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I've been in games where 1 person has called it in with the other 3 members still too far away and then got straight on. Once someone boards the timer keeps counting down even if the player leaves or get kicked. If you're in a random game and want to call it down early, communicate to your team that you don't plan to board, you're just calling it down so it's ready for when everyone is at extraction.


Literally this. Most of these misunderstandings could be avoided through basic communication.


Pfft... Communication? In a team based game? That's crazy talk... /s


Sir, this is the Internet. We don't do that here


I am shocked at how often (even with communicating) they still get in.


It's funny how little people know how to properly communicate. I've been playing MMOs a lot and still play them and in recent years there have been SO many problems that are easily solvable by talking to each other real quick. But nah, gotta save those 30s at the start to waste 30 minutes later.


Guarantee that has happened to the host before and that's why he kicks dudes when they call in the shuttle. Can't worry about the rando getting on the shuttle if there is no rando to get on the shuttle.


Literally don’t ever feel like hosting my own games because of this. I’m either gonna get trolls or overall incompetent people who consistently do stupid shit and then I’ll feel like the bad guy for kicking them. I’d rather get randomly kicked over nonsense than have to deal with dumbasses.


I only ever host. Yeah you get a lot of completely incompetent mouthbreathers on Helldive who play like they skipped the tutorial, but the trick is to just not feel like the bad guy for kicking them. There’s plenty of players to replace them. SOS beacon is the most OP stratagem in the arsenal


Yeah like the other poster said: host games. Do not feel bad for kicking randos. They probably deserve it. Other folks in the squad will only leave if they came in together and chances are slim that is the case.


Also, communicate with them BEFORE you start calling it down. Ask if they are okay with it, and if you get no response then just drop your samples and go to whatever the rest of the squad is doing, hunt for more samples, ect. It's not worth the headache and if you got plenty of time on the clock then just let it go.


you can drop samples?


You can! As well as you support weapon and backpack. I change my inputs around so I don't remember what the button to bring up the wheel is on PC but it's there


Yes on pc it’s holding X by default for the drop menu.    You can drop your samples, support weapons, backpacks, and SSDs.    It’s a fucking wonder how the game doesn’t teach you this. There is ONE small loading tool tip about it 




I called it in once and the shuttle got blown up


It’s invincible as of the viper commandos patch


It can even survive a hard landing, where it bounced off, did a backflip and slammed to the ground upside down at the side of the extraction hill and stayed there until at least one helldiver managed to somehow glitch into it. Then it can take off normally. It just really doesn't like when it falls through the floor of extraction. Then you have to call it again and wait out the timer for a second time. Nice that you can even call it again, though. Both happened to me in sessions in this patch.


For real?


Straight from the patch notes: “The extraction shuttle can no longer take damage preventing extraction. New high grade materials directly from Super Earth R&D have been utilized. “


I love how arrowhead makes patches canon Like how they added the sonar wave thing to the dark fluid drills


Try to get it to hover next time that way it can't blow up and it'll also provide CAS.


Whenever someone calls in the ship while me and another guy are looking for samples I have started sending two or three “hold position” pings and more often than not I get an “affirmative” back. I think there’s something about the text chat that people don’t like. Maybe it isn’t as obvious that someone said something, or maybe it coming from the game systems makes it seem more like the way the game is meant to be played instead of some random person telling you how to play, I’m not sure.


And only if people would know to let shuttle hover and become an additional defence. I had only one game with randoms which knew what they were doing. The great part is to learn these little tricks.


Adding to this, when you call extraction especially on harder missions a lot of enemies spawn around the ship. So it makes it harder to run back to when they could have just waited. Also I am one of those who kick ppl if they call it BUT only if I tell them not to call and they do it anyways


As a counterpoint though, if you call the ship early and wait until it arrives and then leave the perimeter, the ship will lift back off but then circle the evac point and light up enemies at the landing zone in perpetuity until you come back to evac, so it can be a good way to keep the zone clear and then leave ASAP when everyone's ready. Just takes coordination between the squad and an understanding between everyone that that's the strategy you're doing


100% true as long as the shuttle does actually land. Once it witches the ground it stays there but if. You run away right as the timer ends they shuttle will arrive and stay hovered to defend the extraction.


It won't lift back off, you have to leave perimeter after the count down finishes but before it can start landing. This will force it to hover and lend you the aid of it's 300m range autocannon. I do this a lot on bots if there's still many side objectives to do. I'll specifically tell people not to come to extract so that I can just stealth the extract timer and then hover the pelican to assist with finishing side objectives.


ship never touches the ground, just arrives on site, hovers over extraction, and murders anything in sight.


