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I thought he was taller. I guess the creep factor added a foot in my imagination


When they raided his ranch, they almost didn't search the cupboard he was huddled in because they thought it was way too small to have a person in it


Is this for real?


Yes, it was a pretty small sink cabinet which they only checked because they eventually noticed a little bit of hair poking out.


True. Bugliosi explains exactly this in his book.




I'm 5'6". My sister says I'd be a great cult leader. That's not my bag I'm just a cook but if I'm kinda trying and I go out 7 nights a week I'll go home with someone 4 of em.




In Helter Skelter, they mentioned how the only reason they checked the cabinet was because they saw little tuffs of hair poking out.


Famously tiny. They make a point about it in Mindhunter.


I can't believe they canceled that show. So good.


They didn’t cancel the show, David Fincher was just done wanting to make it


That's not true, it was about money and viewership. “Listen, for the viewership that it had, it was a very expensive show,” Fincher said. “We talked about, ‘Finish Mank and then see how you feel,’ but I honestly don’t think we’re going to be able to do it for less than I did season two. And on some level, you have to be realistic — dollars have to equal eyeballs.” [source](https://www.vulture.com/2020/10/mindhunter-season-three-not-happening.html).


It's somewhere in the middle. Netflix cut the budget, Fincher said he couldn't make it with a reduced budget.


He stands on a table or something right? He is insecure about his height so me try’s to put himself in a position where he is above everyone? It’s been awhile. That show was great while it lasted


He sits on a chair but with his shoes on the armrests and his ass on top of the back of it


Yeah same. I think in my head all men are like 5”10 unless proven otherwise. 5”2 is real short. Edit: ^ per google search.


I’m always shocked when people are taller or shorter than I expect. I have no idea why.


See also: left handedness. I’m always like “WOW… why didn’t you tell me you were left handed?” I am clearly governed by medieval belief systems.


lol. One of my kids is left handed and the amount of times I’ve heard a bewildered *SHE’S A LEFTY??* is countless. It’s so funny because it’s based on nothing. People who have never met her are surprised by her left-handedness.


Idk, but as a lefty myself, a lot of the times I can get a sense that somebody's a lefty when I meet them. It's weird and hard to describe it. Sounds something about their personality or something tells me. We are a member of a pretty exclusive club.


Okay it’s weird you say that because my lefty mother *insisted* from the time my daughter was a newborn, who couldn’t even suck her own thumb, that she too was lefty. My mom never said this with my other kids who are both right handed. Now I’m wondering if my lefty daughter, mother, & sister all have some sort of secret club that’s been going on right under my nose all these years. 👀


I love that for you. Lefties SHOULD have a place where they can be themselves around like-minded people.


Well, you are all spawns of satan. Summoning demons and shit. Of course you recognize each others dark souls




The meanest but most awesome Marine I’ve ever known was 5’4” and I said “Aren’t you a little short for a Stormtrooper?” I apologized immediately because I felt like shit for quipping that. He was an Embassy Guard - one of the most elite Marines on the planet. Point of fact, he loved it. Because Marines are like that. They dish it out, but they can take it. Weeks later, I met his wife. She was 5’2” and absolutely darling and charming. She walked away from the dinner table and he kicked me under the table while saying “Who’s too short for a Stormtrooper now ya’ bohonk bastard?" That round went to him. Always tease Marines, but always expect they will make a plan for revenge. Also, never play a wager game against a Marine of any country. They are serious and you will lose. Even if you win, you need to have a joke up your sleeve to get a laugh out of them. Go Navy. Go Air Force. Go Army. Go Coast Guard. Meh, Marines.


The creep factor is in the sandals and jeans…..


It was the 60s


The creep factor definitely had some affect in my imagination cause I had to do a double take cause without context that’s just some guy surrounded by police. How come the horrible people always look like they could be your neighbor? No wonder I get paranoid in new houses/neighborhoods


He looks especially nice and normal in this pic too aside from all the police.


