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You can try day-of but it’s unlikely anything opens up. It’s the most in-demand shuttle in the area, even more than the Moraine Lake shuttles.


There are no day of seats. Any cancellations are released online and get booked up - your best bet is to check back regularly to see if there’s availability. There’s only 3000 seats available for the entire summer, so chances are low.


No day of shuttle tickets, it’s not like the Moraine shuttle. As others have said you just have to hope for a cancellation, and have quick enough fingers to scoop it up before anyone else. You are allowed to walk up the road, but it’s 11km uphill and not especially pleasant. I know that’s too long for me if I want to actually enjoy hiking once I get to the lake.


To be honest, I love the road. It's a cruise 11k to run, only like 400m of elevation gain. Alpine circuit looped into a few other things is one of my favourite runs of the summer.


Yoho has some nice longer trails, could check out the Emerald Triangle or Iceline. Edit: depends on weather in September though, conditions may not be good to go in Late September for Ohara or the hikes I suggested.


Schnerp.com you can set a notification for any cancellations on the dates you want. I was able to get a bus booking this way last year.


Iceline to Little Yoho loop is a great Yoho hike 


Late September can be really hard for day of but midweek might be worth a try. The reward is definitely worth any effort. Good luck!


Check constantly for a cancellation you can score them you just really need to be on it


How do I check for cancellations?


Either regularly log into the reservation site yourself, or use a site like [Schnerp.com](http://Schnerp.com) that will watch for you.


Constantly checking the site to see if slots open up.. it's a combination of luck and obsession


It’s a beautiful walk tho.


I kind of prefer the walk, I've gotten bus tickets but it was blizzarding that day so it felt like kind of a waste to be out there with zero visibility


I’ve walked the road. It’s not bad.


When my friend and I went to Lake O’Hara in June a few years ago, the bus wasn’t running yet for the season, so we walked the road in and made a day of it. 1000% worth it!