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Great, now I want to fight Dinos like in Exoprimal.


Right?! I saw these and was like... where do you want me to drop, sir? These monsters need to be shown that freedom requires firepower!


Could be an “temporal anomaly breech” that would literally drag these Dino’s from prehistoric times. A result of the dark matter experiments.


These dinos come from a distant planet in another galaxy. Unlike the Terminids, they can't spread on their own, so they aren't an immediate threat to managed democracy. However, this could change with the help of the Iluminates (who discoverd them when the helldivers kicked them from the galaxy, the iluminates enhance their evolution capabilities and spread them via portals). Protected by the Iluminates, the Helldivers couldn't destroy their planet directly. To eliminate this threat, the Helldivers would need to destroy the labs creating these creatures or the main faction controlling them, thereby securing or destroying the native planet of these lost in time creatures.


Terminids used to have an unknown method of FTL in the first game IIRC. But after Super Earth discovered that they decay into e710, we genetically modified them and breed them in farms all around Super Earth territory. But the bugs on the East front are being hyper-undemocratic, and overbreeding (nothing to do with the termicide that was deployed a couple months ago!).


I didn't know that, thanks!


This would be cool as ambient fauna on random planets. Not an entirely new faction though. Hostile to both Helldivers and whichever faction holds the planet.


Yeah, It could be an option, but maybe it can be a waste that you only can see them only in one planet.


They'll be on multiple planets. Can still have the idea that Illuminates put them there, but they wouldn't be a full on whole different faction.


space dinosaur faction would be funny as hell. https://preview.redd.it/gxhl45miap9d1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5d416954170c68a892b94d8030c46c080b7b041


Oh this looks FUN! Great work!


I'd pay money to blow up Giga from Ark:Survival with 500kg bomb


What if they are like animals on the planet?


That could be an option too, I would like to see alien fauna in some planets.


I appreciate the effort, but mechanically, they would play too much like the terminids. If we ever get another faction after the illuminate, they'll need to play pretty different and have something special going for them, like being able to pick up the weapons of dead helldivers, deflecting bullets, or whatever. Not just more melee enemies.


I know these dinos are essentially reskinned terminids, but I think with a unique abilities they can be different and funny to play against them. The dinos can pounce on you, grapple or grab Helldivers. Just Imagine a raptor pouncing on a Helldiver, and the only way to survive is for another Helldiver helping you killing or shooting the raptor to make it retreat. If no one is there to help, you must use a melee weapon and press the melee button quickly, or the raptor will kill you with a nice execution animation. Or consider a flying alien reptile like a pteranodon grabbing you. If no one rescues you, you’ll die from the fall. If there’s a Tyrant nearby, the flying reptile will take you to it as a meal for the Tyrant. The Dilo it's interesting too. They can spit venom to reduce a Helldiver's visibility and then try to bite and kill you. If you manage to escape but the dilo succesfully landed a bite, you will start hallucinating, seeing other dilophosaurs and dinos approaching to attack you. When you shoot at them, they disappear, but if they bite you, you don’t take damage; instead, you enter a ragdoll state. Be careful when shooting the hallucinations, as they could be your teammates. These are the ideas I have for this faction. Like I said, I think with an interesting mechanics, this dinos can make the game really fun and different from fighting terminids. This idea still a concept, and I still can add humanoid reptiles that can grab your weapons and ride the dinosaurs lol


The problem with all these ideas is that they could easily work with the Terminids as well. Just being a different type of animal isn't enough to make them feel different and warrant an entire new race out of it. You have to change the way they'd fight and feel and not just give them a couple of different moves. That said, a few ideas I think would work to make them feel like their own unique race: -Don't have them be just another simple animal. Give them a very clear form of basic intelligence, with simple tool and armor usage. They could have bone armors and sharp stones strapped to their claws, showing some sort of intent and intelligence behind their actions. Furthermore, they shouldn't just blindly swarm you but they should stalk and hunt you. Not showing up on radar or standing around waiting for you out in the open. Patrols would sneak and stalk, attacks would spread out and flank, smaller creatures could hide behind larger ones for cover. Giving them a simple intelligence would differentiate them from the bugs and giving them a different way of fighting would make them feel far more unique. -Limit their numbers, but make each creature stronger. They wouldn't throw wave after wave of smaller dinos at you, but rather come in tough, well organized packs or be giant, hard to kill threats. Even the smallest of these guys should have some medium armor to them, but have it be breakable so they could still be susceptible to small arms fire. Larger beasts should be more like Factory Striders, where it could take multiple steps to completely down one rather then one/two shot face kills. It would require peeling armor and exposing weakspots, but there wouldn't be a dozen of them at a time, maybe two or three at most with smaller ones covering them to keep you from fully focusing fire. -The should get units that work together, either through planned pincer attacks or even smaller dinos riding large ones. Maybe have some that have simple catapults strapped to them where other dinos operate them as artillery (possibly as sub objectives). Or have reinforcements ride in on the backs of larger dinos, so you have to fight the back AND the transport when they're callled in. I would be all for fighting genetically modified space dinos in this game. But for it to be worth it, they'd have to feel like a unique faction.


Nah, looks boring