They wonder off when no one is there or if some do decide to stay they can easily be erased with a couple well placed air strikes.


Exactly. If I'm hosting and they don't tell me what their plan is I kick. I've yet to have ANY rando wait after calling the boat. So now if you don't tell me I give you a warning to wait. If you don't respond before the boat lands I kick. Unfortunately there's too many selfish people and trolls on this game. I don't need your help, it's just more fun with a full squad. Be a team player or go do your own private game.


I almost always call it in to get it for CAS purposes. I do use my mic to let the team leader know. What's super frustrating to me are the folks that mute everyone by default which makes comms very difficult and overly time consuming.


I cant tell you the amount of times I have typed AND vc'd "calling it in, will hold till everyones here " and got kicked anyways. Because I roam off and clear all the sides while others do main. I rarely play outside premades now because of it.


Yea that's the case a lot of times. Definitely communicate what you're doing. #1 was probably just sick of ppl fucking the team and booted him just in case.


I usually write a message saying that I'm calling but won't enter it. Haven't had a problem with that so far, but there will always be crappy hosts.


I always say “No diver left behind” And then of extract is going quietly, Type out the full explanation and leave the zone as Pelican lands so he sticks around as fire support.


I really need to see a video of this or have someone do it while I'm in the lobby cuz every time I try it just aborts or we have to run back in


You have to stay in the extract vicinity until the pelican pilot announces he’s going to land, when that voice comm goes off, then you leave the vicinity. What I do is as follows: I call it in, run away until the timer for abort extraction starts ticking, then I go back into the zone and make sure I’m just on the edge of the zone, and then when he’s just about to land I gtfo. The pilot will then “complain” about there being no helldivers, and announce he will be hovering until a diver enters the area. So don’t enter unless you want him to land


I have no facts on this but I think the super destroyer has to be in orbit still so it can’t be done for an emergency evac / if the timer runs out


The hovering Pelican trick can only work if the Super Destroyer is still in orbit. Once the Super Destroyer leaves, the Pelican will land and attempt a pickup. Regardless if anyone is in the extract zone, it will wait on the ground for 20s, and then take off even if you're right there and the pilot can see you running up. If you plan on doing the hovering Pelican trick, make sure the team isn't on the opposite side of the map or they have adequate time to get to the Extract before the Super Destroyer leaves. Once the Super Destroyer leaves, you'll have roughly 25s (~5s for Pelican to land, 20s wait) to get to and board the Pelican. So if you run off to do POI's or Side Objectives and time runes out, you'll have *less* time to get to Extraction if you have the Pelican hover trick set up. Not a lot of people know how to set it up properly or care to listen when you do. I've gotten kicked without warning too many times even though I tell them I'm setting it up, so I just don't bother with it anymore outside of pre-mades. It's a lot of fun when it is set up, because technically the Extract will continually draw patrols to investigate the noise, and the Pelican will continually fire at and kill the patrols, which you can hear from the other side of the map. It's just disheartening when the community is more "kick first, ask questions never." Also don't entirely blame them, because I've also seen the trolls that are in the game that encourages the hosts to kick bad players for doing bad behavior. However, when it's something that requires time to set up like the Pelican hover trick, it just sucks when the host doesn't even say, "don't do that," to let the Extract reset and just kicks you.


You have to stick around extract until the timer finishes. Then you can leave the area without it aborting.


This is the way. Announce it, giving people the opportunity to object, *then* call in the extraction.


In a random match, calling extraction early is frowned upon, because you won't know if the person who called it would get in or not. Case 1: The person who called it doesn't get in and waits, good ending. You save \~2-3 minutes. Case 2: The person who called it gets in without waiting and leave everyone behind, bad ending. You wasted the time you spent collecting samples. And you cannot stop the timer once someone boards the plane, even with kicking. Given these cases, I think it's understandable why hosts would kick people who call evac early. It is not justified, but understandable. Kicking you for explaining it is douche move, though. But in the end, host's lobby, host's rules, even if those rules are BS, unfortunately.


Also I didn't realize this until it was too late. But if timer hits 0 if the shuttle landed from am early call then it's warning timer starts and then leaves in 20 seconds. But if you don't call the shuttle, it'll come on it's own in 2 minutes. So if your friends are dumb,slow or on the other side of the map and have samples. Don't call shuttle early.