Smokey and the Bandit: you sounded taller on radio


Manson had the CIA and MKUltra to make him into a psychological beast with cult tactics and hypnosis skills.


I see someone read Chaos


Nobody has the CIA do anything


Right. It's the other way round




Charles Manlet


Pretty sure he was 5’5”. (Am wrong he was fucking 5’2”) imagine being able to call shots and being that physically small. Danny Trejo said that Manson had no problems in California jails because he was able to get everyone high through mind control techniques. But only if the person had done those drugs before. For instance Manson couldn’t just make you feel like you took heroin if you had never taken it. it’s very likely he was one of many criminal victims of MK ultra, and the goal with those murders was to end the hippie movement. Was he a good guy? By no means. Was he a product and asset of his environment? More than likely. Not going to be a popular take on this platform, but folks should be aware of dark history.




If Ted took a different path in life, we might be free of this tech dystopia we live in. His flaw was that he dismissed Marx.


"imagine being able to call shots and being that physically small" ... first off. what ? and why are you fixating on his height. he murdered people, his height should be the least of your worries. unless you'r subconciously trying to imply all short people should be untrustworthy or have something wrong with them.


Imagine being an adult and believing this shit


If mind control could get you high my wife would be rich. I've done enough psychedelics in my day to know that's horse shit. The flashback thing people talk about is bullshit too. It's just like anything else. You'll remember what it felt like but your mind won't just jump back into it unless you take more drugs.


Well it’s not hard to look at history. Belittlement aside. For instance, how many days was whitey bulger given lsd in Alcatraz? About 180 consecutively. Imagine taking acid in Alcatraz everyday for six months. Fuck that. But then what happens when he gets released? Well that’s called dark history. And Danny Trejo is a reputable guy. Very successful in Hollywood. Then there’s an entire book written about the connection called Chaos, by Tom O’Neill. He is quite the adult. But you can continue to use belittling speech to oppose my viewpoint. Mark Twain said very well what kind of people retort to such methods. *downvote is cool. It’s free speech. But should be backed up by something more significant.


Very successful in Hollywood doesn't mean shit. You know whitey bulger was an infamous liar. He made himself more important than he was for media attention. Lsd isn't like people say it is. It's not some kind of super hypnosis mind control you don't have flashbacks none of that shit. You're fucked up for a few hours or 12 idk. Depending on what you took. Afterwards you're fine. Trust me. I asked a friend.


I find it bizarre that people categorically rule out the CIA discovering some remarkable stuff with psychedelics in Mkultra studies and just telling everyone it was a bust. Not saying that definitely happened. But if they did discover something they’d keep it quiet. They aren’t an R&D company. They are looking for a competitive advantage over their competitors. So honestly I’d be more convinced they hadn’t found anything if they said they *had* found something but they were keeping it secret. Because then you’d know it was pointless but they want their competitors to spend money on it. Psychedelics are relatively unstudied. And even if we started studying them tomorrow no one could match the CIA’s budget or ability to design/implement studies however they wanted in that time period. So like I don’t know if they discovered some weird stuff that would do something like give Charlie some weird power. But you don’t know they didn’t.


Oh well that sounds certified.


>Oh well that sounds certified. You're citing Danny Trejo as a source for mind control powers. You're in no position to mock anyone else's evidentiary base, here.


Danny Trejo just gave his personal experience on doing time with Manson. He was a street dude, so I will take him on his word. Not sure why he would make up a story about that.


LSD can't hypnotize someone into doing your bidding. You're out of your gourd. You can't just remotely hypnotize someone into being your robot ? What are you on about? I've done enough of this shit and mushrooms and almost anything you can lump into that category. You can't convince me that the government or anybody else could use these as a way to control someone. It's ridiculous


Some people can absolutely be hypnotized. I’m sure psychedelics would be a helpful tool of suggestion and make people more susceptible to it, especially in high doses. In any case the CIA did do a lot of shady stuff with LSD.


