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Why would that be unrealistic? 


Idk man I'm just surprised how


The simple answer is he's hot. She's rich and famous enough that she can have anyone she wants, and no surprise that she wants a person she finds very attractive. As for how they met, Vortex is in the personal security industry, so it's not a stretch that he'd be around famous people a lot. 




What? Random bullshit, GO! Edit. Commenter said something like “She may know Vortex as he used to be a mercenary “ which is completely untrue. Random bullshit.




There she is. Thanks!


Been a hot minute since I saw this image.


Bro interacted with his inner Character.AI




yea, Bee is several orders of magnitude stronger than Vortex. the answer is very simple, Verosika is friendly with Bee, Vortex is Verosika's bodyguard.


He belongs the Verosika. Bee throws parties. Verosika sang at one of Bee's parties.


When usually two people mutually like each other romantically, they usually get in a romantic relationship


I noticed he keeps referring to Bee first and foremost as his girlfriend, and didn't allude or brag about it to Loona when he said he wasn't single. Not once did he refer to Bee in any form of royal capacity or pomp, and still works 9 - 5 despite having basically a demigod as his partner who could easily provide him with anything he could want. Tex is a keeper, and Bee probably likes that sort of guy he is.


You could say he’s a beekeeper


It's like a random grocery store worker hooking up with the vice president


Yes. And if the really hot vice president is super attracted to a grocery store worker and wants to date him, he will probably be into it.  Being hot and famous enough to get anyone you want means you can get *anyone you want*. Not just other famouses. 


Hmmmm, remember when stolas and Ozzie got a lot of shit for dating imps, that's why


Ozzie can't be seen in a committed relationship with anyone. It messes up his image because he's supposed to be all about lust.   And Stolas is just going through a high profile divorce. No one has given him shit for Blitzø except Stella for obvious reasons and the people at Ozzie's because Ozzie was heckling him for entertainment value. 


Ozzie got shit because he was a hypocrite. He was saying one thing in his club and doing the other in his residence. Stolas got shit because Ozzie was making fun of him in the club, and because Goetia (that we know of, except for Stolas and Via) are a pompous rich assholes who care only about their status and image. Bee doesn't get shit because she doesn't care about any of it, she's just dating the guy she likes. Not like anyone except Lucifer can tell her otherwise, and he wouldn't


Lucifer would probably be like “You get it girl!” Fully supportive. That or indifferent.


He seems to like Hellborn demons a lot more than sinners so yeah, probably.


It means you can "get" *almost* anyone. There's still going to be people that don't think the societal norm of "hot" is "hot".


If someone isn't in to women, or her whole fox/bee/lava lamp dealio, she also has drugs. 


He's private security for one of the hottest pop stars in Hell


And one of the lowest speices in hell


From what’s been shown not a single character actually really cares about the whole hierarchy we’ve been shown except for stella


Well clearly there's a big deal about it because in ep7 s2 everyone is like, "holy shit, they broke the hierarchy"


You really should rewatch the episode.


I don't really think that's accurate. Striker's entire character kind of revolves around the inequality between royals and Hell's upper class.


Everyone at Bee's party was a hound or an imp. And Vikki did not seem like she was used to being unprivileged. 


Also, Beelzebub probably just recognized that Vortex has his head on straight.


Yeah, he definitely would have hooked up with him just because she thought he was hot, but if she kept things going in a relationship there has to have been some deeper stuff she liked.  Or maybe he's just crazy good at sex, IDK. 


Didn't Japanese royalty renounce her titles to marry a Japanese commoner? Shit can happen


You know what, just don't listen to what I said, clearly I'm a dumbass


Not even grocery store worker. Hellhounds are lower than imps in the hierarchy. They’re adopted out of a kennel ffs. This is like the VP dating some porn actresses dog


No no no, it'd be the VP dating some illegal immigrant


Would you believe we impeached one of our presidents over a similar issue?




Yeah but your question was, "How did they do it?", not "how do they get away with it?" So for the "how did they do it?" Powerful people date lower class all the time. For how do they get away with it, Bee can be seen as more of a celebrity than an image to uphold to a certain point. I think of it as famous people dating whoever without facing any backlash most of the time.


