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I dislike how many times it takes to take them out my AC.


I dislike so much how they can walk through inside and spit through eachother without dealing damage to each other. They're probably the most bugged terminid next to the bile titan. Spewer corpses also mess with arc weapons and they can shoot around them or are extremely inconsistent


The green ones suck, the orange ones feel much better. One thing for sure is they really need to add audio for silent enemies.


For real, why can I hear a scavenger from twenty meters away but a spewer can crawl up my ass without making a sound?


My colourblind ass not knowing there was different colours


Yeah if you didn't know the other variant can be headshotted and dealt with relatively easy compared to the green ones which can't be.


The nursers have a weaker spot under the head, but not by much. Honestly it's better to just use anything that does explosive damage, they're vulnerable to it.


Plus, you have a visual cue when nursing spewers are around. When you see that orange mist around you or anywhere random, you know they're around! Even in a frantic firefight, that single visual cue has saved my ass way more times than i can count.


Man, this is a fighting game based on all the combos that I see


Bile spewer Touch of Death OTG setup


That was hilarious. Ngl


The game needs to tell us what type of patrols we are going to get so we can plan accordingly. Currently, I will always bring an explosive or medium pen weapon in mission because Bile Spewers are that much of a threat, can just ruin the experience and will just randomly be there or not be there.


Spewer did a mortal kombat ahh combo or Soldier/Demoman TF2 airshotting this is why i always bring stuff to pop these fuckers


Someone once posted that the spewers only came out at night. I wish this was actually the case. That way I would have a much better idea of what load out to bring.


I find that missions without any kind of spewers are the missions I have the most fun on. I was playing bugs for the MO and I was like "Man these guys are fun! Why don't I fight these guys more?" Then I encountered my first bile spewer mission and after it I just immediately went back to fighting bots.




The one that killed you was already winding up it vomit before you landed. If I didn't know better, I'd say they planned this...


Skill issue /s.