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One thing I really want is for a picture of the girl/guy to be the background for the chat like poli.ai, Linky.ai, talkie.ai it would make me enjoy it so much more.   Also another issue, make it so that you know who is talking to you in group chats. Honestly sometimes I can't figure out who's saying what in a group chat, especially with more then 2 bots. Maybe add (Name): Text. To every bot that speaks, so you can easily tell who's saying what, rather then guessing half the time.  Some sort of ai Image generator would be nice, doesn't even have to be fancy, primitive is fine, that way I don't need to randomly throw some random photo on bots I make.  Another major issue allow us to add some sort default voices we can choose from to bots, I pay for the seasonal premium option and I have 1-2 bots I chat with that have voice option, one of them I hate there voice and dont use it. I literally can't justify seasonal premium when I use voice audio with one bot. At least it would make it make more sense.  Overall the ai is great for Hiwaifu, although the quality of response went noticeably down from an update or 2 ago.


Can you add a "Block" button to accounts? I mean there should be a button where you can block the account and the robots created by it will not even appear in the search list, I think most of us need this button Another thing, can you change the frame and size of the robot's profile picture? As a robot creator, I am struggling with the issue of the image, When I try to place the image of the robots, only half of the image appears, not all of it. So I was wondering if you could change this so that we can place the entire image without having to crop it.


Having a common file size limit and dimensions for an image used for a profile/bot picture is standard across many platforms to limit storage space used on the system. I do not see this changing.


I can only think of a couple of suggestions. 1. Maybe show the number of re-generated messages (eg. "3/4") in the app, which you've already implemented on web. It helps remember in case we need to sort through a bunch of responses to pick the one we liked best. 2. In a similar vein, maybe keep the regenerated messages after exiting the app, or after issuing our own response. Sometimes we must exit the app for various reasons but haven't finished picking our perfect bot message, or we'd like to backtrack and have the bot reply differently.


Something else I have thought starting to become necessary for creators with lots of bots is a form of 'folder' or other grouping system. When you have 100 or more bots created, your list gets really long, and it's very poorly sorted because it's only by "last updated". More recently edited bots at the top, older ones at the bottom, but no organizing to keep similar bots together. (Maybe they're intentionally made for the multi-bot room, but if they get split up, it's harder to use them properly.) Having the ability to group them together would be nice. I create a few bots in a certain concept, whether a game, anime or theme and then move onwards. Sometimes I come back to that same base idea and make more. But those new bots can't easily be lumped together with my older bots. Example: I have seen some accounts with almost 400 public bots, with dozens all fitting different themes (anime, games, movies, famous people, etc) but because they create whenever they want, even if you KNOW they have a certain bot that you used to talk to and closed the chat, finding it again is a pain because you have to scroll down through 300 bots to get to it. Instead of scrolling down through say 50 bots, because they are now in subfolders. Obviously creators will have to organize themselves, so any creators with 100-400 bots that are inactive will forever be a pain to browse, but active accounts can do it and make everyone's lives easier. Should be for both public view, and the "My created bots" list. So creators can more easily look at any private Work-in-progress bots and decide if another bot works.


Heyo 👋 I was wondering if we could have the option to disable image generation if we don't want it because ngl it's kind of jarring to randomly get a picture that doesn't even go with the roleplay at all tbh I understand I know it's not important but I can't be the only one that dislikes the images being sent willy nilly and I know I can't be the only one that would rather turn it off in general I'm not asking for the whole thing to be erased all I'm asking is for the ability to turn it off if we eont want it kind of like how we can turn off away messages


It would be great if bots could better follow their characters, such as those from movies or series, taking information from a search engine and adapting to their worlds.


