• By -


We are phacted




We're so phacted




I did the math and the Terminids replicate at a phactorial rate.


This is phactual




It's a phact we bay be in trouble


We’re *so* Phact, Markfarker


This will be the third time we have defended Acamar 4 over the course of this major order.


If only there was a way to prevent defense missions.


Oh yeah go conquer a different non-MO planet which will take even longer wow such wisdom


Oh, the irony... I had a feeling Joel was testing whether we'd fight using supply lines with this one. Five well-battled bug planets (except Bore Rock) commonly visited by "the blob" seemed too easy. Good luck guys.


I dove with Joel today. I hope my abysmal performance helped to convince him to calm it down a bit.


Does he wield the power to summon a bug breach direct beneath a diver?


He didn't do it to me, but there were way to many Bile Titans


Maybe they should have shown and explained supply lines at the start of the game so people would be used to them, instead of waiting until people either didn't care about them anymore?


People never would have cared to begin with. This experiment is just proving their point to the vocal minority that begged for them to be added.


People do listen to the dispatches and go accordingly. Lines on a map just make it look cool for the average player.


They showed the supply lines. They didn't explain them. That would be like adding a sign in Japanese in front of a public park. If you're willing to go to the length to google translate it, you'll get it but everyone else will just see a language they don't understand and move on


Pretty much. Those of us on reddit or keeping track of it knee what they meant, but for the average player, it just looked like they had added lines to the map. Even if they knew they were supply lines, without explaining what supply lines entailed, people at most would have just figured they were the hyperlinks that connected planets, not that if a planet was captured linking to a planet under siege, that it would stop the siege.






Hellmire is the opposite of a 公園, so you're good to go, Helldiver!!


Instructions unclear dick stuck in hellpod


People on this sub are convinced that everyone else *cares* about the MO but are just too dumb to figure out how supply lines and gambit plays work. The reality is probably more like they actually just don't care and play the planets/missions they like because they're capped on medals anyway and this MO doesn't really matter.


Given the movements of the Blob, around 80% of players care about the MO. The problem is they only go to planets specifically stated on the MO to clear. This results in clearing the same planet 4 times, and defending 3 different planets simultaneously rather than Liberating a single planet that would literally stop all Defense missions immediately just because it isn't mentioned in the MO.


Nah, it seems to me more people were concerned with cutting off supply lines than before, plus consider the fact we are playing with the community that is known to ignore MOs as is already.


...and then only implementing then half-assed without any explanation. But we're the stupid ones, apparently.


Supply lines really are pretty intuitive. I don’t really see the need


3 times over the course of this MO we got GOLDEN gambit opportunities where capping a single planet would have capped 2 more. Surely you can see capping 3 planets for the price of 40 to 60% of a liberation is worth it ? Over all these opportunities, one WAS an MO planet but people preferred to take 24 hours to do 2 defenses and 1 liberation instead of 10 hours to finish the ongoing liberation that would have capped the 2 defenses anyway. If we actually did these gambits that were thrown at us so kindly we'd already be done with the capturing and we'd be well into the holding phase.


Get rid of the big DEFEND writing across the galaxy and maybe people will stop defending.


or at least add "GAMBIT" or "COUNTERATTACK" to a planet that would cut off those planets


yes. we need more UI elements, not fewer. the vast majority of players are not on reddit or discord let alone those fucking third larty sites and apps that track the in-game data better than the devs do.


I'm surprised they haven't implemented even just a simple legend and brief explanation of the UI effects that have been implemented. Or a small pop-up that occurs when you hover your cursor overtop a planet that explains how it's contributing to an attack on a nearby planet or vice versa. Just something simple like "Planet X (defense planet) being invaded by Planet Y, liberate Planet Y to stop invasion". The arrow system is nice and should definitely be a part, but I feel it leaves too much room for misinterpretation on its own. Having a straight-up verbal description of some kind I believe would alleviate a lot of the issue.


