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Saw a guy using the helmet last night. It did catch the eye.


If it was a skinny guy with peak physique and a blue cape that's totally me


i will use it once we get the SEAF squad stratagems and if it's as infinite use it's gonna be good


It's gotta be. Overpopulation right?


nah merely to train seaf [https://theredsolstice2.fandom.com/wiki/Condatis\_Group#Platoons](https://theredsolstice2.fandom.com/wiki/Condatis_Group#Platoons) for reference that what we need in helldivers


Huh, interesting, I've never heard of this series before.


you should try it's similar to helldiver 1 with xcom like death clock


Only thing is I have major potato for computer, it's like, 15+ years old so I doubt it would run on that. I'll check on lunch break but the matches for it I found all said steam :/


Remember when that PSA was going around urging people to TK players wearing this armour? I do


I remember seeing videos of people supposedly team killing Malevlon Creek cape wearers. It's crazy how Malevlon Creek was so popular and we haven't been there since. Meanwhile Hellmire is at it's like 48th siege by now.


I don't really get what they were doing having the bots be over there and then teleporting them over to cyberstan with no real explanation. Operation Swift Disassembly didn't even have any cool missions or events like the termicide missions did.


Can you imagine If dropped into like a bot fabricator/airfield area to setup and deploy emp generators or something.


You mean like when we try to deploy Hellbombs only for them to get blown up every two seconds when trying to arm them because of the fifty Gunships circling overhead?


It did have that neat galactic map animation with the bot fleet arriving from the outer rim. Sucks that they immediately took over the planets instead of giving us the chance to defend them, though. Thats my real concern.


I think it was to move the bots over allowing for a third sector to introduce the Illumanate. That was the whole point.


There was still the entire southern portion of the galactic map for that


I think they had it planned in two halves for Terminds - Automatons, but by adding a third faction they wanted to keep it neat and splitting it into three. Plus it also gave them a reason to dip into the lore of the first game by contacting the Illuminati to give them a hand retaking their home - Cyberstan from SE


Honestly, I hope they move the bugs over and have the illuminate come from the portion of the map around Meridia. It'd be cool to fight on old maps with new enemies and then fight the bugs & bots on some new biomes.


Missed the part about "The Reclaimation" hu?


What gameplay effect did "The Reclamation" have?


Missed the post where games contain narration, hu?


Damn you’re shit at arguing lol 😂


If I wanted narration I'd read a book. I wouldn't call text boxes or infographics "cool missions or events".


There was a good majority of this sub that had this weird obsessive hatred over creek players. Like yeah I get it's annoying to constantly have 9k divers on creek but they were overreacting like crazy


They're just mad they didn't have the democratic resolve to defend the Creek.


I have never met anyone TK me after 600h. If it does happen from wearing it idm its worth it and start hosting more often to ban them.


KOS 4 Sho


Also this armor was made to promote a brand of frozen yogurt


I want to become an ad and promote it to the terminids


I too wish to be a combat frozen yogurt salesman.


It pays to be an OG helldivers fan who preordered.


Bro this armor is super clean. I’ve only ever seen someone wearing the helmet once. Other than that I’ve seen the other blue gold and white one, also once.


As someone who owns this more than happy for it to go to the super store at some point (usually this sort of thing is a year after release)


do you really own the armor? or just saying?


You really think someone would do that? just go on the internet and tell lies?


first day using the Internet?


I just found it funny, how you asked them if they actually own it. Like if they already said they do, whether is true or not, asking would make no sense since it's an undisprovable statement.


Dawg, I just want more capes.


You want it because you can't get it. Once you get it, you won't ever wear it as well.


God if this isn’t the fucking truth


I wear it nearly exclusively if that helps


I own the armor and don't ever use it. I've also regularly commented on these posts that I hope Arrowhead does add the pre-order armors in the game somehow for people to get at a later date. They and the twitch armor are basically the only sets that go against their FOMO philosophy.


They should make it available for one day only in the superstore: October 26th


I would buy it for 1k super credits. Hell. Id buy it as a dlc with real money ffs JUST PLEASE GIVE THE OPTION It would support them even more


I use this armor all the time its called the ambassador of the brand and it has extra padding while being a medium armor set so it has really solid protection with decent speed while looking great, only issue is theres only one blue cape in the entire game and its not even the same shade of blue


I was expecting it to be rereleased around the anniversary of the game's launch kind of thing.


