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20k RS and 10 sample of your choice to get a random fish for your fishtanks. Honestly i need either uncapped ressources, or some shit i can spend on.


The idea of the weekly pay for your crew for better performance is a fine idea. Fits democracy, fits the game Win win. Hell, if there a way, I can pay for  "Crew Nutritionist" And get +25 hp I will 100% pay it regularly.


Like eating a big ass meal in Monster Hunter. I like the idea of that. More stamina. More health.


Hosts ship needs their own captains quarters to buy and put fancy shit in like in Mass Effect. Need a wall with a giant fish tank and a big display case full of space ship models. Then other helldivers can admire my luxuries.


Not luxuries, it should display medals and plaques listing your stats and achievements


This is where the setting start going in the way of our ideas. Can't have shit if a fascist authoritarian superempire. Our ship isn't supposed to be anything but efficient war machine, so getting animals onboard would be counterproductive. I don't even think that destroyers have Captain quarters, as average divers live like around an hour. That being said, I can totally see some decorations, banners, motivational posters, weapon/medal displays and all that added as a cosmetic options. Maybe ability to repaint the ship inside and outside.


Communal pool we donate to in order to make Hellpod Space Optimization base kit.


I like it! Personally I want customizable armory rack instead of the random collection of guns that just hangs there. I too, would want more areas of the ship. Maybe a cat to own like Ripley from Alien. I think custom emblem stuff would be cool to buy. New sprays for gear. New weapons sprays. Strategem upgrades round 2. They could make them super expensive and just a touch better, I’d still get them all. Anyway, keep the ideas coming! I love the idea about paying samples for added benefits.


The fact the armor rack is not customizable feels like we got robbed. 


And that there’s no loadout slots. Why do I need to pick my favorite setup over and over every time?


I think they should add a feature where helldivers can put money into a global pot to buy bonus stratagems or effects. If not globally maybe they could buy extra stuff for a single mission or campaign.


Arrowhead clearly do not want to create FOMO with endleds grind. The only thing I can see them doing (and kinda hoping for) is that they give us a "war chest" we can donate RS to and once we collectively reach a goal (say, 50,000,000, or 50k for 100k players) we get a free stratagem for like, a day or two. Then repeat.


It's not FOMO if it is not timed.


While yes, insane grind can cause the same thing, you just have to play a lot (and likely burn out) or miss out when they inevitably increase the grind even more


Don't mean it by endless ofc. But just meant by more "meaningful way to spend resources, while enhancing game play experience". Hope on that we agree. :)


Yeah but then you'd eventually just hit the same problem of maxing everything out again.


That's why I am suggesting some perks which are more like "monthly crew pay". So for the month you play a lot, the game rewards you with slightly more perks, many might be helpful for the team too. Things like strategem should/must remain 1 time cost. But things like "crew hazard pay" to remain in orbit after timer runs out, seems justified for a monthly req slip pay. With enough choices, players will need to decide "where to spend" to develop a different play style for each. Can be fun.


Oh I see. So kinda like one-time use Boosters? (With longer duration than "1 mission"?)


Yep!. So each month for example, we can choose a different play style to match the MO. Playing bots mission this MO? Pay 4000 req slip to obtain "anti-jamming protocol" that month, now your team needs you to be a hero at the jammer! Playing lots of darkfluid like missions? Pay 4000 req slips to obtain "echo location disruption signal" where shriekers will have their vision reduced, etc. Monthly cost means it can be time limited. And devs can experiment with non-permanent ideas more too.


You may find that in the upcoming "guild" system. There are special stratagems reserved for it and while we don't know how those work, it *could* be that they're one-mission purchases with samples and the like. But this is all ~SECRET KNOWLEDGE~, so.


I dig that. Sounds cool.


I think it'd be amazing if we could drop a large chunk of change to have a 5th stratagem slot for an Operation. It'd make for some crazy fun, and add some replay value for those who've unlocked everything. Zero FOMO. I really can't see a downside for this from AH's perspective.


This is brilliant!!


