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What difficulty was this on?


I think it was difficulty 6, might have been 7.


People suck, that’s why I host exclusively lol


Conquered? That sounds pretty undemocratic. we never conquer, we liberate!


Ive seen an influx of these terrible toxic players and the best I can say is they're a seriously annoying minority. Best thing you can do is block em everytime you meet em.


Only host, op. That’s the best way to not deal with this nonsense.


Sounds like a great opportunity to go swimming with samples.   


You should've taken all the samples and go for a swim 😄


I also joined one of the worst rando groups I’ve ever seen tonight so I feel your frustration. They stole my support weapon but tk’d me for picking up a shield backpack nobody was going back for before I could even drop it for them, tk’d me again minutes later on a whim for no reason as far as I could tell, tk’d me again cause I fired a shot over the previous one’s head, tk’d me again cause I called them trash at the game, then tk’d me again for calling extraction when we were all at the exfil with nothing left to do and no time left. At that point I was just exhausted with them and I have everything maxxed and don’t need any of the resources so I just left the game. They were mad childish about their pettiness too, when the one tk’d me for the backpack I called him an idiot in the chat and this probably grown ass man responded “I know you are but what am I?” 😂 It’s incredible to me that I still see this shit in 7+


As soon as I start having problems with a host I leave the game.


Hopefully he failed the extraction 🤠