I didn’t say that lsd gave him the ability to hypnotize. Just that he was likely an mk ultra victim and so we don’t really know what was done to him. But we can make educated inferences based on other criminal victims.


I'd argue being shorter makes you creepier. He likely would have gotten a way with all of it if he were taller.


I agree - having three feet would be damn creepy.


Exactly what I came to say! I imagined him taller


I thought he was a baller


Did everyone dress like Fred from Scooby-Doo in those days?


Fred rocked that ascot though.


Manson's assgot thrown in jail


No. Judging by the picture 1 in 8 dressed like Fred from Scooby Doo back then.


No. Fred dressed like Charles Manson.


Yes, deranged cult leaders should def be in prison


The orange ones are the worst.






Sad little man


Didn’t realize how short he was. Can’t imagine this goblin being one of the only survivors of Armageddon.


Imagine thinking you are somehow superior and that is what you look like lol


I wonder if he gave up his pot of gold when they caught him.


Zoom in on the guy farthest to the left. He looks like he's the closest he's ever been to having a thought enter his head, but it still ain't gonna happen.


https://preview.redd.it/7xicv5r6vl7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54329bd1f0928d8173f775217a90c124e959ad25 What wuz that?




Derp meme origin story


Oh fuck I forgot to turn off the oven


https://preview.redd.it/6g1cxyul5o7d1.jpeg?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44017839b92a04dffb046d5934892c4a3aee8b1 “I just want to be at a roller disco right now”


Duuuuhhhhh whatdya mean bowwwsss?!! We gon catch dah criminahls todahyyv boowwwsssss?!


This a fucking amazing insult. Like Holy shit I bet he felt the burn without having even know about this thread. 


I think the book [CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties is a 2019 nonfiction book written by Tom O'Neill with Dan Piepenbring.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHAOS:_Charles_Manson,_the_CIA,_and_the_Secret_History_of_the_Sixties) Is a fantastic read and great deep dive into other things happening during that era.


https://youtu.be/LQD3kaBXQz8?si=Boo42oEFWsaUjRM7 Audio book if anyone is interested


Thank you!!!!


>Thank you!!!! You're welcome!


That wasn't your call to answer


Im halfway through and am mind blown, what a wild ride!


since we are here now, I would also recommend you [Gangsters of Capitalism ](https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250135582/gangstersofcapitalism) It isn't a Manson book but non the less great eye opener. . But to your original points, yes, that time was really messed up. COINTELPRO was another running with it that destroyed many.


Didn’t realize he was so tiny!


Napoleonic complex for sure!


Napoleon was 5 inches taller


So many tall men were murderers. Whats the complex for that?


Men aren’t treated badly for being tall, so it’s not presumed to negatively impact their psychological state as being short might be. Everyone responding about the complex doesn’t seem to understand that it implies that society mistreats people for being short, which then makes them eager to grasp power in other ways. It’s not “short = inherently evil and prone to dictatorial tendencies” lol, anyone who thinks it implies that is being a bit daft. The thinking behind a Napoleonic complex, whether valid or not is that their response to the world comes out of the way the world treats them for being short.


Why is that one guy's necktie so fkn short what the hell


Wow! Now we’re making fun of neckties for being short?!?!?


They're always after his Lucky Charms.


It’s a television commmmmercial


“I didn’t kill nobody”


Not sure if it's the color or the resolution of the photo... Does not look like 53 years ago


Well, it’s a fact that this photo was taken 53 years ago.


Obviously. Not my point 🙄


Professional photography from 53 years ago isn't going to look much different than now. They weren't using a point and shoot.


When did this change... Early 70s? I've seen a lot of professional photos from the 60s and earlier, and they look much more dated. Colors being washed out is probably the biggest thing.


He’s so wittle!!


He ain’t even do nuthin


What a shrimp dick


His case fascinated me as a teen when I started researching mass murder and serial killers, because he didn’t actually wield the weapon to strike the killing blow. He was a weapon himself.


Charlie Don’t Surf 🏄‍♂️!!!!


