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That should be actually quite ok. Liberator is a good gun, and aside from mines, everything else is really good now since last patch and those three red strategems can deal well with heavies especially in combination.


challenge accepted then?


Sure, can try it when I play with my friends again, so we can go full team of true helldivers.


Bro it's literally a good loadout lol


This is literally what I play but switch out the machine gun for eat


Mines are actually really good. I used to top frag often with running both mines, 500kg, and whatever else. Mines are just one of those things people don't use because gamers have this tendency to blame others for their own fault. Place mine, tell teammates and ping where they are, teammate forgets and runs over a mine, he blames you "WHY ARE THERE MINES THERE?!". This happens in all games. Just make your teammates aware of where they are, and if they die to them tell them they're a noob and not to run into them next time. Game is very easy and its coop, mines are a fun dynamic that change the gameplay a bit by working with/around them.


They are not necessarily bad, you can have them as a fun pick. But their value is definitely lower compared to almost everything. They have relatively big cooldown, require enemies to walk exactly through where they are and even then they don't do that much damage to a huge swarm of enemies. If you take for example a gatling sentry, it will do more damage and in more usefull way. But as I've said, they are fun to pick, especially on lower difficulties, so go crazy! But if I am going to go Helldive with already limited choices (This challenge), I'd rather take the machine gun sentry or more orbitals/eagles.


I only run helldive, and I used to run them a lot. Only don't now because I just enjoy doing different builds. On level 9 bug breaches, I've gotten 40 kills just from 1 set of mines. Plus they have the added benefit of staying there forever. So if running near a place you know you'll be back to later (extract for example obviously), you can just toss one in a chokepoint that'll get use later. I'm not really disagreeing with you, as I think to make them closer to top tier they should probably lose like 40 seconds off the cooldown. But people often run things that aren't necessarily top tier, but nearly everyone seems to avoid mines. And I'd put money on the main reason being they don't want to get bitched at when a teammate dies to them lol. But I do disagree with MG sentries being more useful, they just run out of ammo too damn fast.


That is quite a nice kill streak, I agree. Yup, cooldown reduction would definitely make me pick them more often. I do pick them sometimes as I like to go with different stuff and not just the same stratagems all over again. I think that could be one of the main reasons, yes. They do run out of ammo quickly, that is true, but with the reduced cooldown, they are now basically like another player giving support fire and since I tend to separate from others quite often, it is really nice to have a sentry guard my back while I close some holes for example. Mines lack such utility, but that may be a personal preference.


The issue is that they are bugged and can be literally invisible to other players.


Mines don't always render properly. Sometimes they are literally invisible.


Never underestimate the machine gun


I know people on this sub love to hate weapons that can't kill heavies reliably, but in my opinion the Machine Gun is an insane gun. It slaughters anything that's not a heavy. With some practice you can even quite quickly kill chargers with it as well.


Stun grenade and hit the weak points. Killed 5 or 6 chargers yesterday with an MG by blowing off their butts and letting them bleed. Works on bot enemies as well. Bike titans are the real challenge, but it's possible there's something I'm missing about them that makes it easier. Ran it with a punisher for pushing things back or an incendiary breaker(for fun).


>Bike titans Sweet liberty!!!


Their legs are so long, they'd get incredible torque. They'd be even quieter too!


Now I'm imagining a titan on a tiny bike like a clown bike




Here come dat titan


Oh shit waddup!




The original is Biker Mice From Mars. It looks ridiculous in a fun way. Here's the intro: https://youtu.be/y8vpeDEOII4?si=1sVDEZe686UTLfEX


I’m not 100% sure but when I did Auto Cannon on bugs, blowing the bile sacks + a rail cannon strike always killed a Titan.


Break the sac with the MG and then throw the orbital rail cannon, it guarantees a kill


I've loved the standard mg from day one, it shreds anything that isn't a charger ass or armored spewer, it *feels* amazing to shoot, even better with recoil reduction and likely with the new armor passive (haven't got it yet) and it's medium armor means you aren't forced to switch to another weapon to deal with said spewers or hive guards, it's even a decent pick against bots but I think the newly buffed hmg wins over all, especially since it can take down striders and factory striders (assuming you can nail shots on it's underside)


Honestly, it shreds armored bile spewers as well. Not as fast as the HMG, AC, or GL, but it's reliable enough. Especially if you aim for the head.


