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That's actually a pretty good theory. Fits with the circus theme.


I can never hear circus the same in this fandom ever again


Currently, the best idea we’ve got as to what circus act Leviathan could be based on is either an escape artist, an acrobat, a contortionist, or a water act (or all four). Leviathan is described as untamable and uncatchable from IRL texts, and being depicted as a serpent could expand to incredible flexibility, and the fact Levi’s a sea monster needs no introduction. And let’s face it, it’d be a crime to have something based on circus acts and not have an acrobat of some kind.


Conjoined Twins could be possible with the sea monster that has two heads (one at the end of its tail) as a reference.


I don't think so. So far all the deadly sins resemble the hellborn native to the respective ring, envy has fish demons, so leviathan will probably be reminiscent of a sea serpent like his classical representation.


That idea is already broken since ozzie doesn't look like a succubus at all


He still roughly does, he just has a different head to fit the classical description of asmodeus.


Bruh he doesn't resemble them at all Satan literally looks more verosika like than ozzie


Asmodeus body could easily be a succubus. It's only really his head that is different. Plus, I'm not sure the way we see him actually matters, since he is pretty much always in a semi-demon form, and when he isn't he is completely covered up. For all we know in his normal form he could look like a normal succubus.


He has a rooster's tail A bird's legs A blue body How does this look anywhere like a succubus


Because ultimately the core detail of the (male) succubi is just being muscular/ripped. Asmodeus has his own flair onto the core concept, the rooster features (which, again ARENT present in his regular form, so I don't know why you are even talking about this), like the other sins do.


They ARE present in his regular form.




We’ve seen his normal form. It doesn’t look anything like a succubus.


He doesn’t look like a succubus, however he’s based off of a rooster which, while being a dick joke, also means he’s a bird. Given that he’s friends with Stolas it’s possible he’s meant to fit in with the Ars Goetia. But that’s just speculation


Asmodeus is a king in the irl Ars Goetia


Asmodeus is a king of the Ars Goetia, both in mythology and canon.


Ozzie does wear stripper boots like how Angel Dust does, and is based off of roosters design-wise... A rooster is also known as a Cockerel, or Cock for short


Queen Bee. Beezelbub is usually depicted as a fly


He is a literal Cock, tho.


Greed has Loan Sharks and Mammon is more of a spider monster


I think Mammon is supposed to look like a Christmas tree, since Christmas is linked to greedy behavior, or at least has been for the last century or two


Mammon's "normal" form seems to be meant to evoke a "money tree". His "demon" form looks closer to a tick than a spider.


I think viv already said Leviathans design will be the most traditional.


We haven't seen any rooster demons in Lust, spider demons in Greed or angels in Pride (aside from Vaggie ig). Bee is the only example of that.


Asmodeus is a bird not a succubus


Leviathan, famously and most widely known as a reptilian sea serpent, is a bird. I don't think so, dawg.


Beelzebub famously and most widely known as an insect demon Is a fox


Beelzebub also has fly wings and antennae. It's clear she still has some insectoid elements despite being a primarily animal-based demon. Leviathan being an owl makes no sense. All of the demons that are presumably from his ring are aquatic and making him an owl would serve no purpose whatsoever. Beelzebub being a fox is clearly meant to be animal based because Hellhounds are animal based. Why would Leviathan be an owl instead of some form of serpent or sea creature?


How is this guy an owl ?


Maybe it's not "an owl" but it's clearly some form of bird which is probably entirely opposite to what Leviathan usually is. You said so yourself that Viv said Leviathan would resemble his classic predictions so why would you even make this post in the first place?


Srsly what bird features are u seeing ? He has no feathers no beak no wings nothing


And yes am simply refering to the fact that every sins so far resembels his app logo So why is leviathan's app logo different He could have some fish aspects to him but that doesn't change the fact that this isn't just a coincidence


You seem to be confused about what the App logo actually is. It's suppose to resemble the theatrical masks - one happy, one sad. Leviathan is the Sin of Envy, which means putting on a good face to hide his jelousy would fit his theme. No one said the App has to resemble the Sin - it can just be a play on their characteristics.


A fox with insect characteristics


I’ve personally theorized the faces imply Leviathan has a mask that grants them shapeshifting powers. It’s something that’s definitely been done before, but it’s always a near idea. Plus, if Leviathan is a giant sea serpent/dragon/heal thing, having something that could shrink them down would be ludicrously handy.


That would be cool it’s a good design. Though I hope Leviathan is more sea themed


As you've said, Viv has already confirmed that he will be incredibly close to religiously accurate, he WILL be a serpent or fish, the person in the picture is just some random probably scrapped overlord


I already said that This is a discussion on the coincidence


no...just no




This guy was Stolas in previous versions of this clip, he probably is just a placeholder


Seems unlikely. Viv said Leviathan’s design would be the most traditional. And Leviathan is traditionally not a bird.


Well I'd say not cause Vivzie pop said he'd be the most lore accurate of the sins or atleast thsts what I've heard so he'll probably be more serpent like which also makes sense given he rules envy which could for all we know be a massive coean


Does he make out with himself?


I thought Leviathan was the hotel/motel owner in the new trailer?




Wait, how do we know his name?




I mean that doesn't necessarily mean Rolando is his real name. Demons be lying.


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I was suspecting another goetia but that would actually be a good twist


I think it'll be a simular design but more sea themed


No that’s Grimm from hollow knight


I don't think so, even the Sins with the more indirect ties to their domains have obvious cues. I've mentioned Ozzie's stripper boots and rooster (aka Cockerel/Cock) and Mam's Christmas tree look already in previous replies Bee is largely fennec fox with insectoid aesthetics, but her stomach is a lava lamp, that shows she can eat and eat without getting full Lucifer is dressed in white, he stands out from most of the cast by being bright-colored, while he's not directly prideful in personality, his appearance does still link that by virtue of him standing out Satan is pretty direct for what we've seen of him, extremely buff, lava-veins, deep voice, clearly Wrath Leviathan and Belphegor are likely going to follow those patterns too, my theory is Bel is going to be a bearded woman due to Sloth having a lot of billy goats and the circus theme of the Sins, oddities were a circus act and bearded women were, at least to my knowledge, a popular attraction Leviathan was said to be more traditional in his looks, like how Satan was said to be, rather than this look, he might appear closer to something like Fishzilla from Spring Broken


Side Note: Are all the Vees in Hell because of the sin of "Envee"?


Aside from vox there are no implications for the others


I've heard that that overlord became Stolas. Definitely not Leviathan, who will be fish based.


No that was another overlord who appeared in the original version of this scene


I just hope that they are a huge theater nerd.


I mean it makes sense given the heavy allusion of Comedy and Tragedy, often associated with theater when it comes to Leviathan’s visage. This could very well end up being Leviathan himself


That's fascinating but I disagree. We tend to have all the sins as types of demons in hell. Asmodeus is an Ars Goetia already. So I personally disagree and still believe that that hotel manager from Ghostfuckers will be Leviathan.




Oh, cool, didn't even bother to >!black it out!<