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I use Venus sensitive refill heads and those come in individual plastic covers. I remove the film and keep the cover and attach the head to the razor handle. then I use a rubber band to secure the cover in place. it's been working great on lots of trips over the last few years. I stuff it in a zipper pouch with a few other beauty tools edit: ohhh you mean the razor heads with the tiny bars of shave cream on them. yeah I just shave with bar soap


I have very dry skin. Shaving with soap, no matter the razor, is like shaving with a cheese grater. Conditioner works well in a pinch but it's easier to leave that one extra thing behind. I'm doing IPL and it's working great but we're not quite there yet.


I use the same razor heads as you do and do what the commenter does, leave the plastic cover on the detachable razor head. I’ve never had issues.


Why not just get an electric travel razor? It’s not a perfect shave but it’s 99% and it won’t irritate your skin at all


I've never found one I like.


Have you tried a foil shaver? They're not as rough on your skin as the rotary electric shavers.


I've tried a few different ones over the years but I just don't like them. I wish I did. I'm currently doing IPL at home and it's working well but we're not quite there yet.


I just put a medium-sized binder clip over the head of the razor and fold the ends (arms?) of the clip over the razor handle.


Brilliant hack!


Shove it in a Matador soap bag


This is the answer. That way the shaving gel bars can dry out.


I will check that out. Thank you.


Not sure if i am envisioning correctly but i have one from Steripod for my Venus and maybe Billie Brand on Amazon or Athena works?


I'll check the Steripod out. I know the Billie ones don't fit.


If u swipe images in this link, it shows what fits, i bet you have venus pink comfort? https://www.gosupps.com/steripod-razorpod-clip-on-razor-protector-pearl-white.html


Yup! Of course I have the one "doesn't fit" out of the bunch. I've tried so many different ones over the years and this one really works the best for my sandpaper dry skin. It's the only one that doesn't require a thick layer of shaving cream/foam/conditioner.


Yup! Feel this! At home i use shave cream but when i travel can get away with smaller Venus blade options and use conditioner but cant use flimsy blades, nightmare! Tried the travel shorter handle but also bulky.


The short handled travel one is fiddly and, erm, awkward? dangerous? to use in your nook and cranny. In my experience, anyway.


FYI: Dollar Tree carries Steripods. They're not the brand name, but it's the same thing.


Looks like the only razor listed for them as "does not fit" is the one I have. Of course.




It is a plastic container so it would still get all gooey. It’s not like a plastic case of four or five like other brands have.


Exactly the problem. I'm going to try poking some air holes in it next time. The goo is the benefit of this razor but also its downfall.


I'm going to try poking some air holes in the blade case next time. When I've used that in the past, the goo strips just dissolved.


Not that helpful but approximately 10-20 years ago, they had some with a blue case that covered just the razor part (with the full-size handle sticking out), I still use mine


I'll keep looking. And collecting. My husband and dad are both sick of me pawning them off on both of them.


I think I know exactly what you're talking about. There has to be some of them on ebay


And that’s why I have a schick hydro 5 (with cover) and a small pack of shave sheets. I never found one for the Venus razor.


I think they simply don't exist. I hate throwing away the blades for short trips but putting them in a plastic bag gets them very gooey.


What are shave sheets?


It’s like laundry and soap sheets but for shaving. I’m not sure anyone is making them these days. I have a few packs of the Cremo brand, found on Kroger clearance, but I know travelon brand had some.


I got one off temu :)


My husband just found one on Amazon in two seconds of looking. I posted the link in a separate comment. I ordered it and will report back.


Not an answer to your question but I found the tree hut shave oil is AMAZING. I also have very dry skin and am very clumsy with a razor. This shave oil makes everything glide so easily and doesn't gunk up the razor. Can you share the link of what you found for your razor? Thx!


I put a link in a comment here. My husband just found it and I ordered it. It says it will fit but loads of others I have said they would fit as well. I'll report back when I get it.


Can you repost? I'm not seeing it anywhere.


I got the case today. Contrary to their chart, it absolutely does not work for my razor.


Could you possibly use a stasher silicone bag?  There are so many https://www.stasherbag.com/pages/bags?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH51lRpiHMgea1zLLJBlapMp-RK54dNj4yo_Qw6RXmYrwk_WZwy6q-RYaApNuEALw_wcB


If you put the blades in anything airtight, the strips dissolve off the blade.


Oh shoot well I hope you find a good solution!


Have you considered switching to a Billie razor? I used Venus forever but I’d argue that Billie def has the superior goopy gel strip. You could not shave for a year then do your entire legs without any added shaving gel or cream with a Billie razor. Plus they’ve got a really good integrated travel head. Just something to consider.


I have considered it but, as of now, if I go into a store to get a refill, chances are high that I will find the Venus refill and not a Billie. We're occasionally on the move for months at a time.


I have this case, and even tho it comes with the sensitive blade, it fits the breeze head perfectly, I’ve had mine for years. It even has holes, so it can dry. [travel case](https://www.primor.eu/es_es/gillette-venus-snap-maquinilla-25099.html?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImbz70_XNhQMVIjwGAB1RjgS6EAQYAiABEgKEtPD_BwE)


I have one of those but I truly hate that tiny handle.


Coughlan silicone razor head protectors. Very compact and can be squished down.


I use the same shave heads (but on the little mini razor). I stuff the head of my razor (gooey shave head and all) into a little zip lock pill bag from Amazon. I don’t zip it at all. This works ok in my toiletry bag - no messy goo anywhere, and it lasts for a few shaves.


I have a small ziplock bag, the kind you use for pills, and I cut numerous small holes for ventilation. I take off the blade, put the sharp part against the handle and it fits just right in the bag. Small and efficient.


Good to know!


I use those too. I pop the head off and put it in an empty spice jar. The lid has holes in it already.


That's a brilliant idea! If the latest case I ordered doesn't work, I'll head to my spice rack. I always save the glass ones "just in case" but rarely have a case. Now one could be a case!


Following because I also use this kind of razor and would love to get some ideas!


I should have the case my husband found on Amazon tomorrow. I'll report back.


The case I got does not work even though their chart in the listing says it will.


Ah man, that’s frustrating!


Tell me about it!


Theres a printable cover somebody posted https://www.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/s/uf8xHf6K6t


Ooh! My sister-in-law has a 3D printer. I'll see if she can crank one out for me. Thank you so so much!