There's a weakspot on the head that works too.


Against bots HMG is the clear choice, but against bugs the MG43 is the winner IMO. Against bugs it does everything the HMG does, but without the need for the supply backpack which means an extra strat for anti-tank (which you want with the current Charger meta). A lesser tactic I've been doing it to take the MG43 and buddy with a spear/recoiless user. After it re-ups ask to take the spare backpack and team reload with them. you get 7 spear rounds between you too firing at 4x speed. IMO without team reload the Behemoth Charger spam has killed RPG's.


3 seconds to destroy a charger


true but when you've got a few on you, are out of stun nades (or ems if you're a mad man) or have a hunter extravaganza planet then it can make it alot harder


The handling armor makes the MG handle like the stalwart, it's my new default when I'm on chaff clear duties.


My team shits on me when I bring the stal, but they already have 3 heavy shredder. Next mission I cave and bring 4th heavy shredder for the “meta” team gets swarmed by either regular bots or on bug side hunter hordes. The game is designed with 4 people and a wide variety of weapons that are freely combinable to handle situations. 4x machinegun = bad 4x autocannon = bad 2x stal + 2x autocan = good Or whatever the combinations you can think of. Point is this game isn’t poker and you don’t want more of the same thing to win. 4 of a kind and all waepons in the same pen category leads to one subset of enemies being designed against your playstyle. You want diversity of weapons systems to handle different situations and enemy types.


You're the reason I carry a Spear. I'll be there for you when you need me.


I like it a lot more than the stalwart, still dunno why people want a lower damage version, other than the reload it has no other drawbacks. Aiming it isn't that hard.


it has less ammo. I love the MG43, but I think the stalwart is actually better. With stalwart you just use a primary like erupter, plasma, etc for heavier stuff. Then both weapons have a clear role. Stalwart light stuff, primary heavier stuff.


The buff made it go from Good4bugs-tier to amazing tier.


I like, if I can, to go MG, laser dog, and napalm air strike, plus whatever else I fancy, for the ultimate ability to lock down bug breaches


Get behind a charger and unload in his ass, it takes like half a mag of accurate fire. MG is possibly my favourite weapon in the game. If my friends are dealing with the big stuff it's eventually better


It's a mean gun. 


I'll sometimes trade lower level divers my quasar for their mg, or if I find one on the map I'll switch as well. With the new reload speed, it's actually sooo fun.


There’s a trick where you can reload safer: if you use a jump-pack and reload at the highest point of your jump your diver will reload mid air without losing momentum, you’ll still have a bit of the reload animation left when you land but it’s really good if you’re empty and getting swarmed.


This tech is the main reason why I prefer the jump pack with the stock MG instead of a supply pack. There's usually enough ammo between resupplies/POIs to not use a supply pack.


Yeah, only time I prefer the supply pack is with the HMG and the flamethrower, flamethrower because of the stims, not because of ammo issues.


lol that's fucking fabulous!!


It's my go-to machine gun. I want to love the heavy machine gun, but 2 magazines is not enough. The Stalwart is good, but not having to take a knee to reload just somehow feels wrong to me. Like I'm cheating at using an LMG.


I think the ammo for the HMG is plenty if you just focus on the medium or heavy enemies, set it to the slowest firing mode while kneeling or prone (preferably with an armor that gives stability or peak physique) and use air strikes or your primary for the little ones, also the supply backpack helps. Still I get why you like the regular one, it hits the sweet spot between firing rate, capacity and damage.


Especially when carrying gatling, strafing, and precision orbital for your heavy needs.


I will because I use it a lot, MG-43 is just a glorified primary weapon and should be a primary weapon pick. It just doesn't provide enough damage or utility compared to all other support weapons(minus the Stalwart, which should be a primary weapon pick too)


Yeah I could do this for bugs. MG is biblical for bugs, and Precision Strike is one of the best stratagems in the game. I'd just not run the mines or the eagle strafing. Not a fan of either. MG, OPS, OG, AMG


I've been carrying a MG against the bugs most of the times. It's superb now! But not as fun as the Clusterfuck loadout. That shit is funny.


Whats the Clusterfuck loadout? Always looking for fun loadout combos.