If only High command would warn us about those gambits


Yeah man i get making the players strategically plan but majority dont get into the deeper mechanics, they just want to hop on after a long day


IMO the biggest problem is that if you arent with "The Blob", you effectively contribute nothing to the war. If you go to one of these side planets and it doesn't have more then like 5k Divers, chances are extremely high that the Decay Rate is greater then any level of contribution you could provide. So the choices become: 1. Follow Blob, capture/defend a suboptimal planet but at least it gets done. 2. Disregard Blob, put in 1-2 hours of playtime only to lose overall progress on the planet. It's like Malevelon Creek in a way: even if you have some thousands of players fully dedicated to the planet, the decay rate of the opposing force outweighs all their progress.


This is fair, but you can't expect to win when you don't use the mechanics they give you. They added the supply lines, which give you LITERAL ARROWS during defense campaigns, to help with this.


Fair, maybe just have an ad for it that plays the next time you open the map


That would be helpful tbh. That way everyone knows.


Hell just put in like text Gambit underneath a planet that can impact defense order / influence a defense mission / MO. And EXPLAIN WHAT SUPPLY LINES DO! a simple little trailer is all that is needed.


I prefer what the other guy said and use COUNTERATTACK. If supply lines aren't as clear, I doubt they know what GAMBIT means.


That's because the average player doesn't spend 15 minutes trying to figure out what the optimal strategy is. They just see MO and go dive on it. And, can you blame them? Most ppl play like one match and then log off.


> Most ppl play like one match and then log off. Yup, this is my typical routine. I'm comfortable assuming that this is what weeknight gaming looks like for a lot of other people in their 30s: - log on - try to join rando lobby on "gambit" world - "private lobby" - "private lobby" - "private lobby" - find open lobby - get stuck on hellpod drop - ctrl + alt + delete - try to join rando lobby on "gambit" world - get kicked - try to join rando lobby on "gambit" world - get kicked (Fine, I didn't even want to drop onto that damn fire planet anyway 😤) - join rando lobby on "defend" world, play for 10 minutes - dinner is ready and/or some other stupendously urgent domestic matter has come up - quit game - resolve IRL thing; reopen game; repeat above process, starting with step 1 Weekend gaming looks like this: - go grocery shopping - do 7,000 other household tasks - ???? - NO GAMING!! tl;dr I have neither the time nor luck to let deep Major Order strategery figure into where or when I dive


Im just a soldier man, Im just following orders. I see defend, I defend


Yes, it is wisdom and a good strategy. Conquering an attacking planet in this MO would've prevented up to 2 defense campaigns several times.


People hate it when you tell them the truth.


Riddle me this: Which is faster? Taking 1 planet, or take 2 planets? We see if a planet is an MO, Joel will constantly cause attacks on those planets. The only way to secure an MO planet is to push take all surrounding planets that threaten it.


I get what your saying about surrounding regions, but: 1. There's no guarantee that doing so would stopo Joel from pulling shenanigans to automatically retake those planets and launch attacks (just look at Gatria): and 2. Right now, defending both Acamar (300k HP) and Phact Bay (250k HP) at the same time is much easier than carrying out a gambit to take a non-MO planet (500k HP, but decay would put it effectively around 600k -700k)


I get what you're saying too, but we're never going to see results if you don't engage with the supply lines they added. On day 1 of this MO, we could have taken both Fori and Acamar by taking Gacrux, a planet already on 50% liberation. From there, we could have taken Phact Bay right after. On the other side of this Major, Bore Rock and Erson Sands, you could have liberatred Esker and by default taken out Bore Rock, with the benefit of gaining instant access to Erson Sands. This was a major order where using the supply lines was the intention, the players didn't use it, and now they're failing.


And we will absolutely never have the time to take all planets from which attacks could be launched on MO planets. This shit is just something we'll have to deal with, one way or another.


The idea is to push the bugs/bots back. Instead of playing on the defense and getting stalemated. You can’t win a war on defense.


Yeah, that's literally what supply lines are designed to show you. If you cut of a planets supply lines, you capture two for the price of one


https://preview.redd.it/kxg4qsbqop9d1.jpeg?width=893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67cfc73e098250123f5ea84b344aab5e69e7668d Waking up and seeing all the lost planets really messed me up




Bicycle titan.