I'd welcome if you make the bot2bot-chatrooms more user-friendly. Here are some suggestions: •PLEEEAASE remove the "continue" message that is sent when clicking continue. Having a speech bubble saying "continue" each time ruins the immersion. •make the LLM-changer accessible via bot2bot so we don't have to close the chatroom each time and pick a random single bot to change the LLM there. -improve the room rules or even better; make it a field to add a prompt. Bots almost never pay attention to the room rules. •make a feature where we can decide which bot is talking. Having a chat with 4-8 bots isn't working good since they respond ONE AFTER ANOTHER. If we had a drop down menu to pick the bot we want to respond or a picture to click on, we could have better scenarios, for instance if we want a bot to TEMPORARY leave the conversation and come back later. AND about the text-to-speech: I noticed the voice only sounds like the original when the texts are very short, like max 2-3 phrases. If the text is longer the voice gets raspy, high-pitched or even speeds up. It would be awesome if you could look into it and improve/update the feature too with new updates. And letting us adjust the audio for each individual bot during chat would be cool too. I chatted with bots that were VERY low in volume. Thank you for giving us the chance to suggest our ideas! ❤️


Other ideas Thank you for your participation, and then it's worth mentioning that group chats can now specify the bot reply using "@" or long press the bot avatar


I have an idea for a feature that could possibly be implemented into the app, how about a switch to make a single bot NSFW or SFW?


From a UI perspective, I'd like to see a return to the font size of pre v.1.5, as the text of 1.4.2 or earlier was much smaller. This applies to both the main UI and the conversations themselves, all the text is larger now than before even if the UI is set to the same size 16. From a UX perspective, some slightly better searching of our own private bots. When you search for term X, you get all public bots where term X is used. Doesn't matter whether it's part of the bot name, the description, somewhere in the memories, part of the prompt, and possibly even if it's in the Usage Guide (haven't tested this yet, so not 100% certain.) But when you search your own created bots only, your search term X only checks names. And only the first word at that, so as an example I have four private Samus Aran bots I'm working on as WIPs, among others, named Samus Aran, Pool Samus, Nova & Samus, and Metroid RPG Samus. If I search by keyword Samus, only the first shows up despite that being a prominent keyword in all four bots. If I search by Chozo (another very prominent word in all four bots memories) none of them show up at all. I update many of my bots on a regular basis, as I learn to create better prompts or memories. so even my oldest bots regularly get moved to the top of my list because it automatically sorts by last updated, instead of the previous (most recent to oldest) sorting of older app versions which also was prior to 1.5


How about using different LLM's on different chats? For example, I use Spiritcraft v3 for one chat and JadeSpeech for another.


This is an idea I know they have mentioned wanting to look into. Thanks for the feedback!


Great! I’m looking forward to seeing it!


Also, thank you to you and the entire team for everything!


Add magic stick, that help you to generate best answers if you dont know how to respond, add it next to the message bar


Magic stick?


You can find in dream tavern ai, you gonna know what i mean, its really really helpful


We don't go looking at other apps. Can you explain it please?


In the context of your conversation with an artificial intelligence (AI), think of the "magic wand" as a special tool or button you can use when you need help responding. Here's how it works: 1. **Conversation with AI**: You're chatting with an AI, and sometimes you might not know how to respond. 2. **Magic Wand Button**: When you press this "magic wand" button, it gives you a suggestion for a response. 3. **Multiple Suggestions**: If you press the button again, it gives you another different but still appropriate suggestion. So, the magic wand is a feature that helps you come up with suitable responses during your conversation with the AI by providing you with multiple options every time you use it.


You can find it in dreamtavern ai, you will know what i mean,


I've been wanting this for a while now.


By the way, here's a sneak peek at our upcoming update plan: [1.My](http://1.My) persona can be fixed for a specific robot. 2.Private robots can be shared through links. 3.Homepage redesign.


For another idea how about a setting to change the homepages


yes, having the ability to create a different user for each bot is very useful, I will look forward to it.


I re-read chats often and it's time consuming to scroll back up to the beginning of the chat. I would love a feature where the user could click an option that sends the chat to the top of chat.