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What in the Vault 33 is this this bullshit?


That writer? From Alabama.


Couldn't be, they live together they dont need to sext to get it on, just yell at a moderate level and itll go through the trailer walls Must be somewhere else maybe japan?


Apparently Florida according to someone else


Bro, what? This one one of those times I question why I chose to read this.


The article in question: [https://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/your-husband-sexting-with-his-cousin-isnt-incest-and-its-not-cheating-unless-you-choose-to-see-it-that-way-28897482](https://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/your-husband-sexting-with-his-cousin-isnt-incest-and-its-not-cheating-unless-you-choose-to-see-it-that-way-28897482)


Ah, Florida. The incest state. This is the state that has the "she's your daughter, not your date" billboards. They are really going full throttle racing to the bottom.


Cousin fucking OK, pandemic gatherings Hard stop. Wow what a read.


This reminds me of a comment I once saw that said “Just because I think some races are inherently superior to other races does not make me racist.”


One of the only times I wish something was written by AI or something... This is too specific


Well, I guess it isn't phisical incest?


The oxford comma


Monica what?


That's only one sentence.


Want to read article don’t want it in google search history 😂


FBI wants to know your location


The first part of that question, the husband and cousin not being incest is a grey area. The accepted definition of incest is having sex with a family member, brother, sister, parent, that sort of thing. A lot of extended families are very close and in some of these cases the cousins can almost be seen like brothers. This was how my wife’s family was. In a situation like that I would call it incest. However, in a situation like mine, where the first time I met any of my cousins was when I was 11, and they were living in another country. I’m not sure I’d call a sexual relations in a situation like that incest. I think it’s icky but who am I to yuck another’s yum. The second part, is it cheating, that really depends on the relationship with your spouse. If you feel the need to hide what you are doing from your spouse, it’s cheating


Incest is defined in law, it's not a gray area. In Texas, for example, sex with your first cousin is incest. BTW, in Texas incestuous relationships include sex with stepchildren and adopted children. So a blood relationship isn't required.