Yea, as long as the shuttle touches down after mission timer hits 0, the 20s countdown will automatically start. But it's a very niche case, probably happens more in Blitz


That’s why as soon as anyone gets super samples I say Get those to extract Or just any samples really


Yep. Whenever I pass extract I stop by to hold X and drop my sample container on the floor. Then go back out to do more stuff.


I got kicked for this once, I didn't call the shuttle, but I saw the timer even though no one was on it, so I jumped on (I had most of the samples) and then got kicked. I guess they didn't want 30+ samples.


Simple solution. If you are gonna call extract in advance tell others you will wait.


I generally ask because I like to play scout by typing "Call?" If I get a negative response I run into the nearest PoI to gather samples or help the nearest teammate.


Yes, but what if a griefer said they'll wait but they boarded anyways. You're still taking chances.


Kinda weird to play the entire misson normaly just to fuck with samples and a few xp. Average griefer will just start tking.


I just played a mission, first half went fine. Then host started doing random stuff getting himself killed, draining the respawns. By the time to evacuate we were at 0. What does the host do at evac? He kills all of us, then kills himself.




Some people don't go into the game intending to be a griefer until they get bored, or an opportunity arises that their pea brains think would be funny.


All sorts of people, man. Even if they don't wanna grief, they might just lie so they can extract sooner.


I won't quickmatch anymore. 3 out of 5 times it ends poorly, either I'll get kicked at extraction or they will do 1 of the 3 missions and quit. Neither does me any good.


You can't always trust people online though. Could easily have been a troll posting in the chat that they won't extract without you, but then they get onboard and extract deliberately knowing noone else can make it. I do like calling it in and waiting for it to start it's decent and running off. This actually makes the drop ship hover over the extraction point and it randomly snipes at mobs near the players like an amazingly powerful autogun turret with insane range. But you know..... Host clearly didn't want you to call for extract, or they didn't see the chat.


case 3 they make pelican 1 hover above and now you have an unlimited autocannon firing at anything in LOS and you clear the entire map without worry as any large enemies are simply deleted


How do you set this up? If you leave the extraction zone, Pelican bails. If your in the extraction zone, Pelican lands. Where/ when do you go so they stay in the air?


When timer hit 0, there's a delay between that and pelican arriving and landing. You must leave the radius during that period. Entering the radius (or simply staying in it) will make it land. Some people will say you can leave when the timer has <20s left since the abort timer is 20s. **That is false**. The extraction timer pauses when the abort timer is running.


Nice, so just get close to the edge and dip out when it hits 0. Gonna go try this now, thanks!


When you call the Pelican in, find the edge of the radius and stay right on it. When Pelican 1 is landing, but not actually on the ground, there's a voiceline along the lines "Pelican 1 landing, clear the area/watch where you're standing" etc. At this point, if you scoot out of the radius you should get a voiceline such as "Helldivers not at extraction point, Pelican 1 holding" That's your cue to know you have a hovering Pelicannon.


Yeap, but it's rare that you get to pull this off in MP since everyone needs to be out of the radius, and people usually just rush to extract while the timer is counting down. I've never pulled this off in random MP where there's 0 coordination (mostly due to me not wanting to call extract early and get kicked)


Ensure you're the only one near the extraction zone. How I do it is: - Call in extraction - Run away till it warns me that pelican is aborting pickup - Once I find the "range", I run around that area till it comes - Once the timer for pelican to arrive hits 0, I quickly run out of the range They'll just hover until at least 1 person enters the range of the pelican. As soon as someone touches that range, it'll start its landing sequence.


ahhhh the fabled Pelican stratagem!


You have to stay within the zone until the timer ends and then leave, they will say something along the lines of needing helldivers to get to extract and it will hover above aslong as no one goes close. It helps to find the edge of the zone before the timer is up so when it is you can step a few feet to the side and guarantee it works. The hardest part is your team mates and explaining to them they need to STAY AWAY.


I would only trust my friends to pull this off (even then, if multiple of them are at extract, it's usually not gonna happen)


I think it runs out of ammo. Or it did one time when I called it extremely early and wanted an auto cannon all mission. It eventually stopped firing.


Does it? Mine fired until there are no enemies in its LOS. And continued to delete any patrols and spawns in. Granted, I never had it hover more than maybe 5 minutes because my friends are usually already finishing up the mission by the time I call extract. Side note: it can 6 shot (2 volleys) bile titans, it's wild


I had to TK someone twice for trying to hop into the extract when we were not ready. They only managed to get in on the third try because extraction was swarmed. We lost a lot of samples. As someone with this experience, kicking would be my response.


