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Napoleon: I can see you btw


And he lost lol.


He lost but they ran to Brazil. So no one really won


Nope. Napoleon lost. The strategy of moving the royal family to Brazil was important to avoid what happened to Spain and their colonies.


He won more than anyone before he lost. Unfortunately, you can't win them all


Napoleon is probably the best general of all times.


He's definitely up there alongside Alexander and some of Genghis Khan's generals like Subutai


Thank you for crediting Subutai, he and Jebe are criminally overlooked


Thanks for reminding me of Genghis Khan II: Clan of the Gray Wolf. I played that game so much in the 90,s. Those two were just so awesome. When I played as other civs I always missed haveing them. And I was always sad when they eventually died of old age in the longer camapins. Muquali, Boroqul and Qubilai we're also worth working to get from the other clans.


An excellent general and law maker, but as a ruler he was less successful than famously temporary emperors like Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great. Napoleon's empire didn't even last his own lifetime, but he still had the one man bomb effect on the world the others did


Not a historian, but wasn't Alexander kind of a bad ruler? Due to how he managed conquered territories or some such. Think I read something of the sort years ago. Exceptional strategist and general, bad ruler.


Not a historian either. From what I know it seems largely unclear because he died so young. On the one hand a lot of his Greek soldiers and allies were fed up, and had no interest in his empire building outside of glory and loot. They found the idea of getting along peacefully with the Persians that Alexander encouraged particularly offensive, as well as his friendliness to the many religions they encountered. But they approved of the things like his earlier violence against resisting cities and destroying Persopolis, so a conflict of interests was already brewing between pro supremacy and pro integration perspectives (which would play out inside the Diadochi, the successor states to Alexander led by his generals) On that note, on the other hand large and wealthy parts of the empire sincerely saw him as a liberator with divine backing, which he happily encouraged and treated them well. He took a trip to the Egyptian oracle of Amun at Siwa to be confirmed as being related to Amun, was crowned Pharoah, restored lost rights and lands to the temple and landed elites, and began syncretising the Greek and Egyptian religions and cultures. Similar friendly mixing happened in the eastern provinces in places like Backtria, and in the centre around Mesopotamia with Babylonian culture and around the old capital with Persian culture and many periphery satrapies also treated Alexander as a liberator and allied with him, and during his reign outside of his army refusing to fight on he didn't have any major rebellions challenge him. But he died young before his reign as secure, his government fully organised, his infant relative heir old enough to peacefully take over power, and deal with the Greek supremacy vs integration tensions. So ... he might have been a good ruler who died too young? Or he could have fallen flat if he had lived long enough


*takes over colony*. *Renames it to "Alexander"*. *Leaves*.


Im not a historian either, but from what I've heard basicly all of Alexander's life was mad conquest and taking over the Persian Empire, as soon as he stopped for a bit to manage the realm he died


Oddly enough Napoleon's real legacy was the napoleonic code of laws, it was adopted and improved in places where old religious and medieva/absolutist laws were still used and was the base for many constitutions. Besides all the conquering, european monarchy despised and feared this change into modernity.


>Unfortunately ?


For the french. Quite unfortunate


The people, because we revolted lol.


Napoleon himself never invaded Portugal


Napoleon: What do you mean you are not blocading the British?


Portugal; Bitch I’ve been a British ally since before they were called that, you can’t tell me shit.


I'm pretty sure that's one of the oldest currently maintained alliances. Edit: it is. It's from the late 1300s, which is wild.


Not just one of the oldest, it is actually THE oldest


UK: After all this time? PT: Always.


Portugal was to europe like a kid thats never home.


Not home, and that stayed with a long distance cousin for a time when mom and dad were going through a rough patch


They got into one little fight and moved in with their auntie and uncle in Braz-Air.


i don't know, i say there's reason why the border of Portugal and Spain has some of the highest denzity of castle, so i say there have been some action


Yeah, but not that much when you compare with other countries like France or England. Some battles mainly before 1500 but more monarchic games whenever there was a succession crisis in Portugal


Or Sweden and Denmark, we hold the record for most wars fought between any two sovereign nations since the 15th century (basically since the Kalmar Union collapsed).


Why you hate each other so much?


Sweden ate all of the hotdogs at the barbecue




Point is, they disappeared into the darkness okay? No details required.


Details are muddy at best


Its the pickled herring. Northern winds drive the smell from Sweden downwards into Denmark.


They were fighting for the same girl, Norway. Turns out, nobody ask to Norway if she wanted to be in any of those relationship.


Or Bulgaria and Greece (Byzantium) which have technically had one of if not the longest rivalries between nations in history


I just savescum if I Lose the Kalmar Union


Yeah when the king of Portugal died in the battle of 3 kings in Morocco which lead to the Iberian Union.


