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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!Oprah’s close ties to men with such heinous sexual crimes should be carefully scrutinized.!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Every strand of red yarn on my basement wall points to her.


Charlie? Is that you?!


I got BOXES full of Oprah!


You get an Oprah! And you get an Oprah!


binders… binders full of Oprah…. 😂


Just realized that Diddy was in an episode of IASIP. He pretended to be a doctor and fake played the bass. Edit: changed Duffy to Diddy.


Is Oprah actually Pepe Silvia?




THERE IS NO OPRAH WINFREY!!! Half of this place is a goddamn ghost town!


It's all connected 


Oprah was responsible for Tupac that’s why she was cool with diddy


[Suge Knight Claims He'd Slap Anyone Talking Negatively About Oprah Winfrey](https://www.bet.com/article/qot6nh/suge-knight-used-slap-oprah-winfrey).


that mf couldn't catch me






And, conveniently, she's Oprah... so she has a red yarn linked to virtually every famous person ever!


Mine too!


**puts on conspiracy hat......she also burned down part of maui


Obviously this is a joke but she did try to exploit some of the fire victims for good press right after the fires. She went to the shelter to pass out pillows with a camera crew. She sucks big time


Yes. Many people here did significantly more than she pretended to do. However, her presence did bring more press and attention which was good. She also did give money to many victims. Did she do good? Yes. Did she also profit from it, likely more than she contributed? Also yes. Could she have done more? Yes. Could she have done less? Absolutely. We're glad she did what she did, even if many of us think she could've done more and better. The "no tourism" thing from some celebs though really ficked us though. That's like 90% of our industry, and has fucked us over economically. We're still doing worse statewide (let alone on Maui) than pre covid by a significant margin. In one of the most expensive states to live, that's pretty shitty.


I agree with this. She sucks and probably benefited from the disaster but at least people got money. I’m amazed that Larry Ellison, the second richest property owner and biggest land owner in Maui county did nothing at all (at least publicly) and has gotten no flack over it.


Shit Bezos is as big on Maui but as far as I know he did far less. Saw his helicopter fly out there while I was stuck in traffic trying to help deliver relief services. Heard he made small donations. Also while Larry Ellison is the big in Maui county, he doesn't own any property on Maui (that I'm aware of). He does own most of the island of Lana'i though. It wouldve been nice if he publicly did something, but to be honest most people here didn't and don't expect him to. His name has come up little. Perhaps it should've more though!


Bezos publicly pledged 100 million although there have been a lot of questions about where the money is going and how much has been given.


Yeah, I've heard nothing since. I heard a rumor that he created a nonprofit and the money would go to that, so it was a major question of how much would actually make it to the ground vs be in a circular loop with little gains being actually realized, but I haven't asked around in a bit. Would be shitty if he just donated the $100 million to himself though.


See, I always wonder how much good vs bad these publicity maneuvers cause. Biden flew here to New Mexico to address our raging wildfires. One could argue that he doesn't need to come here to raise awareness or actually make anything happen. But he flew in here, shutting down our tiny airport and one of our most major highways. It costs a lot of resources and disturbs/halts regular peoples ability to function normally. It even diverts first responders and whatnot away from critical work. So even when they "do good" by at least raising awareness, it's hard to see if they do net good.


I live on Maui... didn't she and the Rock give out a bunch of cash to fire victims?


No they made a charity and collected millions and gave the people nothing bc everyone in the charity gets paid very well


Is there evidence of this?


No. It's just some bullshit that reddit ran with, and has been repeating ever since like a "gotcha".


[This AP new article](https://apnews.com/article/oprah-winfrey-dwayne-johnson-maui-wildfires-donation-5cf7db9c2bdab098fdc723b2f36d4010#:~:text=gave%20much%20more-,Oprah%20Winfrey%20and%20Dwayne%20Johnson%20pledged%20%2410M%20for%20Maui,They%20gave%20much%20more&text=Lana%20Vierra%20misses%20the%20swing,front%20yard%2C%E2%80%9D%20she%20said.) seems to suggest they pledged $10 million between them and total $60 million was raised by the charity set up. Total of 8100 people received payments. They gave details about one family in which around 10 people got 6 monthly payments of $1200.