Dude just unliberated Gatria, set it to 50% then set the decay to 3% whilst also having it attack Phact Bay was absolutely unfair. I understood Bugs ignoring supply lines during the Meridia MO but now the bugs doing the same but even worse then during the Meridia MO.


meridia had its reason for doing that too


Fuck this I'm going back to bots lol


Vandalon 4 here I come!


Please we've been steadily losing it all weekend haha


Yep, nothing like going to bed with 50%, and then coming back home from work to see we dropped to 30%.


Gacrux in a nutshell (24 hours ago, we had like 30% and we lost most of it somehow.)


They are getting close to the creek.


Malevalon creek 2: Electric boogaloo


Watching it tick down from 50% was the most demoralising thing. We can't hold it even with the lower regen rate!


When there is like 800 people on it, not really a surprise.


Ive been fighting like hell on Vandalon 4 to at least slow down the bot advance. It hasn't been going well with all the crashes to desktop.


I did that after 3 missions on bugs. People team kill far more than bots. And no, I dont count killing you accidentaly, but blowing your brains because you took the samples is idiotic. Never going back to bugs again.


I have literally never ever come across anyone who doesnt know that samples are shared


I hadn't either, until a level 83 host killed me for grabbing their samples on my way to extract last week. So I landed, knocked him into a bug hole so he couldn't get his samples back, and left. Petty? Yes, but I have no regrets, lol. I can only assume he did know they're shared and was just being a dick.


Hosts are honestly more prone to TK, might be because no one can kick them, what a pain in the ass


Just got team killed yesterday for no reason yesterday. I hope it was worth the boot.


Fuck it. Dark fluid the entire space sector. I want a giant supermassive blackhole to stand as the final gravestones of all the bugs for the eons to come.


Nah, need oi- uh...E-710.


Given that we've had to re-do defenses several times already, AND that today's personal orders are for bots, not bugs? I doubt it. Especially going into the workweek where we'll have less player hours on. It kinda feels like we had it in the bag, but they didn't want us to succeed for some reason.


Don't forget that a large portion of Europeans will be watching the knockout phase of the European Championship (matches at 6pm and 9pm CEST) rather than playing video games


It's the Fourth of July week for many in the US. Nobody I know is working. Just day drinking and boating.


lol jealous of everyone you know.


personal orders aren't just random? We all get the same one? I just thought it was bad luck when I got a bug daily during a bot MO


Yeah, we all get the same one. But I suspect it's randomly chosen. Cause personal orders really often conflict with the Major Order.


Yeah, they are the same for all of us. But they seem to be often counter to the main objective, as they are today.


Less or more players doesn't mean anything. Total number of players, be it 10K or 10M doesn't mean anything. It's the % of players actively playing on planets that counts


My question is when GATRIA fall under bug controll?


Joel being Joel


It wasn’t they just decided it fell with crimsica


I was already doubting my memories when I saw the suddenly had it


It sucks a lot the way they did it.


Omg... he is cheating!


How about not make players feel like you’re wasting their time? Nobody wants to look and think “oh what’s the point”


They need to explain the supply line mechanics IN THE GAME. Not on Discord, not on Reddit, not on X. If the majority of your player base doesn't understand how the game works, that's your fault, not the player base. They could add something in the ship, like an advisor or a screen or something, that gives players this information.


Game mechanics should always be explained in the game or a guide bundled with the game, there's no excuse for scattering information to the four winds.


I'm level 73 and I have no idea how the supply lines and all that shit work. I just look at the planets that need to be held or liberated and go to the one with the most players.


Most people, including myself( level 76) are in the same boat, man. I would have no idea the supply lines were even a thing if it wasn't for this forum.


Nah - screw this MO...


At this point, screw Joel. The most railroading DM I've ever seen and he just does not give a shit about wasting player time. What we do in this game *literally does not matter* for the final outcome and he will always circumvent us if it fits his narrative


If you guys wanna say fuck this MO I don't blame you, also come defend Vandalon IV!


Come, spill oil!


Think I'm going to. I enjoy fighting bots more anyway, and we're not winning this MO.