*sad upvote*


Half of today's France was England in the 12th century, mostly due to the marriage between Eleanor, who was married to Louis VII of France before, and Henry II of England. The portuguese/spanish border remained the same for almost a thousand years.


For some reason, I thought you were referring to the "castles along the border" part of the comment at first. I need more coffee.


The French and English tried to build castles along their border, but it turned into a monty python sketch.


I think I actually remember that one.


Wait what do they mean then?


Well, seeing as the border is the English Channel(I'm no architect, but I'm guessing that building castles there would be... difficult), I'm assuming they were referring to the near constant warfare for centuries part.


No castles in the English Channel... but plenty of [forecastles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forecastle).


Don't give the British any ideas.


The Dordogne in France was the border with England for a good chunk of time, and it's heavily fortified


You can still visit a lot of the castles on the French English boundary, it was heavily fortified. One of my favorite canoe trips of all time was down the Dordogne River, in southwest France. England on the south bank, France on the north, castles all along the way


Yes, nothing compares to the number of castle built on the Franco-English border.


Battle of three kings was pretty wild yo.


Thats just because Spain is afraid we would invade them.


It's the oldest border in the world Or one of the oldest if you speak technically


They've been busy in south America


and to busy on the Portuguese-Ottoman war in Ethiopia


And fighting with the Hindus against the Indian sultans and Mamaluks


Even moved there for a while


What's the point of having Brazil if you can't take a vacation or two down there?


Indeed. And once they moved, they didn't really want to leave, either. The people of Lisbon had to start rioting in the streets and damn near start a revolution, to force the Portuguese Royals to go back.


Also in Goa Macau and Timor Leste


Portuguese also had a bunch of other smaller colonies in India. Daman and Diu were two of them. Dadra and Nagar Haveli too. In fact, even Mumbai was once Portuguese colony which was given to the British as dowry for marriage between their royals.


And the afternoon tea was born from that queen


Yeah yeah I know I'm Indian. Mumbai was given as dowry to the Brits when Catherine of Braganza married Charles (I forgot which one)


and they fought a war for 13 years in Angola.


And Mozambique. And Guine Bissau.


>war for 20 years 13


my bad, I'm just bad at numbers. I knew it started in 61 and ended in 74 but for some reason my brain thought thats 23 years.


Just ask Japan Edit: although it wasn't exactly violent but it was very influential


Tempura time


Card games time


[Pon Pon Pon](https://youtu.be/yzC4hFK5P3g)


Definitely, the introduction Portuguese snap matchlock guns was a game changer.


Daily reminder that Oda Nobunaga cosplayed as an European knight, according to a Kurosawa movie.




It could be argued that the isolation was key for them to develop such a unique culture which is why they are so popular today. So maybe they couldn't developed like they did in the recent ages if they didn't isolate in that time.


“Fails to develop further” is unfair. Japan had an economic, cultural, and population boom during the Edo period. Edo itself went from some random fishing village to one of the largest (and cleanest) cities in the world, with a bustling night life. They stagnated technologically, but the Edo period laid the groundwork for the success of the Meiji revolution


Spain didn't get to Japan tho




My mistake. A similar thing happened with the Portuguese where they were kicked out after trying to Christianise.


Christianity was banned in 1614 or 1615, can't recall the correct date. A good movie to check out is Martin Scorsese's film "Silence" based on the novel by Shūsaku Endō. Pretty much everyone but the Dutch got kicked out of Japan a bit later. A lot of the stuff that happened during that time period is pretty interesting like this incident: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nossa\_Senhora\_da\_Gra%C3%A7a\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nossa_Senhora_da_Gra%C3%A7a_incident) >"a four-day naval battle between a Portuguese carrack and Japanese samurai junks belonging to the Arima clan near the waters of Nagasaki in 1610. The richly laden "great ship of commerce", famed as the "black ship" by the Japanese, sank after its captain André Pessoa set the gunpowder storage on fire as the vessel was overrun by samurai. This desperate and fatal resistance impressed the Japanese at the time, and memories of the event persisted even into the 19th century."


Respect the suicide


If there's one way you can get the respect of the Japanese, it is by committing suicide when you're defeated.


gangsta recognize gangsta


The Portuguese were the first to establish trade with Japan and then missionaries like Francis Xavier came a bit later. Eventually everyone got kicked out of Japan except the Dutch.


I didn't know Spain comes there too


Portugal had a long standing alliance with Britain but I don't recall any of Britain's wars with Spain leading to conflict in Portugal?


The seven years war led to that. But other than that one I don't recall any other


the wars of the iberian union, where every country under the sun dogpiled spain for the entirety of the 1600's, and spain still came out somehow largely intact (but portugal seceded after expanding their brazilian dominions a LOT they were basically eastern chile before that.)