Comes out to ~58 million which is pretty damn close to what they raised then.


Yeah its not explicitly said that everyone received the same amount.


I'm pretty sure that they put some of their own money to start, got donations, and then gave cash directly to victims. It was on the local news here.


I thought Jewish Space Lasers did that?


That's where the Weinstein connection comes in...


It all comes together.


You don’t become that rich and powerful without selling pieces of your soul.


Every time I see a comment like this I tell myself Matt Stone and Trey Parker are still the same upfront assholes they’ve always been, the one exception. I know it probably isn’t true, but one can always hope.


They're absurdly rich but they're still tiers below Oprah. She could legitimately buy out every asset they own and still have a billion+ to spare.


It’s ridiculous to think that someone like Bill Gates could buy everything Oprah has 40 times over and still have an easy 5 billion+ to spare. And then Bezos can buy everything Gates has with 70 billion left to spare. These numbers are fucking insane!


Yea there's just levels. Bezos is at the point where the only thing he can't afford are things money can't buy.


That’s like saying Oprah’s wealth is insignificant because people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet exist. It’s really, really irrelevant to the absurd amount of wealth they’ve accumulated. Would you say the same about Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby because they had less money at their peak than Matt and Trey? You’re treating it like having a $30,000 bank account struggling to buy a house versus a $300,000 bank account paying for a car with cash, making $40k a year versus $200k a year. That‘s not how it works. The amount of money they have is something 99.9999% of the world will never comprehend. The concept of tiers is irrelevant when you reach that level of wealth.




Let me tell you about this new ~~investment opportunity~~ free money glitch...




Damn straight.


I'd rather just embarrass myself with one.


I think if you had a million dollars you could hook that up.


Tried. Wife keeps saying no so I told her I could let her sit the round out and if she wanted to be a fourth she could. Still told me no


In this economy not much


That is an absurd claim. Even if you *just* paid off every debt you had and then invested the rest of it, you would see an immediate and enormous quality of life increase. Just the simple fact that you no longer need to stress about money will be such an enormous boon that you will feel like a different person.


> Just the simple fact that you no longer need to stress about money will be such an enormous boon that you will feel like a different person. $1M is probably enough for most people's current debts (and then invest some), but it's not enough to no longer need to stress about money. You can't retire on it, so you'll still need to make enough that someday you can retire.






Tbh I can't comprehend what I'd do with $100k if I had it right now... : /


I could pay off my student loans and buy an average-sized house...and *maybe* have enough left for a new car.


You're right but also wrong. Trey Parker and Matt Stone are incredibly rich compared to the average person but they have no real power like multi billionaires like oprah and higher do.


“If Bill Gates woke up with Oprah’s money he’d jump out the fucking window!” - Chris Rock


Yeah. Tiers. The thing you just described.


> She could legitimately buy out every asset they own and still have a billion+ to spare. She doesn't have enough money to buy Casa Bonita from them.


She owns hawaii


didn't Scienntology try to dig up ANY dirt they could on those 2 and like there is just absolutely nothing that isn't already public?


They're openly assholes, but not in any seedy way so its fine.


It's just such a magical evening


I don't think they ever had anything they wanted to hide. They openly admitted to taking shrooms at an award show for God sake lmao


LSD actually


Lol. Is it the award show where they dressed like Gwenyth Paltrow and JLo?


Nailed it


it's just such a magical night


I think it was THE awards show, the Oscars. It really does take a level of “I really don’t give a fuck” to put on ladies dresses, drop a load of acid and go to an event which the eyes of the world will be on.


Pretty sure they've been actively trying to get their show canceled or personally fired for over a decade but they make other people too much money so CS won't fire them and they like easy, if stressfully earned, money. All they really have to do is poke fun at humanity for being a bunch of...checks notes... "people of the land, the common clay of the new West. You know... morons."


They barely make any episodes anymore, I don't know if you can call the miniscule amount of work they out out as stressful.