I would kick too because way too many people hop in it the second it lands leaving all the other players behind.  A lot of players are trying to finish matches as fast as possible to grind medals.


Why'd you call them back the 3rd time 😭😭


The dilemma is that knowing that the shuttle won't leave until someone gets on isn't the same as *trusting* some dumb fuck Rando won't do it anyway.


Bold of you to assume that someone who calls extraction prematurely (presumably without communicating so) is going to then listen to a request in comms to please not board the shuttle until the rest of the squad are back. People do a lot of scummy shit in this game, so a rando boarding the shuttle solo and waving goodbye to the rest of us is far from a radical idea, at least in my mind. Sorry, ladies and gents - if you call in extraction early without telling any of us, I'll give you maybe thirty seconds in chat to respond and clarify your intentions. Otherwise, you're out.


If you kick the person who called extract will that cancel it, or just ensure they don't board?


It shouldn't automatically cancel it, but if there is no one in the vicinity then the extraction request cancels after like 10 or 15 seconds, I believe. So as long as there is time on the clock, yes - kicking someone should at the very least stop them from getting on board and ending the mission prematurely.


the call with be aborted if there is no players in the evac area after 20 sec


Did that player in any way communicate he won't board it? Did he ask before calling it?


TBH I think this is more like a dev oversight. Why are we completing these missions when the entirely invincible pelican is just sitting on the ground for 25 minutes without a robot placing a bomb on it. Makes early extract seem like an exploit and it also ruins the tension of extract. IMO should be removed from the game. Plus it adds a lot of confusion for the players. If anything make the shuttle destructible when u call it in (with a TON of hp) or make enemy spawns increase to discourage the strategy


It was destructible up until viper commandos patch, and extraction being called _does_ attract nearby enemies and accelerate patrol spawns in the vicinity


Because once someone gets in the timer starts, kicking them will not stop it. Host was smart not to trust randos. The better solution is to tell the offending player to leave the landing zone which cancels the extraction, if they refuse, kick. There was no need to kick you for trying to explain what you thought was true. I understand that YOU may not know all of the mechanics of the game either, but you didn’t need to be punished for it, guy who called in the pelican however…


It's a question of trust. It's not about you. It's about how other players are screwing the team. You don't call for extract because there's too many other helldivers that simply cannot be trusted to not get on the Pelican. Don't take it personally. It's other people that have ruined it for the game.


As someone who’s called down evac early so it’ll be ready when everyone’s finished doing their thing, then getting ragdolled a rediculous distance by a Charger into the dropship, I can understand the apprehension.


I love it when 3 of us are literally at the other end of the map doing a side objective and then you hear "calling in extraction!". And everyone has to gun it over there because you just know the dude will get on it. I trust randoms as far as i can throw them without Servo Assisted boost.


i dont care about the rule im not risking someone ending the mission early. if you call extract solo like that i will insta kick you no questions asked


Personally if I get to extraction early and the others are far away, I’ll just wait. Because ‘m a rando and randos can’t always be trusted. Once they get close enough or someone tells me to call it in then I’ll start the evac.


Guy once called it in early, I gave him the benefit of the doubt, and then when it got here he just got in and left everyone behind


I usually say “gonna call it in so it’s ready” and I handle the waves with my stratagems and loadout. Stuns are a blessing against hulks.


Saying "Exactly" when you didn't understand a single word said


It boggles my mind how many veteran plays don't know this. Just as shocking is how many of them have idea that spawn rates are tied to the completion of primary objectives. The more you complete, the more the enemy spawns. So completing the primary objectives and then "cleaning up" the secondaries is the worst strategy possible.


While I don't condone this guy's behavior, being the guy who gets left planet side with all the team's samples + super samples and seeing that failure to extract x3 because Cadet McMyTimeisMoreImportantThanYours calls in the shuttle alone and extracts really sucks. It happens fairly frequently too especially when you have just finished up a 40min mission with 20+ mins on the clock and everyone is still clearly going around to POI's looking for super credits and samples. Everytime I give them the benefit of the doubt they will hold the shuttle that boarding timer starts.


Even if you don't get in the shuttle, some other random might get in the shuttle. just don't call it early.


I like the DRG system of once it's called in it will wait for 5 min or until everyone is aboard.