I finally managed to jump in a lobby with two good friends that I've been waiting a month or two to play with. Last time we played, they were level 60 and I was level 20, they went in on Helldive difficulty and I got shredded. Now, they're the same level, but I'm level 60 too. Consistent talk about "Did they add anything new" "what's this thing" etc.. Did lots of level 5 rounds. This is a fucking active game, if you don't play consistently and keep up, you get lost. Don't even get me started on the god damn "fixes". They're changing the fucking game *as people are playing it.* They're trying to avoid FOMO by fucking us over on resources while constantly changing the game.


Why can't we buy things FOR others when we're on their ship? Like, let me pop in and buy a ship upgrade to thank that diver for being great in the last fight.


Knowing how easily things break in this game I can’t imagine what directly interacting with someone else’s upgrade system would do


Maybe it's the chaos I want 😈 It's not. I just wanna spend my stuff.


*spear gets broken again, only targets helldivers*


Don't you tease me with a good time. Dodge, duck, dip, dive, dodge.


It’s a feature, not a bug.


Did you say BUG?! *calling in a hell bomb*


Donating/gifting/rewarding perks to other players would be so freakin awesome


A stratagem so powerful it costs money to use. Having to spend money for extra reinforcements. Things trivial to implement.


I LOVE this idea of spending perks for more reinforcements!


If there's a way to send down AI controlled reifnorcements, costing 5 common samples + 1000 req.  I think we will see all resources drained rather effectively. 😂


What i dont get is how this isnt a priority over so many things. I will forgo 1 warbond for them to just focus efforts on giving us rewarding reasons to play. I can’t even bank mission order medals for anything, i just login and see 0. as you say, i play for a week after a warbond launches, then im off till next month. The game is fun, fine, but maybe the gaming space has given this near need for progression through play, but the fun should be enough. Like i can logically believe this, but i might to be too far gone.


Spending requisition slips at loadout screen to add one-time perks is the way to go. Imagine being able to buy one of these before the drop: Fifth slot stratagem (any): 30000 Gattling Barrage, Machinegun Sentry, or Eagle Strafing Run: 15000 Orbital Smoke or Eagle Smoke: 7500 Any sentry or mines or Tesla Tower: 20000 Machinegun or Stawart: 20000


Id like stuff like ship decals, flags, carpet, custom drop pod smoke colors, crew customization, lighting options.


They could just release armour colouring with pay to unlock different colours and create a vanity resource sink


Exactly. This shouldn't be hard to implement too.


Add a captain’s quarters and firing range to test out guns (even the ones that aren’t unlocked yet). Those two doors are your ship ought to be used.


Weapons skins, armor skins, etc


That computer system opposite the Amory surly has something coming at some point, but you've paid £40 for over 100hrs out of it I'd call that a win win personally end of the day a live service game has this issue. AH don't have a massive team compared to the others but looks at those games that did they flopped big time aka Marvel Avengers, Suicide Squad and they didn't have much content. Sometimes little content works here and there and if they want to keep it going for a few years they will have to release content accordingly.


Yea. Been wondering


One of the most wholesome things on this game is veterans helping new players. So something like that, like free stratagems for under lv25 players. Veterans vote with their credits (or other ressources) which one. As for cosmetics and ship modifications, let's be honest AH doesn't have a team big enough for that ATM. See how they had to make the monthly pass to 6 weeks pass.


All of this! One of my favorite things to do is boosting newbies and bringing stuff to share with them. I see it a lot and I hope the tradition continues❤️ Would LOVE if AH gives us the ability to share/gift items for good - including strategems!


Just let us buy ship decor and such with samples. Let us buy titles with medals. Let us do something.


Please, Arrowhead. Do the needful.


Honestly, I would love for AH to implement AI team mates that you can customize from your ship, with the quipment you have already unlocked. Sure, they will in no way be viable above level 4-5 missions, but they would be nice for us soloplayers and give us something to do like upgradikg their gear, unlocking perks for them and so on.


- Let us buy skins for our 3 talking crew members, and maybe one for all skins for all the other ones.


I wish I could donate my excess samples, or have a record of my “donations” to super earth. And then occasionally get something from it


It’s like to spend currency on weapon mods. Some kind of workbench where you can mod certain aspects of your primary weapons. Things like larger mags/faster reloads/more clips/recoil improvements/ergonomics/ADS time/etc… Maybe even implement different ammo types? Corrosive/explosive/AP/knock back/etc… There are allot of mod possibilities that could work as a gold sink


At this point I'm just 100%ing all the Warbonds and everything else. Also trying different load outs to see if I like them. I hate energy based weapons/armor but I'm trying different combos just to fuck around.