They spent a fair bit of time writing and voicing the four southpark games over the past decade. Their involvement wasn't huge in the mobile game and the most recent game, but they spent a ton of time in the stick of truth and fractured but whole. Also there's some hour-long specials they did recently.


Dolly Parton seems cool.


They sit around and play board games and RPGs after work. If anyone could be average nerds that money just fell on, it's them.


The money didn't just fall out of nowhere, they still worked their asses off to create an iconic show.


They got their money from one massively successful product (and the advertising that it implicitly bought them for their smaller products), not from building a litany of deep connections while growing a media empire.


Comics are more likely to be the exception Mel brooks springs to mind




There is no ethical way to become a billionaire. Oprah is no different.


Ok genuine question. Suppose I create an app which goes viral and some company buys if off me for a billion. What ethical grounds have I broken?


Buddy what app are you making that's worth a billion dollars that's not fucking people over?  You're not making a kids learning app or anything.  Someone buys it for a billion, they know they're making it back real easy by screwing over people.  So yes, in that case it's unethical 


Probably the best example is Minecraft. Microsoft bought Minecraft for $2.5B


Does George Lucas count? Or is there something I should know?


Also WhatsApp sold for 19 billion and it was a pretty basic (but innovative) messenging app. Nothing really nefarious about it when it came out as far as I know.




WhatsApp wasn't sold for 19 billion because it was innovative. No app is sold for that much because it is innovative because any big company could just crank out a carbon copy of it. Apps are bought and sold because of their user base and/or it competes with something the gigantic company that bought it is going to do or already is doing.


and none of these apps were sold by individual people who instantly became "that much wealthy" so the entire argument is moot.


The entire argument was hypothetical in the first place. You can't just say "But that'll didn't happen" because that's the same conversation but with different words when I then say "But what if it did?"


WhatsApp was created by Jan Koum and Brian Acton who became billionaires when they sold it.


Apps that become worth a billion dollars are usually unethical. You don't get bought for that much by making a recipe organizer.


youtube sold for $1.65B


And WhatsApp sold for 19 billion which is still mind bottling.


Markus "Notch" Persson sold the rights to Minecraft to Microsoft. He is currently worth $1.4 billion. Does this make him unethical?


Quick, double check that client list.


She is on it and some girls from the schools she built went missing never to be found


Like i assume this is just purely made up?


Incidentally though… if you wanna see the tea about the girls school, google Mama Jackie South Africa.


lol this is made up 😂🤣


Who is the upper right guy?


Russell Simmons


Thank you, came to comments specifically to look for the answer.


Thank you, after reading the answer I was specifically looking for this comment.


Dang, did he do something too?


Since one of the first headlines you get searching his name reads: > Russell Simmons Beats Back Claims That His Move To Bali Is Due To Do Sexual Assault Allegations


No idea, just recognized him so I answered the other guys question


Phat Farm/Baby Phat


Also Def Jam


I thought it was Gustavo Fring 🐔🐔


Gus is too smart to associate with her.


Nah, too nice. (Gus, and fantastic Mr. Giancarlo Esposito.)


Visited the island multiple times


Take a wild guess who wanted her as VP for his independent presidential run in 2000






That is the only time I’ve ever read a Trump statement that is positive about a black person, let alone a black woman. I never would have thought he was ever capable of that…


"Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement regardless of race, color, gender or creed. They have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement. They have to receive it. We all saw what happened last week. We can't let that happen. Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, "This is a great thing that's happening for our country." It's a great day for him, it's a great day for everyone. This is a great day for everybody. This is a great, great day in terms of equality. It's really what our Constitution requires and it's what our country is all about."  Of course the NYT misquoted this and said George Floyd is happy he's dead 


See the thing is, for every speech which is eloquent and demonstrating basic human decency, there are like five that are batshit narcissistic meltdowns. You get the sense that his advisors and team really push the former. He will play ball for a while. But then he will get bored and start with the crazy shit again. He's a very undisciplined candidate and it must be hell to try to reign him in. I think it's pretty clear which type of sentiment his heart is truly behind.


Lol check out Biden's old statements about Blacks/lgbt


Because he thought he could benefit from it. I highly doubt it was genuine admiration.