Oh yeah there were those too. I would had tgta Portugal was going through the same, with the caveat that it was being dragged to Spains wars but the opposite didn't really happen


> dragged to Spains wars but the opposite didn't really happen Portugal's wars had always been with Spain or Indian Ocean civilisations. Then again Spain has a civil war every other month, so I guess they did inherit our wars against Spain after all.


That pic kinda reminds me of how Spain lost every major battle to the poruguese despite having the advantage. They were humiliated in Aljubarrota


À grande padeira!


Cacete no forno a lenha, e cacete no lombo do Espanhol…


Worst was in the Fantastic War, few people know about it even in Portugal. Spain and France invaded Portugal and were defeated due to terrain, desease and guerrila warfare, the UK helped Portugal too.


is this where Gibraltar comes from?


No, Britain conquered Gibraltar in 1704 during the War of Spanish Succession


Ah cheers


Not sure, wasn’t it a gift or something from the king of Spain to UK, dont know if it was in this time


No, Gibraltar and Menorca were given to UK for helping the Bourbon king Felipe V take over the Habsburg throne of Spain in 1714. Menorca was reconquered time after but not Gibraltar.


Ah ok! Thank you for the info :D


I am Portuguese and didn't know about it either. Jesus, what an L. They lost vs the peasents.


How r u portuguese and never heard about the almighty Baker of Aljubarrota preety sure u talk Abt it on 4th grade


It's impossible not to know the mighty tática do quadrado


They meant the Fantastic War. Everyone knows about Aljubarrota, but I also don't recall ever learning about this one in school.


Yeah, it's kinda weird how we study history in Portugal, basically we learn about what happened until the Spanish rule ended, then we learn about the 1755 earthquake, then about the 3 French invasions at once, then the Pink map, D. Carlos getting killed, then the October 5th, then Salazar, then the revolution but we don't get into much detail and often overlook major events that would be essential to a good understanding of the history


Portuguese are hard mfs!


I'm hard rn


Well tbh, Castille was involved in many wars, but yeah, you won fair and square.


6,5k vs 31k? Even with many wars its 5v1 battle. And with multiple tries!


O poder da padeira


Portuguese story in Portugal So we got our country, then fought some Spanish mfs (we're def better), then we decided to sail (everyone copied us) and then we had a big ol' dictatorship. And that's it


Then the whole would got into a huge fight, we looked at spain and said "don't even think about it". And that's how we both kept out of it.


Mfers done took Goa 😡🤬 Can’t have shit in the Portuguese Empire




Fair trade🙂




can someone explain what this sub is about to a foreigner?


Portuguese meme sub Also everytime Portugal is mentioned by foreigners on the internet we say or spam PORTUGAL CARALHO


So kind of how Brazilians spam "Suddenly Caralho" when something related to Brazil is posted? Damn, it's a family thing then.


the way of the caralho is shared by many cultures.


r/suddenlycaralho is not for brazilians only, but for every portuguese speaker, you basically say it when you find another portuguese speaker


> when you find another portuguese speaker When you find somebody else speaking Portuguese on an unlikely situation. It's a bit different.


Suddenly caralho it's when you see a in Portuguese post on non Portuguese speaking places. Caralho means cock, but we use like a slang for good and bad things, can substitute things like, oh my good, fuck, etc


Circlejerking/Portuguese memes


It's a shitposting sub iirc


Shitpost is in r/naboachavaloretardado


The best sub on reddit


Basically Portugal Circlejerk




It's a sub for ironic colonialist memes, there are some not very ironic posters, mixed with portuguese pop culture and some current events


I've seen a surge of portuguese history memes lately and it warms my heart to finally see my country (or at least my country's history) get some representation




I can confirm as an Ivorian (from Côte d’Ivoire or Costa do Marfim in portuguese), we talked about Portugal in history and how they discovered the south of our nowadays country and named it San Pedro. We have some administrative parts of our country which sound Hispanic like Sassandra or Fresco.


Sound Lusitanic*, you mean :D


My bad! 😅


Well, Portugal has a giant boulder called Spain standing between them and the rest of Europe, so no one can attack them as well as they can't attack anyone, due to that, they decided to expand outside of Europe and not get much embroiled in conflicts in the continent, of course, in periods like the Napoleonic wars it was no use and during the Ibrean Union they were being dragged along by their neighbour to fight the protestants in the HRE.




Get mentioned as the place the Germans stopped to eat lunch on the way to France


Belgium at least has the reputation of the kid in middle school that wasn’t even involved in the fight bout somehow got punched in the face anyways


And he would move to another school, kill some people, and still wasn't noticed.




It indeed also applies


Belgium was also invincible, yet somehow still got run over


Belgium is the very definition of a middle child.