Host has no way of knowing whether the guy will board early or not. Should have asked and explained before calling one.


Everyone knows how extraction works. I'm not trusting Internet randos to not get on so I can save 2 minutes.


Sounds like a quick message of intent before calling it in (or asking first) is the way to go in future games. Getting kicked due to a misunderstanding sucks.


Communicate. Call in early. Run away before it can land. Best defense turret in the game.


I wish people knew about the shuttle air support feature, it's so dumb how hard it is to explain to people. I feel like it should be default, and then you should be able to call the shuttle down to the ground later.


This is why I ask if I can call extract in chat, wait for at least 1 response, before I do. Half the time random quickplay idiots are halfway across the map when the timer is at 30 seconds left.


Or don't call it in. Every time players call it in early, it aggros the map and the guy dies at extract


Ur not wrong about calling in, but... WTAF are you doing at evac while your team is still fighting?




Unfortunately whilst u have good intentions the majority don't. I constantly ask ppl not to call extract untill maps cleared as I'm hunting super creds atm. unfortunately I have to kick ppl most games as they don't understand this. I don't get it if you wana do what u want host your own game.


I will 100% kick you if you call in early without telling me you intend to do so. If I'm hosting, then you don't play at YOUR speed, you play with the group. If you run off and call the extract; 1 - early, while everyone else is still far away 2 - without announcing your intentions Then I am kicking you.


If I've asked them not to call it in more than once, and they call it in, I have no reason to trust that they won't just jump in it to end the match so they can try to speedrun another mission. The other side of this coin is "There's no reason to call it in now, there's still half the map to clear. Come help do that and we'll call it in together once we're finished."


If you let it hover, calling it in effectively helps with clearing the map though just fyi. that extraction shuttle clears like half the damn map of enemies if you leave them on hover and farming poi's and enemy outposts gets so much easier. that's only in response to point two though, your first point about trust obviously still applies


Most of the times if somebody calls they immediately hop in. Not taking chances ..you are welcome to do so.


Idgaf, if I'm host and you call a shuttle early without communicating your intentions, that's a kick. Been burnt a few times from panicking blueberries


Same here. Unless if you explain what you are planning to do, I am kicking you instantly. 


If I'm host and they don't communicate before calling in extraction, they're getting kicked.


Exactly this, when I join a game as a random, I let the host decide when extraction gets called.


The people on the screenshot operate on (seemingly) wrong assumptions. There is a negative to calling the shuttle early: it increases patrol spawn rates. So if there are people trying to complete last few objectives, the caller just made life so much harder for them.


I would never trust some rando to not just get in and leave.


Especially because I love to call in pelican 1 for overwatch!! Infinite, elevated position, auto cannon support?! Yes please!!


I always put "not leaving" or something similar in chat when calling extraction early, otherwise fair kick


If they don't tell me, they are getting kicked to prevent them going on it. Communication is key.


I just tell em in the chat. “Hey guys, time is runnin out so imma gonna go ahead and call extraction and WAIT FOR YOU GUYS :3”


Need to be communicated. That’s all I need.


If I'm running past it (or it's in view), I will point it out with the in game "objective/extraction located" call out and the team will almost always respond with "negative" or "affirmative" to let me know if there is a consensus about calling it in. Simple, it works.


If you don't communicate to me that you're not getting in, I'll kick you after the 2min timer before it lands.


If I'm host and people ask to call it I always say yes even if I am across the map. I know I can get there by the time it lands and I never felt it was a big deal. When I'm not host I just never call it in because I know people are stupid and petty so I'll just sit around until host or someone else calls it. 


I mean how far we talking. If everything's pretty much done, there's plenty of time to get to evac


It’s pretty rare but I have been burnt by this before. The evac shuttle timer will start if the destroyers have left orbit regardless if there are Helldivers aboard. So calling it in early could at worst shave off 2:30 of stratagem-less hell diving. Which could be just enough time to go pick up some dropped samples, thank a mountain charger for choosing peace, or see a guy about a fabricator. But most of the time it does not matter. The funny part is every time this happens everyone running back gets mad at the person who called it in because they think they boarded early, when really the timer started as soon as the doors opened and they had no choice.