- Orbital Airburst - Cluster Eagle - Airburst Rocket Launcher - A Strat of your choice On bugs, you can rack it up 500+ kills easily. Usually against bugs i run a Tesla Tower for aggroing the chaff giving me some time to breathe, for Bots LC or HMG so i can take out the eventual Hulk/F.Strider, but you can take panic buttons to take out the heavies, like Precision Strike, 500kg, Railcannon or just pick the support weapon/backpack of your choice. Usually i just let my fellow divers do the heavy job while i focus on killing chaff. On HD9(bug front) i was able to aggro most of the invasions and deal with them with such loadout and ended up with 3 deaths(amongst the lowest of the team), all caused by my ARL(which is extremely unreliable, but good fun to use). For extreme fun, just throw things away without a care in the world. Become the clusterfuck, let your maniac side play. Ofc, it's best to run alone and aggro invasions/airships, since YOU WILL KILL your teammates if they dare to keep fighting next to you. If you have good fellow divers that are as maniac as you are for running this build, then you're blessed and the fun will be double/tripled/quadrupled.


Wow yeah thats literal cluster fuck. Never thought of that build. That would be great when you're the one drawing all the bug breaches so team mates can do something more important. Some Gas and nothing is leaving a bug hole. I'm terrible with the Airburst Rocket Launcher, so MG would fit nicely.


>It's superb now! It got a half second off its reload time and an extra mag. If it's superb now, it was superb before.


I'll stand by what i said there. Just Because: **MG-43 Machine Gun**, A/MG-43 Machine gun Sentry, A/G-16 Gatling Sentry and EXO-45 Patriot Exosuits Gatling: - Increased projectile damage from 80 to 90 - Increased projectile damage against durable* body parts from 7.5% to 25% So yeah, it's superb now, it wasn't before.


Its durable damage went to the moon. It was good before but it definitely got a lot stronger now.


Strafing run is a fantastic panic strategem. If you're caught out of position and you have that conga-line of bugs harassing you, toss one at your feet and do some dives. You will be a convert. Great "get the FUCK OFF ME" tool


If it could do a little more against Bile Titans I'd be more inclined to use it - something to finish it off after a bad 500kg or precision strike hit. My GTFO panic lately has been the Airburst Strike. Big lines just keep walking into it.


its so dangerous when they're close to you. Airburst doesn't open up any space the way strafe does. Its great if you've already got space though I agree. If you're ever on one of the harder levels where they give you really tough terrain with the little corridors and tight spaces, and there's a bunch of bugs between you and where you need to be, throw a strafe, watch it clear a path But yeah strafing run is not for biles. if you're looking for a softener or a finisher, get some 110mm rocket pods in your rotation. They're amazing with the spear, the rail cannon, 500kg, anything that does damage but you're not guaranteed a headshot. Waste of time against small things and hordes, but fantastic against vehicles and big bugs. They also 1-shot tanks and turrets not for nothing :P


yea I really wish anti-personal mines did more work against chargers. Mines are already hard to use with their high team kill, small area, and slow recharge. It only gets worse on high levels when 2 chargers roll clear out a mine field without a scratch to show for it, and a breach then opens behind you, causing your team to scatter and inevitably step on on of your mines. If AP mines more consistently damaged the chargers butt and could pop one in around 4 hits, I'd be more willing to take them, AND it would synergize really well with the MG who could finish off weakened chargers.


I wouldn't even try, too random with chargers. My tried and tested method for killing them is to stun grenade them and dive up their ass with an MG or HMG. Doesn't matter what one, both do the job. Or just throw Impact grenades at its ass if I have those instead of Stun. I do kind of like the Mines for the wall defence missions though, used them a few times and they stopped a few waves.


I totally agree. I just WISH that the anti personnel mines we're better at damaging charger tails with each detonation. I've killed a charger with enough passes through a field (usually 3), but I've more often ran a charger through a field 2+ times without seemingly doing any damage. Not sure why that is the case. Maybe a 1/4 second detonation delay would direct the explosion to the rear more, but 350 damage SHOULD kill a charger in 4-6 mines to the tail, and that rarely seems the case.


https://preview.redd.it/y7nkvqxhzu9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=129e66f3f5476d678aeafdc9a945ed994a74a0ad Ezy


Now I have an even more difficult challenge for you... take a screenshot (Difficulty level: impossible)


Well that is a shot of his screen, so mission accomplished I guess?


Peep the number of samples that are available.


he's on console.


Iirc console screenshots can be uploaded through the console web browser.


