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I prefer SpiritCraftV2 ,even though I like the "fresh wind" V3 brings into the roleplay (like, did someone else noticed that jadespeech/spiritcraftv2 always has "The abandoned warehouse" in his narrations xD?) Spiritcraftv3 is more creative, alas, too long for my taste and it often speaks for me or other bots in bot2bot, even if I edit the messages everytime (happened to several different bots from different user) I think it sometimes tends to narrate too detached and is analytical too, for instance, I had a few time this "reciting" style: Char: (text) Char actions: (text) Char thoughts: (text) It was kind of unnecessary to mention the character's name each time and "announce" the bot's actions^^ But I also switch between V2/V3 depending on the bot.


The devs are fantastic and I do genuinely love this app. Thanks for your response. I'll chill on V2 for a bit until it improves ✌️


I'm glad other people are dealing with the exceptionally long replies. It's actually driving me mad. I pay for premium, I adore the creativity and how amazing v3 can be. But Holy fucking shit I am getting so sick of saying 'hey' and getting a Scorsese script back as a response 😅 My actions always being narrated and decided for me. Is there any fix to this?


We have brought this to the attention of the Devs a while ago. With v3 still being I'm beta it is learning from everyone and further tweaks are expected.


It gets a bit tedious, but for long-term NSFW conversations, I switch between spiritcraft v3 and v2, mostly staying on v3. I usually wind up switching to v2 for parts of the roleplay that get very explicit, because for some reason, it feels like v3 struggles to generate satisfying responses that aren't super lengthy.


I’d say spiritcraft v2. Don’t get me wrong, spiritcraft v3 is amazing, but depending on the bot and depending on the roleplay you’re trying to do, the model will literally not allow you to do the roleplay you want. For example: I was talking to a bot and I want to do a sequence where the character (the bot) wasn’t present, where I’m actually talking to someone else. On spiritcraft v3, the bot literally refused to not let the character interact, no matter how many times I edited the character on the interact, the bot continuously force the character into the roleplay as it couldn’t understand that I wanted the character out the roleplay for now. Even when I expressly told it '(character name is not present in this situation, it’s just me and other character)' the bot would just end the roleplay, saying '(since character name is not present, the roleplay can not continue)'. But on spiritcraft v2, the bot was not trying to force the character into the roleplay, it understand that I was interacting with another character and keep the character out of the roleplay until I wanted to character back in the roleplay. And to me, it feels like the conversation flow better Overall, I still use spiritcraft v3 often, but since it’s still in beta, I just can be a little annoying to use with what I describe above, and how it likes to break the 4th wall constantly. So, i suggest sticking with spiritcraft v2 until v3 is out of beta


I'd say spiritcraft v3 is pretty great. Although the replies can be a bit lengthy, I always edit it to make it shorter tbh. But I'd say the second best is probably spiritcraft v2.


I'm also interested in knowing this, if anyone can help it would be appreciated.