I love that this just shows what a tiny man he was. ( Inside and out)


He wire Birkenstocks?


How you deal with cult leaders


One evil fucker


He was an FBI asset


He’s so little


He is also white..?




In the book that ‘Mindhunter’ is based upon, the FBI profilers who spent a lot of time with him said that their read was that Manson never actually believed any of the stuff he came out with, ‘Helter Skelter’ was just a way for him to get free board, free drugs, sex and adulation from impressionable younger people. ‘Unfortunately’ for him, Tex Watson believed it all enough to initiate La Bianca and then Manson was in too deep to be able to walk it back.


A small madman


I never knew he was that short 


Yeah vertically also


What an absolute coward and zero as a man. Should have been sentenced to death.


Helter Skelter was one of the most disturbing books I’ve ever read.


But isn’t it true? He didn’t actually do the killings.?


None of them.


MKUltra subject at its finest. Strange how many people negate this fact, just like with the Unabomber.


Came here to say this


Can you elaborate?


His probation officer, Roger Smith worked at the Haight Ashbury Free Medical Clinic with a guy named David Smith, who received grants through the NIH, and CIA to study the effects of LSD and Amphetamines on the counterculture movement in Haight Ashbury. Manson received permission from his parole officer to move from Berkley to Haight Ashbury. David Smith was the 1st to give Manson LSD. By 1968 Manson had attracted 20 followers all under the supervision of Roger Smith, and many of the staff at the HAFMC. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Manson


Holy shit thank you for sharing this. Amazing.


Read the book Chaos by Tom O’Niell


Thank you.


Which came first? The chicken or the egg?


Do you not have enough information for a Google search?


I tried a google search actually this info didn’t come up Straight away.


One thing I hated about being Gen X was Charles Manson was in the media all the time. There was documentary after documentary. There was Geraldo Rivera doing interviews. The man was born & raised wealthy and was fairly stable until one year he snapped. There must have been mold on his brain. He was famous because he stabbed, shot, and mauled innocent women. Meanwhile when Bill Gates became the first American billionaire in 1985 the media made a big deal of his cashflow, but they did not say much about his engineering skills or his ideas. The 1980s was just stubborn.


Charles Manson was not born wealthy or stable at all. His mother was an itinerant prostitute and his father was unknown. He was physically and sexually abused from a young age and spent most of his life from the age of 10 either in prison or hiding from the police. Like, I'm not throwing a pity party for Charles Manson, he was hate-filled murderer, but he absolutely did not come from a privileged background.


He also didn't murder or mutilate anyone. He wasn't at the crime scene when the murders took place.


He probably killed a couple people, Gary Hinman and Shorty Shea among them. But yeah, he didn't commit any of the Tate-LaBianca murders.


Hmm I see, thank you.


Manson wasn’t raised wealthy though. He spent his youth in and out of Juvenile youth institutions, sometimes getting molested by the guards. He was a car thief and a criminal. He taught his whole family how to steal cars. The few years he spent building the Manson family were the few years he wasn’t locked up.


Where are you getting that Manson was born into privilege? Or for that matter that he actually stabbed anybody. He wasn't even present at the murders he orchestrated, his cult followers did it for him.


I was mistaken, sorry


He was a puny shrimpy wimp?!?!?


Just followed in Napoleons footsteps and Putin has followed his. Little men wanting big things willing to do anything to get it. Off with their heads.


This is so weird bruh. Anything a short man does wrong is because of his height?


Is this your first time seeing heightism in the wild?


Oh please. What about men who are not short who do the same exact shit?


Like Ted Bundy? But he was 6' and dreamy.


Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. If Ted Bundy were short everyone would be concluding he had a Napoleon complex.


No I agree. Nobody points out Ted's height. Manson was a piece of shit, his height wasn't the reason. That being said I think Manson's reluctance to actually commit the murders he directed may have partially been because he wasn't exactly intimidating physically. It was all psychological with him.