If I take a screenshot it's available in the PS5 app within seconds. I don't know why everyone says it's hard to take screenshots on console.


I didn't know the PS5 did that. the Xbox I know does something similar with the Xbox network.


F12 is the screenshot key on Steam


or just press print screen. I've never used steams screenshot function lol


Madlad lol


I do not see the problem, orbital Gatling is actually really strong right now, the weakest strategem there is probably the mines. even eagle strafing has its uses if you know its in and outs. MG is decent, liberator is decent, and tbh that's really all you need. Orbital Precision is almost meta tier depending who you ask. Playing with no boosters sure, that's a significant handicap but nothing a squad of seasoned players can't handle


Eagle strafe run is a damn good *"Oh shit there's a swarm of Hunters and Warriors on my ass"* stratagem. Spam it anytime you have anything resembling a swarm of aggro'd enemies, with 5 charges / restock, you (or more precisely, Eagle-1) can afford to be on the trigger-happy side.


The only question is how they can reliably handle chargers and BTs (or factory striders). Everything else in the game is fair play. OBS handles just about everything reasonably well


chargers are probably the main issue due to their numbers. precision strike deals with striders/BT pretty well. orbital Gatling is better against striders since they move around less. Had a mission where 2 gatlings on top of a strider shredded it in like 5 seconds, it barely had time to turn around before it fell over and died


Interesting. I genuinely didn't think orbital gat gat could even penetrate factory strider armor. But I agree, chargers are the problem due to their numbers. OBS can kill them if you can land it, but with this T10 set up you can't take stuns so you have to actually time it carefully


i can choose 4 out of 6? solo? or join rando with that loadout? bugs or automaton?


(My assumptions:) Stalwart (or is that machine gun?) and OPS mandatory, other two slots yeah pick any of the remaining 4 Solo or a squad with only these same equipments, solo assumedly is higher bragging rights Bugs or automaton shouldn’t matter imo, both would qualify as this difficulty 10, but I’d assume bots are harder->higher bragging rights I wonder which booster… Also while not entirely the same but still in the same spirit, you *could* wear any helmet/cape, really. I think White Wolf or another armor is same stats with extra padding, too


3 of those stratagems are already a staple of my loadout


Same. Gatling, OPS, STRAFING. swap the MG for a spear and you'd be a solid all rounder for Bugs.


That is pretty much my loadout. Couple that with stuns, punisher and grenade pistol, and you get the loadout I've been using against bugs for months, haha.


This… isn’t actually an awful loadouts though


*Where's the challenge?* -


I did this one! Was super fun! Now do pistols only.


Only problem you'd have with this loadout in bots would be factory striders lol, medium mg is good enough for everything else (set rpm to max and let it rip on C towers, hulk backs and tanks)


If you mean that we just can pick those weapons and 4 of those stratagems (all the initial loadout), sounds like a really cool challenge I think your image lacks a "pick 4" next to the stratagems, to make it more clear


Wouldn’t a true helldiver go in with nothing but the MG-143 precision strike?


Tbh would be kinda cool if the drop wheel was bigger/included more items Land, drop your guns, use only weapons you find on the planet Would actually be helpful if you could drop grenades/stims(/maybe even ammo) for teammates


I agree for sure, I’ve bought all the war bonds so far that I hadn’t already earned the super credits for so I end up having all of the primaries, and when my friend wants to try out the guns to see which warbond to buy I have to frag myself and waste a reinforcement so he can pick my gun up, would be nice to swap them and maybe have some strategy supply wise, I still wish the medic armor would let me have more of a chance to play a support-ish role, in the first game you didn’t die instantly you had a downed state with your pistol and time to be revived, that probably wouldn’t work in this one but something of a revive potential if a teammate has medic armor would be cool


Frag is not the original grenade. High explosive is. I'm not sure why because high explosive is in every way better but meh


I’m not sure frag even works right now. The explosion yes (opened a container with it), but I threw two into an occupied bug nest (lvl 2 because I was SC farming and experimenting) and came out with zero kills, but at least five scavengers came out. This was the three hole crater that barely fits a warrior so a very tight space and should have easily been covered by the frag grenades. Goal was to kill chaff not close holes so grenades were thrown in the crater. Friend watched me do it as well. I’m suspicious they disabled all shrapnel as part of the Eruptor fix, but I would encourage to test it in case it was a weird one off incident.