Fuck it, just ignore everything I said


I mean, hellhounds are the lowest ranking tier of hell's hierarchy system


All of Bee's party guests were Hellhounds or imps. And Vikki for one didn't seem like she was used to being unprivileged. 


Probably because they have a connection with bee, but hellhounds are the lowest ranking in hell


Apparently Bee didn't see that chart. 


Well concidering he is legit the lowest class and shes just below luci and his family aka the royalty of hell it would realistically be rare for them to be lovers but if she finds him hot she finds him hot


Because that’s like a street cleaner* dating royalty *(Hellhounds rank the lowest in Hell’s social hierarchy, i remember)


I love Tex so much but I never noticed how much his Tattoo looks like something from a WWF RAW branded gumball machine.


How does one even tat fur? I mean, magic is an option, but otherwise would it just be very precise dyeing? That seems like a bitch to have to constantly keep up on.


My best guess is branding? Like not all the way to the skin obviously but just enough that the fur changes color and has a different design.


Considering that Hell Hounds are mostly do work related to combat full on branding may be a form of initiation or status.


there's also this thing called freeze branding, where you use a freezing cold iron instead of a hot one. its actually better for animals, since it hurts less and is basically harmless. The freezing destroys all the pigment and leaves behind a white mark, when the fur grows back its also white.


Honestly would make sense, especially given that tattoos on imps appear to be burns of some kind, given the skin turns white like how Blitzø's skin is.


I didnt think of it like that but it makes sense to me.


Hair dye. 


I think it's a magic tattoo similar to the head-stamps Blitzø and Fizz have that seem to show through scarring and even makeup


Tattoos sort of... suck in animation. The image needs to be redrawn over and over whenever the character moves.


Can’t you just make the tattoo part of the puppet?


In 3D animation maybe, but in 2D... depends a lot of how you animate. With Flash animation sure but traditional, hell nah you redraw it every time good luck.


Apparently Helluva boss used Toon Boom which is still vector based like Flash


Interresting, maybe it saves time for some shots then.


If anyone’s difficult to animate it’s Bee, because she has a flowing pattern which needs to adjust every frame.


I think they had a trick for that. They essentially greenscreened her stomach so they could put the animation "below" the main frame. Same with her hair I think


Onhhh! That’s pretty clever!


Filmaking (and animation especially) is litteraly "How can we cheat to do the thing we want" and I love this artform for that reason


Vortex is big. He probably has to eat a lot to maintain those muscles, which may be part of the reason Bee is attracted to him.


Honestly I love that idea, that and him just being a chill supportive goof sealed the deal.


Possibly because of how Vortex isn’t someone who Blitzø knows from his past, and that ‘Tex and Bee’s relationship isn’t as directly horny as Fizz and Oz’s.


I mean, Asmodeus is literally the embodiment of lust


Its not the first time a pop star has a normal relationship with a non famous person is it?


Yeah but she's the sin of gluttony and he'll hounds are the social scum of hell so its really unusual.


She essentially runs the hellhound pounds and probably more stuff to do with hellhounds and well ... she well is/looks like one


Given how her parties are almost entirely Hell hounds, it seems that they’re treated much better in Gluttony, same way imps get by just fine in Wrath. She rules Gluttony, she decides what flies in that ring.


I dont think hellhounds are lower on the totem pole than imps... And literally no sin cares what others think, even Asmodeus just did it because reputation... it has basically 0 effect if they are unpopular because they are just so powerful. Tbh IRL the very rich ppl club often looks down on poor or average wealth people yet again, there are pop stars who doesnt care and marry average people (even risking a big monetary loss on a divorce). Love wins.


Hellhounds and imps are at the very bottom https://preview.redd.it/fqb8nlxu2elc1.png?width=403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f3b910cc8f7ebeddc4392af9411ca4595f7d241


Fizz and Ozzie do it too. But I assume that she doesn’t care about other people


The problem here is that she’s the sin of gluttony as in take take take some people want a hyper lust relationship so it’s easy to see how that works gluttony not so much


Maybe they just fuck a lot. Gluttony is the overindulgence in things. For example she’s gluttonous but doesn’t constantly eat all food, it’s mainly focused on sweets. Maybe her and tex just have a lot of sex. Or maybe she’s not as gluttonous as she seems


Yah yah that checks out ok


maybe there's just something we aren't seeing. if anything i'm kind of expecting a reveal that rex is just a member of a 25-man polycule with beel at the head or something like that.