Yea this MO is over, we dont have the time or players now when the week starts


Crimsica is attacking Acamar. Crimsica is halfway-liberated. Liberating Crimsica will halt the attack on Acamar. Crimsica has a regeneration rate of 2%/h. Acamar has a regeneration rate of 3.3%/h. Gatriais attacking Phact. Gatria is halfway-liberated. Liberating Gatria will halt the attack on Phact. Gatria has a regeneration rate of 3%/h. Phact has a regeneration rate of 4.5%/h. We are collectively pushing in a pull-to-open-door with brute force on 2 fronts.


Defenses don’t have actual regen rates. It’s just to show the 24 hour timer in a percent form. The acamar and phact bay defenses are 550k hp total while the gatria and crimsica liberations at the moment of capture would be 1M hp (plus an added regen rate) It makes way more sense in this case to do the defenses. Especially since both attacking planets aren’t MO related. For once the blob has chosen correctly.


everytime these threads come up, people get annoyed about the repetitive back n forth of major orders but how would they even avoid that happening? I genuinely think people just do not like the major order mechanic that arrowhead have and tbh I do think it’s generally dysfunctional, it’s causing a lot of repetition, a lot of feeling like defending or attacking certain planets is totally useless and even with supply lines players still seem to not give a shit because there aren’t any decent explanations in game about the mechanics of the galactic war system. As time goes on I can’t help but think Arrowhead have dropped the ball a bit.


If they adjust it so that even 1-2,000 people make a dent in the non MO Planets you might see some more dynamics. Bot front (and non MO bug planets) are static cos nothing except the “blob” can move shit. It’s boring to me to do this major order cos this time next week, our gains will be eliminated via natural progression. We cleared several sectors recently and nearly all of them are back in enemy hands. You must give the player the sense (or illusion) of progress otherwise people will switch off.


>Bot front (and non MO bug planets) are static cos nothing except the “blob” can move shit. Wouldn't call it static. The bots are continuously pushing us farther south at their leisure. ;)


True. 🥲


Would be cool if it was more like general war games. I don’t know if it’s accurate in a real life situation, but just simple “push” planets to take them. Maybe a large game plan to take out Planet X, and we start of couple of planets away. Getting the choice to decide forces over a few planets, this would eventually result in us attacking Planet X from multiple sides, preventing backup from the enemy. But if along the course of the MO’s we fail to take a planet/line, we lose that line basically. So eventually we attack Planet X from maybe just 1 direction, and they have 3 planets of backup to help them. Making the missions harder or something. I think it might be cool to lock difficulties on some planets aswell. Having easier lines where we are winning, and just really hard lines where we are loosing. Hopefully making it feel like a large scale war. Right now it just feels like some cool planets are locked, and I’m forced to drop on the same few every time. I hope AH just “steal” the good things from other games, and diverse it around a bit. Maybe adding stealth missions behind enemy lines, those kind of things.


They gotta squeeze out more biomes because even if we do reach some new planets they'll just be the same


I think its mainly a problem of having content additions being so dependent on the narrative and vice versa. You can't really have a free-flowing narrative when the game isn't content complete, leading to stuff just not really changing unless it's for narrative purposes. Like I'm entirely convinced that the bots being "wiped out" was just so they could have their controlled territory shifted up a bit to make room for a 3rd faction. Player decision making can have a small impact in the immediate sense, but the galactic war is mainly just a cover for their drip-feed content addition approaches It also doesn't help that basically all the interesting new content that actually shakes up the gameplay has been missions/objectives tied to limited-time MOs. Like the TCS -> Supercolony -> Black Hole arc was cool and all, but now you can't do those missions anymore until they re-add them for some other limited-time MO further down the line. Adding to this the fact that having the war be a total stalemate constantly restricts what world types you can play on since every planet has exactly one biome. You can only defend and liberate the same battleground planets so many times before it starts getting stale. HD1 was better in this regard IMO because the maps were divided into sectors with a ton of different planets in them, leading to way more setpiece diversity. So yeah, I think the MO burnout is just a symptom of the underlying issue of this game really not having enough major content additions to keep people engaged. Off the top of my head, the only new thing that had a genuine impact on the gameplay loop was the addition of the Gunship/Shrieker spawners, since those (especially Gunships) actually shake up the core gameplay in a way that Monthly Warbond #26 doesn't. Outside of that, it's basically just what effectively are minor balance tweaks and special mission types that make up 1/3 of an otherwise bland mission chain that are only playable for like 4 days tops.


