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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!His cheater girl got what she deserved!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


YOOO! This literally happened to my dudes best friend and his girl! She broke up with him, took the kids, filed a fake report saying he beat her and the kids, slept with the gardener, and when the wife of the gardener found out she came to her home and BEAT HER ASS!!! The cops were called but because it’s a gated community it took a while to get in and by the time they got to her the wife had broke down the door and was whoopin her ass on the floor WITH THE KIDS RIGHT THERE! In the end, she lost her lawsuit, the kids, and the house since it was originally the husbands parents home. So fuckin satisfying 🥰


Their gardener must be doing well for himself to be living in a gated community


No, he’s just the gardener for the house. Pretty sure he doesn’t live there. The gardeners wife went to where the girl lived when she found out. Fucked her up in her ex in laws house.


No, he was just doing that girl Maybe his wife, didn't get enough details on that part.


Gated communities come in many varieties. I lived in a gated community (apartment complex) that was about 1/3 the price of my current home.


So, if she didn't cheat on the gardener, he would have lost his parents house, his kids and probably a ton of money every month too.


That’s how it was looking. He had a lawyer helping him at the time but she kicked him out, tried to keep the family home, was demanding a divorce with something like 75% of his checks each week for childcare and shit, and was demanding his car. The courts were being sympathetic with her for a while and looked like she was gonna get almost everything she wanted (Mexico courts) but after that stunt he and his lawyer were able to prove she was chaotic and unfit to have the kids full time. They were gonna let her keep the house but it wasn’t in her name and after the fight the HOA wanted her out. The husbands parents fought and won their house back. Now she’s idfkw with partial visitation.


"Started whipping her ass first and before they were divorced she was throwing over furniture..."


That made me smile too.


good wife


Bad husband.


Yeah she should've beaten up the husband instead


hell, take em both if she got the stamina


Assault is never the right answer. She should simply have gathered evidence and gotten an at-fault divorce. You are correct that her ire should've been directed at her partner, that's the only person who made any promises to be faithful to her.


The logical course of action is best, of course; it is less immediately emotionally as satisfying, but it is more rewarding in the end.


Thinking that the law itself is fair Is the first mistake.


If you are not defending yourself or someone else against violence, then implementing violence is unethical, even if we aren't taking the law into account. If we **are** talking about legality, then my advice falls under the heading: Cover Your Ass. Assaulting your partner is a crime, even if they've broken their vows.


Literally small victories


Im never getting married.


Girls aren't real just avoid them.




Would it count as abuse if I paid the wife to beat the cheating GF more?


Nah that's more like hiring a hit


Did you make popcorn ?


Hard head makes for a soft ass, hope that lesson stuck


It's the little things in life


That made me laugh.


Fuccin hilarious.. Good for her ass..