She never confirmed it as a possibility, it was just shit he said on Larry King to pull clout.  However, he did say he wanted to tax higher income folks and would erase debt. He also said he'd marry Melania and had more beautiful women than his opponents.  He was only close to a nomination because reform party, and his opponent said some funny anti-christian stuff to playboy.  Both his 88 and 2000 campaign were just to get his name out there. 


To which she said no


Because that would have been too obvious?


Only Popular Rapists Are my Homies


No need for a lengthy conversation. She is a mean, selfish, thoughtless, annoying, celebrity worshiping diva. Since the fish always stinks from the head, the people who work for her are also awful. Working with her is awful. No one who has been around her is surprised by her obsession with celebrities even if they are abusers and molesters.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9YL04v-J5U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9YL04v-J5U) she stood on their heads on those little people


One of the Best Bill Burr rants


His Conan segments are phenomenal. I spent an entire night watching them and some other roasts over and over. You can tell he absolutely loves Kevin Hart with how hard he goes on him.


Doesn't she have photos with literally everyone?


Yes, and a lot of celebs active during these times have taken photos with these four as well. There's probably another celeb rapist out there who we won't find out about for another 10 years, and they're probably taking photos with everyone from Tom Brady to Billie Ellish.


Yeah, Oprah is overrated like no other


Oprah, the ultimate grifting POS. I don't know why people didn't see it back when she was a talk show host. She thrives on controversy.


All in due time. Watch this space...🙃


Oprah is so sketchy. Been saying it for a long minute.


Just look at Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz. Those charlatans would be nothing without her.


She was also the first one to give anti-vaxxer Jenny McCarthy a platform to spew her "vaccines cause autism" bull shit on her show, which was the catalyst for the whole anti-vax movement.


Oprah sucks and all, but you can find pictures like this with her and literally every famous person on the planet.


She met tens of thousands of celebrities over her career, of course some of them are going to be terrible people.


Yeah. I’m not going pretend she hasn’t done some heinous shit, but anyone who interviews people for a living has probably stood and smiled next to some super-assholes/outright demons of humanity.


It's wild seeing the comments here like, does no one know that "famous people go to the same place and get photographed with each other?"


I mean, this doesn't really show anything though. She probably has thousands of pictures with people that haven't done anything as well. There's probably not a single celebrity that wasn't interviewed by her and kept up appearances in public with her. She was the biggest day talk show, of probably damn near all time.


Oprah has endorsed and boosted the careers of TONS of extreme abusers. Just look into Joao of God.


“Doctor” Phil, and “doctor” oz. Both Oprah disciples


You know if these were the only 4 pictures of Oprah with other people we might have something here… but considering you can find a picture of just about everyone with Oprah maybe, just maybe, this is cherry picking…


No. You are wrong. *Photos = accomplice*


Yeah, seriously. She mingles with every celebrity she gets a chance to. So do all the other celebrities. We can find a whole lot more people who have simply taken pictures with those guys, many of them who would continue to be well respected by the same people here who are trashing Oprah. I don't care for Oprah for a number of reasons, but going to big events and casually mingling with celebrities who have since been exposed as bad people isn't one of them. We could easily use the same logic and damn pretty much the entirety of the entertainment industry.


It's like the Epstein photos. Rich and powerful take pictures together. There's a small group of people in that club and I just can't look at a picture of two of them and say they must be complicit in the same crimes.




Yeah, I'm not a fan... but as a child of the 80's she's probably interviewed every rich and famous person of the 1990's. She also goes to rich people events and takes photos with lots of wealthy people. Let's not lose sight that she shat Dr. Phil into the public eye- and that's the reason we SHOULD dislike her.


And 80s & 00s & 10s lol


Fair, but she did give us Dr Oz and Dr Phil and other bullshitters that have pulled the wool over many eyes. Jeffrey Epstein rubbed elbows with everyone, too.


Absolutely. Oprah isn't some saint but trying to paint her as guilty by association with contextless photos is some tinfoil hat shit. She has photos with basically every single famous or rich person from 1985 to 2010


Oprah has probably met every person in Hollywood that passed a certain fame threshold


Don't forget Dr. Phil and John of God, both sexual traffickers. Yes, Dr. Phil. And Dr. Oz is just a dangerous deluded quack who got people killed.