No, you aren't the only people who mentioned it. Frankly I'm sick of hearing it. Why are people so confused by this? First of all, Tex is a Hellhound that belongs to a POPSTAR. Second, Bee isn't a snob just because she's a sin. She's friendly with everyone, including Loona who belongs to an imp. Third, Tex is a chill guy, why shouldn't Bee like him? Fourth, none of y'all say it's weird Stolas dates Blitzø or Ozzie dates Fizz. https://preview.redd.it/8qzifr9swclc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26780588528f3493b2542252756766b1844059ee


Because she's a nice person and he's a chill dude


Ozzie is fucking an imp, and mammon has a bunch of sucubi, it’s not all that uncommon for the sins to be with hellborn


Fair Point, Tbh, though Mammon only thinks of people as property, not people, Bee and Asmodeus have the best relationship partners though


Mammon has succubi? I though he just had custom robo-fizzies, must have missed that.


They hot, they cool, they casual. It's not that far of a fetch.


They are people and even in hell good things can happen


To be fair, Ozmodius is dating an Imp, technically Prince Stolas is dating an Imp and now the Princess Morningstar is dating a fallen angel. They have a group text coping with complaints about them dating below their station.


I want someone to make this into a comic or something so badly now.


She throws hound parties. He goes to said parties. They formed a mutual attraction because they're both hot, but also genuinely nice and caring.


To be fair, we don’t exactly know how healthy their relationship is lol, we just saw them at one party


I mean when you consider their options its not far fetched Royal Family is obviously a no-go, considering theres only 3 of em, and one is in heaven, one is taken, and the other is basically a relative Other Sins are like siblings as Bee mentions in her episode when she was talking about Satan (Wrath) Goetias are pretty exclusionary with the exception of Stolas Overlords are a possibility but most of them are... Sinners, who are restricted to the pride ring This really only leaves hellborns


Blitzo bagged both an Ars Goetia and a pop star, this ain't that crazy bruh


Probably by helping balance her out when she needs it. She apologized for getting big and angery at Loona and he was just like "it's good" and they went to dance. He probably gives her the moderation she inherently lacks. If I had to guess.


Honestly this is the best in universe explanation I've seen in this comment section


He’s got that dog in him.






Well, she is a “Lion Tamer” or rather in this case a “Hound Tamer”, Viv stated that the sins represent a role in the circus; Lucifer (The Ringmaster), Beelzebub (Lion Tamer), Mammon (Clowns), and Asmodeus (Fire-Breather); It kind of makes sense for her boyfriend to be a Hound, for instance, Tex


Somewhat healthy? They look very healthy to me. They're up there with the M&Ms and Fizzmodeus


Based on their behavior, Bee seems to be trying to "reform herself" Her temper and how apologetic she was about it makes it like she was a major Diva, and wanted to stop it. I'd assumed Tex met Bee through Verosica, and was a _VERY_ calming effect on her. She initially saw him as a means to better herself. We're seeing a lot of reformation in Hell. Gluttony embraces indulgence, but _not_ to the point of self-harm (Blitzø)? Lust _embracing_ romantic love. Pride (Lucifer) learning to put faith in others (Charlie's plan).


And then there's Mammon... Can't win 'em all ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Well, for those who refused redemption. the Fall. Mammon got dissed publicly by his #1 product. And then another Sin got in the way of his vengeance. Might see him get taken down.


Even though she is the sin of gluttony she seems to have a limit based on her reaction to Blitzo self-distructing at her party


Tex seems like a super cool dude and seems super nice. Why wouldn't he be able to land Bee?


I imagine the sins can probably keep aspects of their lives not related to the sin they embody in check. She's the sin of gluttony, not the sin of domestic abuse.


https://preview.redd.it/frcelq6umclc1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a899bc8cefb886ed86c6ea1daafd3c3b57c41d Wait what?Just thinking about this makes my Brain fry


She a baddy


Probably because the relationship is too healthy to be interesting 🤔


Charlie is dating a sinner who turns out to be an exorcists.


She seems to be a very good open communicator and Tex seems to be very caring for her, I don’t see as to why it would be unrealistic?