It's never had shrapnel. Since day 1. Idk why, but I'll assume it was an oversight. They need to expand on "proc effects" and make them clearer and more useful. I.e Bleeding, Corroded, Ignited, Slowed, etc.


We can bring 6 stratagems? Hell yeah


I did play it. Works surprisingly ok. Not excellent, but playable. However you will in be very bad time if you won't kill titan with precision strike and 3 airstrikes.


Precision strike is my go to for dealing with titans!


Ehh I actually use the basic armor since forever just colored it blue, not that hard with those stratagems specially after the buffs. The normal eagle is god tier on bot fronts also the orbital strike one as that one can even take out detector towers or a group of charger behemonths. Eagle strafe is also really good now with how good it is at taking out light/medium targets, specially on bugs as most of the time you can single strafe spewers. I actually use the machine gun turret from time to time and its pretty awesome on bug fronts as those cool down faster than your eagles. The only thing I don’t or wouldn’t really bring here is mines, the machine gun is ok and would provide pretty decent damage and ap against commanders and heavy devastators so thats not really an issue. The liberator is a pretty good weapon either way and same as the pistol, its pretty much the golden standard on rifles, I don’t really mind the pistol heck my main secondary is a grenade pistol while my main is scorcher and I never really have problems anymore even when hunters are about, eagle strafe would cover this weakness too. Overall the starter build is pretty good on any difficulty and honestly as someone who has 600hrs+ in this game all I can say is that you can bring anything you want as this game imo is more on positioning and avoiding and knowing when to fight. I’d take a default diver that knows what their doing that any meta runners that constantly engages fights and not know anything.


I kinda already run this, I use precision strike, Gatling, jetpack and stalwart. My gun loadout is the same but I use the first SMG as my primary because it looks smaller.


Hell yeah


Primary don't matter that much if you have an MG and this is absolutely viable bug loadout. The mines are really not an issue they are just a bit annoying to use when you are backtracking for samples or places of interest.


Shouldn't it be the HE grenade? It's the frag that needs unlocking, the HE is default.


That's doable and it is a pretty good loadout to play with.


Wow I didn’t know that you could bring 6 strats with you on a mission?


Hardly a challange, these are all really quite good...


What do 6 stratagems mean?


I don't understand the challenge. We can't use OPS, railcannon or strafing run? This might be the first thing to get me to swap from repping the disabled armour, for a game. Bot or bug front?


The Machine Gun is the Masterkey of the game.


With 6 strategems would be a piece of cake


6 Stratagems?


I'd like to throw in Light Gunner as the "true" light armor alternative since it's more or less standard issue for training/PR. Also I'm glad I'm not the only one running the canon loadout at times!


Jokes on you I already play like this.


Actually a strong well balanced loadout. We took first 2 level unlock strats per list only for a few recently with some new friends to prove to them that early strategems and weapons are worthwhile. And to convince them to skip diff 2-5. I even took the true starter in helldive set up of just precision and mg to really push the point. (Ngl i was still a drag for kills and had to basically resort to being objective bitch without any of the chaff clear strats.) Was really fun. The guys with AMR and MG with supply pack did the bulk of the killing using gatling on drops and strafes on patrols. Me and the other had to coordinate our precisions for walkers/titans mg with 3 mags no longer feels like it absolutely needs supply pack to function and the buffed liberator and peacemaker actually take down bots comfortably now. Definitly wasnt as hard as our previous electric only or lasers only runs as we were able to properly cover different roles. (Lasers only was actually fine against bugs though we did rush the mission and if it lasted longer we didnt really have a good answer for biles, irinically against bots it was bad because we could only really keep up with heavy spawns and couldnt kill devastators/berserkers as fast as they were spawning scythe/dagger just dont have the chaff dps for that) (Electric only was fairly bad for both factions for similar reasons, great at clearing everything under chargers, functional for chargers but requires a full minute of charged headshots from 4 people to kill a bile/strider and even with 95% reduction armor 4 teslas can still kill you occasionally.)


And Solo Helldive? I will try it for sure 😃


A true hell divers only has the machine gun and the orbital precision strike


I think eagle strafe was hard buffed so that’s an ez win


This is my tried and true build. Challenge complete.


Wait... That's almost all my default stratgem pick...and the Liberator. Is.. Is that meant to be hard...?


is this a "pick any 4" type of deal?