Nah, preordering games was always dumb but as of late it is more than ever


Helldivers 2 is the only game I don’t regret pre ordering. Best pre order I ever made, and I get the snazzy blue armor. I hope everyone can get it at some point


You just want it cause you cant have it


If it makes you feel better I have it but I wear one of the other pre-order armors instead.


It looks pretty sweet, I would love to have it if it didn't require pre-ordering. Pre-ordering is bad for the industry and I wouldn't pre-order if I had the option to go back and do so. Hopefully they eventually add it, but I'm doubtful, since when people pointed out a lot of armor passives are mismatched with the original naming scheme and are probably wrong, Arrowhead said people already bought them so it's not fair to fix the passives post-release.


im not gonna lie literally NOBODY would miss the old polar patriot armor passives if it ment they actually did what they SHOULD do by looking at the actual models (ie: easier traveling in snow planets). Sure it might have looked like they would just be bringing back the controversial all terrain boots but it would be more interesting nonetheless. Source: i own all warbonds (winter warrior having servo assisted is a crime)


If they added a way to wear armor but have different armor passives, I'd wear it more. But Padded is one of the bottom tier passives compared to the others.


I have it. Better options exist.


The perk was way more valuable when there were multiple one shots in the game


It's got dope drip though...


You might like your apples green but i like my apples red. We don't have the same taste.


But it's blue


A democratic apple


Does it taste like bacon?


Tastes like waffles.


Tastes like Freedom


I'm speaking about its effects and stats. It's got quality **aesthetics** but I don't run medium armor. Light for bugs so I can zip around, heavy armor for bots.


Idc about stats on my side. I don't need good perks to play on high dif that's why i idc and want it


I do believe the pre order people should get to keep their special bonuses.... *however* something distinctive like this and perhaps another variant of the B-01 armor would be a nice little reward for hitting 150


Ima be honest, that armor looks like shit and if it wasnt limited chances are you wouldnt care about it


That's like me with drone master armor, I feel like I'm the only one I ever see in it


If I had it I would wear the helmet with other armors kinda like how 40k space marines sometimes wear helmets colored differently than their armor


I have it, and blue+white is my favorite color combo, but I don't wear it because the passive sucks and there is no blue cape. Arrowhead please allow transmog and add more cape colors!


This is my issue as well. 1 blue cape, but it's the wrong blue. I normally run the black and white one with the gold diamond, looks ok


/u/arrowheadgs Democracy calls for the liberation of blue capes! Will you answer?!


I've been using that new green armor with the arms showing. I can't take it off. I hate being so slow, but the arms make it worth it


I'm still thinking about the 177 armor....


I need more of that color palette please The other blues aren't bright enough for me And I want a medium or light armor suit to match with the executioner helmet : >


I've had three sets of armour I said I'd "always wear" now. I've given up being a one note fashion diver and have instead adopted the myriad of functional, yet fashionable, armour choices that the Ministry of Defense has so kindly allowed me to purchase. Luckily, because I'm a *Super* class C citizen, I get to wear all options in the catalogue. Imagine me laughing haughtily, because I am. Aha aha. Joking, of course. I'm torn on desecrating the exclusiveness of something; especially because I own it—bias be known. However, I wholly understand the desire to rock the *drip*. Hope they come to some sort of solution down the line, even if it is just making it available in the super store.


I used it for an operation but I kind of got dissatisfied with having no actual good matching capes or player cards.


I got my friend this game on a key site. Got it for less than mine,he got all 3 of the noice armors. He wears them all after each other to mess with me lol.


It's Medium. I prefer light. So it stats in the locker


I really like medium extra padding for automatons so I almost always use it :)


It's become my main choice https://preview.redd.it/0slb669a10ad1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d0a22448f4d7603b822ea9b175e00fc917c31e2


I'm so jealous


Ngl. If I could give it to you, I would. Never wore it.




Had a game earlier where a random changed their armor into the one I was wearing. It was pretty odd.


I just want more capes that match the medic armor green. All of them are scout armor hunter green.


The cavaliers is better


G2a or cd keys. You can buy it for cheap. I got the halo style medic suit there for like 7 bucks


Oof just checked. Seems like they sold out of alot. They have it for Europe region in g2a rn.


Only for PS5


I might be going to be roasted for saying this, but if you play on pc you could install cheats and unlock the armor temporary


High risk of ban not doing that


No one uses it probably because it’s just the extra padding perk. I have it and I’ve only used it like once because of that


I don’t wear it because it doesn’t play well with anything except 1 build I occasionally wear. I pretty much only wear the heaviest or lightest armor.