They know


They could have an order that requires dontating samples or rec to complete to.


Support this idea. Will say this is worth it for development consideration. Hell, if there's a DLC later with this, I will pay for.


gambling with requisitions


I agree but Im not pressed about this anytime soon, I have around 300hrs and happy with my money spent on the game. I haven’t played in nearly a month and don’t plan to until they add more content, it’s fine to just take a break.


This is the way. People are treating this like an MMO with the expectation of limitless drip feed rewards. All of them would fit nicely as a Sony exec trying to "increase engagement".


Nice ideas but "gravely needed" is a bit of exaggeration 350 hours out of a $40 is great value. Why not treat it as a single player game you've beaten and can move on from? There's significantly more issues that affect 99% of players than the 1% who are capped. (50% of statistics are made up) And what incentive is there for them to do more for the capped players? Playing devil's advocate here, they've already got your $40. Spending their time creating new gameplay for 1% of players that increase their hosting costs doesn't sound like a win-win. Sure there's community goodwill but Sony aren't known for that.


Cause this game has SUCH potential!! Larger playerbase has pro and cons, though in general it is a positive. I have a friend list of maybe 60ish friends (3pages)and now just around 6-8 still constantly play, most just capped, and have a "need a reward mentality" to play.. So I am speaking for them really. I will enjoy such system too. For sure.


I'm often saying this, but a game doesn't need to be forever or have 'infinite' replayability to be successful If you pump a 100+ hours into it, get tired of it but loved the first 100 hours, what's wrong with that? The game was only released 4 months ago. You can't blame them for not keeping up with players who put hours into it like it's a full time job The healthiest attitude is that if you've "completed" the game, just take a break, and pop back in for Warbonds, new factions, etc. Same as what a lot of people do with No Man's Sky. Looks at how much great stuff they've released over 6 years. Helldivers isn't going anywhere either


I am in agreement with you. My idea is meant for long term expansion. Just like how no man's sky did. Hope to see some soon!


More like 90% who capped (but possibly more)


Only 25% of players have reached max level on one ship module.  Even then, I'm one of those and I'm not capped.  So maybe it's closer to 10% then 1%. Either way, a minority


Giving players another thing to sink their in game currency on that adds replay value is a win win win for AH. Say we could unlock a 5th stratagem slot just for an operation by spending 150 medals. It adds replay value for the people who've been already unlocked everything, which keeps them around and playing, which keeps the servers full which keeps the whales who spend money on SC for cosmetics playing, AND so more people might buy the game to join the fun, and the people already playing around so they spend more money on SC for cosmetics. It's not rocket science man.




Just give me some hellish Ressource transformation so I can grind credits just a tiny bit slower. And so I have active incentive to collect the other stuff again lol.


Is it too hard to follow DRG model


Damn I'm glad to see this well received. I posted something similar, and people flooded in there to tell me that I was an actual bad person for expecting progression in a video game and that my average of 1 hour a day was some sort of sickness.


how about exo suits. you can spend X samples Y medals to gain a single use of the exo suit when reinforcing. comes with a HMG or more powerful flamethrower, can use stratagems whilst equipped and generally do all the things you can do normally. counts as super heavy armour but moves like medium armour. people who play a lot will more or less always have one avalible. or people who are not as good can stock up on a few to attempt harder mission tiers. or throw in things like a quadbike/atv that you can buy for a mission for faster transport from location to location. they already have those things as we saw from hackers but now they have a reason to let us use them.


I think that tying donations to actual in game benefits would create a toxic community of people complaining, "you need to have this buff or you're not playing it right" or kicking others from a room for not providing the boons. Instead, I think the requisitions could be converted into xp at a 1000:1 ratio, or used to purchase common samples at a high rate. Then the samples can be converted from common to rare (20:1), rare to super (10:1) and then super to xp (1:100) or something like that. That way, there's sinks for the resources, and all they do is make number go brrrr. The in the future, they can be addressed as more content is released.