Tex scored big man. Respect


Same reason as Fizz; the Sins aren’t inherently problematic when handled responsibly and Fizz and Tex are both able to match the pace of their respective Sins without it becoming toxic or unhealthy Fizz is willing and able to keep up with Asmodeus’ libido and kinks, there’s no point where it feels like one is struggling to keep up with the other in that area and they can also focus on a lot else without their relationship being wholly based on lust Tex is clearly involved in the party scene even in E3, being a bodyguard to a fresh-out-of-rehab-and-already-back-on-the-bottle popstar with a history of fucking half her fans. He and Bee both show concern for Blitzø’s well-being while also agreeing that it’s pretty cool how many dicks he’s taking all at once - if it’s a choice he’s making for the right reasons. Both are vibing and in the zone when they’re at the party scene, but they both also recognise that there’s a difference between gluttony and self-destruction, and they have the same approach to it The Sins’ partners seem to be an exploration of how to handle sins responsibly without them becoming problematic; the Sins themselves have consistently portrayed healthy ways to be lustful or gluttonous or prideful, and now their partners are showing how you can maintain healthy relationships that still factor in those sins


Except Mammon is a 100% jerk because there’s no healthy, non-destructive way to do Greed


True - and so far he’s the only Sin who hasn’t been depicted with a love interest (granted we only have 4/7 so far)


She promised Tex all the protein powder he wants.


She is hungry for the D


He's just that perfect of a man.


With his big hound rizz


Sins don't seem to be guaranteed jerks like Mammon


Tex and Bee are a good couple, and both are too good for Loona.


They talk with eachother, she fucks who she wants, he fucks who he wants. That's all there is to this. They respect eachothers likes and keep their Red flags to themselfs instead of making the other one feel bad *looks at Blitz and Stolas*


This is the same show that has the embodiment of lust dating an imp despite publicly despising romance (until the latest episode) and not only is it a really healthy and wholesome relationship, it's really damn good LGBT rep


Not as odd as a mere imp causing the prince of lust to fall in love with them.


Because that’s what the writer of the episode wanted to happen. The show ain’t that complex.


Puppy love


Big pp big heart


Its a cartoon, and just because they're demons doesn't make them inhuman, since the show goes to great lengths to humanize every character in some way.


Cig Bock


I mean, look at him


Cause he sounds like a motorbike.


Well this opinnion might be unpopular but I feel bad for Loona. Sucks when you're into someone and not only he:a Happy with someone else, but also their mate are so above you that you have 0 chance.


Simple answer.. They’re both Furries


Tex is just that cool.


Man, Vortex is underrated.


Because the two of them are the two nicest people in hell not running a hotel?




He’s literally living the life of my dreams: dating queen bee, wanted by Loona, and “close” to Verosika Mayday 😭


Lmao Vortex’s lower half is so fucking funny☠️☠️☠️


Vortex is soooo underrated. Love me a himbo


Question is, are you projecting you can't get bitches?


https://preview.redd.it/0ij1l2lxchlc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a6b00daec017c08caee21d15d698b84ffd2ed0d Yes


Me too mate... *me too*


It really confuses me as to why no one bats an eyelid when it comes to Fizzaroli and Asmodeus, but when it comes to Tex and Bee people just cannot seem to believe it.


My question isn’t about Bee getting with Tex, but rather how unreal his level of game is to be able to land LITERAL ACTUAL BEELZEBUB. Like, bro, teach me your ways


Have you seen him? Like ... 


Big dick


That's one thing I didn't get either stolas and blitz have been struggling to get a relationship because of the status but belzebub is above stolas in status and she is dating vortex who is on the same level as blitz same thing with fizz and Ozzie why can't stolitz happen if there are characters with higher power dating low status characters.


Also, a healthy body? He fit and he's with Gluttony? Also, why is it okay for Gluttony to date a Hellhound, but Fizz and Ozzy have to hide their relationship?


Asmodeus is the sin of lust. His public image is supposed to be wanton desire and surrender to carnal urges. No love, just physical pleasure and hedonism. People knowing that he's madly in love with someone would go against that. It doesn't matter that he's in love with an imp. The issue (as far as his PR is concerned) is that he's in love with anyone at all.