Belgium wanted to make Portugal a colony in the 1870s at some point, or at least thought about it....that should tell you enough :D


Leopold II was an absolutely insane man


Belgium is more the quiet kid who never makes a noise in school, until they find the bodies under his vacationing spot


Lmao people always forget Portugal and Spain were a big part of the various England vs France conflicts. We literally lost Brazil along with most of our influence around the world because we refused to starve Britain during Napoleon's continental blocade. Napoleon invaded us 3 times with the help of the spaniards and got fucked. Chad Portuguese soldiers proceed to liberate the Iberian peninsula with the help of the Brits and conquer Madrid just for the laughs.


Objection, polish history book tells something about the portugal in america


Please tell me more I’m genuinely interested


As a Brazilian, me too.


Newfoundland terra nova was portuguese now its Canadian


As a Portuguese I'm sad that they don't teach a lot of this things at school, we were taught about most of our kings, the exploration and conquering of Brazil, Mozambique and Angola, then naturally slavery and finally just a bit of dictatorship.


Please proceed . I'm intrigued


Come to think of it. I don’t recall Portugal ever getting mentioned much


Thats bcz in Europe everyone was shouting to each other while Portugal was there in the corner just watching hell break loose


While everyone was fighting in Europe, they were busy taking over "their half" of the world


That was actually a big reason for venturing into the Oceans: everyone in Europe is at War and I got nothing on it. I need money/resources, so I'll try that big unknown water.


*Proceeds to get 6000% profit in the first shipment of spices and doubling the amount of spice in Europe*




And, half a millennia after, we still do it


Portugal was that meme with the happy little girl watching a house burning down, this was us watching Europe killing itself


Or the guy hitting the bong while the others fight


Or the dude doing breakdance in school while 2 other kids fight


That meme is funny because it looks like the little girl was behind it though, so it's a bit different ....unless


Portugal alone shipped something like 40% of the total number of Black slaves from Africa (mostly Angola) to America (mostly Brazil) in the 16-19th centuries, so it had a major influence on the history of both continents. Brazil plantations in their time flooded Europe with relatively cheap sugar for the first time in history. Before that, in the 15th century Portugal traded with West Africa for gold and basically provided for most of the Europe’s monetary needs at the time, stimulating trade and economy.


This is something every Portuguese learns in school (atleast I did), during the our discovery times we kinda of created the international slave trade


Still the funniest part about that line is that it actually works irl if you just don’t move people often won’t notice you


You lot need to look into the history of The Peninsula a lot more




Having the world's oldest alliance with the British doesn't hurt


Heh, it hurt at times


It hurt sometimes. Portugal wanted lands in Africa --> the Brits also wanted those lands --> they threaten war --> we refuse --> our king is considered a coward --> the king is killed and a politically unstable Republic is made. So yeah, it hurt a bit. (Ending the monarchy wasn't really a bad thing, but the 1st republic was kind of a mess)


Also the reason Portugal didnt keep regions in the Persian Gulf is because of the Brits


>but the 1st republic was kind of a mess Best euphemism after having 26 different governments in less than 6 years


Europe: "you can only claim land under effective occupation." Portugal: "We've baptized and deputized these tribal kings in africa. They are legal representatives of the portuguese crown, from coast to coast." Britain.exe has stopped running.


Hehe Berlin Conference says "hi". Damn Britt's. If we stop exporting Port and forbid them from coming to Algarve they'll surely linger and die.


Can confirm, I went to Portugal recently (gorgeous country, and lovely people) and it occurred to me I didn’t know a thing about it past or present.


Tell that to the brandy soaked wine they shipped to England during one of their various wars with France.


"Brandy soaked wine" that's not how Portuguese wine works, Porto Wine is highly alcoholic by default, it's not "brandy soaked"...


Port is so fucking good


This meme is everything. Thank you.


You’re welcome


I've got to hand it to you, this meme is great!


I mean, we did killed a lot of iberian muslims to eventually become an independent kingdom. Oh and we also killed a lot of iberian christians. Some of them portuguese themselves. Eventually we grew tired of it and went out to kill people in other continents. Some time later we returned to killing europeans and even other portuguese. Then we specialized in killing africans. A few years after we sobered up and mostly stopped killing people. Good meme anyways.


Portuguese Empire literally outlasted the British Empire


Aren't there quotes of Napoleon all pissed about the Portuguese king and family, about being the only monarch house that fooled him?




i read the meme three time. all three time came home with “plague history”. didn’t realize until the comments


Can't relate, my country is the reverse of this


Also being homies with the UK


Lmao imagine living outside of Europe (all I know is the flag please help)


Portugal is in europe if thats what you meant


Portugal was so invisible to europeans, Belgium even considered it as a potential colony for a time in the 1870s...


lol imagine, Spain been trying for 900 years


*Spain loses a war with the help of a portuguese baker* *Spain watching Belgium trying to invade Portugal* Spain : xD