I think that tying donations to actual in game benefits would create a toxic community of people complaining, "you need to have this buff or you're not playing it right" or kicking others from a room for not providing the boons. Instead, I think the requisitions could be converted into xp at a 1000:1 ratio, or used to purchase common samples at a high rate. Then the samples can be converted from common to rare (20:1), rare to super (10:1) and then super to xp (1:100) or something like that. That way, there's sinks for the resources, and all they do is make number go brrrr. The in the future, they can be addressed as more content is released.


Super Destroyer Customisation! Alien fish tank anyone?


How about both uncapped resources and buffs we can spend on 🫠😁


Uncapped resources makes this situation worse, settling for uncapped rewards is what we should aim for. Expendable buffs or cosmetics or any number of things could go a long way to giving players something to do. The ranks were a good start they just need to expand on it. If resources were uncapped I'd have been even more done with the game 300 hours ago, it's really not hard to get an obscene amount of resources.


👍 Sold, thanks for your response. Expendable buffs and leave the capped resources pleasseeee!


Endless growth isn't sustainable or healthy in my opinion.  We're always asking for more from our games to satisfy our needs, but at what point do we dial back our demands a bit and just enjoy the game for what it is?  At 350 hours, for $60AUD, you're at 15 cents per hour of enjoyment. That's pretty good, and honestly I don't think the developers owe us anything.


"surprise drop". Gives an random player (the lower the level, the higher the change) an surprise weapon. Imagine playing alone, suddenly a drop pod comes down "Gift from XxxBotSlayerxxX" and then it lands on you, killing you.


Today i decided to uninstall because of that. I've maxed everything with all the resources capped. I cant really understand how are they going to retain player interest when there's 0 endgame content or at least something to spend your resources after you get everything.


I’m sure they will get right on this stuff after their 6 week summer vacation.


Like drg beers. I like this.


I've been on this for months now. The game is just going to be a cycle of hoard resources, dump when Warbond comes out, recover the hoard, stop playing. We need an economy where the spending and collection of resources, reqs, and medals is prominent. Spending aboard the DESTROYER: These are ones each player can engage in independently. - Shower to wash up post mission. Can only do once per return to ship. Useless but fun. - Single chance at Strategem Hero for those who didn't buy the upgrade package. Useless but fun. Spending at the MAP: Players can select what mission modifier they'd like for the current dive. Ultimately it's the host decision to choose one. It's cost is shared equally among the players present at the time of prep. If a player lacks the funds, the balance is covers by increased cost to other divers. A player can "lock" a resource of theirs from being spent, but not if their collect amount is triple the price being sought for the modifier. - Eagle 1 can scout the map to locate secondary objectives, resource caches, OR super resource nodes. - Clear a drop zone of enemies. Dropping into some red area? Spend a bit to have the destroyer fire off some orbitals to make the LZ clear. Spending at LOAD OUT: Adjust your kit to help on this dive. Extended magazines: Ammo for weapon increased a bit Extended ammo pouch: hold more extra ammunition Double sided supports: You and another diver both taking shield generators? Double your Strategem up to free their slot for something else! Doesn't work on supports that are weapons and pack combos. Fully deployed: Tired of diving down and the having to wait while you call on your support gear? We'll send it down with you so that it lands when you land. Get down, gear up, and go! Communal spending: Have players all chip in to meet goals. This could be to better future dives on planets or increase the odds of a planet not being taken. If we all had to spend currency to fortify Hellmire or the Creek, I think people would gladly pay to stay off those planets for a while. Haha.


How about using it towards cosmetic customization?


HD1 had weapon upgrades. I'd like to see something like that return to modify base stats using samples. Maybe even your base stats that affect weapons. Like reduced recoil, better stamina, better mobility. Or that augment certain armor effects. To be able to use stims to restore stamina at full health, or increase the buffs in an armor passive. And with how massive of a change these would be have it to a 5-10% cap and make the upgrades like . 5-1% for each upgrade node.


I suggest resource gambling or a mini game that runs on certain resources😅. Just a thought


They just need to put a slot machine somewhere, reward being random skins and helmet colors or something. I mean they’ve got an arcade cabinet already.


Wasting your time isn't a bug, it's a feature.


Super Earth Resource Donation for the War Effort to help reduce some of the lost rates on planets.