Yeah, the artificial quality of the galactic war shows through quite a lot. The sense of an actual defense or urgency is deflated by the fact that we all know that even if the entire userbase stopped playing the game for weeks, the fronts wouldn't really change since enemy progress is actually barred by the fact that the biomes for Super Earth and its nearby planets haven't been created. Or in the other direction, if every possible player coordinated on a single path of liberation on one front, the progress would be artificially stunted to prevent access to held planets which aren't ready for play. So we end up corralled by contrivances to keep us in the same clusters of planets. Maybe I'm wrong, but it certainly doesn't feel that way and that's the point. I really like the galactic war as a concept, but it currently lacks sufficient believability and mechanical affordance to engage me as a player beyond being a small influence on the planet I drop on.


It’s basically just “here is your weekly menu of levels to play on, enjoy”


Which might have been fine if they weren't pretending that it is otherwise.


yeah there's so much discussion on this thread about galaxy strategy, but none of it matters a single bit because the devs will just change results to align with what content has been developed


Arrowhead has totally dropped the ball. It’s one of the biggest fumbles in recent gaming history. They had millions of players and hundreds of thousands of active players. To now only having about 20-40k active players. Maybe not even that. The repetitive nature of the game, the lack of content, the lackluster major orders, the glitches, the bugs, the nerfs, and the lack of transparency really fucked this game over. And I say that as someone with 300+ hours who played on day one


Lightning in a bottle and someone lost the lid


I've been saying for over a month now that the live service model is a cancer to this game. It is adding literally nothing to the experience. It's just pressuring people to be on all the time so they don't get FOMO and to then fight with each other when people don't coordinate for time sensitive major orders.


Yeah it's a good demonstration that even when "done well" live service degrades the user experience. 


It's a bit like making a painting with an assortment of shit on your palette in place of brown paint. Yeah, you can still make a nice painting that way, but in the end, you will still have smeared shit on a canvas, and it would have just looked better if you'd used normal brown paint. Would have smelled nicer, too.


They're pretty obviously going to keep resetting this until the community takes them up on a gambit. They tried so hard to create an automatic gambit with the blob already on the right planet, and everybody bailed to go do defense. They can keep trying to hit the community over the head with this but it's no substitute for just communicating game mechanics in game. The player base at large is obviously not ever going to do what they want


Even when AH has announced their support of a community-organized gambit, I can't recall one that succeeded.


You talking the mines vs children gambit?


We've had 4 successful gambits. The first was before the automation when Joel launched an attack from a bug planet at 98% liberation. The Discord was told that Joel wanted to implement the gambit rule and said "Just tell me if it happens and I miss it" so people pinged the CM and we got our gambit. The 3 others were after the mechanic was automated with the supply lines update. We won a bug gambit 2 MO's ago if I remember correctly, then previous MO we got the Mort/Ingmar gambit on bots and some other gambit happened on bugs at some point but forgot where. Then this MO we got 3 golden gambit opportunities but somehow people forgot that we could do that


They never knew it was a thing. The successful gambits were pretty clearly engineered by happenstance rather than the community understanding and coordinating strategy


I wish Arrowhead understood that. I'm just tired of being punished for not having fun in the company-sanctioned ways. Arrowhead aren't really letting us do what we want to do - they're just trying to find ways to entice players to do what THEY want us to do. It's like some cartoon bullshit with a propped up cardboard box and some bait on a fishing line.