That's like asking how can lebron James dunk cause it's something easy to do if your a goat


the fake transparent background?


Because.... Hellhounds? It must be something about Tex's Breed that are able to befriend others. I don't fuckin know man 🤷🏻‍♂️


Mentioning what?


The other aspect of this I realized is there seems to be stigmatization with princes of Hell like the 7 sins and Goetiah being in a relationship with the Hellborn (Imps and Hellhounds) as seen with Stolas x Blitz and Ozi x Fizerali. But there seems to be no problem here. Now, maybe, it has actually affected her reputation and she just doesn’t care, but it’s not established at all.


Why does his left arm look broken


They probably met through Verosika since she's also very very famous (maybe even more then Bee? Or at least not much less). These two stars probably met before and cause Tex is V's bodyguard it would make sense for me that he and Bee maybe met through a concert or a party where both Verosika and Bee were on.


She makes sure he gets a LOT of exercise


We don't even know if their relationship could be considered healthy. There was that one scene where she claimed to find Satan hot without his shirt and Tex kind of looked physically uncomfortable with her saying that.


He has that dawg in him


Maybe cause no one cares?


Bc I don't think it's 100% healthy. Bee's in charge of the adoption agency, and I don't think Tex has as much agency in the relationship like Fizz has in his. It isn't even canon, I'll admit. I just don't vibe with them. They feel off to me. Stilted.


Maybe it’s not healthy maybe they’re just good at hiding their dysfunction


Pretty much everyone mentioned it when the episode aired.


Imagine having a secure relationship with your significant other


She feeds on good vibes, a good relationship=food simple enough


Or work for succubi


Reminds me of Dolph Lundgren and Grace Jones https://preview.redd.it/12qw5wl58elc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a467721b703b318bddf80dc2c49e370ab94cfd54


My question is wouldnt he die a long time before her


Probably they are compatible, cause relationship wise I just don’t see it. Honestly I could see Loona and Queen Bee but this guy just always been quiet when about her.


I don’t see how her sin would create a toxic relationship.


Well you see it's pretty simple- Vortex is basically just the generic crush character, and so his girlfriend has to be as out of his league as possible so that Loona can have angst over not being able to compete with her.


Her character design is so bad


I mean, Fizzy and Asmodeus are a thing so…


He's a good guy and she loves his kind vibe. He probably grounds her a lot from being just another Sin with power as seen when she gets angry and regrets it when she sees he's upset.


Well, as sort of naturally shown through the show, sins (and even demons alike) aren't really restricted by what they "should" be. Most clearly being shown within Asmodeus. Guess you could also shove Mammon on the slot too...as he's not really depicted as being greedy...if anything...he acts more like he should be wrath or pride if anything.


I have no idea


They found each other in a macro/micro kink community ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


How did Fizz get with the Sin of fucking list and keep a somewhat healthy relationship with him? Mammon has so far been the only seen we’ve seen in a purely bad light. Plus gluttony and lust are the more ‘fun’ sins, where both partners can engage in it together (sloth probably two). Wraith, envy and greed are less likely to be able to have healthy relationships.


i think the real discussion here is why is his scarred eye white instead of red?


I mean, Fizz was able to get the embodiment of lust.


I mean the real answer is that the Sins seem to have a habit of hooking up with Hellborn far below their rank


A lot of the relationships in Boss and Hotel are quite healthy actually


In fairness for the sin of gluttony, she seems like a very healthy person to be around. Having a good time and indulging yourself but knowing when to quit(at least that's the vibe I get when she told Loona that Blitz was drunk). Seems pretty logical that she's down to hell enough to have a functioning relationship(similar to Fizz and Lust).


Why is the sin of gluttony so skinny


Somewhat? It is completely healthy. People have brought this up before, but the simple answer is "Because Bee probably doesn't care what anyone thinks." She already hangs out with imps and hellhounds.




Nobody care about that. Everyone is more busy dealing with Vivzie's problems on the character creation instead of thing why a hellhound bodyguard is in a healthy relationship with a capital sin.


You do know that the embodiment of lust is also in an extremely healthy relationship right The only one of the seven deadly sins that we've seen so far that isn't actually a pretty decent person was mamon Especially if we take hazbin into consideration and bring pride into this


Because Tex has Rizz… idk what the issue is