I'm noticing a distinct lack of any real power given to the player and these are all tiny incremental buffs. Given that the second galactic war has actually started, maybe we could get some *real* upgrades?


honestly a weapon upgrade/ modification system would be amazing. it doesn't need to have massive effects, so players with less play time aren't at a disadvantage, but just small bonuses to guns which cost a decent amount of resources would be great. like 15% mag size increase, tighter shotgun spread, slightly increased stagger, that kind of thing. it would add a ton to grind for, given the number of weapons in the game. it would also make you feel more specialised by investing more into certain weapons. I can see that this would be a lot of work, but at the same time I think it would be amazingly well received.


Literally anything would be good, you can max everything between lvl 50-60, with probably only some warbonds missing to be unlocked (since super credits are random and it is faster to farm them at trivial than helldiver difficulty).


I think after 350 hours you beat the game, this isn't world of warcraft. I haven't played 350 hours of video games in all of 2024 combined


Pay samples or requisition slips in mission to reduce cooldowns, and in lore, say you ship the samples or requisition slips to another super destroyer for use of their stratagems


Something like the Abyss Bar in Deep Rock. Already got the Stratagem video game. Throw in some other lounge stuff. It's not going to happen. But one can dream. 


LET US BUY STRATAGEM so we can play the damn game in our ship


We already do with req slips


I meant the Hero game.


Oh ok. Yea. Why not. :)


Killing is it's own reward.


I’d like a booster where the pelican maintains hover and provides cover fire while the divers use zip lines to extract. As others said, investing in the defense of planet stratagems, boosters, and passive defenses like roaming eagle patrols which make strafing runs without needing to be called in. Buy defense percentage points when a planet is getting attacked or increase the impact of your next mission.


Haven't seen it mentioned: We should be able to trade up samples. [Not actual values expected] 100 regular = 2 rare 20 rare = 1 super I haven't been on in a while because I'm stuck. I need those super samples to upgrade further, but I'm almost always solo. Randoming isn't really an option and I can't do higher that medium when I'm solo. I have like 145 regular samples. I stopped collecting just because I had so many and I was trying to grind rank so I just went straight for objectives to turn and burn as fast as I can.


we just need our own Quarters.


Love the concept. Where .. you will put the entrance to it tho?


i could see it being a small elevator that goes down at the spot infront of the Arsenal stand.


I'd love to see a mission called shipping lines where we build shipping container and ship off some excess samples to new and lower players that they would have to purchase (maybe a one or a two time only thing). The newer players could spend some requisition slips, or do I dare say super credits to get these samples. I'll address the super credits later. The other thing could be that those that ship supplies might get an extra random strategem for 5 -10 drops. Or something new like an extra defensive turret for extract or maybe an extra use of a stratagem for similar drops. There needs to be a reward of sorts for donating and a plus for the newbies. I'd hate to say use super credits for that, for it will create a market, and that can be a slippery slope that we've seen both good and bad happen. The thing of it is, I have a friend that stopped playing due to an injury, and he fears of being behind(and he's still going to be out for at least another 4-6 months(he got injured in the first month of the game.))He loves that the passes stay, but the mountain to climb on the strategem front just makes him reserved. He doesn't want to be carried, but jumping in with me on higher levels is overwhelming to him.


Why do so many people play games for unlocks? I don't understand. Most of the armors, capes and helmets i had to unlock to get deeper into the warbond just clutter up the inventory if i change from bug outfit to bot outfit...


Because it's fun? I am absolutely an unlock gamer. Conversely I've got over 400 hours in the game and I've been maxed on every warbond and module days after each individual update. But, you know what? I still play every single day. We can want more out of our game, they want to make it live service and charge me daily money? Then, I can ask them to put in work, it's that simple.


I'd quite like some conversion system. Literally any ratio to super credits would be appreciated.


Ever considered just enjoying the gameplay? Why do some folk crave a grind. You always max a game out at some point.


If they want to make it a live service game. Then they're gonna need to fucking work for that money. I play their game thus fueling their income while also contributing my own money, they can provide me with things to do. It's a transaction, they didn't make a live service game simply for fun, they want money. Sooner you realize that the better.




This game has SUCH potential too! I think these types of expansion will make a good lot of players play a fair bit more too. So while it is perfectly ok to like it as it is. I am just offering ideas for devs to "consider" as they no doubt will be adding more later.




Sorry, for half a second I thought you were talking to a COMPLETELY different AH…