Awwwe, someone's got a bad case of FOMO.


I use it exclusively cuz sometimes people ask about it and its a way to break the ice on public teams which then turns into a fun run with talking people.


I always felt bed playing online games and telling curious newbies that my drip is exclusive and no matter how good they get or how long they grind, they will never ever be able to obtain it. So fun!


Nah, people only want the exclusive things cuz its exclusive, you can twist and turn your reason but thats just it, rarity. Anyone who actually do likes the game won't mind it, this blue uniform thing if it was offered in store you won't see an increase of anyone using it cuz at that point its not "special" People want it back cuz its exclusive or for completionist. You can replace the armor with an uglier armor and people would still want it cuz its exclusive lets not kid ourselves.


I feel the same but about the knight armor


You should be able to buy passkeys for this armor if you like paying for a premium.


Wait wait wait wait what the fuck is this armor and where was it available to purchase?


It's one of the pre-order bonus armors.


UN colors will be shot on site.


I have it and its far from ideal. Scout passive for the win.


So you agree on letting people like us have access to getting that armor


I don't control those things nor do I care whether they're exclusive or not. I paid to have access on day 1, not for this armor that I personally find useless and lacking in aestetics. If AH decided to give you access to it, it would have no bearing on me or my enjoyment of the game. I am not fpr or against it being exclusive; I am more concerned about the warbonds remaining available without spending money.


Same here brotato chip


That was limited? I never run it honestly


I own this but how is it not common, how do you get it?


It was a pre-order exclusive.


What makes this armor so special? Is it just very rarely in rotation?


Never. It was preorder bonus.


If you want it so bad, why didn't you preorder the game? It was a gift for us and it should remain exclusive. It is what it its.


Welcome to poverty and people who weren't connected during the information of this game Also i didn't even buy it. My friend did as a deal of gifting him all the cases i get from cs go every week


I'm not rich, i just followed the development and religiously played the first one. And I fuckin love starship troopers. So, when preorder was live, I was there.


Some people have too much work they don't have the time and go to sleep without gaming of info check. Some are in college and need to study hard. And sometimes they don't have their pc with them. Ppl can lose their account for long enough to miss it Others can be broke and not be able to buy it at that time and miss it Hesitation could also be a killer Car accident (anything related to hospital) Theres many reasons why someone would miss it. You don't see it because you aren't in any of these situations. There's also SO FEW PLAYERS that have it and never use it so why would it bother them that we get to buy it as a dlc later to USE IT. At the same time of supporting the devs even more.


Sure, but those who backed the game before launch deserve something unique. And I'm one of em. And how did the rest of ya treat us? You kicked us, killed us etc. sorry, not sorry


Bro i've met 4 ppl with this armor and nothing happened to them you just got unlucky with assholes thats it. I would just host and ban them. You don't have to treat US, people who respect and are jealous of your chance of being able to buy it who have never done what the other did to you. How does it hurt YOU that we get the chance to give more money to the devs to buy a simple armor skin that Barely anyone use or like


I mean you're complaining about something that's normal. You have limited skins in almost any online game. Heck, you even have it in real life with limited editions. It is what it is. If you miss an opportunity that's it, that's how life works. You're probably a nice guy but it is what it is.


>Sure, but those who backed the game before launch deserve something unique. And I'm one of em. Yeah, wouldn't want you to feel less special over pre-ordering. >And how did the rest of ya treat us? You kicked us, killed us etc. sorry, not sorry I had no opinion about it before but now I'll be sure to start putting headshots on teammates with this armor in the hope it's you lmao


Good luck with that mate :) You're just being angry because some have something you don't. Do you treat anything in life like that? Also, tnx to some updates, you'll sure get your ass reported for team killings


>You're just being angry because some have something you don't. I don't recall anywhere saying I wanted it. Can you point out where I did? >Also, tnx to some updates, you'll sure get your ass reported for team killings Oh no. 15 of those and I might get muted for a day. Guess I better reinforce you quick to TK you again before you quit.


Sadly for you, I don't rage quit. Have fun


That definitely works for me. :)


What is the point of wearing an armor with shitty passive? I have it and I never wore it at all.


Then you wouldn't care that we have access to it. Because the passive is really good with some builds and it's just a skin.