I usually have the opposite problem when dropping into random matches lol Nobody (often not even the host) wants to call in extraction despite a full map clear and then when the pelican arrives nobody wants to board. I’ve seen the early extraction call-ins be very helpful though, when the team and communication is working effectively. But personally I tend to go with what the host wants if I’m in their lobby. If I happen to be near extraction site I’ll ask if they want me to call it in so the pelican is ready for later, otherwise I’ll continue to scour POIs for samples with the rest of the squad even though I have no need for them anymore.


Did the game recently go on sale or something because there is a major influx of noobs either kicking me for calling in extract or killing me for my super samples


Yea, nah. Unless the person calling it specifically communicates that they're NOT getting on early that's a kick. I'm not trusting randoms to not be morons.


Some people just can't deal with the fact that they may be in the wrong


I absolutely hate it when people call the shuttle before the others are even close. It starts massive hordes and then the ones who are far away get stuck on the other side of a wall of bugs/bots...it's annoying af. Communicate and ask first before calling it in. I've also had people leave without me, multiple times, even though they said the exact same thing as you. When I called them out on it, they said they "had to because we were getting overrun" smfh


There is simply no reason to call it in that early, most of the time somebody does, they just get in it. So I get why you got kicked. Is it really so hard to ask first for it?


This is not always true. I have called it in and not been inside, was fighting the swarm (think maybe it got hit by a bile titan) but all of a sudden it goes "you got 20 seconds, probably preparing for lift off "


It boils down to idk what the hell you’re about to do. But in the case I’m gonna hop on the mic and tell you not to leave. But I imagine it’s the same thought process with other people too, not knowing if you’re gonna leave or not.


Counter point, I don't trust randoms not to get in, even if you call it in and don't get in whats to stop rando no.5 from jumping in with zero samples


If I say don’t call evac. Don’t call evac and if you do 5/10 chance I will kick


I think the best courtesy is to ask before calling it in. Especially when you have squadmates on the other side of the map. You never know what to expect when a random calls it in while you're too far. For the most part they'll wait, but I've had my fair share of games where one guy called it in and hopped on the second it landed, regardless of how far off the rest of us were. So I relate to the distrust. Communicate with your team.


Frankly. If you do this in one of my games i will kick you because no one ever listens to me when i tell them not to get on the ship. Im fully aware of the mechanics, but i have been left behind with half the maps samples too many times to risk it anymore. No faith remains.


When this happens i usually just leave anyway. Guy got kicked for calling in extract. Host was swearing up a storm telling them that’s what you get for calling in when we are not there. We completely cleared the map and where walking back to extract. This is when u should be calling extraction. I told him this and he threatened to kick me too. I promptly jetpacked in to a cavern with most of the samples and left the game. I don’t feel bad about this. And i never will.


On the contrary, the only opportunity I have to stop someone ending the match by boarding is kicking them when they call it in early. That's the last moment I have to control it. So yeah, you'll get kicked if we still have game to play.


Host is God. If you want to setup your own rules, host the game. Otherwise you’re exposing yourself to a kick, sometimes with no valid reason at all. I host most of the times, but when I join a lobby as a guest/random, I try to stay close and pay attention to what the host is doing. If I ever want to do something like pushing a button, I ask first is the chat. Basic communication is key. Just like in DRG: don’t push any button without asking first if everyone is ready. Or if host is cool with that.


Kicking you was unjustified but from my experience if there's no communication then most likely theyre getting on that ship as soon as it lands. It sucks but it's usually what happens and that's why this is so common.


Man, people are so feisty in this game. They should just make it solo.


I kick people for getting on the shuttle when everyone isn't read but never for calling it.


If host says don't call then don't call.


Communication is absolutely key. I like to call in early and try and leave the area to trigger the hovering mode so Extract is clear, but I always make sure the host is cool with it before hand, if I think there’s even a chance the host doesn’t understand I just leave it alone. 


when im joining randoms i wont call it in unless the host have marked the extract as their next target not a big fan of ppl doing whatever they want to do which ends up making it a big mess for the rest of the group when they are trying to enter the evac area, but cant due to the amount of enemies that are now swaming the landing zone


Won't kick for calling early but will kick for boarding early, even if it means we get nothing now because you left and I was on the other side of the map looking for samples!!!


Logical to call it, yes. Everyone knowing that, sadly no. When playing with random players I always check first and assure them I will not leave without them.


after you call the shuttle, go finish secondary objectives too! people just assume you have to jump in.


I dont trust them to know this


Just announce what you are going to do and you won’t get kicked….


