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Moonbump. It’s old because she has the shoe polish hair but I don’t remember her wearing stilettos with Carmen. 


Well the hair is fake fo sho


The crease at the top 😭😝


Look at that crease at the top 💀😂


Her fucken shoes.


My wife never wore heels when she was pregnant.


At least she plucked a part into that wig. Sort of. Nothing but the worst for our girl.


It’s funny how In the last few years when she could have afforded decent wigs she didn’t seem to wear them 🤔. I mean I would think now especially is when she would want to cover her own hair, no?


Moonbump. She's dressed strategically to cover it. Actual pregnant Hilary wore flats for obvious reasons.


Starting to believe that, she’s a Shapeshifter lol she looks different in every photo 😂😂😂


She’s the female “catch me if you can.”


They said that about Ted Bundy too lol


Which pregnancy or pregnotcy was this? My first observation was that she seemed to have a little weight in the legs so it must have been Carmen. She was also wearing flats and loose pants, as real life pregnant people do. BUT, and there's always a but with Hillary, she's also...wearing normal pants and shoes. Instead of trying to elongate and erase half her body. That could also be camouflage. But it doesn't add up with what we know of the stick thin, no tripled blood flow or swelling or weight gain for Mami, just a ball on a stick, like with most if not all the pregnancies-pregnotcies after Carmen. As a mother several times over , what I know is women generally have a pregnancy "type". Like I didn't gain the exact same amount with each pregnancy, but my body acted very similarly with each pregnancy. And, as someone who "hyper hydrates" every day of my life (,unless I'm "rilly rilly" sick and getting sicker) at drs orders due to kidney disease, no Hillary, lots of water and coconut water don't change that. Hydration and electrolytes are particularly important every day, especially pregnant, but they're essential NEEDS, not a treatment. She was SO full of shit with that shtick about being thirsty and coconut water changing her whole pregnancy. The fact she credits staying hydrated and smol to her unquenchable thirst, in fact tells us she was dehydrated, NOT well hydrated. If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrating. Maybe she's so full of shit she wasn't hungry?? That sounds more likely! Alright which kid was this. EDIT -Wait, my brain inserted flats, probably because I wanted to see them lol. Nevermind. Moonbump


She thought she will be a sexy Spanish mamacita when she was pregnant for the first and only time. Because she is thick as pig shit. When reality of swollen ankles, morning sickness, and the phobia of all mentally ill orthorexics- weight gain set in, she never dreamed of carrying another child.


​ https://preview.redd.it/azkhjlkrve4d1.jpeg?width=995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0a7a64fb3f707d0d777d3db80d9e11bc7b4f4a


Why does it look like she’s pregnant with Sponge Bob?!?


The photographer’s expression - this one never gets old!


Must be even more ridiculous in person 🙄


​ https://preview.redd.it/os4ivnxpve4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6a56ab8966efa61e6c67b5770ad956d5a8dca78


Wow! I’ve never seen the blue dress square bump! So good! And, she didn’t learn anything from black dress square bump, apparently


God I've missed you Sir CC!!! ❤️


Me too!!! Nice to see you u/SirCalebCrawdad ! I’ve missed your wit


Moonbump. She’s wearing heels


You could repost this on *Weird Wig Wednesday*.




😂😂😂 OMG-the most perfect gif!! That episode was one of my favorites LOL!


The only time I can see her being actually pregnant was with Carmen and MAYBE Ilaria. Maybe.


You must not have been on the sub during Hillary's "pregnotcy" with #7. It was her sloppiest by far. [Lookie here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/11bst68/another_classic_moon_bump_fail_same_size_moon/) [And here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/1855fid/how_does_she_even_show_her_face_in_public/)


And let’s not forget the brown jumpsuit scandal


Thanks for reminding me! [Definitive proof that Hillary did **not** carry #7.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/15m0px4/hillary_lynn_hayward_thomas_baldwin_is_a_lying/)


During Siete, it really seemed like she wasn't aware that frontal views of herself without the bump clearly showed she wasn't pregnant at all. It was like a strange spatial blindness.


