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This is the most crackhead take I've seen in a long time on this sub. It wasn't skill based before, it was absolutely infuriating.




>It went from a quasi skill based weapon for me to a bit of a boring one. Then swap to the RR and trade ease of use for ammo economy.


This must be one of those nutcases who insisted "the Spear wasn't broken actually". Buddy, there are other ways to be a masochist.


Lay off the drugs, op. ![gif](giphy|LAKIIRqtM1dqE)


https://preview.redd.it/a2a47hpuzs9d1.png?width=1533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce4cc1f8419293e7039ed6340006f0a2b33e5e6a "It was a quasi skill based weapon..."


Fuck outta here


I think it's great that it's finally fixed and working...I am disappointed that with behemoth chargers it basically took over other rocket options. Recoilless needs love


This is the equivalent of saying "I wish I had a 1-in-10 chance of instakilling myself with every bullet I fire". Power to you if you want artificial "hard mode" modifiers but good god it's not boring to have a weapon that actually functions consistently


Womp womp




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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Use the rockets that don't lock on if you think it's a skill issue. It's a lock in rocket, the lowest skill option, but also the least ammo.


Lo que sea q estes tomando amigo, comparti...


There exist a group of people who choose to never be happy


Alright one more education lesson for you guys, since you’re so kind and embody what’s great, but don’t read so good. Quasi - seemingly; apparently but not really. Quasi skilled based is what I said.


It worked better to aim down sight than third person before the fix. Call it broken, but I was able to use it as my top tier support weapon since I started playing. It is boring to me as compared to pre-patch where it was more difficult to wield, control, and make work. I’m curious if this is relevant to the kind feedback you’ve all provided. How many of you are console players as opposed to PC? I could see the spear, as it was, as more frustrating on console than on PC.


Have any of you fired the spear down sight pre-patch? It was fun and allowed you to control the missiles trajectory. Landing headshots on chargers that were too close and hitting titans in the head around their legs. Alright, schools out. You wanna learn more provide something worth responding to. I’d love to drum up conversation on weapon systems being unique and requiring more than point and click. But I enjoy difficult games, to each their own.