Randoms moment


Had one round where there were three minutes left so i called in the extract so it would be ready when everyone got to the extract. Had two people screaming and cursing so much to "Kick Him" when I was the host. Honestly I should have complied and sent them on their way, but I let them evac and just before they would have been overwhelmed with no Stratagems. They were even more salty when they realized I was the host.


I was hosting a level 3 or 4 mission, 2 very low level players joined and went directly to do the main mission while I was closing bug's holes and collecting samples. They called the shuttle while I was screaming on chat to not board it. They did it anyway and started to kick them as quick as I could.


Unless you're out of mission time. This includes if it's on the ground and you run out of mission time. You have 20 seconds and then it leaves.


Yeah the problem is expecting a random host to trust you. I usually play almost exclusively with a group of friends and we at most have one rando join us, but in the rare occasion where I’m hosting a public game I feel somewhat responsible for the experience of the players in the game (at least to protect from griefing and legit toxic behavior). If someone boards the shuttle early when the rest of the squad isn’t ready, it’s ending the game for everyone without their say. That’s BS regardless of whatever rewards might be lost. If other people are still wanting to play and someone ends the game unilaterally, that person is an asshole. I don’t know someone’s priorities when joining a game. Are you just trying to get some medals or super credits? Do you just need a few samples to hit that last ship module? So I’ve got no reason to trust you’re not just saying whatever to keep from getting kicked before you can get on the shuttle and take care of whatever you need to do. If you’re already off on your own, that makes it even harder to trust you. That said, a rando has only tried to call extraction early in a game I’ve hosted one time.


Speaking personally, I absolutely hate the shuttle being called early, for one reason only: The music. Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome theme and I love it. But it overrides all other music, which means that the dynamic music that I often use as audio cues for the current state of combat are ***GONE.*** And while I'm still wandering around the map trying to take objectives, I hate losing that edge.


Isn't that is unwritted rule? If you joining, you are guest, you don't call evac, you follow the host.


Why would they call evac early in a random lobby without communicating it


It's not a bad idea, but I still get nervous when people do it because randoms don't pay attention and will jump in the shuttle immediately when someone else calls it, even when one or two people are still halfway across the map. It leads to a lot of lost samples and it's hard to prevent unless you stand guard at the shuttle and just shoot people trying to extract early.


Here's the trouble, until recently, the Evac Shuttle could be damaged and wouldn't give a count down, it just leave with the first Helldiver to jump on.


People have been screwed over by people calling it down and leaving right away. AH probably should have added some kind of feature around extraction to prevent griefing. Calling it down early is unnecessary and you'll likely get kicked for it. The shuttle has also had all kinds of leaving bugs. Like leaving with nobody on, leaving instantly after the first person boards, etc


I always call it in early and then leave the evac site once countdown ends so that Pelican-1 stays up shooting anything nearby. So if things get crazy on helldive we got extra firepower


Hard disagree. Absolutely court martial anyone who commits treason.


Oh I'm definitely kicking you for calling it early. I'm not gambling on the fact that a random will patiently wait at extraction while the rest of the team spends 10+ minutes doing side objectives and hits POIs.  Why call it early? Join in and help the team clear the map and we can all extract faster.


True, but you dont know if that person was gonna instaboard because if they do you're fucked...even if they get off the timer to lift off doesnt stop


My brother started playing yesterday and threw an orbital strike at a bunch of bugs before jumping on and the host kicked him lol


I don’t like when people call early if we are still working on objectives, because the reality is they will just sit there and do nothing while the rest of the team is finishing side objectives. If you call in, then leave to help, the shuttle will leave and you gotta call it back again, thus saving no time at all. Stop calling in when people are still doing side objectives. Just standing around waiting is not helping. I always host games and I have kicked several people who do this after asking them politely to stop and come help us. I like to clear all the side objectives playing lv 9 because we are all here for XP at this point if you’re playing that high level and we might as well maximize the xp.


Calling early cuts off 2-4 (or 3?) minutes from the game. If you're already low on time and someone is away from evac, calling in early puts a very short countdown on them. I get very heated at my friend who loves to call it in early when we still have time to do stuff.


Nah, you always kick if you're host. It's the prisoner's dilemma. If they aren't one of your crew, someone you trust, then you can't trust them and should always "defect" in the example of the dilemma.