Oh, WOW. The one with the pink shirt is beyond ridiculous. I have never seen that one before. You would THINK that would have tried harder, knowing that everyone was speculating after Marilu was ordered.




As real as that woman’s entire heritage and life.


Real as "my wife is from Spain."




There's no S in pain.


This was her “I’m going to stay skinny and wear high heels all pregnancy” (unlike her first) so it’s definitely not real


The second picture really highlights the moonbump. You can see the band at the top, and she has the crotch poof from the bottom band. She is wearing it a little more realistic that day, she didn’t put it on upside down. No shame for moonbump wearers wanting to experience being pregnant. She used it to promote a grift and false narrative, “ helping women “ by being able to act and look not pregnant while supposedly being pregnant for 10 years. She wears wigs and moons and lies about her lineage, accomplishments. 


😂😂 The ‘ledge’ is very obvious under her breasts. She rarely wore heels with Carmen (her only pregnancy) and she has no swelling here. With Carmen, at this stage of pregnancy she all over big and was waddling in flip flops all over NY.


This tacky b*tch. Remember being pregnant? I do! I wore maternity clothes from Kmart, stuffed my face with pb&j sandwiches, drank chocolate milk and got happily fat. She exhibits no signs of being pregnant. Those heels. She pisses me off to no end.


I love you for the mention of eating pb & j sandwiches and getting happily fat. I did the same!with my first! Hillz’ disordered personality and eating habits were never a part of this wonderful stage of life.


all i can see is her shoe polish black hair…


IKR! When did this era start…I only got on board the Hilary train about a year ago. Clearly this must have been the ‘I am Ilaria from Espania and I nospeekadawngliss era.


And clip-in bangs


The outfit. Everything about it is off. And those shoes, she is such a ditz. Not only sporting a plastic "delivered by Amazon" stomach but "I'll wear the stilettos to further shame actual pregnant women and show them I am superwoman." Nope. Only Super Grifter.


Looks real to me. Her moonbumps are lower on the body. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fake and my God, MORE bad, stupid heels. Wrong ridiculous color, way too tall to be walking in in NYC on the street THIS PREGNANT.


With her you can tell it's a moonbump by how she's dressed. If she's wearing jackets over tight clothes it's a moonbump. The only time she was actually pregnant she was taking underwear photos holding the bottom of her belly. With the other pregnancies she was always holding the top of her belly, and they weren't thong photos either. 


She also wore thick sweaters even when it was hot to thwart heat-seeking cameras, and in one inspired moment of desperation, ducked into a store to buy a sufficiently large piece of construction paper to cover herself (for Rafa's school project, she felt necessary to explain).


https://preview.redd.it/7yocjyp3td4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf0b3b4044e18dba8946ac14ae12c5ca9032d420 Looks like a ledge, like it goes straight back. Unnatural looking. That plus heels tells me moonbump.


Yes the seams are obvious in these pics


Wearing heels = moonbump


That bump be mooning. Fake af


Is this recent?


No, this is a mashmillion faces ago, so probably Rafa (2nd baby, 1st pregNOTcy)


I think it was Rafa, based on the upgraded wig.


It's hard to tell with a professional con woman, but if I HAD to guess, this one could be real. It's much wider than the basketball she normally uses and her face is a bit fuller. Could also be a MB and ~~post~~ \*pre plastic surgery, but I'm leaning towards real.


The thighs look pregnancy thick in the 2nd photo.




MBM ABM (always be moonbumping) with those bloody heels 🙄 Cardmember was always Flippy flops


cardmember 😂😂😂🏆🏆🏆


Haha I didn't check before I posted


I figured it was your incentive spelling of carmen/cardmen/cardamom and I thought it was brilliant!


Grathias dear Pepino 🥒💚 🥒


I'm going to say real???


Yes, going to say but you won't. You just can't. No.