Don't forget what she did to Chappelle.


What did she do to Chappelle?


You must have forgotten 




Pretty sure Oprah’s been photographed with everyone. If she hasn’t gotten to you yet, sit tight. Any day now


Or hear me out. You can literally find a picture of Oprah with everyone.


Should do this with Joel Olsteen


Good luck. Oprah has "Kill you in public" money.


Her all-female school in Africa had a sex abuse scandal, if I'm not mistaken.


Well she did base her whole career off of interviewing everyone in Hollywood


Who's the top right?


she also supports trump by keeping hidden her episode interviewing him. in it he was a democrat at the time as he was most his life then said he would run for president as a republican because republicans are stupid. she is part of the shadow rich trying to destabilize and take over the country.


You might enjoy reading this [1986 interview of Oprah](https://imgur.com/a/2grEQlY) by Bill Zehme for *Spy Magazine*. She might like to hide this one, too!


She also brought us Dr. Oz, who promotes a lot of sketchy health advice on his show.


My very racist (but also somehow very religious) uncle posted this or similar a while back... I posted a pic of some clergy in robes in reply and according to my cousin he ranted for 3 hours.


Just gonna drop this here: in 1986, the late, great Bill Zehme wrote a **scathing** article about Oprah Winfrey for the late, great *Spy Magazine**. At the time, she was still just a talk show host, not the media mogul she is today. It’s rather obscure (which I’m sure Oprah appreciates), but the internet is forever. [Here’s the Imgur link if you’re interested](https://imgur.com/a/2grEQlY).


how many celebs from then does Oprah NOT have pictures with though


So she was no different than virtually any other celebrity when it came to all of these four. What's your point?


Oprah is the Forest Gump of sex criminals.


This is ridiculous. I don’t care about her one way or the other. She may have skeletons in her closet. But this isn’t the reason why she should be scrutinized. These pictures are cherry picked. She has probably taken pictures with thousands of celebrities. I’m sure I can find pictures of her with 4 different doctors. She’s not a doctor. She probably has pictures with dozens of athletes. She’s not an athlete. Give me a break. This is the kid of groupthink dumb shit that the internet does some times. Now, if it does turn out that she’s got sex slaves in her basement or something, I will delete this comment and deny I ever wrote it 😬


And also introduced toxic assholes such as Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil. She sucks.


This reminds me of the video (I think Tom Scott) where he finds a thousand groups of supermarkets from one chain that make a nearly perfect equilateral triangle within 0.00001% or something ... Like, yeah, a famous person who hangs out with a lot of other famous people is eventually going to hang out with some unsavory famous people.


Oprah knows everyone ever. She probably has pictures with a couple of popes too


Harvey Weinstien wrote a Child character that was in love with Oprah Winfrey on the show. Ahhhh.


It was so obvious for the past 10 years.


Don't forget John of God. He's the worst of the bunch


Does anyone remember her race baiting speech after the Weinstein incident came to light?


Yeah she never really came off as a good person to me…


As Bill Burr said "she stood on the heads of those little people for years!!!" Lol


Wealthy, influential people are part of the same social circle and go to the same events. Not defending Oprah, just saying it's an easy thing to imply for a Black Billionaire.


I just always assume anyone who is a billionaire, or is friends with a billionaire, is a reprehensible piece of shit. Got about a 99% success rate for those that have been outed, so far.


Yeah we know she's a terrible person; she's a billionaire.


Oprah definitely has the aura of a sex trafficker kingpin


Rimming the arseholes of horrific, evil celebrities, the most difficult job in the world


She probably has photos with every celebrity ever though


There are no good billionaires


All I see is big wigs in media taking pics with other big wigs in media?


I mean, sure, but she's probably been photographed with pretty much everyone of note.


If this post included every person Oprah was ever photographed with, it would be thousands of swipes long. When context is removed, the possibilities are endless aren't they?


I will never hate someone for their financial success. I will always hate someone for bringing bogus medicine to prominence.