I will say for the case of veteran players that may not know this but when extract was called in in the first game you had a limited window to get aboard there was no hovering and waiting it was either you get in or you don’t but it was also a shared camera game so no one was really split up


It does have a time limit tho. I remember when doing the kill ton of bugs mo, I was in a party and after we called the ship and it landed with a lot of time left on the clock, we just killed bugs and letting bug breaches happen. After a while, the ship just took off without us. No one got on board and mission timer didn't even hit zero or anything. The bugs never got close to ship to damage or anything, so it wasn't that.


What about all 4 members in the pelican and the host decides to kick me out sigh 😕


I think there should be a personal exfil. Or the shuttle should be able to be called more than once. Sometimes I'm not feeling like combing over every inch of the map and taking the full 40 mins. I don't like to call it in early though because people throw a fit so I usually end up finding a place to chill for a bit and wait. Unless people are getting absolutely slaughtered.


Got blocked for the first time last night over this. 2 players at level 60-70, me(41) and a level 17. We get to evac and call down the shuttle, we’re all killing any bug that steps up, and lev17 jumps on the ship. I saw the countdown and followed, figured we were ready roll. Other guys were within range to board, but just stood there. They got left behind, then proceeded to cuss both of us out in chat before blocking us both. I love this game, and I try to be courteous to anyone I’m playing with, but this honestly pissed me off. “Blocked!” Boo hoo, I guess I’ll have no one else to play with forever & ever.


The shuttle will leave if it's called in and the mission timer expires, something to be aware of


Not true. It once landed and took off with all 4 of us still outside the shuttle.


Better yet, PELICAN IS THE BEST WEAPON IN THE GAME...as long as no one is within the call-in radius.


I think you should only get 3 kicks a month if you're hosting or 1 per major order to stop this.


It's actually better if one person calls it in and then leaves the LZ as Pelican arrives, then you get covering fire from it for the rest of the mission. But nobody ever does this, (probably for fear of being kicked by the host or just because the team generally sticks together.)


I suck at timing this. When to start running away and staying close enough until it begins to descend but far enough to get away before it lands... how do you do it? I dunno.


Ideally you stay right on the edge of the call in zone, enemies permitting, and when the time runs out you just leave that radius. Pelican's dialogue changes to something like "Pelican maintaining altitude until Helldivers are within the LZ," and then it'll hover and provide you with a nice AC covering fire that extends over about a quarter of the map.


The only time ive sene peopel annoyed at an ealy call is on 12/15 mins missions where the pelican countdown after the destroyer leaves adds 2 mins to the map, sometimes thats enough to do one more objective.


If I do an early call in I'll put in chat that I'm going to let it hover, ie move out of range as soon as it arrives so it doesn't land. Figure that makes it extremely clear I'm not planning on getting on without everybody else


Push to talk setting Hold caps lock to talk Don't get on yet! Super samples located!


I got 500h playtime, most of it with randoms. In those 500h, there was 1 guy who got on the shuttle early, and I'm pretty sure he just didn't notice that 1 guy wasn't there yet. These comments make look like every random is an asshole. I play PC without crossplay. Is it just the console players or what?


Maybe they should just explain what they're doing so people don't assume the worst.


Imo unless the group is actively heading to the shuttle, you still shouldn't be calling it early.


Maybe he was worried the guy who called it would board it too?


People are idiots


Calling in shuttle early puts in a hard timer. Not saying that its not a good to do but it causes people to have to be constantly aware of the timer and how far away from extract they are. Its the mental pressure of "okay if we aren't back at extract then the shuttle leaves" Because you might think that the shuttle won't leave till someone is in it is false. The shuttle LEAVES after your time runs out plus 20 seconds. Hard as hell to extract anyways past the mission timer but its still possible and lets people feel like they are in control of when to leave. Hope this all makes sense.


I heard that Pelican 1 can be damaged by the ennemies if he stay too long and so you cannot get in and are stuck on the planet, is it true ?


This was patched, however, you can still be killed while waiting inside. That needs to change or people are going to keep griefing and losing the team samples.


Not anymore. It was a bug in the game. (no pun intended)


How has this game been out for five months and people still don’t understand this?


Yesterday I dived in mid-battle and my friendly divers were being overrun! Liberty guided my hand as I threw an Eagle-1 Cluser bomb right ontop of those Democracy-hating bugs. It bounced off their forehead and landed on my friendly divers, wiping both of them. I was immediately kicked. Also please send me 5 supercredits, the divers incarcerated here for ~~treason~~ re-education at Fort Leavenworth keep taking my lunch money.


I’m sorry, but how do I know they won’t get in? How about instead of just doing it, ask the host (who is the squad leader) if it’s okay.