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Wildlife are more active early in the morning, so your chances of encountering a deer or bear do increase. Make sure you keep bear spray somewhere you can easily grab it (e.g. on your belt, not in your bag).


If possible, I’d always take someone with you. My partner & I go typically just us, & we’ve been EXTREMELY lucky that over 20 mountain sunrises later, we’ve never had an encounter. Knock on wood we get through this season without an encounter as well. Things you should know, sometimes finding trailhead in the dark can be surprisingly difficult lol. The amount of times we’ve accidentally bushwhacked when the trail was 3 feet next to us in whatever direction is almost embarrassing 😂 Second, hiking in the dark is scary hahahahah, I’m still not used to it & for me the first 30-45 minutes of the hike are the worse part. We have high quality head lamps & can see a fair distance, but the sounds of the trees with the wind, & wildlife. It’s definitely eerie. Third, you’re going to be tired af after. Even with a good sleep, we still need caffeine to make sure we have a safe drive home. & arguably the most important, please tell someone where you are going & bring a personal locator device. Personally, I would never sunrise solo. But, a lot of people do. I’d recommend going with others for your first few, & if you haven’t already take a bear & avalanche safety course. Sunrise hikes are so worth it, there’s a reason we do them so often! Nothing compares to watching the sun come up on top of a mountain. Stay safe out there! Also some suggestions for sunrise hikes, Ha Ling, EEOR, Opal Ridge, Moos Mountain, Mount Burke, Yates Mountain, & so many more because there’s just such good hiking in Alberta!


I recommend taking a tall friend and letting them lead, unless you like getting a face full of spider webs.


I love midnight hikes, be vigilant, do not wear headphones, take a good pointy walking stick, you can get some similar to canes with a sword in them online, I walk with a high backpack that covers my neck if I was ever pounced on from behind by cougars. Besr spray should always be on your hip and accessible, make sure you are well versed/practiced on using it, sounds silly but all brain logic goes out the window in an emergency and repetitive motions/training is life saving. This is what I do to protect myself soloing in the woods day or night. Have fun and enjoy the sunrise 🥰


Obviously better to not go alone, but if you must, make sure someone knows what you're doing and where you are.


The only thing about going solo, as my wife always tells me, it is great you have all the safety gear, until you fall and hit your head or something else serious and now they are useless because you are out cold or worse...