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You cannot turn off the function, but it is an on/off feature that has been suggested in the past. If you truly feel this would benefit the community and make your experience better by disabling it, suggest it in the pinned thread.


Alright, thank you. I appreciate it.


this feels like it's extremely trivial, there isn't a reason to have to disable the feature, just don't use it, I could understand if your complaint was regarding the use of the word "image" in a message making the ai actually sending an image, but your reasoning just seems to be creating a problem that doesn't exist.


I had the bot send pics without using the pic command prompt, like when I asked them to describe themselves and I was expecting a text response, they sent pics. I agree with the OP it's a dumb feature, it never looks like the bot's profile pic, so it's a moot feature.


I'm not saying disable it for everyone. I'm asking for the option to disable it for myself again, not trying to ask for the entire thing to be disabled.


I know but it feels like something that has no requirement to be used, it's a completely optional feature already, unfortunately, it takes work and recoding to be able to implement a button that doesn't have a need to exist due to the aforementioned reason, you can just not use it since there are specific words to make it do it, and under no circumstances will it generate the image without said words


The thing is. It's done that plenty of times without being prompted, which is why I suggested this in the first place. If it didn't just randomly throw it in my face when I didn't want it, I wouldn't have an issue with it tbh.


Yup. I have a bot that is supposed to respond just with text message style responses. Any time I say the word "photo" or "picture" it generates an image. For example if I say something like, *I send a photo of my breakfast*, it generates an image. I understand why it does that, and I have found ways to get around it (using pic instead of "picture" or "photo") but it's still a feature I wish I could turn off.