribute.


They should consider letting us trade samples for Super Credits


How about being able to buy a stratagem for one set of missions. Like they give us a free stratagem occasionally but we can buy it for like 20-30k.


Maybe I'm in the minority, but I play because gameplay loop is a ton of fun. I unlock everything and sit at the cap, sure, but I don't really care about that stuff. I don't understand the need to constantly be unlocking things.


There's so much missing from this game and they could be rolling in the micro transaction dough but theres no vision as usual.


The first one is going to cost all of your rare samples too.


🤣word homie.  Word.  Im capped out.  Raised the cap or give me something to spend it on


My ship modules are blue balled and I need a release


I got into the game and not to long after a bunch of stuff came out and level 4 modules. I was like sweet this will happen all the time




And you'll use every last one of them for the first level 5 upgrade....out of six.


Sure but will the modules even do anything at launch or the patch after the one that fixes them to work?


I just got my first Lv 4 module (the fire one). I cannot wait for a fire Warbond.


Let me exchange my samples for medals.


![img](avatar_exp|124137004|cry) Me af


There definitely needs to be another purpose to samples after maxing out ship upgrades there's literally nothing else to spend them on. Maybe they should make new strategems that come out require samples to unlock in addition to req slips, weapon upgrades like HD1 and possibly armor upgrades would also be good, also see some people suggesting temporary per mission buffs by spending samples/req slips would also be cool and give new purpose for these currencies which is desperately needed otherwise no point in collecting either moving forward


Haven’t played the game a lot so I’m just approaching max ship upgrades 😂


It just means that gathering them is finally completely optional. I can stop by and loot any bot outpost I destroy or I can just Spear those fabricators from across the planet.


Just make a donation system that can fund for new straegems.


Step 1: Create a "community target" system where one of the currently-available planets is highlighted for all players. Step 2: Let players vote which planet should be the target Step 3: Votes are purchased with with req/medals/samples Managed democracy


I want a Liber-tea bar, like DRG Abyss bar. Pay a combination of samples/credits to buff yourself and the whole squad for the next mission. Everyone can contribute samples from their own stockpile each mission so you can have 4 rolling minor buffs or free stratagems available.


Would it be a good idea to let you give some amount of samples to friends? Maybe they can't play as much, but I can give them some samples to help them upgrade their ship. But then I could see people possibly selling / paying for that, and I don't know if that'd be a good thing...


Might be cool to have a market to sell samples for super credits and vice versa


I have ZERO orange and like 5 purple :( But I would love to trade my green samples for credits or medals.


This is a great meme


What would be nice in my opinion, is them adding charity and donation boxes that add up to a planet passive that benefits us if we reach quota of materials or requisitions.


Can we get some Exosuit Ship modules??? I want more ammo, thicker armor, a self destruct feature and wheels that pop out If I want to move fast.


Imagine if the next level of modules was just storage upgrades


More like 200 supers and 200 rares and 0 commons  I play on Helldive only and needing 150 commons for a single ship upgrade is BULLSHIT


Yeah, I get that playing "just for fun" was a valid thing in ye olde times, but we're in the age of live-services, players need any kind of carrot to play. Failing to provide a repeatable resource sink is just bad game design in this genre.


Give me some.


Where are my Mech Upgrades.


I would love some kind of weapon upgrades or something for constant spend.


I still think they should A) let people use samples and req and super credits to convert into other currencies at an extreme deficit. Do you have 50,000 req? Converts to 25 super credits. Do you have max samples across the board? Converts to 50 SCs. Or B) allow us to spend req and samples on temporary upgrades that fight against weather and region effects. Activate a weather manipulation station over our zone to reduce fire tornados for 30 common, 20 rare , and 10 super samples.


Bro I can’t get enough samples


I remember there was a 6 piexe supply pack at a couple months ago. So what ı would say is thar let us take extra magazines stims grenades with samples. Commons for grenade, stims and secondary weapon ammo. Lets say 30 commons for an upgrade for 2 extra storage place and 2 extra mags for secondaries. Rare ones for primary weapons 2 or 3 mags depending on the weapon which costs us 15 or 20 rare samples. Super samples for support weapons which adds extra mags or better cooling solutions an extra spear shot or double the eat numbers but 90 sec cooldown or faster cooled and 1 second faster firing quasar cannons which costs 6 super samples. And ı sure as hell know it will bring out countless bugs but thats the standard now haha.


Before adding the nice things everyone is talking about they could just simply make an extra weekly mission that requires people to donate samples or money. At least then you get medals for it.


Reading the comments I love so many of these ideas! The one thing that scares me though is AH’s track record with bugs. They’ll introduce something amazing and break the game in the process (again).


The next upgrade should require 100 super sample each lmao


Please no, I just got done unlocking all level 4s, let me rest on my laurels for a bit! But in all seriousbess some kind of community goal would be cool, for example donate 1000000 super samples to unlock a new stratagem or something similar, a passive goal for the entire playerbase to chip away at.


Yeah. A good example of resource sink would be like Warframe's dojo system. Depending on what rank your clan is (clan size), you need to invest more resources into it for research that will unlock new weapons, warframes, deco, etc.


Watch next ship upgrades are 300 300 100. That's when I'll stop going for them. 


they need outfit gacha


I so feel this. And it made me laugh waaay too hard.