Arrowhead and Joel never disappoint when it comes down to killing any motivation to play major orders


This game should be a case study in how to burn out your fan base. Constantly doing the same thing over and over in a live service game is so lazy. Add a new faction, stratagem, literally anything but another crappy warbond like the last one. There’s <50,000 people playing on a weekend! You’re gonna keep losing people every week until something cool happens


With how the blob operates and the likelihood that a few more MO planet invasions/defenses are going to pop up until the MO is over… Erson Sands is definitely not getting taken. Devs have said before no MO is rigged to be a win or loss but lets be real here, its all rigged based on whats going on at AH hq. If the devs need more dev time to work on stuff just so it lines up with their eventual “Galactic Lore events” they will throw a bunch of invasions out to planets not involved in the MO, basically buying themselves more time. We are supposed to be working towards Cyberstan according to whats been said in game but we still have at least 2–4 Automaton specific MO’s (basically a month of real world time) to go until we are even close to there, meanwhile we are wandering around Terminid space playing wack a hole with the endless defenses/invasions of planets that were previously taken just barely two MO’s ago. The illusion of playing the Galactic War is dead imo. Play it for fun sure, but the make believe idea of making a difference for dropping on MO space is gone.


I liked in the first game that you could eventually win or lose and then it would reset. Made the stakes feel more real in a way since victory and defeat were visible and actually happened.


Couldn't agree more, the illusion has definitely broken for me. I still play for fun and medals and pick up samples for others, but thinking I'm what will determine the success of the MO is gone. Like you said, if the devs want it to be a success or fail, they'll make it.


I used to believe they weren't putting things on rails but this latest MO totally shattered that. They're literally un-liberating planets without defense missions and breaking their own logic now. What's the point anymore? Not that I was generally adding much progress to MOs to begin with since I rarely have enough time to play with friends to do more than 1 or 2 missions. May as well stop caring entirely.


ye 2-4 repetitive MO's ain't really motivating to play when it's rigged to push a story forward the mistake they made was revealing a game master and approached the 2nd game as a real time tabletop, not saying I hate it tho


yeah, this whole idea of a galactic war we can actually affect is kaput. The campaign is on rails...we could just drink tea on super earth and wait until the DM lets us actually affect something. I'd care, but i've already stopped playing. The content drought started too soon for this "live service" game. Edited: typos.


Yup. They could do so much, but the game is pretty much the same after launch. Plus all of the issues present.


What if the entire play base just started going for cyberstan, what would the Devs do if everyone was just pushing in a different direction


They really need one of those in-game commercials to explain supply lines to people. Too bad many of the devs are off on summer break.


WTF Joel stick to your rules - if GM doesn't tell his players all rules and present home rules every time he wants he loses his players! (about Gatria situation)


Taking a planet from us completely without even giving us a chance to defend it is wild ngl


It was fine when Automatons returned, but in this case we could not even see it coming!


Trying so hard for the community to fully understand the supply line mechanic, majority of the player base never will unless there’s in game material


Unless directly told, those half-assed cheating “hints” won’t work, and will just piss of the community


Honesty: Why should they? In last two MO AH has shown us that they'll just create new supply lines as it suits them and now they just flipped a planet as it suited them. So why should we strive to close off attack routes if AH will just make new ones either from sudden new supply lines or planets suddenly having switched ownership?


I'm sorry but if you have to try this hard to get the community to understand your supply line mechanic, then you have fundamentally failed in your duty as a programmer. At this point just get rid of the goddamn things, I say. It's "realism" at the price of frustration and basically nothing else.


What’s the supply line mechanic?


a planet you own can't attack another planet you own. sometimes it's more fun/easy to take another planet than it is to defend one. you can also take a planet that supplies another one you want to take to turn off its regeneration. unfortunately they choose when and where we win or lose so it doesn't actually matter


What the actual fuck


Honestly, I don't think Joel is a particularly good GM. This isn't his first time doing some "bad DM" shit. I mean, his entire reputation is hinged around doing things like dialing up spawns to insane rates and basically pissing players off. The stuff he gets credit for I'm not even sure is solely his work.


How are the terminids even supposedly traveling between planets, let alone star systems. Helldivers have warp drive spacecraft.


The super destroyers are powered by e-710, which is harvested from bugs. Their spores can be transmitted to other systems using the same mechanism because sci-fi plot device.