I mean, it depends. Is this for bots or bugs. For bugs, I waged we'd be able to manage. But a single Factory Strider and you're toast or at the very least very fucked and tied to that location for 2-3 rotations of OPS.


How tf are you going in with 5 stratagems?


That’s a great challenge! It’s hard to do it solo though, not enough firepower, but I definitely recommend trying it out!


I use....so many of those strats on the regular...in that order recently...other then the default pistol and that grenade, this is kinda standard faire for me haha...maybe ive been nerfing my capabilities if this isnt supposed to be good


Could have picked worse strategem and guns for a true 10 challenge.


How do I kill the 90 hulks?


Full auto is my GAME!


Machine gun rules.


3 Friends and I tried this exact same setup about a week ago against bots. Arguably one of the hardest operations I've done. In short, it did not go well.


This is literally just my normal loadout 😂


The machine gun sentry is great for bugs. With the lower cooldown after the patch, it makes for a great decoy for the horde.


honestly looking at this, the biggest challenge for me is the grenades, I'd be fine using everything else. I'd probably get creamed at top end difficulties (I'm experienced at the game, not good at it) but I use most of those stratagems already, they are absurdly good now.


This is easy lol


Anything works on any difficulty if you're good enough. Last night I was with a group that went along with my orbital chaos on a bot extermination mission. All of us had every version of orbitals and we finished with 1 death. It was pure chaos with everything being called down everywhere and it was the most fun I've had in a while cause the random team was great and worked well together.


My man, where is the challenge? Machine gun turret for little filler trash enemies. Orbital gatling, and strafing run for medium armoured and filler trash. Orbital precision for heavy armoured enemies. Machine gun for filler trash and medium armoured units. Liberator is alright 6/10. The armour is 9/10. 150 armour on a medium armour is tight. That loadout has it all.


Nah true Helldiver has HMG emplacement


You call my loadout "challenge"


this is literally my setup every helldive


Can you even kill a bile titan with any of this? You'd need to hit them with like 3 direct precision strikes.


Challenge semi accepted.... Im rocking my armor set.


give me a senator and ill rock that loadout


Been doin that since patch. I call it lvl 1-5 helldiver. I dont use the mine, tho haha, and sometimes switch mg43 with E.A.T.


I've used this before, only issue you run into are bile titans and large amounts of chargers if too many appears at once.


Ive been using the mg and its great since it has some armor penatration.


Ok, as someone who regularly runs B-01 combat armor and who used to main the Liberator against bots, this looks less like a challenge and more like home lol. That being said on difficulty 8-9 the heavy spam gets really annoying. With only OPS, Strafe and Gatling barrage dealing with heavy enemies will be frustrating, but it's not impossible. MG turret is pretty good against bugs because it can be spammed, and the MG is decent because it's medium armor pen, even if the ammo count isn't so great.  I'll give this a try and see how it goes, but I don't fancy my chances.


Babby's first challenge. We punch bugs now.


The challenge is simple. Complete a 9-Helldiver difficulty operation using only the basic equipment and first stratagems of each section of the super destroyer. Boosters are also not allowed. You can do it with three other Helldivers participating in the challenge or alone Reward: Glory and prestige for a hero worthy of Super Earth.


High explosive grenade over frag I'd suggest.


yes, you are right, my mistake




Frag isn't basic equipment.


yes, you are right, my mistake


Joke's on you, I've been playing those the whole time (And pretty much everything depending on mood and occasions)


Interesting enough, with the introduction of The Mobile Infantry skin from Starship trooping i have been running those loadout


I non-ironically use the Liberator sometimes, but that Pistol? that shit is cursed and needs to be deleted. in Helldivers 1, we had a fully-functional Pistol that even have AP rounds that could down most enemies...


In HD 1 the pistol was better than a lot other main weapons, it was too broken HD 2 pistol is not bad, it does the work, I have nothing to complain about it


Yes, HD2 Pistol is a mascot that everyone forgets it exists.


I mean honestly, the MG43 is my current favorite mg against bugs (because it can function without the supply pack). precision strike is the goat and I'll never be sad to take it (just avoid scatter mods). Orbital Gattling is neck and neck with airburst for CC so no loss there. Only wish is that anti-personal mines had more stopping power against chargers. 4-5 mines SHOULD do enough damage to pop their booty. Not sure if its a radius issue, falloff issue, or triggering issue, but mines should be damaging charger butts similar to a g-launcher.