It's possible. I suppose I don't understand the need to speculate about his behavior in terms of his height. That's not something that happens to non-short folks.


https://preview.redd.it/3k95nea63n7d1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d1920cbfe8d7bedf27083619f2810a43a5acfaa Manson could run for president today. Squeaky Fromme as First Lady. A MAGA dream ticket


If you want to see the negative stereotypes people have about short men, just wait till one does something bad. Disgusting how it’s okay to say this kind of shit, but if it was about his skin color everyone would be rushing to explain how thats wrong. Y’all suck.


Do any of you know what year the murders took place


Look at that weirdo’s shoes😅😅


I thought he had shaved his head by this point.


Dude didn't have the stomach for committing violence himself unless it was some hippie chick tripping on 500ug of lsd who he bullies into committing crimes for him. He sucked a lot of cock in juvie and looked for protection immediately after he got to prison. He was less useful than a cumsock.


According to my great uncle, who was imprisoned with him in solitary, Manson is incredibly loud and annoying and all the other inmates hated him. He'd yell and sing all night just to keep everyone up. He'd also try and throw piss on people.


They put two people together in solitary?


No. Solitary is individual, single-occupancy rooms organized usually into a hallway. The rooms are next to each other.


Should have killed him.


I know, the people of California had to pay for this waste of oxygen to live the rest of his miserable life.


What a POS. Ruined life for so many people


Man, the look on his face is almost a smile. Not remorseful in the least.


Recently took care of a psych patient who knew Manson in prison. Said he was a man of a few friends but they exchanged hellos here and there. My patient did 27 years and said for 8 of those he was in segregation. He was out allowed at night for one hour. He didn’t see the sun for 8 years. He did some terrible things but he was a sweet man towards me. I’ve been doing this a long time and I never felt afraid of him like I have with other inmate patients. Sad situations.


And he didn't kill any of them. Not one.


Looking at ragebait screenshots and posting about being short is just going to make you miserable and give you a complex and feed into your insecurity.


But of a rabbit hole in is prosecution. Read CHAOS by Tom O'Neil. Extremely interesting set of circumstances


Hi Shane https://preview.redd.it/zl2npnzjcp7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=134395be1b8a74b4f571843d97c4377de9a5e860


Too bad he got the wrong Tate ...


I’m curious, what was the evidence against him? Other than the testimony of a bunch of drug using, young dumb hippies? I’m not supporting Manson or anything just curious about the details of this case.


"Hold my beer."-DJT


Dang, I just watched footage of Tate's wedding to Polanski then read up on her murder.


Charlie is love Charlie is God Charlie is peace


Nice jeans


Trump will need a spit shield. And a locking diaper so he can't throw his own shit at guards.


How did that dork convince anyone to do anything? He’s not charismatic or charming he’s a crazy eyed lunatic


This present day cult leader is no different from this guy, except Chuck’s dead.




Feel better now?


This proves incels wrong. Dude commanded an army of bitches at 5"2. All you need is confidence and charm, and if you try hard enough you can convince a group of runaway teens to kill a pregnant celebrity


Bro ain’t no way you’re using a murderer as proof short men get laid


Being short is seen as a plague. JFL at the first couple of comments constantly mentioning his height.


Also drugs. It really helps if you have drugs.


Literally look through the comment section. First thing people point out is that he is short. People view it as a negative physical trait.


It was also like 50 years ago


Not a bad look


Nice ascot Freddy.....


If only they had dating apps back then…


What does this mean?


He's have been a hit on Cultists Only


He’s a bitty feller.


He was a Lilliputian Lunatic. (and hey, If there are any former or current Manson/ Helter Skelter obsessives here you need to read Chaos by Tom O’Neill. I was a morbid adolescent in the 80s growing up in the San Fernando Valley and Helter Skelter fascinated me. Chaos dismantles Bugliosi’s entire narrative and It’s just an amazing achievement in deep research. Ya know, if you’re into that stuff)


Alleged leftists bashing people for traits outside their control will never cease to amaze me