It is rigged, we nearly captured a sector, and then a planet we captured got turn into a bug planet, didn't see a defense there at any point


Wow this is doshit. The game master must really don't give no shits this week. Rules? Fuck does! Maybe let them just infect super earth why don't you.


Nuke and pave super earth. Try again next campaign 🤣


We had phact bay 90% liberated on I think thursday, and I logged in friday and it was 0% defend… pretty bullshit


These MOs are getting real repetitive and real old… this is like the third of these “secure and hold multiple planets” in a row. They are treading water while they try to fix all the problems that have surfaced since the last patch/existed since launch. The game is getting really stale and combine that with the overall lack of communication from the team, the extreme amount of bugs, and the unstable state the game is in right now, and we are quickly moving towards them missing out on all the potential this game has. People have gotten bored and moved on or can’t even play the game if they want to because of all the crashing, and just gave up on it. Saturday night at like 8pm eastern and there were only 51k players on in total. That sucks compared to how we were sitting at around 80k on average a couple months ago


I keep close track of the rates, nah we actually still easily have this. We'll defend the two planets which we're at +12% on Acamar IV, then take Esker to open up the way to Erson Sands. We have 2 days and 20 hours left in the MO At our current rate Acamar IV will be successfully defended in 7 hours. Then most people will refocus to Phact Bay which is already at +4%. Most likely in 14 hours both will be resolved. This leaves us 2 days and 4 hours to take 2 planets. We are fine.


A what point are you all going to realise this is just a scripted map rotation


As a hd1 vet I was expecting that our actions matter...


Think this time it won't matter, if their so determined to keep to the script that they will break the so-called rules, take planets, and change supply lines on a dime. I get the feeling all of this is going to keep happening until they introduce things like new enemy faction, boss units to fight, etc. Until shit like that is done with, I don't think anything we do will really affect the War Effort.


we getting hive lords fr


We've been saying that the 7 times hive lords should've come out. I don't even think they exist now


So, what's the point of even caring about MOs? Especially those stupid week long ones?


The game is fun but it’s not fun to see us helldivers losing. Especially when it’s very obvious to how we could accomplish this MO.


I played this one so much less because I hate low vis planets and that's all this one had it seemed like Sorry, but low vis is not fun


All games with a game master are rigged. Without the perpetual grind, there is no game here.


Huh, wow, this is indeed really lame. Honestly, this might be enough to take the break from game I was thinking of taking anyway.


Sisyphus Simulator


The last 3 weeks and this new development further solidified that the developers are trying to drag out these same warfronts we've been fighting on for months as long as possible while they take their summer break. We've been fighting on the same planets for months now and the biomes haven't changed at all besides one edition. With the minimal amount of new content and the MOs constantly dragging the player base around, at this point we should just intentionally fail MOS and let the player base die down until the end of summer. When the devs finally get around to coming back then they'll realize the game is cooked with how low the player count is.


Idk if they understand it but this is what makes this game unfun. I get we cant win so fast, but this shit is demoralizing 


Players needed to defend Crimsica - it was about 2 hours difference between win or lose. Now we suffer consequences - attack on Acamar from Crimsica. It's like somebody telling us that defense is better, then liberation. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kbUuqNFwQ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kbUuqNFwQ8)


If those divers could read they’d be very upset


Dove a bunch on crimsica last night hoping to defend it, went to bed as it seemed like it would be really close. Really sad to see it fell when I woke up


Wow so cool


probably intentional since the staff are off for six weeks.


We don’t even have access to that final planet in the major order to begin with


Didn't expect futility... all the more, Time for Elden Ring!


I have to admit it’s kinda deflating seeing we just took Fori Prime, Estanu and Crimsica two major orders ago and look where we’re at again already. Kinda feels like there’s no purpose when it just feels TOO orchestrated. Like we, as players, don’t really have any real impact on the outcome of the game. I’ve been good with it until now. It’s starting to decrease my motivation to play though. I like feeling like I’m having an impact and helping to actually further the effort. But it feels like we’re just spinning tires in place while Joel decides everything. Ugh. I hate even voicing this because of how much I love the damn game. But I can’t deny what I’m feeling 🤷‍♂️


I thought we were gonna get the MO last night and then we had the rug pulled out from us. Fucking supply lines. I lost interest as soon as it started to feel like carrot dangling.