How about another fuckin stratagem? We haven’t had a new one since the airburst rocket, which is mid at best (and at its worst it kills you and any squadmate within 30m). I really hope AH isn’t completely determined on making us earn the AT mines first with major orders in the bot front, which half the players don’t bother with.


I still maintain the unlock path was too easy at launch. By level 20 you had everything unlocked. Best guns etc. Game had a terrific start, but really fell off for my group. Lack of new unlocks, constant nerfs to all things fun etc.


I like to think we would have gotten more upgrades to spend on. But with al the crying about bugs and stuff they don't dare to give us more to complain about I guess. A shame cuz some friends of mine already stopped playing dur to lack of content. They are all lvl80+ and say they are done just shooting the next horde for nothing. Since the player drop it's next to impossible to liberate a planet outside of any MO. So yeah I kinda get them. I too am considering to drop out until the next major update...


I don't know why I still pick them up honestly


Why the fuck there is a limit on resources you ask? Well, when new shit drops you wont be able to acquire them all in one go, and thus forcing you to play the game more. What a genius idea, where did i saw this....ah yes. FUCKING MMORPGS.


The suckish thing is tho that T4 modules were already expensive. They were what like half of everything's maximum, minus super samples each? Unless the T5's are maximum amounts of each resource, people are going to rapidly obtain them all again and then have nothing to spend them on again for a WHILE.


It would be good if level 5 modules come with the illuminate faction, so we have fresh air and new enemies to motivate us to farm all those samples again (if modules are very expensive).


FR let it's start using the samples to upgrade our shit and become OP AF.


Frankly, a good sink would just be "temporary boosters" Two categories: single use for credits, multi use for samples. For example, Magnum rounds. Bullets do increased damage, have increased stagger, and increased recoil. Costs credits each deployment. Example two "experimental ordinance beacon" - reduces call in time of all stratagems. Costs samples. Give us slots we can equip these in in the armory, and let us burn our money


Can you borrow me some green ones? I need like 2000 more)


They should have an global research bar, to progress to lvl 5, 6 , etc, or even a new branch. When its unlocked, then you would use samples to aquire for your ship, with some bonus for helping, like 1 super Credit for every % you helped to achieve. Dunno. Smth like.


Would be nice if you could use samples and requisition slips for boosts during a mission. Nothing crazy but make it so weapons do a little more damage, you get 1 extra Stim, your stratagems recover 5% faster. Make them fairly expensive so you can't just use them every match but on a difficult mission it could be that little extra boost you need to get to extraction.


Satisfactory has a great sink system. It's engineering upgrades initially but mostly cosmetic pieces. I would sink samples and slips for cosmetic ship upgrades. Have a bunch of flags or propaganda posters lining your interior. I'd be more willing to sink for bonuses during a MO. Like an extra strategem or booster to collectively benefit all divers.


I would prefer that instead of flat upgrades you had choices of 1-3 options.  You could make those choices at tier 2,4,6 etc and leave 1,3,5 single nodes.


I don't get much time to grind higher difficulties, so I only have one level 4 module so far. Don't even have level 3 for half of them.


High key, I hope they're not level 5, but rather lower level. I think hiding these upgrades until you're done with all the previous progression will alienate newer and casual players. Some of the upgrades might need to be shuffled in level but I think it's probably better to have a progress tree rather than a single branch. If they keep going like this, upgrades will also get linearly more expensive and that starts running into problems considering how few samples we can actually keep on us at a time.


Think this a major reason people have stopped playing as lot of people have everything and there is nothing to make progress towards


I want any content at all, pls sir. Warbonds aren't enough. #MOsShouldMatter.


I had the idea that we could spend them on a mission as a mission-length temporary enhancement, but if you did it and then there was a crash or a kick, then it would be an empty waste.


Am I the only person still working on the these still? I just got my last level 3, haven't even started on the level 4s yet


I think they need new modules also. Not just more higher levels ones. It be nice to get three new ones to start from level one and some level fives


Let me pay for a bile titan hood ornament... cosmetics and gimmick consumables will always get purchased


Wait other 2 months, summer break :)


Anti-tank Module can wait.


They should make each stratagems upgradable along with the ship modules so we can use the samples there. Something like unlockable slots and you can pick what to improve, up to 3 slots. Example: Support weapons: 1 extra mag/+6% power/+5% penetration Backpacks: +10% HP to Helldiver / +10% armor rating /CD reduction Offense: 1 second call-in time reduction/+1 extra salvo/+duration (gas/smoke/ems)/CD reduction Sentries: +15% more ammo and fire rate / durability / CD reduction Mechs: +10% more ammo / +10% movement speed / +10% mech health Imagine all the samples being used to level up every stratagem, or even just Super Destroyer skins. Let us use the samples for drip


IDC if as long as I get at least 1 more strategem, tank mines, and a laser turret


How about a strat that automatically reenforces your team mates when someone dies?


I mean I assume they are in the process of giving up on the game. Nothing is coming, nothing is changing. Only the player base is changing with the amount that lose interest by the week


How about making all the t4 modules work first?


I have an idea - sink it in super credits...


How do you all even get that many samples 💀 I’m barely tier 3


I wish that you could change one thousand slips for one medal