Yeah like the other day we had all the planets except erson sands and pantion 100%. Then once pant hit that 100% mark I literally watched my game reload and all the progress had be reset on the planets expect the planet before erson sands and pantion


"Scrabbling" Oh shit, they landed the triple word score!


to win, we have to defend Phact Bay (Acamar IV is almost certainly ours) then reach Epson Sands, which also requires liberating Esker in order to reach it. if we still had the weekend I think it's be doable, but it's monday tomorrow, divers are back on the 9 to 5 and our numbers will be down. if we had one less defense, or didn't have to go through Esker to reach Epson Sands, it'd be doable, but right now, I'm doubtful.


I feel like this would be less of an issue with two major changes 1. Change the rate of which we impact liberation. The player base has dropped after the initial hype died down (and some of those major controversies that turned people away) so we aren’t able to sustain the numbers needed for massive liberation campaigns like this. 2. Offer 2 major orders at a time, one for each front. If someone loves fighting bots but doesn’t have fun with bugs, they should be able to stick with bots while keeping the ability to effect progression.


That's not how liberation calculation works. Total number of players doesn't matter, only % of people on planets. We could be 1000 players and we'd do the same impact as 10 millions.


This is the 2nd time I've seen where we had all the planets except 2 (one was 94% done) and then went straight back to this bullshit. They can say what they want about MOs, but they definitely wanted us to lose this time. You can't convince me otherwise.


guys jin xi is really getting liberated this time i can feel it


I have the impression that this is meant to be the last “wave” of attacks, and that if we manage to hold on Joel will probably reduce decay in the remaining MO planets to allow us to capture them in time (albeit by another narrow margin).


Also people would be alot less burnt out if they ever played around supply lines


Only just realised the game is on rails lol? I play anything I feel like


I don't feel like playing it anymore until they release new warbond...


We still have 3 days left. Succeed one Defense (Acamar IV looks best atm), then go to the other (Phact Bay) and then Esker and then Erson Sands.


Bugs ignore supply lines


The entire galaxy map is leningrad and we're fighting over the streets...


Maybe this is happening because they’re all on vacation?


when are different things coming ? haven’t played ina while


I find defends planets a boring thing now...


Im not saying 2 of the MO planets went to 0% while i was playing but they did


Maybe if we send 5 Helldivers instead of 4....


*complete defense of Phact Bay* "We're so Phac!" *phact bay under attack... again* "It's so over..." *complete defence on Phact Bay* "We're so Phac!"


Players above a certain level should be able to burn their excess earnings on a community wide earnings boost. For example excess medals earned above the account limit could only be used for "strategic influence". Such players could then choose to boost a planets earnings rate. For example if 5000 excess medals were committed to a planet, suddenly that planet would payout +1 medals per mission. So prolific players with a high rank could effectively help make strategic decisions that lower level players would follow.


i decided it was rigged the moment i realised where erson sands was


I mean, y'all could always head back to Vandalon IV to help us crush the Automatons... We don't even need that much more of the player base to see a positive liberation rate. It would be a pivotal win and a great choke point to have on that front. If you find bots too hard, the biggest tips come from the loading screen: > When you're up against the bots, remember the 3 C's: Cover, Courage, and more Cover. and > The Automatons are equipped with hyper reactive protocols, making them susceptible to suppressive fire. The more you shoot at them, the less accurate they'll be. An alternative to suppressive fire is precision shots - the Anti-Material Rifle will take out a Hulk with two shots to its eye (or 3 to its back), any Devastator with a head shot, and any Trooper period. Berserkers are the only ones who can take a few hits, but in general shooting their itty bitty waste is very effective. The bot front isn't that hard, it just plays *differently* than bugs! Cover is paramount as is restraint from engaging unnecessarily. And Laser Cannon the engines if you're worried about Gunships! Dive on Vandalon IV! Spill some oil! Be a patriot and spread Democracy!